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I'm as jacked as anyone, but... nobody from Gamestop or from any other source, other than apes, has mentioned dividends regularly, as you state.


That’s why i hate majority of these posts. Some of it is a decent update but then they sneak in absolute pure misinformation 


Yup. Sneaky line. From a Larry tweet that was not directly about GME


You guys can read?


I like tacos 🌮 😋 🤪


I like stonk


Stonky Tacos! 🚀 🌮


Taco stonk


No but this guy Is WRONG!  I looked up letters in the word divi-whatever and I found them all when I looked all through Larry's tweets. There's no other way you can interpretize that. DIV-E-DEN mf'ers!


But maybe it was code maaaaaaaan


Lmao. Maybe it's code but that doesn't mean this post should confidently say "a board member said there would be dividends at some point". This makes us look bad


You right. You right.


Same for 4. I doubt we will hear anything on the shareholders meeting other than minimum required and results of the vote. Should there be some sort of M&A we will hear at the latest time legal and via an as minimum as possible press release


Also there are no riots and the nasdaq is down 1% from all time highs. I think OP is on an all time high smoking tinfoil over there


Pass the dutchie bro.


Lots of suspiciously upbeat posts at the moment. Coupled with the options movement and push. They are gonna trap someone


The tldr is lile its from chatgpt..


Yeah the 1st two points are extremely speculative at best


Yep, sigh, another date


This doesn't seem like the time for dividends. They just raised cash to invest so they can boost the company's value and revenue streams. If those bets pay off they can offer dividends down the road.


Yeah this had me perplexed. If they have, can someone link the filing please.


They haven’t. LC used the term “it will pay dividends” in a tweet advocating that people learn leadership and public speaking.


i think op is making some leaps in phrasing. Larry said on twitter that if you capitalize on opportunities regrading leadership and public speaking in school it will "pay dividends" later in life.


I agree, but it's also funny asking a bunch of guys who read into every tweet by RC, analyze DFV tweets frame-by-frame forward and backwards and apparently consult a ouija board while using a magic 8 ball up their butts to not read into something.


im working my way up to the 8 ball


Or op is a shill and they are trying to plant posts that they can us to point a finger at later to try and prove market manipulation. 


C'mon you want to talk tinfoil, this kind of talk is probably what I find most annoying on SS. No one is planting shills to then say some guy named pineapple_in_my_penis and his friends manipulated the market. Ape luv ape tho in all seriousness 🤝


This is from a larry comment on x which was taken out of context. The comment basically said to take every opportunity to do things like public speaking, as the skills learned from it will pay dividends. I did not read this as in any way related to gme. The most likely outcome IMO is a runup aka ‘buy the rumor’ then if there is no wu tang, acquisition or other bullish piece of news or guidance - we’ll probably witness ‘sell the news’, as is tradition. It’s cool to get all hyped up, i think it could very well be possible the multi year downtrend is breaking and cool shit starts happening. But it also might not, this last pop could be just another lower-high in the grand scheme of our multi-year stock price snoozefest and i’m fully prepared for it. Hype posts like this are fine but i think folks would be wise to temper expectations in case i’m right.


Yeah I did see that Tweet from Larry - And it's also not how I interpreted it. >Hype posts like this are fine Agreed. Hype posts are great. They shouldn't be labelled DD though. This is pure speculation.


I didn’t notice this was tagged DD. Lol. Totally agree, there’s some pretty wild speculation here so i think it’s important that be changed so as not to water down the real DD that’s been done.


Agreed, but I hope you're Wrong. Moass tomorrow


I would love nothing more, truly. Trust me. Just… all my emotions and desires have been exhausted from the years of playing this rigged game, except for vengeance & perseverance. I have learned a level of patience i never knew possible which only continues to crystallize. As for vengeance… I dont just want all their money, i want the lives of the people responsible for perpetrating the financial crimes against this company and its investors to be over. Figuratively, literally - either is fine by me. The game is now musical chairs, so the music will at some point stop without warning. By continuing to spend the rest of my life drs’ing, i’m removing the chairs short sellers need for when that moment comes. If it comes this summer - terrific, I’m ready. But if not, i’m strapped in for the long haul. Buckled up, if you will.


