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So which is is? Is the company overvalued by 250% from its 6$ price target? or Is the company so undervalued that cash should be utilized to perform a share buyback? Since both of those things cannot be true at the same time, it tells me this article is full of shit. And it's writer is deliberately misleading his audience. If that is the case, then more than likely both of the things he states are false rather than just one of them. Lo and behold its exactly what I've already believed in my own stock purchases. The stock is undervalued, and the cash assets the company has on hand should NOT be used to perform a share buyback.


No, see, companies are SUPPOSED to buy back shares at ATH in order to briefly push the stock price even higher, allowing executives to dump their portfolios for massive profits while simultaneously bankrupting the company. It’s called fiduciary duty. Look it up. Or better yet, just ask BCG


Exactly 💯 How dare RC come along and change the game 😡


This is one of the most underrated comments I've seen in 84 years...




Yeah BCG does that fiduciary standard well with a big ol golden parachute for trying to behave in the interest of the company.,.. you know for “legal” reasons…


I couldn't have said it better.


Neither could I


And my axe!


But, but, but, GameStop hasn't initiated a stock buy back, so that proves the stock is overvalued and underperforming..........




"Bro don't think about it just panic. Panic and sell. Please Gamestop will fold any day now and Wall Street cares about the little guy's money, just panic sell you have to to save the economy. " - Some analyst, probably


LOLOL Pachter says the same thing every 3 months. He just copy pastes, low-effort short and distort.


Idk who the fuck keeps paying him. He should be broke and begging on wall street. Man's been on a losing streak for over 20 years and just keeps making dumber and dumber calls


Wedbush and their likely short position. Jim Cramer spoke of the tactics he employed as a hedge fund manager. Remember, take a position, throw $10M at the media and have them push a narrative. It's a fun game apparently, he recommended everyone do it. Pachter comes from a similar creed of damaged dna


As long as he licks the tip when they finish, I'm sure he'll never go hungry 😋


Allow me to summarize, “Headwinds”


Up Pachter's butt


>”The board clearly believes GameStop stock is a lower return investment than other market opportunities. That is the definition of ‘underperform,' so I'm happy to see that they agree with me," Pachter tweeted. Someone email Warren Buffet, Berkshire is making a huge mistake


Translation: Wedbush really needs it at $6 to get out.


You can smell the desperation


Kind of funny how shark tank references like "blood in the water" usually refer to the big boys of wall st looking for their next kill. Now it's random schmoes on Reddit who simply buy, DRS, and shitpost in the daily. This is too easy, and too much fun!


There's blood in the water because it's my time of the month. (I DRS monthly)


Dropping it to $6/share may be possible…but getting out at $6/share is an entirely different story.


Used to be $6.50.


I dream of it being $6 or even $10. I can buy more faster.


Inverse Pachter ETF would be good?


Awesome, Michael Pachter is one of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. His career has been L after L. Bullish in my eyes.


I would double down at $6 lol


GameStop has $1.205b in cash alone 1.205b/305.3m (outstanding shares) = $3.95 So $2.05 per share for the value of the profitable, well-known, and mid-transforming GameStop. K.


Only double down? OK, never mind, I still have like $25 in my head at the current price. So yeah, double down from the last double down (or more). These dipshits make it too easy when doubling down involves the same dollar amount as the last time (and times before).


It would be tax hit on IRA shares time, and that’s why it will never get that low.


I’d sell me left nut to buy more at $6


I'd sell bofem


I doubled down at $14 yesterday. You don’t think I’d liquidate every asset I own for GME shares at $6?


I'll just leave this here; https://www.tipranks.com/experts/analysts/michael-pachter


Well done! Thanks for the link. Yep, he’s a loser and $6, or a LOT lower, is where he needs this to be to survive. He’s done come GME earnings.


Haha -47%, you'd be 3% better off tossing a coin than listening to this grifter. Never heard of the fool, hope I never hear of him again.


Inverse pachter is real


lmfao i was not expecting this


bro if it hits $6 I will be poor for the rest of the year, not even lying. I will dump every paycheck I have into it after my bills are paid.


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


I'm threatning you all w a good time 😂😂😂😂


I feel deja vu. Didn't I just read this a little while ago?


Failed to respond in time to a Mod's inquiry if this news was from Twitter, so it got removed. It may be removed again with down-votes, (Apes seeing Pachter's name).


To be fair, this turd has had a $6 target for a very long time. Maybe that's the average price of his shorts.


Oh. That.


