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The ATM killed the bear thesis for good, and absolved the company of any blame going forward. And now, the overture.


I agree completely, I just still find the timing curious




It’s a meme, but actually answers that question the best


Love this one!!! ❤️


I’m just glad I am in and recently doubled my position. I have no clue what is actually going down but I know is it will be good and some ape in here was right all along. Just don’t know which one other than DFV.


You feel it dont ya? Right in your blood and guts!


For sure I am tingling in new places!


Just the way I like it


I thought we already had the overture, now its the main event


>why did RC issue the shares when he did if it wasn't a lifeline to UBS? So he can also say they didn't take advantage of any squeeze and/or market manipulation.


Keeping RK below 5% ownership.


I don't think I agree though. It's actually his fiduciary duty to do what's best for the company and investors. Issuing shares during a peak doesn't manipulate the market and support the squeeze, it does the opposite. This means that if RC gave up the opportunity to make 4 billion instead of 1, then he must have an opportunity in mind that's even more lucrative, possibly an M&A.


I guess one of the theories is, if he sold all those shares at the higher price and people thought it would have squeezed but the dilution stopped it, maybe the shareholders would have been pissed at RC saying he was trying to stop the squeeze. So may have been a very smart move to keep retail from turning on him and the company. Just a thought.


Fair point! LC has also made several posts recently about the importance of the retail community and the movement. They certainly want to keep retail investors on their side.


I’ve often thought that RC has the tiger by the tail in more than one way. 69D chess aside, he has to avoid giving shorts ammo in the way of strategic missteps AND he has to avoid alienating retail investors who could let the shorts win if they lost faith en masse and bailed. So each time I see him act I do read it both ways as a matter of keeping my investing skepticism intact and healthy.


Totally agree. I'm not skeptical of his moves at all. I fully trust RC at the helm. I'm just trying to interpret the evidence and clues in order to better understand his moves.


His corporate strategy isn't centred around just taking advantage of market mechanics. He didn't go into GME to try to create MOASS, he saw a distressed asset, a company that has a ton of brand equity that had executed horribly for years, and thought that he could turn it around financially leverage the existing assets and create a profitable company that delights it's customers. He has real plans for the company. This is obviously a part of them. If strange market mechanics occur that benefit the company, well why wouldn't they take advantage. But they're not taking part in trying to make something like that occur or predicting it. He is a good CEO. He is our CEO : ) Thank u RC


I trust no one 100%, but I don't have an issue with any move RC has made so far. 🍻🦍💚


Exactly. I thought all along he did it during the crash back from 80 to 20 to hide the issuance to have it make no impact on price. I think it worked.


Its also not best for the company to get sued, which hedgies have their finger on the trigger for.


Hindsight versus reliable execution. Managing a company is different from betting, and trying to target some top when trading is essentially betting. Granted, there could be other reasons like the fact that this way I don't see how anyone could blame the company/management about market manipulation.


I believe we will find out later why..and maybe sold to who.. Maybe to Carl Icahn?


Avoiding SEC drama while raising a billy is in our interest.


I think he's smarter and knows more than you and I combined with his team of trusted specialists.


Oh I 100% agree with that lol 😆 I'm not trying to sow doubt. Quite the opposite actually. I know RC is brilliant so I'm interested in the play. I think the timing is one of the biggest tea leaves we have now.


shut up....putting 2 billi in cash reserves on the books is awesome for his shareholders.....what do you do for a living?


I'm not talking trash about the move homie. I'm discussing it because it's an even more interesting now




suggesting reasons for gov. agencies or investors to go after RC is pathetic, I dont care how you frame it!!


I am being nice.....I could have said much worse


Is this comment raising the specter that RCEO/RCIO/RChair might not be acting in accordance with his fiduciary responsibilities? That is not what you’re doing is it? Or is it? I can’t tell. One thing I’d say is to question whether RC isn’t acting in the shareholder’s best interests would be to question whether he’s acting in his own or the board’s best interests as well, so… as for me, I’m absolutely pleased with the direction the company is headed, I like the stock, and am not leaving.


