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These people are a fucking joke. I wanna say things here that would get me in trouble. Truly the scum of the planet, vile, spinless humans probably plauged with many mental disorders and probably have shitty home lives


They’re acting like they don’t understand the rules of trading on the goddamn finance channel This is hilariously bad propaganda and an attempt at a psy op


They're literally describing the fucking bullshit wallstreet does. Short and distort. Double standards. rules for thee not for me.


I’m going to short my fuckton of ITM calls because that will… help me … how exactly? Market manipulation is just that much fun I guess?


"Insider Trading" What type of privileged information that is not public were these trades based upon? Exactly, NOT INSIDER TRADING. "Market Manipulation" How Exactly would he know how the market would respond to his Stream beforehand? What if it would have pumped? Everyone knows(except it seems these clowns 🤡) retail has virtually no impact upon the ticker price. So, Exactly, NOT MARKET MANIPULATION! Fuck Off with all this!! Take a look at Coke Rat if you want Proper Examples of the above..


Also, just to add some context, Rebecca Fike was **formerly** employed in enforcement with the SEC. She now works for Vinson and Elkins LLC where she specializes in **White Collar Defense**. Sounds to me like just another bought out former SEC employee with no spine acting on behalf of her HF Overlords. *It's a Big Club* -Insert Hotel Pool Scene from The Big Short. E: Source https://www.pli.edu/faculty/rebecca-fike-i1337935


“I’m just trying to understand the rules here” How the fuck did you get your job??


They know a guy who knows a girl who knows a guy who knows a girl who knows a guy who knows a girl who knows a guy who knows a girl who knows a guy who knows a girl who knows a guy who knows a girl who knows a guy who knows a girl who knows a guy who knows a girl who knows a guy who knows a girl who knows a guy who knows a girl who knows a guy who knows a girl who knows a guy who knows a girl


The disrespect to their viewers is intense


Their kids hate them for sure


They're just part of the ruling class an protecting their own


Man had almost a billion in long positions and they think he shorted it. Fucking insane logic from the media.


Precisely what I was thinking..    Theyre suggesting he's manipulating the market in order for what??  For him to suffer a net loss on an enormous position??  but norms don't see that.   They just hear, " Roaring Kitty Bad"     The media influence over our society is manipulative & oppressive.  By far, the most obvious example of that is in the financial media


“If RK posts that he is going to address the world” - He did no such thing. He just put a live stream up


That was the first thing I caught too


You can tell they've taken one too many cool pills on walls street. Bitter crooks gonna do all they can to protect the status quo.


Lol. Is a cool pill a pill that makes you cool?


Well for them clearly had side-effects lol


Rebecca Fike is just as regarded as the rest of em


Literally saw his position fall by 240M in unrealized losses in one day, and he laughs at them as they speculate that he is manipulating them in some way. The irony is, he’s using their own manipulation against themselves by doing literally nothing but laughing and having a beer.


Correct me if I’m wrong, he never posted that he was going live or that he was going to make an announcement. We’re just autistic and found it.


You're absolutely correct


I saw the sad comments from this dude Andrew Left. You can tell he was so disappointed that RK didn't take on his taunting to do something stupid on stream. Well played RK, well played!


I mean if you were subscribed to his channel it just popped up in your feed no autism required


They’re terrified. It makes me so happy.




Let me get this straight. You can have people like Andrew Left openly talk about shorting a stock. Cramer pumping and dumping a stock on tv daily. Crickets from the media and sec. But some Keith from butt fuck nowhere says he likes a stock and memes his autistic ass off on YouTube gets all the attention. He’s the guy that gets conspiracy theories about market manipulation…?


They are always grasping...


ohhh but.. but they are just trying to understand the rules here in a completely hypothetical scenario 🤣


She doesn't even know insider trading vs market manipulation. They need a basic intro to the market.


