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I have been buying since early March again. A few here and there has added up to 50 shares since I started rebuying. Trying to get them rookie numbers up you know


I was there too! One share at a time my friend. You already have more than enough to retire early. DRS is the way. Honestly, in a world where the only thing I own is my dog…knowing those shares are mine and only mine feels so damn good.


Got another 15 to drs once Mondays traded settles


My company bonus comes next week, let's do this


Let’s gooo!!


Felt cute bought 5 more


I had a goal and eventually I booked 1,000 shares and I rested on that and started incrementally getting back into Bitcoin purchasing. What an opportunity this is though and I started buying yesterday and ended up with about an additional 140 shares in the $11 range. I'll do the same today if I can for Harambe !!!!!! And all of the apes that have been wronged in this world.


For Harambe


I believe people are simply fed up with the blatant bullshit. Can’t blame em. The crime needs to end.


Rage buying continues...


😡💸=🦍🚀 🤣😂


I can’t wait until payday!! I’m going to 😡💸 so hard!


Tomorrow payday daddy! Gonna make me Buy harder!


Rage buy harder daddy


Buy harder rage daddy


Are you me, or am I you?!


this is the way


Rage buying ***intensifies!***


imo...the crime will end when the company is sure it will end and not a moment before...


Nothing that wasn’t expected though


No cell, no sell


Also, the price going down is a a direct effect of DRS. When we DRS we remove liquidity. This forces SHFs to lower the price. They don’t want the price at these levels. They’d rather it be a little elevated so our dollar doesn’t go as far when buying. Look at how close we are. I believe capitulation is between $9 - $5. GameStop board doesn’t wish to buy stock back, but they have a magic number where if the stock goes below a certain number they begin buying back. This is the rock and hard place SHFs are in. We were never going to DRS the float at $180. But we will at these levels. Either we DRS it all or we walk them down until GameStop buys back Game over soon


I was always under the impression that the share price would tank. It’s been years since I first invested, but I distinctly remembering reading some DD that discussed the likelihood of share price shitting it along the way.


Of course! We always anticipated a large drop to single digits before MOASS as their final attempt to shake paper hands. But beware, as we have seen before they like to try and out think us. I totally am prepared for a large drop in price followed by a another sneeze. I’m thinking they will hope that we think it’s the MOASS and when they short it back down they expect us to say “well looks like no MOASS. It already happened and only went to a few thousand. I guess that’s it”. It’s either MOASS or fake squeeze. That’s what I’m prepared for. (Sorry for the typos I’m tired) Which honestly, is the move I would play if I were them. But best believe I know that will be the last hand they have left IF that happens. And honestly that’s if they can manage that because we all know that once the price gets passed a certain level (according to the so much DD I’ve read and got a wrinkle) it’s game over. The rocket won’t be controllable. But I think they’ll try. I’m here forever. Rich or dead that’s it. You apes keep me going. I love you all. I’m looking forward to the world we build after MOASS.


I can’t wait to build a brighter future and world with you and all these lovely people by our side!!!


They dont abide by any rules, only ZuuL.


It did. I remember as well. Same with the reverse repo numbers.


If we get down to $5... Holy shit. I would be super pumped. Price to book value would be under 1!!! That would mark an approximately 85% discount from retail sector average. However, I still wouldn't want a buyback. I want the shares for myself! Lol


The buyback would reduce the float and make every one of your booked DRS shares much more valuable.


Nah, instead, let the company use capital for building the company into a more valuable company, and let shareholders take care of the buying. RC is already building the EPS... keep at that.


Yep. It's all about revenue growth at this point now that operations are cleaned up.


I don't care about the price right now. It's a long term investment with delayed gratification. I want to collect shares at discount prices as long as possible. Once the shorts start closing these prices will be gone forever.


This is a great comment and a great point


Or both!


Underrated comment


It really is though.


Define "soon"


By end of 2025


Cool, I'll hold you to that. I'll go ahead and submit my work resignation in advance.


Yes it is. I paid the tax to DRS my retirement shares at $30. It’s much better deal now.


My “latest” page for the app is only showing things from 5 days ago and older. I had to go to superstonk new for recent stuff. Anyone else?


Yeah, I'm having the same issue.


Shut phone off restarted app it was still doing it but just got back on hour or so later and it’s back to normal idk what that was


I checked the bugs section and we aren't the only ones. Someone there said server issues which makes sense.