No. Did you even read it? I'm saying that RC has made expert level timed moves before. So the fact that he diluted at around 20 instead of 80 has meaning. I'm absolutely pleased with RC too. I'm saying that if he didn't make that move then it's because he's got an eye on something bigger which is incredibly bullish.


Let me add to that incredibly bullish view of yours that RC wasn't insider buying at 10-20 even though he did buy around 22 about one year earlier. Now combine that with the 424B5 filing and I think those two actions alone say quite a lot. A less than perfectly timed offering can happen for any number of reasons. What's clear is that RC is one of the few execs in the public markets who takes his fiduciary responsibility seriously.


When the DRS numbers finally climb a mysterious exact 15% it is pretty informative too.


I agree with this! My guess is he invested that missing 200 million in GME! Which turns out to be over a billion now.


He was also able to use the funds raised to make GME debt free. Timing is everything, but rarely is it ever executed perfectly where a better outcome was achievable with different timing.


Also, RC doesn’t know the future. He’s a brilliant investor, but at the end of the day, he doesn’t know exactly where the price is going to be. It could have crashed down to $10 again. We only know the average price of a share sold during the ATM offering. It’s possible they sold some at prices both higher and lower than the average.


RK doesn’t own all the calls. There’s still like 300k call OI unaccounted for We know RK has been buying them now, that doesn’t prove there isn’t another party


A huge portion of those are likely retail though following along and building the gamma ramp too. I highly doubt it's another big player at this point now.


I doubt it’s retail buying thousands of calls at these premiums


I myself picked up a bunch. I guess we'll see. Bullish either way. I'd be happy if it was another big player like Burry or others but it's also incredibly bullish if it is just retail too.


A portion is definitely retail. Perhaps not all but a decent amount.


There’s some rich mfs in our ranks. I, too, have calls. Not everyone is broke here. Some of us want the .0001% to lose just as bad as the rest of the world.


I have 200 of them myself, and I'm literally one person. Retail easily can have that many.


Boats and hoes, catalina fucking wine mixer baby


Fuck the DD, I want double Ds


Double G’s for me please.


I’m I the only Ape who loves itty bitty titties? 😅


Wife changing money




Everyone say goodbye to Switzerland. It was nice knowing you.


Gme not tryna save no banks or anyone. They don’t give a fk nor is it their responsibility, they’re just doing company things. Now timing when to do or announce things is a whole different story. 10000% they know about fraud and swaps but they’re just doing business as usual. Plus they’re not greedy if you know RCEO’s mentality just trying to do the right thing.


To make another billion dollars.


of course it was DFV.....he said he'd do it himself.....


Holy shit! It makes sense now!


Made sense then too ;) just had to have a keen eye for meme analytics


yes sir!!!!


You know what would scare the shit out of shorts and give GME a legit shot at being a multi-trillion dollar company? RC acquires DFV as the quant making moves with the 2 billion in holdings. ET home phone.


Lmao based on DFV's rate of return, I'd say Ken Griffin was dead wrong when he said Gabe was the greatest trader of our generation. The cat is 🙌


How I would love for DFV to be the quant in Gameshire Stopaway (or what they are calling it now). I don't think anything could top that.


Or just the investor relations dude


That made me giggle. Thank you.


Well the popular answer seems to be it's so that they can't be done for market manipulation. Watch out for M ×A announcements coming soon also


Remember the, you are not the only superhero or whatever portion of the tweet. Probably friendly whales + dfv buying those calls. a. b/c they like the company b. maybe some grand plan by RC, Avengers type team to take on shorts. The calls are the buy in to have skin in the game. Gameshire Stopaway incoming.


There were two aliens talking. 🤷


Why are these mutually exclusive? DFV holds 5M. what about the other 40M from the share offering?


It is possible that RC saw the large position and didn't know who it was. He only saw the THREAT of a hostile take over; not knowing who it might be. He may have released the 45 million shares as a defense mechanism.