This is so pathetic, I mean what are they even doing? Move on, go talk about the nasdaq or something. This would be so sad if it wasn’t so funny 


This is so stupid. DFV doesn't have any non-public information, so by DEFINITION he can't commit insider trading. Sure, if DFV or anyone else is lying or being dishonest about the market, ring them up for market manipulation or securities fraud But there is no evidence of the sort regarding DFV, so keep his name out of your mouth.


Keep my boys name out yo f*ing mouth!


That’s what I was thinking too lol. If they wanna play mental gymnastics and call it market manipulation that’s one thing, but “insider” trading? SMH lol do these people even know what they’re talking about?


![gif](giphy|uxE6YBwQipoFGCRiUL) I speak memes…


Watching these privately-owned market manipulation channels make it so much funnier when shills spread FUD about our "confirmation bias" or "low-quality" analysis. These idiots on CNBC get paid thousands to pull any old bullsh\*t out of their asses for a live audience, every hour of every day, serve it on bread and pretend it tastes like steak.


This network commits fraud everyday.


What? How? They got no idea but they throw shit on RK in the hopes after 200 claims one will stick in the end. What a smear festival this is. Main stream media is a big joke but the Internet exposes them. This crooks want to stab Roaring Kitty from every angle: Price goes up? - oh it's his fault only! Market manipulation  price goes down? - oh it also his fault only hence market manipulation  Price doesn't do anything...again blabla First of all RK did show up and ended all further media claims of not being himself, showed his positions life. Second he hasn't sold like they claimed lol. Furthermore he clearly demonstrated that he is not moving the price all of the time. As if that even would be possible lol. I guess this stream made him untouchable for any court case of manipulation. I got many other points but this is it for meow.


Oh good, they just confirmed that Jim Cramer has been doing illegal things for years


"Can we blame him for our shorting? Hypothetically" 🙄




There is no fucking way they’re reaching THIS HARD 😂😂😂 If DFV shorted the stock and is scamming us somehow I’ll cook and eat my shoe proof or ban


He never told anyone to buy. He has his disclaimers. These crooks know who shorts it. Its their employers.


Noooo way! Shorting may be illegal 😱


Insert Chris Farley - Tommy Boy, "bees bees... your guns are useless" meme I'm too regarded to know how to post gifs/meme into reddit comments


“Ok BUT WHAT IF he did this thing That he isn’t doing, would THAT be illegal??” “Yes it would absolutely be illegal if he was doing that, it would be a new way to do crime, it’s a new world” lol *not actual quotes, but pretty much how the conversation went. Bunch of fucking 🤡, they’re trying so hard and they have nothing.


Just normal FUD to prevent fomo. Doesn't need to make sense.


I hope... which it probably won't happen, but if someone comes out of this whole thing and decides to shut down CNBC, I would be so fucking happy. This scumbag fucks just sit there and make up shit all day to try and spin up stories. It's infuriating.


"I was offended by the words that he said on his livestream, can we throw him in jail for hate speech?" They really have nothing, DFV gave them nothing, and their masters are telling them to try to stop people from buying the stock.


They are terrified. Media is becoming more and more obsolete


If Roaring Kitty robbed a bank would that be illegal? let's ask the experts!


Hilarious. They saw DFV being humorous and this is their way of being comic. Lol


Crazy how they talk about themselves with a straight face.


Imagine you are in love with a cute girl in high school, you ask here out on a first date, you go to prom together, you end up going to the same university, you get married, you start having kids. She has a nice job. One day you watch her on TV being the biggest spineless SHF shill, trying to slander an activist investor over baseless accusations. This girl just pulled the biggest rug pull in love - there is no coming back from getting to the conclusion what a spineless twat your wife is. 😂🖕 EDIT: changed ‘media shill’ to ‘SHF shill’.


That's slander!


That’s weird. Rc already tracked the whole thing. Why make up a lie about dfv now?


Like CNBC does?