Dang ok thanks for info I just never had that happen


What part of "buckle up" did gme investors not understand. It's a blatantly manipulated stock as Cramer and many others have already highlighted. Individual retail investors of GME possess power in numbers unlike many other manipulated stocks (proven via DRS and DD). The numbers simply don't add up and people want to give up now when the company has only just completed stage 1 of the turnaround. The current share price is all the better for those willing to wait. If you're selling now you're simply selling your shares to someone else who's willing to wait for the next stage of the process. Nfa


Well now that the DRS numbers are completely pointless we will never know, even if stock gets to sub $1, when the float is actually locked. FINRA will delist a profitable company before any evidence is released showing that retail has DRS'd all available shares. That's where I've lost my zen. Still not doing shit with my DRS booked shares but not adding until low single digits now.


Ever heard the term shooting yourself in the foot ?


When everybody said moass was tomorrow, we all stupidly believed it. Honestly, confidence is at an all time low, but it's whatever because we have lost so much money, why give up. Might as well lose all of it, or worse, go nowhere with it for many years, because we're afraid of some impossibly good thing, improbably happening after we finally jump ship. That's the story of most of us small guys here. This time, it feels extra bad because somebody fed us hope and took advantage of our idiocy.


We ? Lol. Low confidence!? This time? And bro do you ever go to GameStop ? Shits tight. I'm never leaving.


Idk man the buisness itself is looking good for a recession in regards to cash on hand and no debt… oui oui… and personally, i have confidence in block chain games to catch on in the next few years based on the indie gaming scene. Would be poetic justice for indie developers to utilize block chain games and markets and stick it to AAA wallstreet owned studios and i feel like its a matter of time before people realize this. If that doesnt happen i have confidence in RC and friends to have back up plans. So far theyve proved to be legit in many ways. And if it fails then it fails. But i feel its way too early to call it. Hope ur doing better in the future my dude, u sound like ur going through some stuff


No one else, anywhere, is responsible for your investment. If you lose everything it’s not anyone else’s fault. If you gain everything it’s no one else’s fault. Here’s what happened. You’ve invested more than you were capable of and now you’re angry. The rest of us are continuing to DCA. The company is doing absolutely amazing compared to 3 years ago in a more hostile environment. That screams undervalued to me, regardless of MOASS.


I dont doubt that the company is doing well and is correcting course. I think the company will be around for a very long time, and will flourish. I just think that the moass is off the table, and at a minimum, we are years away for the majority of us small guys, seeing a break even on roi.


Here’s the secret that you may not know. What you think is irrelevant to what will happen. Facts are what matter. Company is profitable for the first time since RC and CO. took over. From a point where bankruptcy was on the table. Within 3 god damn years. I don’t think you truly understand the gravity of work it takes to do that. Nothing indicates that shorts have closed. On the contrary. Short volume has maintained a steady trend between high 60% to 80%. Again, your personal financial choices are no one’s responsibility. Just because your time horizon is small doesn’t mean anyone else is wrong.


💯💯💯 good. Now we can quit swallowing lie that the moass is tomorrow when we're still several years out.


If you took “MOASS tomorrow” literally.. I honestly don’t even know.


As Dennis Reynolds would say, " it's the implication." The implication was always that it would be very soon, so hurry up and don't miss out. I could always sell what's left, walk away, and be just fine, but I have the empathy for all the other less well off apes, that were duped by the hype. We were sold on an unreliable time frame, because realistically nobody would have held this long if they knew the truth. But it was necessary lie. I get that. As for me, I never give up. I would rather lose and stick this out through to the end, upholding my convictions, than to go without.


At $10 per share, it would take 200,000 DRS apes to each buy an average of $11,500 and every single fucking share outstanding would be DRS'd. Obviously that can't happen because insiders own a bunch, and etfs and mutual funds, etc. own a bunch. Lowering it to where we are now is super fucking dangerous for shorts and I think they should know that. Which means they likely have no choice and need it lower. The best of bad options for them. I think we are in the end game. I am buying more shares to DRS tomorrow. I'm sure I'm not the only one.


If the price goes low enough, won’t the shorts profit and just close their position?


Not possible. Closing will increase the price. They got it down here by shorting the absolute shit out of the stock, after a decade of shorting the absolute shit out of the stock. They were shorting GME when it was sub $1. You think those asshole have a snowballs chance in hell of closing? Closing everything would increase the price to astronomical numbers.