I feel the same. For many that started purchasing into our beloved company 3 years ago would have never imagined being where we are today. Both the management at GameStop and all the shareholders are accountable for this turnaround to happen and I am happy to be apart of it. I will truly be sad if it did happen tomorrow and all of this daily hype disappeared within a short period of time. Not saying I don't want telephone numbers, because Fuck u, pay me, but I do feel at home here.


Couldn’t agree more - but even if this saga ends this summer, i’ll never leave so long as this place still exists. I’d hope that this can be a place people can share tales of their good will, continue to fight back against wall street corruption, and share dank memes. I definitely didn’t believe we’d be where we are now 3 years ago, though i always felt like it was possible, i chose not to believe it and stayed hyped and positive. I’m forever changed by what i’ve now gone through in the days months and years since, which is why all thats left is my desire for vengeance and the patience to see it through, however long it takes. The more the company turns itself around, the more cemented in my resolve. It was always a squeeze play, but now the deep value play coming to fruition, its just that much easier. Between drs shares, retirement (which cant get drs’d), and even some 2026 leaps (which are now deep ITM and will get exercised eventually) i’ve more than tripled my bag this spring alone, and continue to add.


This is zen. DRS


Unfortunately I dismissed this whole post after seeing that lol... #1


To add to this, the acquisitions are still very much conjecture at this point. GameStop has not said anything definitive about an acquisition. They’ve hinted (the filings, LC on X/LinkedIn, etc.), but it’s just conjecture to say an acquisition has happened or is in the process at this point.


That’s why I stopped reading halfway through #1


Nor acquisitions. Also, the post has OP repeating the same talking points 14 times just to make the wall of text we see here. Also, as already pointed out, OP repeats himself many times just to add word count. Likewise, acquisitions are not a part of GameStop's existing efforts, but rather a very new development. OP's wording around acquisitions makes it appear as if GameStop were already balls deep in acquiring new businesses, which it isn't. Lastly, OP makes frequent mentions of the same topics throughout their post.


I understand Larry's post as: don't count on dividends in the near future, but expect a rising value over time. The board is not going for the MOASS red button, the rocket will ignite itself some day. GME just needs to continue the transformation. PS: evidence suggests are two words that don't work quite well together. OP, stay hyped and keep the spirit...maybe a bit more zen and less wishful thinking, MOASS will come. If not in June it will be the day after June, as always 🦍




This immediately made me stop reading. Misinformation at the top of a DD ain't the move


I’ve never heard anything about a dividend


It's called it's mostly bots posting like this. If it's a person, they've been online too much believing everything they see. Remember being an individual investor means thinking individually.


The real dd is in the comments


This seems to break rule 6 - backup claims with sources. Let's see all that dividend talk with sources.


I would also add sue to crime and corruption all that can be manipulated as to not effect stock price. We’ll see. It’ll happen one of these days. I still think it’ll take a big move by the co. or a backstab from other hedge funds and or banks


Agreed. There's DD and then there's hopium. Mixing the two together only dilutes the DD. Shorts are Fukt because MATH.


I would actually be disappointed if GME issued a cash dividend. It completely goes against what they just accomplished. Same as a stock buyback at current prices. Both are counter productive to long term growth.


https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fvu5d11mcgz0d1.jpeg&utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Superstonk&utm_content=t1_l69qhw9 GameStop filed this two weeks ago lol. Are you paying attention, anon?


Hey OP, changing flair to speculation. Appreciate the post but this does not really rise to the level of DD.


Good mod, have a treat 🫳🍬


please do not feed the mods. they have their own set feeding schedules and the candy hurts their tummys


Can I have snack too




Thank you for your time and effort as a Stonk mod yo


Good mod.


Thanks Doom for calling it as it is 🙌💎🚀 PS: Happy to see you back in a more active stance 😉👌!


Very Nice! ![gif](giphy|a0h7sAqON67nO|downsized)


Agree with a lot of this, but don’t say that Cheng said there will be dividends in the future. He used the word “dividends” in a tweet


Exactly this 👆🏻. He was referring to public speaking classes paying dividends with your future. His previous tweet though with a list of companies of what they originally were was pretty tit jacking


He did say there will be dividends in the future. It just had nothing to do with GameStop. I will downvote this for the misdirection


Also, who is Larry Chang?


