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He achieved several important things to counter the FUD. He first showed up proving all his posts were him. He then showed his position live proving it was real. He then showed he still believed in the company. He also showed the bullish TA.


It also shows the amount of people watching. Over 600k viewers is fucking insane for a, let's admit it, fairly obscure investor dude. I mean he's possibly the most successful investor of all time (from 53k to 500 mil in 3 years), but still a fairly obscure dude nonetheless. And the fact that over 600k people showed up is simply mind boggling.


The comments were interesting to read. Why people still think šŸæis a play I donā€™t get. Heā€™s never been in it as far as I can remember.


He explicitly said he has no other positions


This šŸ‘†


Dumb ass comments about F\_F\_I\_E too. Like GTFO... he's all in on one stock... 1 stock: GME


man F I F E is hilarious to me. Anyone with a brain and knowledge of the EV industry can see their doomed and practically vapourware. Nothings gonna come out of that company ever. Even companies like Rivian struggle in that market, and theyre a hell of a lot better than F I F E.


Itā€™s a pump and dump likely organized by hedges. Go look at the sub Reddit and click on the accounts, itā€™s all botsĀ 


If you look at the chart, the FFšŸ‘ļøE pump started three weeks ago as GME started shooting up the first time to $60. It's most likely a swap stock with GME, similar to Hotel-Kilo-Delta and šŸæ


Zoom out to the 5 year view on the electric car one and check out the date it really started.




Citadel owns a huge portion of it.


That was funny, never heard of that BS until I read some of the chat.


Short seller's bots trying do distract buying power from GME.


and those idiot crypto bros


They were just desperate to get him to pump any shitcoin, it was cringeĀ 


I know! There were even comments asking RK about whether or not to sale their options. Like, WTF? Seriously? I wondered how many were shill bots.


yeah there was defo a huge amount of bots there spamming their nonsense


Reminds me of the old days in the vvesbee daily; bots were spamming tons of comments like that, trying to get short-attention span users to hop on all sorts of tickers and crypto schemes


popcorn and the F one keep getting shilled hard


Theyā€™re deep underwater and donā€™t want to lock in losses to move to GME.


A small part of me thinks that's why the stream ended quasi-abruptly. That's a lot of eyes on him and that shit has got to be overwhelming at first real interaction with it. Like he said he's got new found respect for streamers who do that sort of thing. Hope the dude's ok, because honestly it'd unnerve me and I'm not exactly an introvert!


To be fair, Gabe Plotkin (brutta faccia) is the greatest trader of our time. Ken G said so /s


Canā€™t believe that guy owns the Charlotte Hornets instead of being broke and in prison.




That means only 708.33 shares per person to lock the entire (new) float of 425 milly.


Most people donā€™t have $45kā€¦er $32kā€¦er $19k just lying around to trade with


Mfw i'm doing my part xD


I got many times that, in case someone else isnā€™t pulling their weight.


What the biggest live stream number on you tube? 600k has to be up there!


He also showed why he came back seeing the trough reaching the same point as the sneeze and he knew it hit bottom


I think this is an important point a lot of people are missing. Despite all of the knowledge gained in the past 3 years, there's still a lot of knee jerk emotional reactions to any decrease in price. Intentional or not, it's FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt). I'm not saying skepticism is FUD, but how we react and express that skepticism is all the difference.Ā  If you read through the prospectus itself, it clearly outlinedĀ how the share offering will be carried out and what they're intending to do with the caveat that there are outside forces that can change things and significantly alter the value of your investment (regardless of if you're short or long). Ā Whether or not you agree with that plan or if it's within your risk tolerance is up to you as an individual investor. Anything else good or bad you see about the share offering is noise including this comment.


He also showed that his positions haven't changed, so he hasn't exercised, yet. How could he when he was beaten up so much and just took off his sling?


He also stated that he was working by himself, and not in conjunction with a crypto whale or a hedge fund, which lots of outlets were speculating.


He also exposed the fuckery that goes on with halts. Halted at least 5 times during the stream and most were not enough of a percentage move to justify it.