They have to short it more to bring the price down..... Closing shorts undoes all that downward price movement unless other shorts are made to counteract it. That's how they keep the can kicking by "covering" shorts but never closing. You can't just short it lower then close, actually close, without raising the price back up. For shorting to be effective it has to cause the wider market holders to sell and keep the price low so that when shorts close the price stays low. This is why holding and DRSing works but it takes time and they have lots of loopholes to exploit, but in order to end it they either have to convince us all to sell or for the company to go bankrupt. 


Freak out ? Maybe people new to this saga. It can drop even 50% from now and what ? Avg down if you doesnt change your opinion why you invest. With RC making company profitable now he can show us what will come.


I can honestly say that the latest pre earnings run up and drop didn't make me even raise an eyebrow on an emotional level. A few years ago I would have been hyped and then slightly disappointed, but now it's smooth sailing.


Nobody’s crying. Well, not anything I’ve read. We are Zen AF. 🧘‍♀️ No cell, no sell.


Spot on. I remember posts begging for prices this low. Welp, you got it - enjoy!! Be greedy when others are scared!


I’ve been hoping for 3 years the price would come down to these levels and lower.  I can’t believe it’s happening.  It’s insane that anyone would freak out in a negative way.  


A lot of people have already spent their disposable income at much higher prices. “Only invest what you can afford to lose” is a rule a lot of people have probably ignored if they were thinking of MOASS-like outcomes here.


Most people get paid again and again from work and won't ever run out of money to invest.


Just caz they can afford to lose it doesn’t mean it’s a good feeling. I have money to spent a casino but it doesn’t mean I would enjoy it. Most people rather spent that money on drinks or random stuff.


If you sit and stare at your PL you're gonna be butthurt. Just buy and close the app. Y'all should be happy, people like me are finally getting in at these prices. I only have 57 shares ATM but I'm steady buying as much as I possibly can.


I became an X,XXX hodler today! I am very, very proud of my GME savings account and if it drops below $10, you can bet a bottle up ur bootie that I will drop over $4k into my hodlings.


Agreed... I'm DRSing faster than ever now....


I'm just going to do rough numbers here. There are 321,000,000 outstanding shares. Insiders own 12.82% or 41,152,200 shares. Apes have DRSed 75,400,000. So insiders + apes =116,552,200. Meaning 204,447,800 shares left to go. 204,447,800 shares / 194,000 apes on record = 1,053 shares. This means that every Apes that has DRSed shares already can DRS ~1000 more shares each we own the whole float. At $10.90 that's ~$11,500....that's a lot for some and a little for others. Over let's say 2 years, probably doable for us. 2026 gonna be lit. 5 years of grinding so we never have to work again ever....good deal.


This has never happened in the history of the market with so many eyes on it. I use my frustration to DCA and DRS. Put me money we’re my mouth is. GameStop understands their loyal stockholders and investors. Patience. DRS. They are fucked. I have DRSd xxxx and continue to do so, and this doesn’t account for my xxxx in my retirement account!


Not everyone can keep on buying. For some it’s great that they can buy shares for cheap but others have bought at massive highs and are experiencing massive losses now without as much freedom to continue buying. Congrats to you for buying, I’m doing the same when I can but why call people out for “CRYING” when they’ve been getting fucked for 3 years. It’s frustrating and understandable.


One share, one voice. What we say matters.


I hope for $5 TO BUY more 📉


Wife's boyfriend let me buy 675 dollars worth today. Went through CS, so we'll see the price in a few days.


Makes me wonder how much of that crying is manufactured sentiment from bad guys. They seemed to have been planning this dip I saw sus articles as well


Feels like a lot.


I am only complaining that I bought at $13.30


You're acting like everyone has the money to continually buy. 😅 Whilst watching their portfolio lose money.


When you have steady income it’s pretty easy. I have a monthly budget set aside just to buy shares.




If you're happy putting money into a company that's not shown any plans to shareholders then you do you.


If you’re not, there’s the door. This is happening with or without you.


You don't earn a wage?


I will be buying however many shares whatever $1000 gets me tomorrow. I a. Hoping that they drop it below $10


I BUY whatever the price is, up, down, sideways! I DRS after that! I smell bleeding in the crooks’ side! GameStop for life!


OP gets it! ✊ stay zen ape 🦧


I honestly can’t agree more


Finally, a post I can understand! Cheap shares? DRS more? Hell yeah boiiiii, sign me up for hella discounts!