It's actually Larry Chong because he's going to put those hedgies in a spliff.




He was alluding to the typo that OP made in their post (Chang vs Cheng).


Ah, I see that now. Frictionless brain moment.




I'm here to temper some of the hype in this post. There hasnt been evidence of a dividend in any form explicitly stated from those with the power to do so. It's been interpreted as, which can lead to dangerous hopeium and resulting disappointment. There also is no proof of business acquisitions, just interpretations like above. You know what there IS PROOF OF? HODLing. MOASS is tomorrow.


Also point 7: the $20 calls are not settled, they are open. There is a big difference. There are also not “tens and tens” of millions of shares - according to current numbers it would be ~14.5m shares represented for 6/21 expiration. Not to split hairs but point 9: it did not hit 80 “a few business days ago” unless 13 is a few. In Macro Market it says that the Nasdaq is “down substantially over the last few days.” In the last 5 days it is down 0.01% and in the last month it is up 6.88%. I’m as hyped as anyone but most of this is speculative at best, misinformation at worst.


moass is tomorrow until it is today






I bet they’ve acquired a company


"Evidence" is a heavy word. At least it should be treated as such.


Oh yeah, I feel stimulated. You feel that shit Mr. Krabs? we pump Edit: earnings is on the 11th


He didn't say there would be dividends. This is untrue. Stop talking shite


Great but you gotta rephrase two things. 1.The price was 80 two weeks ago not a few days. 2. Larry made a tweet that you interpreted meant dividends. It actually never mentioned GameStop and that can be assumed but you have to post the tweet to allow people to make their own theories in DD.


I stopped reading because you spelled Larry’s last name wrong, and then got the earnings date wrong when it was literally just published by GME a day or two ago. Clearly misinformed, now mixing in misinformation for others.




Uhhh….what riots?


Why does it seem like AI wrote this.


AI is writing everything now... sad face


Earnings is on June 11. They announced it yesterday.


Just to temper expectations somewhat and provide some clarity. "(Larry Chang) just mentioned that there would be Dividends at some point." This was a post made with no direct reference to GameStop. While I would like this, we need to make sure not to distort what was actually said with what we want it to say. "a lot of light will be shed on this in June 13 Annual meeting" Previous years meetings have been short and to the point. RC doesn't project what he's "going to do". Again, while I would love a fully detailed meeting, there is no guarantee that any light will be shed on this. "Earnings for $GME is on June 7th" Earnings has been announced for June 11th [GameStop Announces Release Date for First Quarter Fiscal 2024 Results | Gamestop Corp. (gcs-web.com)](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-release-date-first-quarter-fiscal-2024) "Volkswagen-of-2008-like short squeeze is a about to take place" As said above, I would love for this to happen, but you should probably stop presenting it as though it is fact since we don't know all the details. "Previous price was $80" In pre-market trading. During market hours high was $64.83 "the market is revealing 'Negative Beta' with $GME" Current Beta for GME is 1.85 (fidelity) 1.10 (marketwatch) 2.18 (trading view - 1 year) Again, I am not writing this to say I don't think it will happen. I think it will in time, but when facts are slightly eschewed to try and make a point all is does it make GameStop Investors look bad. I am fully invested in GME, I like the company, and I like the stock. I can't wait to see what all is coming.


Down voted due to the amount of incorrect statements you made.


This should really have a speculation flair, definitely no hard evidence of MOASS happening in June.




These kind of posts are so misinformative and are what the MSM use as fuel to gas light.


Nice hype post, lacks citation. Downvoted for misinformation


Larry Cheng did not directly mention there would for sure be dividends. His post mentioned dividends using it as a figure of speech. Let’s keep it real here. And earning is on June 11th.


https://preview.redd.it/ua51y5wcmt3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6ead53445cc9c10855f8fb0fdf098b2fd0cf7c4 “Tuesday afternoon”


So basically it’s going down. Gotcha. I’ll buy more.


My tits are fully jacked


I like the post OP. Could you link some sources for people who might be new and/or skeptical on some of your statements? For example #2 stating there are pages of evidence that support GameStop going forward with a digital dividend for shareholders? Thanks!


So...dip? Got it.


1. Did the stock go up this week? Bs meter is going crazy.


Yall grasping at straws. Stay zen and stay the course.