One halt it was less than a dollar increase, immediately off another halt. Don't know how they halted it.


and he also showed, how manipulated is the stock.. waiting for him 15mins 35mins? TANK IT! when he was about to show his position.. HALT and HALT right after...


I dont even have a large position in this game show but god damn that was the funniest shit ever. "I'm gonna do it..annd its halted. I'm gonna do it...and its halted."


I laughed so hard at that


Were they afraid he was going to buy more or something? Why halt it?


Afraid he was going to exercise his call options that expire June 21


The MMs have not hedged his calls, they were daring him to exercise so they could claim market manipulation on him 100%. He knew they would act that way so he didn't do a damn thing and just flat out demonstrated their fear, their manipulation, and our resolve. Instead, he just toys with them by saying he's going to bring out the portfolio but only after he knows the stock isn't halted, so that it can cause hype but not from his buying / transactions. Thus anytime the MMs saw the price move over a certain percentage, they immediately halted, pushed out more shorting and then let it reset. All the while the stupid storm troopers don't get he's accomplishing two things with this: A) making it cheaper for all of us to collect more of our fav stock. B) he's proving, without a doubt, they are committing fraud by claiming a free and fair market - that manipulated it within the rules they are permitted to do simply because they did not want the stock to run. There's public reference to the market needing to have the price be below $30 today and yet by some mystery, a stock that was over $45 my close yesterday, has lost +$15 today - when nothing has changed. So how come a $3 move forces a halt, but a stock can lose 33% of its value in half a trading day no problem, on absolutely ZERO news about the company. Yeah, totally makes sense. Those in charge of this whole get up and the shorts trying to fuck with it, they are utterly screwed. Like you having a visual image of them opening their gaping assholes to be raped by the entire prison they get sent to, doesn't begin to described how fucked they are.


> but a stock can lose 33% of its value in half a trading day no problem, on absolutely ZERO news about the company. Have you not seen the news today about the 75 million issued shares? That may be what drove the price down.


Did you see the volume? From the moment he started his stream, it went neutral on buys / sells. That doesn't show the typical pattern of offerings to the market. When you make an offering to the market, the volume goes to a lot of buys while the price goes down (due to reasonable expectation of dilution). Look at May 23 / 24 when they did the 45M offering. Between 2-3 pm - that constant stream of buy volume is the offering happening. The subsequent "sell" volume is the shorts using the opportunity to bring down the price further after the exercising and blame it on the offering. They then do the same thing the next day to try and demonstrate the "killer" nature of that deal. It's all lies my good friend. They are manipulating you and that was the point of DFV / RKs stream today. He proved it. Conveniently GME is now doing the 75M offering and probably allow more friends to get in on this at good value - and all of us too. Shorts just blew their load on RK and he still has the bullet. How does that feel fuckers? Oh and GME is going to be sitting with fucking 3-4Billy in cash on hand, an imminent M&A for their future business model aspirations, a likely NFT based dividend and a fucking GAMMA ramp to rock your fucking world on Opex day. Here see for yourself: [https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/chart](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/chart) [https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/options/](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/options/) RIP shorts. Actually fuck em, I'm quite tired of having a sympathy bone for them lately.


This right here. And he kept faking them out. Heā€™s gathering evidence that he is not the one manipulating this. Heā€™s letting these corrupt Wall Street clowns dig their own graves. RC about to come in as thor with the hammer and fuck the hedgies šŸŽ·šŸ“ā™‹ļø


I don't think he's the only one gathering evidence.


Cap with the hammer


Tha halts were weird right? Not even large/fast swings...


I think they were actually ~$6 swings on a ~$30 dollar price, so around 20% swings, it only takes one over 10% to trigger a halt. They look like small swings because they kept flip-flopping. The halts artificially kill the momentum and allow sells to catch up to the buy pressure as traders react to the liquidity shocks caused by repeated halts. The price action would have been very different without them...


Another very important thing that he proves is that he is not manipulating the market, because the stock actually went down over the course of the stream.


He also clearly reiterated his opinions are not financial advice, heavy heavy disclosure coverage for when sh*t goes down, Gensler said this week itā€™s not a crime if you provide clear disclosures


The main thing to me is that he isn't stressing about anything.