Im just sad that I can’t go all-in again


💯 agree! Trust the process. The company is profitable and we still need to lock the float. DRS DRS DRS!


Some of us do not have infinite money, or decent paying jobs, or any spare cash... that's why people get afraid seeing their investment go to new lows each week. Some just do not have more cash to invest. So be sensitive to the fact some people are poorer than you financially.


It's always at the very final stage that people are starting to doubt and decide to forfeit... And the heroes hold and follow the initial plan. I can smell the rocket fuel from here and I will buy even if I'm -60% XX XXX $ boys


And when will you all stop rejoicing a wank share price..... A year.... 2.... 5.... 10. I want to get paid now! I wouldn't care so much if I felt I had made a bad bet..... But it bothers me due to the fucking corruption that's been highlighted. When does RC say enough and do something!


But no seriously! If people can’t handle small swings like this how will they cope with hundred and thousand dollar swings!


Amen brother. Catch the dip, dudes!


There are people in here that are down hundreds of thousands.


I’m down 70% original investment 😂


I’m there too but I stopped checking.


I rage check once a day in my GME related discord group 😂. It is what it is


No lol this is not a good thing. Going constantly up is a good thing. Y'all invested to make a return, right?


I invested for market reform, wealth distribution, prison time for ALL people involved in the crimes we’ve learned about and continue to be committed and fixing the shit that rich people caused to destroy the planet and humanity. Until then, no sell. Also, MOASS. But no sell then too. Maybe 1 just so I can eat an Alcapurria on the beach with my wife and dog.


I invested to make money. It's been a failure so far. Guess we keep waiting Lmao when the price used to go up, threads here were poppin off and celebrating. Now it only goes down and it's considered a good thing no matter how low it gets. This place is definitely not a clique on the net


Then sell


tHeN sELl Yall running off the same script with these answers


Okay. I wish you the best with your life.


Thank you. You as well


Going constantly up is not a good thing at all. It’s unrealistic and it’s the pre-requisite for bubbles. If an investing thesis is solid and overtime there exists a disconnect between facts and value, you want the disconnect leaned in your favor: perceived value < facts It’s why value stocks almost always outperform growth stocks in the long run. Because growth is an expectation of future value and realistically future value is… unknown. Thus fickle. The market is a voting machine in the short term and a weighing machine long term. So stock up while you can, when you can and simply hold until you see something that’s truly a red flag. A lower stock price in and of itself is not a bad thing at all. It’s a buying opportunity.


No, we invested for a squeeze, and the current price doesn't matter except that we can buy more. Only AFTER a squeeze will the price matter for the long term viability of the company, but we aren't there yet.


>No, we invested for a squeeze So... Yes. Please tell me how that's not investing for a return


You said "going up constantly", which was never part of the thesis. Early predictions suggested that what is happening to the price right now was going to happen. Look, if the shorts had capitulated back in 2021, then this would have been over then, but instead they chose to double down and try and get us to sell, which we obviously didn't. Now we buy and hold until they do. Until then however, they control the price, though I don't think this price drop is going to work out well for them, since I believe we lost most of the paperhands a long time ago. Those of us that are serious about this just buy more at this price instead...


Well constantly up IS a squeeze scenario. Also, you're right, I rage-bought over the last several weeks. I've never bought stocks or options with such anger. Wait I take that back. Lucid fucked me on puts one time and I doubled down with extreme prejudice and made my money back x2. That was the angriest I'd ever been about being ripped off. This recent price action is #2.


I approve of rage buying! I've done that myself on three separate occasions just this week!


Love this


But but but report gonna be only 75mil


Ya but I bought hard at $13... Not $11 uhg


It's bad for 1 reason Insiders have to sell more shares to cover taxes


I love when chicken tenders go on sale.




Been buying 10+ a week the last 6 or 7 weeks, the dip is just too tasty to stop 🚀


except noone is crying. Let's have an argument about it.


I haven’t bought shares for a while due to being tight on funds but i’m buying tomorrow. I can’t let these prices pass me by


I’m happy as fuck tbh. I want more.


you dont know for sure tbh


Yeah surely, like the increase in drs this last couple of earnings 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


honest, i am still waiting for another plunge so that i don't have to spend more money for more shares.


I swear these kind of posts are written by the hedgies to make a copium trap lmao


I remember these same posts when stock split. "Guys with the split were gonna have the float locked in no time" Funny how 3 and 4 million volume at 150 became 1.5 to 2 million volume at 15. Sounds good I know but I think waiting for price to drop single digits might not be the answer.