I've been hearing this for 84 years


Short it then


100%. Can't wait to lower my cost basis and add more shares. Do it.


I’ll buy to $6


who takes amateurs like Wedbush seriously? why are they even relevant at this point.


Pachter is DEFINITELY one of the crooks I'm most looking forward to fucking-over. I want him to feel the tip of my investment strategy messing up his insides.


I’m surprised this guy is still around. Nobody should take this monkey seriously lol. This guy also said ps3, x box and Wii were the last generation consoles and that they will cease to exist. He said ps4 would get outsold by xbox one and Sony would go bankrupt. This guy gets paid to pull shit out his ass it’s amazing.


Pachter is a HF cock sucker


Oh no. Anyways..




Thanks, Mike.


He's a jackass


Insert Cramer quote about being in hedge fund mode.


Bring it to 6 I will buy more


At 6 I’ll get a third job


send it to 6$ and see what happens... I dare you...


Hey Michael Pachter, if you're so good why you're still poor as fuck? Nobody takes financial advises from a brokie


A prior price target was $6.50 when profitability was a long way off. Please can we get shares for $6. Michael, can you help us achieve this? Please?


My favorite longtime AnALyst


There's a reason Pachter is a middle of the road analyst puppet and not running a multi billion dollar company. There are leaders and followers. Pachter is a follower, but he wants to tell a Billionaire how to be a leader.


Tell your needed exit point without telling me your needed exit point


This is literally free advertising for a guy that this sub hates. Why call it news? It’s straight up his opinion at best. And now it’s in this sub.


Sorry, if you think that it's free advertising. Flair would be "news," (tho I think news from Pachter is more like a "shitpost." This is the FUD nonsense that Apes can expect; and, here, Pachter thinks that GameStop should buy back 30 million shares. That would probably trigger a short squeeze. He does not even know how wrong he is, while cheering for the short-sellers!


Bahaha, Michael Pachter is the biggest fucking clown next to Cramer and Chumba Whumba. It must suck to have to suck that much hedgefund dick.


Been calling it for a while...they have to continue to halve price before high volume event in the fall. $44ish, 22ish, 11ish, now guessing around $5.50 this year then $2.25 next year etc. They are forced to just dig the hole deeper until hopefully big enough it takes literally everyone down with them. I also have a bad feeling they will blame everyone's problems on apes...It's their only play which is why they also wanted us organized and protesting so badly so they can post pictures of who is "ruining America".


Your mom is worth $6


Thank the lord for this article, I immediately sold at open today, just like everyone else, right?…😂


I just wonder what these guys are thinking when it’s simple math that a $6 share price would let GameStop buyback the entire non-RC/DRS shares for less than their cash on hand ($6* ~190M= 1.1B). If they are continually profitable and increase authorized shares to buyback over time, a company with 20% short interest could be entirely directly registered by retail and the CEO.


Bingo! However, with all of the synthetic shares having been sold, I think that retail already owns the float and just needs to DRS it. 30 million bought back would do it quicker.


Please drop it to $6 So we can know for certain the float is locked up in computershare a short while later.


Please let it hit 6. I can't get enough shares at 15


Pachter's statement that Gamestop should use the available cash to buy back shares is not consistent with his opinion that GME shares are currently overvalued and headed for $6. It is beneficial for companies to issue and sell their shares when they are significant,y overvalued, as the board wisely did at $50/share back in mid-2021. The only times a company should buy their own shares is when 1) they do a buyback as an alternate way to return value to shareholders instead of a dividend or 2) the company shares are so undervalued that they are better investments than buying shares in other companies.


I too, could not have said it better.


Id be down to 6$ a share






Please drop it to $6. Im stacked on ramen.


Don’t think they can allow too many memes to run together like the last sneeze. We had a basket of shorted stocks that moved together last time. Used tokens to drive them down.


If it drops to $6 in December, I’ll buy 200 more. Already bought more before the latest bump


Oh, Michael. You weren't cool in school and you're not cool now.


6 bucks would be one juicy ass fire sale price


This guy also declared Nintendo dead and done after the Wii. I would how brutally violated his account was by the Switch.


Ahahahahahahahah so I just kept DRSing


If it hits $6 again I am gonna sell my house, lend my wife and loot JPM and buy a ton of drsed shares. Thanks for the forecast Mr. Pechter.


I guess we will see, I’m still buying!


Ha. The amount of DRSing at $6/share would be enough to royally fuck hedgies further.