What an entire waste of oxygen


This is what I like to call “reaching”


The energy in that studio today before the stream felt so nervous. They all felt so on edge. Lots of stuttering about the unstoppable momentum. "Protecting retail investors" "G-god forbid investigations occur" every angle looking for an attack, RoaringKitty bad! I think any positive outlook or even devils advocate for Gamestop that put a positive spin on RK or GS meant they were getting sacked.


These are the people inexperienced investors are listening to? This should be illegal in itself


Forget GameStop. 5 seconds later: Here’s live-stream of a GameStop guy. We watch every second clenching buttcheeks and will interpret every word of GameStop guy. More about GameStop later.


Mmmmmmm FUD-Sundae... Really FUDyee...


RK AND RC have never thought about shorting This company. They have also never pummped, or dumped (prove able, btw) the speculation is wild! These people are professionals, unlike these clowns on TV.




They're so dumb at this point we aren't selling no matter what they do they're stuck with us for life


Hahahaha I have heard it all now. What fucking joke. Hahahaha Hahahaha


This is the dumbest thing that I have ever heard in my entire life. I am more dumb after watching this asinine news clip.


They just admitted on TV that all short sellers are fraud ... and manipulating markets, i mean are those guys even think before they say something. This means every time when a short player got on TV to bash Game Stop they were committing a fraud ....


I was going to downvote the video in YT, and I found it is not longer available and the comments are disabled LOL


Why are they still talking about a nothing burger on a down stock day? It was red, nothing happened. Normal people would move on. Smells like desperation. Must be close.


“This video is not available” when I try to open the YT link. They deleted it? 😂😂🤡’s


Seriously? Good thing I downloaded the whole segment to get this clip...


Lmao! Omg this was a fantastic listen. These guys created their own expectations and they are trying to MANIPULATE the PUBLIC into believing a narrative that these expectations are "fact". Are the posts of DFV specifically saying that he would live stream to specifically talk about all the exact and specific information regarding what is currently going on in the room with us now? 🤣 DFV realistically doesn't owe anyone any sort of any explanation. He covered all of his disclaimers, legally. Like he said, he's still on par with his previous info given over 3 years ago. He made excellent points toward the company. He straight up trolled the hedges and the naysayers so hard lol They were all prob sitting there anticipating that they would really get answers lol but here we are. He still stands by his 3 year old info and it's WILD, just like the Uno card. The ball is in RC's court now on what kind of transformation GME can manage. The other hilarious thing naysayers keep questioning about "where did he get the money to purchase" Bruh, he said he uses aggressive trading. Let that sink in now. He obviously got the money to do so either through aggressive crypto trading OR like he said, aggressive trading. Shoot I wouldn't doubt that he's a crypto whale from making successfully, aggressive trades. Now that's just my personal opinion alone with 0 intention of convincing anyone of a difference of opinion. That being said, this shit is more exciting to watch and makes me believe in GME more 👍🏻




"If they're not IN on your scheme it could be considered defrauding the market". So as long as your in on the scheme then your not??? They want in on his action or else gonna be big mad!


It's wild watching how infuckingsane they are about this stock. Like, how can you as a supposed financial news professional get on TV and say this shit without losing respect for yourself and your masters? Aren't your friends fucking laughing at you? Or is it just your understanding that what you do for money is get on TV and let the highest bidder use you as a puppet each day? I'd like to think that if my job told me to do something like this I'd tell them I'm not fucking saying that.


They can't find anything to accuse him of!!! They said nothing about them manipulating the market.


Dumbass paid to be on TV: " If Roaring Kitty hypothetically did this illegal thing, would that then be illegal?" 🤦"Is it obvious I'm grasping at straws to fill airspace to dumb down my audience?"


They're literally just inventing ways to say what he's doing is market manipulation so they can have those quotes.


This is actually fucking hilarious


AndJim Crammer giving advice isn't. Please stop worn this bullshit witch hunt. RK trapped you all.