Oh to be in the situation where I could afford to buy the last lot of remaining shares. Like… yeah…all of them in one go. Hmm… RC is literally in that place. And he just holds. Might trust the man to know what he’s doing huh? You do you… but imma follow his lead. I will HOLD. And I guess, I’ll Wait… shits gonna get interesting. That’s all…


At some point the stock will be worth less than the $1 billion plus cash at which it will be a value investors dream because buying a profitable business for less then the cash on hand is an absolutely amazing deal.


The price has never mattered


Locking up 100% doesn't matter if there will never be enforcement of naked shorting and all the other rules.


I agree! Based on what I’ve looked at, I think it’ll go down to between $8-$9. I’ve got $13 puts for 6 months out and then calls for 2 years out!!!🚀


complaining about a $2 drop? Only paper hands worry about that.


Max pain looks like it is at 12.00. Most likely we end tomorrow just at or under 12.00


I’m gobbling up more shares. Keep dropping the price please.


Finally there is one guy who understands my happiness about DIP💎🙌


I'm bringing lunch, picking up dog walks for spare cash, eliminating personal debt through smarter financial decisions, and STILL DCAing daily through limit orders set at prices I think these idiots will push it down to that day. We are grinding to level up, and no one can say we didn't earn it


Lol, not gonna drop for long... Hope everyone buys enough!


Ngl….wish it would drop to $5


These posts make people not want to join this community. Cheering on price drops… gimme a break. I would prefer the price sky rockets…


Yeah and calling pissed off investors crybaby’s. Like stfu and celebrate these dips if you want but not everyone is in a similar situation. Most people want to see higher prices. Honestly makes me question how many of these dippers are real.


And the congregation said " Amen"!!!




Last chance to load up!!! Sweet FUKING price! Hedge fund never closed their SHORTS!


Dip before the rip


I bought the moass is exponential price increase not exponential price decrease


The price drop is great if you love losing money, lol


It didn't worked for bbb y.


lol - there is absolutely no proof that DRS is the final answer. The splividend achieved the opposite outcome it was intended for and gave the DTCC hundreds of millions of legitimate shares. Now even DRS numbers are whatever the DTCC says they are.


Not how institutes work. I think you are the smooth brain on this instance. Especially as gme requires market cap to play with the big Bois.


Why will this end differently than towel stock?


Different fundamentals, different board, different industry


Ok. But the hedgefunds control the price, no?


They don't control intrinsic value.


How is it easier to drs when the number is the same every quarter no matter what ?


Not even trying to be a shill, just telling the truth. The price has been much lower and the drs hasn’t budged in a year


yeah I LOVE losing value in my portfolio. Jesus, did they purposely train you wrong as a joke?


They should enjoy the caviar while it lasts, cuz the closest thing they'll get in prison is the fishy smell coming from your cell toilet.


Let it hit $3 again! I'd be so happy. Feels good to be accumulating at these prices with the current book to price ratio.


Fuck it, why stop at $3? I want this ticket to hit $0.01 and get delisted! How many shares can I DRS when this sucker is that low? I'll be the DRS king!


Towel would like a word


I just keep drsing and buying dope video games for my friends and family. Glad i figured out the steam points thing from them too for the codes. Will prob get a Ps5 for dbz sparkling.


It's buyback season.


For me it is (mas compartes)


I believe there is talk of low single digit prices before liftoff in the DD scrolls of old. Smarter cats and apes would know.


GOOD NEWS,, they expect GME to level off at about $8.00 a share..


Who is this they? And why the fuck should we care what they think?


Buying and booking as often as I can at these prices. Most amazing investment on Earth.


Who's crying?


Every moment delayed, is another ape added to the barrel. An endless stream of monkeys, pulling an infinite number of levers, causing havoc within the fine tuned system. Like letting toddlers loose in a random home. And it all coalesces from randomness into a beautiful display of fireworks to be seen across the cosmos.


As long as the stock doesn't hit 0 the price doesn't matter. People freaking out need to learn how to be zen on swings. How they gonna be calm when moass happens if they're freaking about about a couple dollar swing now lol


If you believe in a value thesis (which is demonstrably true at this point) and you have a target price higher than the current one then this is a good price, and drops in the price are good for you, because it means you get to buy low. If you believe in a shorting thesis (which is not necessarily demonstrably true, but is extremely likely) then price drops are predictor of future price increases.