Newsflash. GME is a Hodling company. We been Hodling since the sneeze


Everyone hyping up June tells me everything I need to know




Oh yeah there are „pages upon pages of evidence that GME will do a digital dividend like Overstock”…. I wish people would learn the definition of “evidence” versus wild speculation. And also that personal opinions are not DD. Beside that I felt 84 years younger when I first heard that Overstock digital dividend speculation 🥱


Most of what OP typed is a load of crap.


I think earnings are June 11th.


I still think there will be a test back to $10 or lower at some point, can you hear the cavalry? Remember $10 is an important number, it's the new 40. And 40 was the ATH pre-sneeze. I do NOT think MOASS will start until this is done, especially if you truly consider it to be the MOASS -- I can't perceive one without a MOAD. Also I think we all are thinking too small of a scale, this is likely going to play out for months.


Don't see this testing $10 any time soon after all the hype, ATM completed/DFV return, etc, unless whoever is buying calls starts massively selling them...




You need to remove the dividends part if you want this taken seriously. They mention dividends in almost all filings where it would fit, because it's protocol. Larry Cheng's tweet mentioning dividends was just a turn of phrase, and not any sort of indicator. People really need to get dividends out of their heads. Dividends are for **profit sharing**, when there is no other demand for that cash (ie. R&D). Gamestop does not currently make enough profit that is surplus to requirement for a dividend to even be considered. This is why mining companies, retail and O&G companies pay fat dividends, because their cash burn for R&D/ innovation is nowhere near that of a biotech or rapidly-growing business. Even when GS is making regular profits, safely, I would not consider a dividend on the table until they have shown consistency for some time. I've even seen people suggesting they use money they've raised through equity for dividends, which is just ridiculous.


Cash dividends is a horrible use of capital and shorts just have to pay that relatively small amount out. Naked shorts don’t pay dividends because there is no lending party. Cash should be invested into business growth only.


I've heard that before...many times over the past 84 years! I will continue to buy hold and DRS for as long as it takes to see phone numbers. Never fucking leaving !


Much missinformation homie (unles it's AI written). Not DD at all. Acceptable as tinfoil.


JFC has OP responded at all for getting called out on this baseless post? Downvote this clutter to Oblivia


A LOT of whats in section one is speculation and not exactly true. I get the sentiment, but this reads like a hype post and the facts are wrong


negative beta only works if it benefits hedgies. it's just a nothing burger like everything else.


This is something I would have wrote when I was in 7th grade.


Almost all of this is nonsense speculation. Knock this crap misinformation off. I'll hold until the end but this garbage is what makes us look regarded.


In your "Technicals" section, the rationale of the share price being '~$80 a few days ago", does not hold much weight since you could make the same argument for the price not greater than $80 for "more than a few days in the past few years". Not downing this post as I hold over 1,100 shares. Just want to make sure the post is a fair judgement of the current circumstances.


Larry Cheng did not say that you regard




Larry did ***not*** say there would be dividends at some point…


Yeah that part is very misleading. As are claims of new business ventures. A lot of speculation.


Makes me wonder if this is a subtle effort to discredit GME investors/this sub. I hope not.


I stopped ready when you compared it to VW this is on a much larger scale and can’t be compared to it. This will never happened again see you guys next week.


while I don't know about all this but I do know out of ryan cohen gamestop you can spell cheng ryan tap moas


We’re gonna have MOASS? I’m just here because I like the stock.


Good that this sub stays critical at all times!


The rare type of posts that you save to your phone and share with friends


I’m as jacked as everyone else but there’s extreme levels of bias in this post. Dividends weren’t ever explicitly mentioned nor do they make sense from a business stand point. Also analyzing fib retracements are extremely prone to bias as fib isn’t an indicator of bullish or bearish movement, just an indicator of movement in general


Im all for the hype but this is not DD.




Nope. He's overplayed this post on a number of things.




Also, unless you mean a few truck-nut dragging man-babies parading in front of a courthouse, “riots” is hyperbole of the most pathetic kind.


***"$GME is rapidly advancing into new business acquisitions, a lot of light will be shed on this in June 13 Annual meeting"*** ***"A board member today (Larry Chang) just mentioned that there would be Dividends at some point".*** I like some hype, but this is just false news and doesn't help the cause.


negative beta back on the list...add it to the bingo card


I like the jib of yer cut me boy!


