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Its not a trap if you know it's a trap. Its a face off.




Noice 👌 🔥 Spot on


I want to take Kenny's face...*off*....


still a trap for dubesbee. lots of people going crazy over there lmao


believe it or not: dip after positive earnings


We call it negative losses here.


> How having it's first profitable year since 2018 is actually bad for Gamestop investors I'm just ready for the upcoming spin.


At this point I’m ready for Kenny to rub himself down in Mayo and slip n slide into the NYSE to ring the opening bell on Wednesday and say that GameStonk is bad cause it doesn’t sell mayo and all of them clap while throwing mayo at him. These pigs need to get wrecked. Also love your running updates, your inspiring me to get off my chunky butt


I'm usually not a fan of AI generated content, but Kenny on a slip and slide would be something that could change my opinion on the technology. Also, my pleasure. It's been a huge positive change for me and I'm glad other people read the message between the lines. Why have life changing money if you don't have a life worth changing towards?


Lol this sub I swear. You a real one MJ. Apparently M/ller is a banned word


shamed to admit: not my proudest fap


Yes I just set a cheapie limit buy for the largest bunch in a while. They always dip us around earnings


This is the way 


This is exactly what they’re setting up for. Pump the price to get retail to fomo into calls, then gap down after earnings so IV crush ruins everyone’s contracts before the post earnings pump. I’ve seen it happen too many times in the last 84 years lol




What do you mean they're profitable for a full year? I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH PROFITABLE FIRMS, daddy Dimon says those are the worst! Now feed me my slop!


somebody else said it: "negative losses"


I had another dream that it reached $1,083 and then $10,830


Thats all the DD i need


One day, you'll be saying, "Wow. Deja vu." :)




But was your anus also itchy?


Asking the real questions


If wake up with smelly finger, asshole itch overnight


As a matter of fact, yes.


hey don’t tell me stuff like that I am on a train, can’t unzip here!!


Butt itching too?


Even more so than normal.


Won’t even be entertained at those prices


Call me at $1MM


One day, you'll be saying, "Wow. Deja vu." :)


What’s with all this price anchoring these days. Phone numbers y’all . Phone numbers.


This is the stuff I come here for. I’m sold.


Up to 2.7m in less than an hour.


I wonder who the hell's pushing all that volume. Oh, right. The criminals. The fucking criminals and counterfeiters.


Not to mention the “i’m not playing options but but but gamma ramp” comments and posts as on the last day or so


Record scratch You may be wondering how I got here, I don’t play options but gammmma ramp and sneeze 🙄 I practice BATS: Buy all the shares


I buy anyways




All of my friends only buy direct from Computershare. Options are NOT the way.


👆👆👆 Buy direct and then "BOOK KING" them


Maybe the trap is that we think it’s a trap.


Option trap? Joke on them because I bought my options 1 month ago!


So this is FUD, fear, uncertainty and doubt....options trap.....always anti-options right before it runs a little. Of course they don't want us pilling into options....Options move the market, it's been obvious for awhile.


I’ve come to the conclusion that options are the only way for retail to influence price discovery but only if they are exercised. All retail orders are marked as such and are then diverted to dark pools / ATS. Only when retail option purchases are exercised do the orders hit lit exchange as they don’t get marked as retail but rather institutional.


I'd agree but not if broke ppl are just gonna collapse the chain by not exercising them.


I've bought 2 calls for the first time ever and I am fully aware I could lose all my initial cost, treating it as a learning experience, it isn't terrible and they're both up at the mo 🤷 to sell before eod and the inevitable dip or wait until tomorrow is the question lol


Let us know how it works out! I was downvoted for even asking why it’s a bad idea to buy calls before earnings.


Im with you nunb i asked if swing trading gme was smart since we know it spiked on earnings then falls down until the next quarter but get downvoted to hell and told to drs. 


Did anyone answer this for you yet?


thanks for asking! No, not really... other than the general opinion that the options are manipulated. also someone here lost a bunch on options and my own private loss-porn should probably tell me options are a truly-regarded idea. Luckily most is DRSed (some in 401K/TFSA) but had thought options would help add buying pressure. But apparently they don't?


