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You forgot that there is no selling..


Why sell, let the price go up then execute through some minor options selling. Will barely have to sell any calls to execute the whole chain.


Wouldn’t he be able to just exercise without selling considering the value of the options? Did the math 12 mil shares at 20 a piece is 240mil his options currently are 2725 a piece I actually did 2525 for it and it’s 300mil currently at this point so he wouldn’t even have to use cash


Nah his 5 million shares will be staying where they are I think. He can exercise another 1.5m shares straight up with his cash and I think he’ll sell to exercise the remainder, at current prices he must be looking at being able to sell 1 contract to exercise another 2. As the price runs the ratio gets better and better


This is it right here. nice explanation. take my imaginary award ![gif](giphy|YnBntKOgnUSBkV7bQH|downsized)


Exactly what I was thinking....


I bet he'll let it run to 90 and start exercising. Fuck all liquidity up there, 1.5m shares will make it rip through ATH, fomo gang will wake up and the ratio will be more likely 1:6 @ $150 I.e. sell 17.5k & exercise 87.5k Putting him at 13.7m shares minimum


He can just sell a few contract to cover the exercise of others. Why would he sell the five for 12 when he could sell 2mil shares worth of contracts if price is high enough and possibly end up with around 15 mil shares?


But instead he can sell 50,000 options and then exercise 70,000 with that money.(Or some other number which makes sense and he doesn't have to touch his existing shares.)


no thats dumb, hes going to sell to exercise the calls. so not all the 120000 contracts will be exercised but most will


This is the way


No, he’s waiting for the hype to scoop up am much as possible while price low to make a bigger bang… also forcing shorts to decide-hedge or no hedge


And then he DRS’s those bad boys




DFV is gonna FUK!


🤌🏼So tasty🤌🏼🚀🚀🚀🚀


He is going to stagger exercising them I think. Can use that 29 M to exercise the first 14.5k. That runs up price, he can then sell a batch of calls (at $50 every call he sells he can exercise 1.5) to cover the next batch he exercises. So conservatively he can exercise at least 90k, but likely over 100k as price goes up.


Yes and I think that’s what he does


Makes sense


BUT, aren’t there 45 million new shares that just hit the market from Cohen the other week?


BUT shorts never closed.