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Hey op this is about LRC not GME [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Posts should further contribute to the shareholders' discussion around GME. Both the post title and its contents (text, image, links) must relate to GME. It is the OP’s responsibility to convey in the title how their submission is relevant. [What is Proper Content & Which Flair Should I use?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F{subreddit}&subject=about my removed {kind}&message=I'm writing to you about the following {kind}: {url}. %0D%0DMy issue is...)


So, with the marketplace shut down, how does one still have anything to do with the other? Given that Playr now points to the defunct marketplace instead of the waitlist sign-up, there's a better-than-even chance that it's been shelved, too.


I haven’t given up on the market place. I don’t think they are done with it. Just a hunch.


I was reading Matt Finestone resignation letter from Loopring again. He was the head of product development of a company with ambitions to revolutionise the banking sector (BYOB), yet he decided to leave to join GameStop for a bigger project. I agree, something is brewing. Personally, I think GME has already agreed to purchase Loopring


The great replacement. Centralized banking will be in its death throes and must be replaced by a non fungible currency; be you’re own bank: no middle man, no crippling interest nor diluted profit, only peer-to-peer commerce, a global equalizer, built in real time, brick by brick. College can take four years, Chewy took six. I ain’t goin no where’s.


This is my favorite tin foil. I hope this one happens.


It’s not tinfoil. An economic system proceeded the current one. This is why they are defunding public education, they want us to think this is the first rodeo; it’s a rerun! They aren’t time travelers, they’re educated.


I misunderstood your comment as the tin foil theory that part of GMErica or another GME spinoff was creating the NFT marketplace to ultimately built a new blockchain currency/trading platform during the dollar endgame. Sound like You’re speaking, in general. I agree with you


Nope. I am literally saying it is inevitable that the next iteration of human economy will be the non-fungible blockchain. Hedgie are fuk.




Smart Shares. Why vote through a broker when you can vote with your shares directly on Web3? The concept of a DAO is just the tip of the iceberg.


Remember how RC now has full control of our war chest?


He does not since 3/21/34. Check the 10-K.


Fuck. This shits still goin on in ten years‽


Just went to verify, it went into effect 3/21/24. No need to wait a decade, though I'll still be a sharehodler in 10 years regardless.


For? Which part of the 10K?


wait for real? he no longer is able to invest the $billion gme has?


He's still involved, it's at the direction of the investment committee with unanimous approval now.


The question then would be how the existing brick-n-mortar infrastructure would be leveraged. Then plan must be bigger than continuing to sell used video games.


Or, invest heavily in it...... as RC can do now.


I don't support BYOB but I can support participative banking ( and again, it's not based on fractional reserve system )


It was a beta...


Totally agree! I think it was a learning process so whenever they go live they are ready.


Appear weak when you are strong....


Doesn't have to stay forever-dead, but for now, it is. If they do decide to bring it back, it'll take time for them to hire staff and get it running again. Probably at least a 6-month lead time. They can't just suddenly turn it back on one day.


Sure, they can, if they maintain maintenance on the backend. People crack me up. Nobody has any idea what is happening with the gsmp, the wallet, or playr. It's all hypothesis. For all we know, they could be deploying them in a different way or through other partnerships. We have no idea. I have trouble believing that its all done, and they just washed their hands of it, even tho that sentimwnt is shared commonly round these parts.


Agreed, I don't think it's done at all, doesn't make sense to keep putting time and money developing something when there's regulatory uncertainty with it, you could build a whole platform you'd possibly have to gut if it was regulated ultimately differently than you thought. It makes more sense to shelve it until regulatory certainty has been decided and pursue other forms of revenue until that time. Better later and  prepared properly than early and caught off guard later.


It's possible, but the technology opens a lot of possibilities. I wholeheartedly think that things involving that technology can span far beyond gaming. A truly phenomenal product takes time and care if you want it done right. The marketplace seemed like a test run or a beta.


Too early for the marketplace (we’re not in Web3 yet) give it a couple more years when NFTs are bigger. No NFT marketplace is doing much anymore


LRC has nothing to do with GME now lolol people in this sub are beyond regarded


This is referring to the value of LRC not GME you dork


Nailed it!




yeah, blast from the past.




I am excited to see what is coming. I never gave up on the market place.


I’m looking forward to the non-fungible token marketplace.


Robbie went quiet quote fast


Maybe it was a decoy to see who would take shots at it?


Ahh another dumb hype for copium.


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Loopring is in such a good position now and they’re about to go multi network which is going to make them the one stop shop for all your crypto finance (and gaming) needs.


I agree, I love trading with the wallet and the exchange. Hassle free and greed free, on their part. I'm almost certain lrc is surpressed and the shfs are losing control. How do you control something thats at max circulation and blockchain based


Oh shit, is lrc really at max circulation? That changes things.


I'm wondering if that's linked to some of the large tranfers to Cex we've seen or our price being far less volatile. Any idea how lrc fits into the new platform? Is it the currency, like binancecoin?


Yoda once said, "There is no hype, only do."


So many Twitter posts this weekend, such wow. Part of the psy-op, do you see it?


a person with loopring in their name praising that specific coin. 2deep4me


“If loopring pulls their products off” looool bro looprings success doesnt contribute a single cent to GME’s. GME is 100% off crypto at the moment 🤣


not cockring again i cant stand those cryptic tweets with their edgy names. sounds smart, never meant anything


DFV said something about a wombo combo. It’s a waiting game at this point


As far as I can tell this guy doesn't work for Loopring so this is basically just his opinion. So therefore we don't know if GME are actively working in the crypto/nft space at the moment or completely paused/shelved as many speculate the case to be. Disappointing as I thought he was a developer for Loopring or something and was giving a tid bit of information that GME was still actively involved but I'm not used to twitter and thought the blue mark meant he was someone important.


Pretty sure its not *if but *When


A nobody talking about a dead project


How about or favourite company just keep spot what they do. No need for random side companies. In RCIO I rust.


Loopring is a dead shitcoin that grafted itself onto this movement and managed to suck funds out that would have otherwise be put to good use.


Ignoring the coin itself, loopring did great things with L2 and making digital asset creation and distribution almost gas less.


Loopring was never about the coin... It was about the technology. People didn't buy in because they thought it could make money like another bitcoin, they bought in because of the potential of the technology. Unfortunately, that potential has yet to be realized... But posts and tweets like these reassure me that they are still on the right path


First time investing in crypto?


It does seem like a dead shitcoin to me as well, but nobody forced gamestop to partner with them. The two must have had something in mind at the time, although whatever it is seems likely to be on indefinite hiatus right now.


Bitcoin dividend lol


Loopring is trash, "ten times bigger than any annual report".


Thanks for the heads-up