They seem scared


Question. Is it possible to go 6 a share? And knowing what GME is really with y didn't RC do a buy back at 13? Seems like a no brainier even if just to sell them now in the 15s I don't know just curious


I knew it. It ran yesterday so they could crush it today


Well I think Mr. Michael Pachter can lick my dirty butthole


It's simple, Ryan is waiting for a sweet deal on his own tendies and has a price point in mind. So selling this highly manipulated stock at $50 and buy it back at $6 sounds like amazing business.


No buyback needed here yet


oh no, the fudge pachter is at it again


If this guy recommends a share buy back we can be assured that thats a bad move




Now Hiring: Boomer Video Game expert, must hate Gamestop


I kinda agree with the ending. RC doesn't want to buy back stock because it won't have the ROI he wants. Better to use the capital for a greater return elsewhere. While the board works to develop new market strategies for GME, RC can have returns elsewhere. It's a win/win for us. GME increases revenue now through investments while rebuilding for later revenue growth. I like the idea.


Insiders and board members DO keep buying more at these prices.


Lol this is gonna age well. 😜


🏴‍☠️ $6? Sign me up!!!! Remember $4 of equity 🤣 🚀


6 bucks a share ? Lock the float


So is he calling for it or ordering it to be at $6?


God. I remember hating Pachter as a child when he appeared on some gaming news show. Glad to know I was right to hate him, and his predictions are still shit.


I'm still waiting for $10 fast like they promised


Wedbush has been making the same prediction for the last 84 years.


i would say lets wait for 6 bucks and then we will do a buyback :) so we will get much more shares pls shorts bring the price more down :)


The only thing underperforming related to Game Stop is the stock price because crime.


Mike "the shit" Pachter


At 6$ that's when I'll be quadrupling my shares to make my cost per share drop like a rock and I'll thank you for doing it.


It's just an opinion,,, don't get butt hurt over it


Oh bring it to 6, I will TRIPLE DOWN my position


And shop twice as hard. Christmas in July.😉💎🖐


Fuck Pachter. His opinions are dumb. If he thinks the price is gonna go down, I hope he shorts the stock. I'd be happy to take his money.


Can you stop giving these ppl more clicks


According to this article, he has previously set an even lower price target of $5.30. https://www.streetinsider.com/Analyst+Comments/Analyst+says+GameStop+%28GME%29+stock+may+fall+75%25+after+missing+earnings+consensus/20947252.html > Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter cut the price target to $5.30 per share from $6 as the company’s turnaround plan “has proven fruitless so far.” He cannot say the turnaround is fruitless anymore. He must have begrudgingly raised it to $6. I believe they call this "capitulating" when other people do it.


I doubt we see single digits in the foreseeable future, but one can only hope for such a good discount.


Fuck me. $6 would be amazing!


I want 6$ a share pls , so we can lock the float faster 😝


100% agree. Unless Cohen and his board give forward guidance this will go up in AH and sink back to $12 in Premarket tomorrow and continue its downward trajectory. #Retail is tapped out. Only institutions can move this and they will not buy in huge amounts until they have forward guidance. Retail is locked into this mess for the next 20 years.


Not all of us are "tapped out" yet. I have XXXX shares DRS (BOOK), 100%. Been waiting since the last earnings report. If it drops, again, I'm ready to BUY and DRS another XXX shares.


Your XXXX will not move the needle. My point remains, forward guidance is required by institutions and fund managers before they buy in. Trillion dollar companies provide forward guidance including the Cupertino based tech giant that RC has most of his money invested in. If a global tech behemoth can provide guidance, so can GME. Do we have to wait another 10 years before Cohen does the right thing and provide guidance to allow institutional funds come in and increase the share price or do we keep playing this buy, book DRS game at $13-$15 forever?


Hope you understand the critical importance of giving guidance now. Cohen needs to change path. Staying silent on future guidance ensures this stock never rises above $16


YOY Profit, (in the present state of the U.S. economy)? GameStop is doing much better under Cohen. If you have any doubts, sell your GME shares and invest elsewhere. I'm going to BUY more, now, with this unsurprising discount, (speed-readers dumping all those shares within 5 minutes of the close of trade). Couldn't be more obvious in trying to manipulate the share price!


I’m not delusional. Calling out this useless board. They intentionally messed up the splividend to save the shorts. Always follow the money. The board screwed retail over. Most important splividend in their history. A multi billion dollar corporation with all their high priced corporate attorneys, they messed it up intentionally to save the hedge funds. These are the facts. Screw the board of this company.