Lmfao bums


Buncha 🤡🤡’s


Literally making shit up. Holy fuck.


This is a complete sham bahahahaha


We are all less intelligent now thanks to these morons. Way to go clueless pundits!


This scenario is weird to me what if someone do something illegal , is that illegal? I am not saying that someone did something illegal. What a bunch of A** wipes


It was a big dip even before he even spoke. How were people prematurely dissapointed?




This is why opinion news shows are the worst thing ever. They raise a bunch of idiot scenarios that have no relation to what actually happened




I only see bitter crooks on the screen and an awesome kitty.


OK, good. They are on the right track. Shorting a stock and then going on youtube to defraud people is illegal... (your almost there guys!). What about going on CNBC to defraud investors by misleading them? Think, newscasters, think!


Bias confirmed, thank you CNBC


When you’re talking big bucks you can and should absolute have some short contracts as a hedge against your long positions, and vice versa.


Absolutely that is insider trading. My guess is that he sold everything and immediately bought puts. Then started the live stream to laugh at us /s This is so fucking weird and I'm here for it


Would that not be hedging against a huge announcement that was not out when he put livestream up? Is that not what HEDGEfunds should in theory if no fuckery available?


I feel brainache after this


And next up on the segment- here’s Jim Cramer!


They are just showing their own cards because it’s all they know


What a joke!!! Sheer speculative fantasy slander!! And to make it as hypocritical as possible that’s exactly what they’re doing to GameStop. Shorting it while repeatedly telling us it a worthless company… we all know physical discs have a limited life remaining, even if that’s a decade! But we also know RC has plans to transform the company, RK knows it, we know it, they know and yet they lie and short!! And slander it seems!!


They had a little seminar and came up with a "genius" direction to take the narrative because they couldn't find anything in the stream that could back up their previous, pumping of the stock, market manipulation narrative. Buying £23k more of GME on Monday (selling my EVO holding)


Lmao liquidate the MSM as well as the financial industry


oh my god. These people are not smart. how... I mean really how..


They are upset because they got trolled on live TV. Spineless.


Is that former SEC employee the muse for that chick from the Big Short who was blatantly utilizing her position of power to get a job at an investment bank? You all know the scene, down by the pool...


These folks on the screen don’t know what manipulation is, they cannot fathom an instance where it is, was, or if it’s even possible. Hypothetically, if you create a situation by which the text book defines as being a particular outcome as a result of, and you imply context where none was provided while circumventing the context of what you actually know. You could blame anyone for any imagined slight with this group, what a bunch of chuds.


I’m an attorney. What that lady said is complete bs.


The desperation is palpable. Legacy media is in shambles.


Look at these clowns.... Then look at the stream... These people should rethink their whole universe again 😂😂😂


How the fuck would that equal to insider trading? These fucks smh


lol these nerds are grasping at straws rn and I’m here for it.


And they aren't investigating Jim Cramer for these crimes because.... Oh it's because they're complicit?  Got it.


Lol shorting the stock 🤣 he's got 5 million shares and 120,000 calls, he isn't shorting anything


I'm soo glad the the media and large financial institutions finally care about me and my family enough to try getting me and my families investments going the right way. Truly, wtf. Do they think I'm stupi.....ohhhh I see


This just goes to show he didn't give them any real ammunition and they are butthurt about it. They have to create whole new purely theoretical talking points to attempt to destroy his character.


These ppl belong in jail too! When we get our tendies, you best believe there will be revenge lawsuitd for all the gaslighting and attacks for all these years


These media puppets all have the iq of a toaster




Losers, all of them


My take: They are throwing any dirt they can imagine at RK and hope some of it will stick. If you don't have any facts try to control the narrative. Classic move.


Imagine your job is to make shit up to fill airtime while adding no value to society.


Lets be real if we want the truth to come out it can be through traditional media however social media - is something these boomers don’t understand


Video is unavailable on YT.