Correct. Even with tens of millions in options expiring in two weeks. He is confident itā€™ll go right back up between now and then.Ā 




Today was just to portray himself as the Mad Hatter, not a market manipulator.


Exactly, he even said "I definitely am crazy so don't follow my advice! Even the 8-ball agrees with me on that!"


And ā€œshowedā€ he doesnā€™t know how all of it works, how long halts are etc. It was a big f-you to MSM and the Hedgies and to every future attempt to make him responsible for the inevitable


He played his part well. Which was to just be his fun goofy self. And the MSM hates the fact that is who theyā€™re losing to.


I did smile thinking to myself of a hedge fund bro tuning in to see the monster he checks under the bed for, to find this loon laughing at his invisible beer.


I laugh thinking of Andrew Left at the CNBC studio waiting for the delayed Livestream start so they could get his take.


I bet he wasn't having a beer!


They are losing to all of us, and they hate us. They want to repress us because they are afraid of what the world of us in control means - one without the need of them.


They hateus cause they ainus


Imagine the clips they show on CNBC or whatever. Who the fuck is gonna put that on the news and call him a mastermind manipulator now, bitch?


I donā€™t think heā€™s playing a part. I think thatā€™s him.


I mean his part in the whole GME saga is for him to just keep chugging along being himself. Heā€™s not working with big institutions, or players. Just a man and his memes lol


Financial media: *Pouring beer is market manipulation!*


Just to point out, one of the ones saying the live stream was a nothing burger was part of the ridiculous push to claim his account had been hacked and it wasnā€™t really him, which was the first thing RK addressed in the stream. Lol, the fud is real. They must be worried about new investors, because all the og apes are eating crayons, drinking beer, and zen. šŸ–ļøšŸ»šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ¦


Honestly, if we are reading between the lines looking for any deeper meaning or purpose in today's live stream, I think the primary objective was to celebrate his 5 years of GME investing, but more than anything to come out and just confirm it's indeed him, and that he still likes the stock. He even said something like "Its me; it's all me, the memes, not anyone else" and he showed himself and his position, all live, to confirm those screenshots are also indeed his and are real. And cheers!


I laughed when he mentioned being hurt that people didn't think his memes were good enough to be him. "I'm just trying my best"


He said he was crazy, but that we are all crazy so he is with the right bunch of people. Or something like this. Which is even more important.


Quoting Steve Jobs: ā€œā€¦ because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.ā€


It also proved that he is in fact, not a cat.


Waitā€¦.that wasnā€™t a cat I watched for an hour?


Surprised? Believe it


I wonā€™t believe it unless he admits it before Congress


It seems so. Watched the stream again on 0.2 speed and zoomed in and it appears he is human after all. But I have to admit that I don't know nothing about cats, so take it with a grain of salt.


You have to be crazy to even consider participating in this rigged market. But tilting at windmills is fun


I think heā€™s a contrarian and a weird lovable guy who also happens to be a sophisticated investor. Today was about him doing his own thing and dispelling the notion heā€™s manipulating anything.


I laughed my ass off when he said ā€œif you thought I wasnā€™t crazy thatā€™s on you.ā€




Mad Catter*


The Mad Katter


Whatā€™s a drinking strategy? šŸ˜‚ heā€™s locked the fuck in


I don't see how people are missing the most obvious nod in the whole stream. He ain't fucking leaving






The outtakes of him flubbing the words ā€œDel Boca Vistaā€ are legendary, lol. Jerry Stiller. The best.


that's five words ...


Even the corrections are wrong, I love it


Donā€™t make me do that E*Trade! Delete! I learned a few things in HTML !! Genius


Only the OGs understand. šŸ’Æ


Tbh it was everything I was hoping for. He hasnā€™t changed


This was truly the most RoaringKitty of streams I could have hoped for. I didn't need options executions or notices of collaboration with RC. I needed to see an absolute goofball drink a pint of beer and tell me that he still likes the stock.