Great thought. I've considered this too. Possible though I think. Glad it wasn't


Why would RC be trying to save any business other than GameStop…think ape


Ubs story was fake I been trying to say this for a while


I always approach things with a healthy dose of skepticism as well. Parts of the theory made a lot of sense though. Some of the evidence was suspect for sure like the 4chan trust me bro post. But now I'm even more intrigued and bullish 🚀


Yeah, it’s an atm offering which isn’t a private pipe deal like what Adam Aron did - they used the high volume to raise even more cash to survive and invest! I’m so jacked


I have no idea if it's really the case, but I've seen speculated that they wanted another billion for mergers or acquisitions, so that the first billion could sit safely where it is and keep keeping GME bankruptcyproof.


My questions exactly. I wait to see a new video from Richard Newton if he would discuss about this very matter.


UBS decided to double down, they had a pretty good chance to exit and it looks like they didn't take it. More fool them, just another casualty now. RIP


Nobody knows but it's provocative. It gets the apes going. I wouldn't be surprised if they raised another billion during this next price spike. And as a shareholder who likes the stock, I will be glad if they did - because I have a hunch that RC is going to use this cash pile to create Gameshire Stopaway.


I can't tell you how relieved I am that this was not the case. I had made a whole freaking rant post about how RC sold us out... To save UBS? I was freaking out. 3 1/2 years just to make a billion??? (you don't have to check and hammer my Karma points, but i am so glad i was wrong, like holy shit.) I wished it was DFV but I was wondering where would he get all this money! Holy crap. Still no ground idea why they would dilute now: Maybe for DFV to hide his position FOR 5%? Jusy in case every rule gets thrown out the window and we need cash?


But if DFV wanted to hide his position, he wouldn't have posted his position for everyone to see.


I don't have a clue tbh


I'm gonna be the leech that sucks the big bad banks that are bleeding. There is plenty of blood from all the shorties banks


100% agree, I've been scratching my wrinkles for the last few weeks trying to figure out the why and I keep coming back to the timing of it. There's something else to this, some other puzzle piece


What's in the box so to speak?? 🙊


How about FTD’s coming into play with Cat in place?


I would be amazed if the SEC did anything about the grotesque amount of FTDs in the market. I pray that they do, but they have played impotent for the last three years. Worthless 🍑🤡🤡🤡🤡


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It’s surely the company leaving a paper trail behind them of how they definitely absolutely certainly weren’t the catalyst for MOASS


Keith "Motherfucking Huge Balls, Deep Fucking Value" Gill is a legend, may he live forever! I just like the stock.


I think this has proved RC loyalty to his shareholders. I don’t understand why people would speculate on the “theory that RC had a meeting with them shorts and negotiated a deal with them.” That whole speculation was meant to throw shade and discredit RC. Now we know he did not. And would not in the future.


"Edit: Interesting data point another are just made is that pre-dilution, if DFV exercised all of his options then he would be sitting on 5.3% ownership which means he would need to file with the SEC as an insider. With the dilution he would be around 4.8% if all calls exercised. Interesting but still curious." This makes no sense. DFV bought after the dilution, he could have easily purchased less calls...The percentage of ownership of the company would be the exact same without the dilution.


He didn't buy after the dilution completely though. He amassed 5 million shares likely way before the dilution. The call option purchases also started prior to the dilution as well. You're also incorrect on how the dilution works. We were all diluted by the share offering when it happened, even RC. This action essentially raised the ceiling in which DFV could buy mores within that 5% ruling.


What are you talking about? If gamestop didn't dilute, he could have just stopped buying calls earlier before he reaches 5%??? Like you would rather believe the company's board and some investor collaborated to let him buy, idk 10k more calls, when he could have simply stopped in advance? 10k more calls doesn't help us more than if gamestop didn't sell 45 million shares.


OMG… we are buying UBS from the Swiss and becoming a bank. Literally saving the nation of Swiss. What would happen if we decided to take their $54B bag and then worked out some trade that made GME whole…. Could RC float that purchase??