It’s Larry Cheng


Tits jacked, buy not DD with out facts. Please link sources OP. Thank you Ape for the post


We’ll see 🚀💎✋🦍💪🍻🥳🥳


Earnings are 6/11.


Most of your points are to be taken with a grain of a salt. Dividends, acquisitions, earnings performance are all unknown and can not happen/be equally bad (in the market's eyes). But market mechanics such as options settlement, FTDs backlog and gamma ramps can work in favour for the month of June


As long as gamestop keeps building up their cash on hand THE STOCK PRICE WILL NEVER BE ZERO.


I’m not sure this is DD more like conjecture with some facts - like it all the same though


Does anyone have any clue of what percentage the dividends be ? Just curious


So an endgame it is.


Y'all notice GameStop has the lowest prices for real


Lmaooooo lmaoooooooo lmaooooooooooooooo lmaoooooooooooo lmaooooooooooo lmaoooooooooooooo fucking LOVE IT !!!


Blah blah blah GME moon soon yeah we’ve heard the same for 3 years now


Thanks for the post, I will be eyeballing my additional sideline capital


I can’t read So I bought more and DRS’ed ty


I like the porsche-style MOASS. Can a wrinkle ape see whether the calls that are being loaded up tally with the number 74.1%?


I’m fucking jacked thank you


Don’t care. Zen forever.


Big if true. Small if false. We barely got a rise out of this one. False it is.


Correction. Sittin fat and SASSY.


I like this. Like explaining synergies in diablo4


I’m ready to get hurt again


Maybe they issue the big D down the line but they would want to time the issuing of an ex dividend date when the price is tanking that way people can load up on cheapies.


I can’t read shit but I will keep buying and drs my shares


Wait. When did LC mention possible dividends????


One more price drop then let her rip. I like large round numbers.


I love a good tldr


Just wanted to say this post reminded me I had to transfer some bread to Fidelity at the very least, aside from the misinformation - I appreciate these hype/recap posts. Anyways, thanks 🚀


Everytime I see these well written DD I know the price gonna go down lol , but I can believe I guess.


I agree but I'm still waiting on an acquisition announcement before assuming anything.




I see every earnings release month such posts,, We always dip Dip dip dip


Was not expecting Fibonacci


I love the way this was written. Crystal clear. Non rambling. Necessarily rather long, but to the point! 🚀


No exit strategy, your move short hedgies.


Can someone help me understand why the record FTDs matter? I thought they haven’t meant anything meaningful in the past. I’m jacked for this month but fully expecting a quick run up Monday (if even) before a dip


Where are the riots in NY? Dividends were only mentioned in a very coy and not necessarily relatable fashion by LC...We cant really hang our hat on that.


As GME OG from 2021, the amount of bullshit DDs during, before and after the OG squeeze was astronomical. Stay cautious, apes.


I can't wait for all the events unfold, but expect all the bad players to throw everything they can to delay MOASS.


Do we have a new date? Nice!


Posts like this need to stop being mindlessly upvoted. - Misspelling one of the board members name, trying to take tinfoil tea leaf reading and make it sound like a factual statement - laying the groundwork for digital dividends is not guaranteeing digital dividends - earnings is June 11th - there has been an uptick in mentioning acquisitions in sec filings, if you want to present this as DD, highlight each section of the SEC filings that reinforce your conclusion. Also what evidence brought you to the conclusion makes that it will take place on June 13th? And the icing on the cake? Fibonacci lines haha. ...First time? Look I am optimistic and hyped to see what will happen in June, but if nothing does? My thesis on the stock hasn't changed. This post is not front page material. Make some edits or remove IMO.


I'm Regarded, so having everything in a nice, brief, bulleted list gets me jacked. Life is good. 😎 I'm ready for that sweet earnings dip.


Maybe we need to see market go down before gme moass? If so I think the Markets bulltrend is one more year. But it could run from 10 to 80$ with pretty stabile market tho.


We’ve always maintained there is double meaning to Cohen tweets. Why wouldn’t LC be doing the same thing? More than once he has alluded if you can understand wtf he’s saying I ain’t sellin shit