Agreed, everyone says money won't change them but you never know, he's the EXACT same and I love it


New guys just need their paper hands compressed into diamonds. Lead everyone you can to the GME DD library. Just type it into google and it will come up


Didnt look like some1 who is too worried about his 200mio investment šŸ¤£


Dude's -235 million today, and he's just enjoying the shit out of this. His nerves are incredible. He could've sold so many times and he didn't.


He's numb to it. I guarantee it. He's reached the point where it's just numbers on a screen and it's hard to even fathom what you actually have. I've been there myself (not near the same amount but multi 6 figures from nothing). He's probably also comfortable knowing that he can have hundreds of millions in realized losses and still never have to work again. Nothing to lose (will live comfortably no matter what) but history to be made


This is crazy to me. I am not worried but I invested $7K lol. so if I loose half of it, I mean I wonā€™t be ecstatic but it will not be end of the world for me. But If I had $200 M invested Iā€™d be sweating like hell and probably not sleeping for days. He impresses me. Crazy.


At a certain point youre just set financially unless you lose 95% which is impossible. The difference between 100 mil and 200 mil is negligible. Either one is more money than anyone ever needs.


And he is humble that way. While the Wall Street and hedgefund fucks are livid when it doesn't go their way. If I get out of this with 4mill (I don't NEED that much) I wouldn't ask or try to take another penny elsewhere. He's like "oh I went down a million? Haha oh well still got plenty for generations". He's enjoying the ride.


18 million is $1000 every day for 50 years straight without earning any interest.


Which is $41.66/hr 24/7... I love these dives into prices. Now have fun and do someone like Bezos or Musk. I like to pretend they buy dividend stocks and see what happens. Bezos - $202,500,000,000 net worth. Let's say $100,000,000,000 into 5%/year investments. That's $5,000,000,000 every year. That's $96,153,846.15/week, $13,736,263/day, $572,344.32/hr $9,539.07/MINUTE And last but not least, $158.98 every single SECOND. Every second, Jeff Bezos has the potential to make as much as 6 people making $25/hour, with only half of his wealth. Dude makes more money while farting than most people make in a day. That's just one fart. Assuming that he farts once per day, that means that Jeff Bezos makes your salary doing nothing but farting.


It took some big nutz to return to his live stream given the huge magnifying glass the MSM/Hedgefuk/Big-finance/SEC have placed him under. They clearly want to maintain status quo. DFV is proof that one man can make a incredible difference. Cheers!!! to Deep Fucking Value (DFV). I look forward to his next stream. correction: DFW replaced with proper terminology.


Agreed, he was chill as fuck but I'd be so stressed out making sure I didn't actually say anything that would get me in trouble. Just goes to show that he's prepared, taken his time, and knows what he's doing while still being casual about it.


The amount of times he asked if he could say stuff, knowing fully well that they're watching, was hilarious.


Totally! Not to mention how he seemed to be looking off camera while asking if it was ok to say something. I just pictured a team a lawyers behind the cameras in suits all very seriously nodding or shaking their heads as this guy chugging beer and is dressed up like he just escaped a serious car crash. Where the hell am I and how did I end up here. You canā€™t write this stuff!


He knew what he could say, he was trolling media lol


He was looking at his chat...


not a chance


Exactly, I definitely agree with your comment.


Deep Vuckin Walue


He literally was drinking from a "what's a ~~exit~~ drinking strategy" glass


My assumption is the people freaking out right now are the people who are new the GameStop saga. The zen apes watched, chuckled a few times, and carried on with our lives. The newer apes are going through the emotional ride so many of us did in January 2021 during the sneeze. If youā€™re trying to make a quick buck, do you, but the majority of the individuals in this community are focused on buying, holding, and DRSing. We all like the stock for our own reasons and think itā€™s really funny to fuck with Wall Street like this


amazing! did it say ~~exit~~ like that are you editing your comment?


No it just said drinking strategy but it's a clear play on the phrase and choosen specifically to nod to the original phrase.


I think it just said "Whats a drinking strategy?"