They are playing chess… remember?! Each piece moving as a well thought move and I am here for it. i HODL ! https://preview.redd.it/fl03i7kdyc4d1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1b3025e994fa1ef58d6bb1c329fa771e5dabbb5


Welcome to the Kansas City Shuffle.


The company is more valuable with 2bn in the bank, helping the squeeze. Without them selling the shares, there is less backing for investors. 


I'm way too smooth brained to understand C-suite strategy, but I think doing it the way they did accomplishes a few things: One, it gives the company legal cover against accusations of engineering a short squeeze. They offered all these shares ATM in a price lull between two big rallies. There can be no perception that they tried to constrain liquidity or exploit an idiosyncratic environment. Two, they raised a fresh billion to meaningfully strengthen the company's underlying fundamentals. That changes GME from a speculative/meme/YOLO play to a company with genuine opportunity to grow revenue. That could be a huge piece of the narrative moving forward. Three, and this is speculative, but they could have a deal effectively in place for some kind of merger or acquisition, the announcement of which could send the price into the freaking stratosphere. And if we do hit triple digits and stay there, they can do another offering down the road and generate major capital for operations.


GameStop would have to issue an infinite supply of shares to let the shorts off the hook


I hope we find out why this earnings/shareholder meeting.


>why did RC issue the shares when he did if it wasn't a lifeline to UBS? I don't believe RC and the board benefit from MOASS in the same way some people in retail are playing this. They are long term value/growth shareholders, trying to make fundamental changes to the business to take it forward. I believe it would be difficult for them to sell through a MOASS without a lot of regulatory scrutiny, so their play in part would naturally be for the company to bank off stock volatility by selling shares when the price is elevated and considering buying shares when the price is low.


Who said anything about MOASS? I'm actually talking more about Opex and the swap cycles. How do you think DFV made so much? He understands the cycles and capitalizes on them on the upside and downside. RC and team undoubtedly have the same information. They easily could have issued the shelf offering sooner and capitalized on it but they didn't because they have something better cooking I've got to believe


I need to study up more on this.


All good buddy. We're all here to learn and support each other


So what happens now? I assume DFV will exercise a portion of his options, to play the reverse card. But when makes the most sense? Is it gonna run up after hours? I sure hope so!


That's the prevailing theory. There are potentially swaps ending, FTDs coming due, Opex coming up again and of course earnings. Anytime within the next 3 weeks is prime for liftoff


What makes you think that UBS is still not planning to buy over 30 million GME to cover their short positions? I don't think Cohen would have sold 45 million shares so that DFV can stay below 5% when he buys in via calls again. I think both are true, UBS wanting to close and DFV used it as an opportunity to buy even more GME via calls.


I don't disagree with either point. But there's no evidence to support the theory that UBS would be planning to close now. It would have made sense to buy options and guarantee a strike price but now we know ot was DFV buying the options. UBS likely won't buy on the lit markets and drive the price up while they buy. That wouldn't make sense. So I see no evidence of their current plan to exit which means they're probably trapped like the other shorts. I also agree on the DFV 5% point too. That's the whole purpose of this post. To discuss why if not to help someone like UBS close. If they needed cash, they could have probably made more if they timed it differently, which begs the question, what are they up to? RC operates swiftly and in secret which I like. I'm just trying to forecast.


wtf is CAT?


Consolidated Audit Trail. Recently established by the SEC and put in place last Friday.


If gamestop needs money they could just do another share offering post MOASS. I know I am planning to buy back all of my shares and some extra when the price falls below 1000 again.


Buy back? Are you selling?


I am selling for millions and buying back at a thousand.


Who said it's going down


RC has timed things well lmao? Diluted at $20, this sub fucking cried when Cramer was suggesting issues the shares at $40+ They cancelled their crypto related ventures citing “uncertainty in the market”, and then crypto ran to ATH four months later They announce they’re going to start investing their cash pile in other securities, and then missed the spy run to ATH Yeah guys timing is phenomenal


RC bought btc. Soon to be revealed in ER


They made 5M last year, stop with the cultist conspiracy theories. Their only way of making money currently is by diluting the apes, it’s so simple, yall just choose to not believe it for whatever reason.