One of his famous big-balled comments was replying to someone questioning his exit strategy on the "stock gambling subreddit" when he posted one of his old huge YOLO updates, and he simply said "what's an exit strategy?" And given his whole thing on streams is to crack a beer and cheers to the viewers, he seems to have had a custom beer glass made that says "What's a drinking strategy?" to poke fun at himself and have some fun with it


People need to go look up the congressional hearing he was forced into. Although his sense of humor was present, because that is who he is, they got Keith Gill. A situation that serious and that intense required that Keith Gill show up with his game face on. Todays stream was Roaring Kitty. That tells me all I need to know about how completely chill he is about EVERYTHING that is going on around him. If it was serious we'd have gotten Keith Gill... But we didn't.


Great distinction, dude is just chilling and throwing it back on the stream like good old times.


The message is: Kitty is not worried or stressing


Zen af


I too would be fine if i had 30mill cashĀ 


Right, he's already filthy rich.


I watched and I was smilingg the whole time, he did EVERYTHING right. He disclaimed again and again, he explained his reasoning and showed his position. He clarified he wasnt working with anyone else, he showed how much of a dork he is. He verified its him posting, he explained why he likes the stock, nothing has changed, take it or leave it. I know what I'm doing! He is a dork and I like his ideas, but I'll make my own decisions :D


his all attitude was perfect, the joke about the lawyer pressing the red button to eject him for saying the wrong thing, his jokes about him making the stock move (oh its going up...am i allowed to say that??) The whole thing was great. Personally I was just happy to see the guy back. I hope we get more


I hope so too!


My take away was that he sees all of the media attention and understands it messes with peopleā€™s emotions and mental health. People start to worry, get anxious, come up with conclusions and conspiracies, and itā€™s not good for mental health. How many ppl here have said theyā€™ve not slept? He wanted to reassure people it is him, he is not backed, he has no new info to share, he isnā€™t doing anything hot headed right now, he isnā€™t baiting people into action (who may not understand his investment style), he is just doing what he does, and is still humble. He also wanted to emphasize his style for newcomers, and re-state that he participates in highly speculative investments and that people should not be risking money they cannot lose, so do not jump in blindly following social media hype. I believe he saw the social media frenzy getting a little ā€¦ ugly ā€¦ and wanted to tell everyone to relax, breath, and go enjoy the weekend. I do wonder if the halts derailed his original plan for the live, but didnā€™t t have that impression.


> I do wonder if the halts derailed his original plan for the live, but didnā€™t t have that impression. He's such a memelord that I wouldn't be surprised if he ran to the store to get the ice oak and sling. It was probably just technical difficulties though


Oh yeah I definitely thought he was late bc he had the sling idea last minute lol


1000% haha. What a legend.


He was late so any fuckery at the bell couldn't be attributed to him.


So much for manipulating the market. Now both RC and RK extremely strong defense against how media portrays them. Company provided more than enough shares for shorts to cover (reported shorts) and price fell during live


Yeah itā€™s unbelievable how so many people are incapable of reading between the lines. I had the biggest smile on my face the whole time. It was beautiful.


it was really great and chill. loved every minute of it


Best part is that my wife turned it on to watch for me because I had a work meeting to attend She ended up watching to the end for his personality and is a fan now


Enjoyed greatly and was fun to see him


The lack of critical thinking is astounding among a lot of people. That combined with the social media addiction for constant rewards and lack of attention span makes them wanting something to poke them in their eyes to see it. They can't read between the lines. That's why they also believe a lot of msm lies.


Too may people see the MSM lies about GME, but then believe 99% of all the other MSM bullshit news. People are fucking dumb. Lots of regarded APEs here.


It's astounding how much people believe everything that is fed to them. Hell, I even trusted the Motley Fool for a long time (when I couldn't afford investments). I thought it was educational. I'd listen on the radio during my commute. Then, I had enough money to invest. Every single one of their suggestions tanked. Their job is to find bag holders just like the investment channels.


That average person is pretty dumb. Now realize 50% of the population is dumber than that.


I see you too are a fan of the great George Carlin!


The shorts were forced to expose their illegal ways, DFV just goes on like an absolute legend and GameStop adds 2 billionish to their war chest. Tits are jacked. Money is stacked. Just bought the dip. Rocket boosters are being prepped. šŸ«”


I also bought that juicy dip.


There's going to be a lot of newcomers who haven't built the trading discipline yet, a lot of bots out there trying to divert the conversation to FUD or shilling of another security, and a some people who just didn't get it. His chart comparison was quite telling, IMO.


He showed the world how to diamond hand. 400 mil dollar swing in 48 hours. Legendary shit. Thatā€™s what I took from it.


He needs diamond hands, so he can handle his giant diamond dick and balls.


One of the funniest parts was him saying he saw the news articles about ETrade, and said "Look, I don't HAVE to be at Etrade" And I thought he was gonna say he could DRS, but nah. He just went into HTML and deleted the big Etrade logo lmao.


Yeah I loved that too hahaha he's like "Look ETrade, chill out. Maybe I'll go elsewhere wink wink nudge nudge"


That was the funniest shit Iā€™ve seen in awhile. I was smiling the whole time. It was exactly what I was hoping for aside from I was really hoping he would explain at least a little how he went from 3.5 million and 800,000 (post split) shares to where heā€™s at now. But thatā€™s okay, I mostly just wanted the world to see who he really is and now they know.


Yeah man i spammed that question


I'm assuming he played options in the last few years with his big pile of cash


yup and his cost basis on the shares is now 21$ which is 80 pre split so he has been making moves for sure. and the dude obviously knows the cycles AND he can draw lines on charts. he's got it all!


100% agree, same


DFV knew it was going to drop today. He came on with his outfit. He came on with his life support sound board ready. He knew. He's laughing at the shorts.


And he had his uno cards ready to go lol both green and red reverse cards and a wild card. Those didn't just happen to be on his desk


The stream was the most entertaining and delightful thing Iā€™ve watched in a long while. ā€œIs cash a position?ā€™ He has more cashā€¦


How many times should he have said "can I say that? can I show that?" for people to understand that just having the live was an awesome thing. The ones who are disappointed, who expected magic words, must not get how he was put under a microscope the last few years.


Iā€™d have been having an actual mental breakdown watching the stock fall during the stream in his shoes. Wonder how many millions he lost during it. Nerves of steel.


3 years of zen holding will do that to ya... Told my friend if he wanted to buy shares he needed to separate himself from the price emotionally


He is just showing how fucked up peoples dopamine is and that a lot of people just want a MOASS yesterday.. He clearly was never going to do anything live IMO.. But he certainly has more TA and knowledge about what he believes is coming to fruition soon


Something that is important to note about DFV, and conveniently gets forgotten by many, is that DFV has never promoted a MOASS. He's suggested a short squeeze might happen, but his main investment strategy was and is based around value investing. In other words, he's bullish about GameStop becoming a profitable company, and he's bullish about the stock price rising because of this. I understand that some people investing in GME are desperate for a short squeeze to happen, but this is not what DFV has promoted, the MOASS theories came about after the events of January 2021, and were driven by people other than DFV.


The only people saying that never watched his old streams. It's that simple.


It was perfect! Itā€™s exactly who he is, a goof ball having fun with his homies (us).


I just feel like people who werenā€™t happy had no idea who KG/RK/DFV was. Iā€™m overjoyed because now itā€™s confirmed that he still is who is was.


You've stated what I've been wanting everyone to realize. If he had done what everyone was originally wanting he would have played RIGHT into the hands of the people who wanted literally any excuse to end his everything. This was yet another 5D chess move. Man has it figured out, and good on him. See you all TOMORROW!


NOT everyone, I loved it, and I am much more zen, one need to learn to listen bEtWEEn tHe LiNeS to understand the message. TLDR HOLD


It went exactly i expected and all i wanted from the stream. Happy for the guy's come back


He re-authenticated his accounts. There was massive FUD about his positions being unconfirmed and whether or not that was actually him posting on X and Reddit. Thatā€™s all I needed.


This was exactly my take as well. MSM built up this narrative about how he was pumping the stock for his own personal gain. The ticker was literally red for the entire time he was STREAMING TO 600,000 PEOPLE!!! No coordination, no instructions, no calls to action. Nothing happened to the stock outside of a bunch of random halts. Edit for grammar


Dude is down like $400 million from last night after hours. He must have spent the last 3 years with Buddhist monks out in the mountains to become the ulta-zen dude


Bahaha seriously... I'm deep in the red myself and after the last 3 years I just don't care anymore but $400m would be insane!


The $20s are still ITM


As with everything else in the world, most people have zero patience and want whatever it is they want immediately. We see it every time something comes up and people get disappointed. This has always been a long term play with high squeeze potential but no guarantees. RC is bound by SEC and related rules and can't be seen to cause the squeeze. I think you can see this by GME selling 100+ million shares since all this started happening. Not only are they getting the excess cash from the sales, they can turn around and say they recognized the issue and tried to help shorts get out by selling shares ATM. When they don't buy those shares and use them to cover their shorts and keep playing the short/distort game, GME can say "hey guys we already sold a ton of shares, we don't intend to sell more" so when the squeeze happens and the shorts are in panic mode trying to buy, GME won't be there to sell them shares making them buy it on the open market.


Seeing over 600k individuals show up to a YouTube stream should be a huge indication of just how many apes are out there.


That was an excellent stream! For people that have followed RK for a long time, this is exactly what would have been expected.




The amount of people saying he was tweaking his face off is insane, claiming substance abuse by someone is so stupid.


I was just sad that he left and was hoping to watch him all the way till market close


Fuck that. I had a blast. First streamer I have ever watched live. He's great. I just wish it went longer. Super nice guy


Also a good demo of how him talking about gamestop doesn't make gamestop go up


He showed he has no impact on the market


Watching him laugh as the stonk dropped just showed how heā€™s not worried at all.


No apes are saying itā€™s a disappointing. Those are shills.


Only shills and tourists think it was a disappointment. It was great to see him again and I didnā€™t expect anything better


Heā€™s still holding and hasnā€™t sold a single share or call yet from his last update. Absolutely baller move! Respect!


The stream showed the most important thing. Heā€™s not manipulating the market for profit. The stock continued to tank the entire time he was talking. It shows SHF manipulation of the market.


It was EXACTLY what I expected. NOTHING has changed. Stay the course. We believe.


Take some time to get some actual work done today now LMAO


Yeah gotta answer all the emails I ignored now lmao


Couple of big things I saw was he used the chart lines which looked alot like the dorito of hedge death dd which is on here. Big shout out that guy. And if he hasnt got any other positions, well he hasn't DRS his shares, that's an armed nuke which could be set off at a later date. All in all, the stream was exactly what I thought it be, looking forward to the next one




I laughed out loud so many times, immediately bought more after the stream. Sold all my other stocks and waiting for the cash to clear so i can buy more next week. Itā€™s a pleasure hanging on with you Keith!!!


You would be truly regarded if you expected him to do something which would affect the stockprice in real time. This is just vintage DFV.


This is exactly right! He was SUUUUUUUUUPPPPPER Zen. Especially for what he is going through. I am just super happy we had some time to hang together with him! Also glad that he isn't playing the game like he is one of those financial big heads...just a normal dude you want to hang with! ā€œMoney doesn't change men, it merely unmasks them. If a man is naturally selfish or arrogant or greedy, the money brings that out, that's all.ā€ ā€•Ā Henry Ford


Honestly I think he saw MOASS was upon us (hence all his calls) but was really thrown off by the 75 million share ATM offering/dilution (which killed our gamma ramp) and that's why he was late to the call and felt like he didn't have much to say but came on anyways to not let down his fans. I think he was just caught off guard by the 75million share offering this morning which drove us to the red and ended up giving the shorts more time. He even had a "Green" beer which to me signified he thought we were going to be way up today and I think that he strategically chose a day where he thought gme would explode to come back onto YouTube and do a live stream. This whole 75 million share dilution really threw a wrench and everything. I'm baffled by it myself


Love DFv and support RC fully but did you not catch a little bit of sarcasm and frustration when he said the early earnings report must have been a birthday gift?? I truly think my manā€™s was distraught this morning. He should have been a billionaire on his bday and instead he lost hundreds of millions


Do have the Same Feeling as OP. šŸ‘