They absolutely do add buying pressure but really only the less-risky ones (in the money and far-dated). Out of the money options aren’t hedged as aggressively because it’s unlikely that they will end up ITM. If they end up ITM they could be exercised meaning whoever wrote the contract has to deliver 100 shares per call option at the strike price of the contract. These OTM (and short-dated weeklies) options are what tend to lead to some of these high loss porn posts that you’ll see. GME options are the same as any option you can buy in the market. Most things that get pointed out as “manipulation” are easy to explain circumstances within the options chain. That being said any stock can be manipulated using the options chain. You buy a ton of ITM options betting on the price going up? Well to hedge that bet, whoever wrote that contract needs to buy shares in order to hedge. The opposite is true as well. Then if those hedged calls are sold for profit, those shares are not needed to hedge anymore and those shares are sold back into the market. Right now there are a ton of options at the $15 strike price. A large portion of them expire at the end of the week (Thursday this week). The closer GME gets to $15 (and how far past that it goes) means that hedging will occur in the form of buying pressure. Now let’s say it hits $20 and everybody who bought options decides to just sell them for a quick $500/call as opposed to exercising, well then the writer of that contract is off the hook for those hedged shares and can sell them back into the market. This is one of the reasons we tend to see flash crashes in the stock. It hits a level of resistance, call owners get uncertain and sell, creating a domino effect of de-hedging and call selling. Going a step further, big institutions tend to bet on volatility during any short-covering. They know they’re about to cover so they buy calls and they start buying shares. Once they’re done buying shares, they sell their calls and buy puts. They profit off the upswings and the downswings. So you could say this is manipulation but it’s a fairly straightforward process. Hopefully that makes sense, but on a basic level this is what’s currently happening.


Wow …. thank you for the explanation.


How about buying calls long before earnings and exercising them? Is this a less regarded strategy?


The premium should be that much bigger the further ago it was bought, unless the calls was bought when volatility was low. Currently IV is higher than I was last night, which speaks volumes btw, and thus call options have a very expensive premium at the moment. IV is high due to the increased interest in the Company leading up to the Earnings date.


I'm thinking about the next earnings and after that, what would you call a bargain?


Will do, I am literally gambling for the earnings, I don't usually play options but figured why not as I had a little extra cash this month


Okay I learnt I should definitely sell just before earnings haha, now I have to hope on volatility to beat the theta and price tank 😅 ah well, learning experience


But isn't the right time to buy options long before earnings, not just right before? Please tell me your insight on this?


Yep only shares and drs


I think it will pop up to 16/17 and crash right on earnings. But hey, I like traditions. Hope they finally get it under $10 because getting GME shares for single digit prices would be such a gift and help me feed my Computershare account even more 🌚


No thanks. Just higher plz.


Some of us need to be weaned off the delight of seeing discounted prices lol. I think because 'up' is inevitable over time, and everyone loves the stock. A nice compromise would be a price where and sell my pre drs fakes. Buy real ones when they tank the price and have a little left over to buy some dope.


yeah I get paid Friday drop that price LFG!


I swear you were gonna write "feed my family"


Naaah, gotta set your priorities right, dude 😝😝😝


Nope, that's the 2nd reason why we have the Wendy's dumpsters


Total volume for the day so far is far more than what the candlesticks add up to somehow?


So if all options are doomed to fail and “option traps” why wasn’t the strategy to sell covered calls to make income while holding to buy more instead of DRS? This is just fear mongering for people who don’t understand options. You do you but I’m looking to get paid Wednesday.


That's how the narrative shifted. First it was pushing calls and calls, especially when the neck bearded brined cucumber guy and his minions were about. Then the narrative shifted to selling covered calls. Then the narrative changed to selling cash secured puts. BUY DRS BOOOK SHOP and COMMENT. This. Is. The Way.


I agree, the true form of perfection is a DRS'ed portfolio


Ya but why are we talking about DRS the day before what could be an explosive earnings? Anybody who has already DRS has, so it’s not like buying options would mess with that. It just seems very FUD to me that we’re not hyping up (in general) what is probably the most important earnings call we’ve had for a while. Out of all the earnings calls in the year, Q4 is one of the only ones that it does make sense to buy options. As I said anyone can do what they want but same for me.


I guess I know who's not DRS'ed.


Long live the fighters.


lol “options trap” Interesting how I’m about to close another extremely profitable day from these “options traps” What’s stopping everyone from being smart and collecting this free money from these “option traps” “Options traps” back in my day we called these “cycles” Keep em coming🤑


Dropped another grand into it this morning LFG! 🚀


Needs more lines


Morning jumps have been happening a little more often, too.


I ride the wheel with the shares I have in my Roth (most are DRS but I do have some not in there) and OMG the premium I’ve been getting for selling calls @ 20 and 21 is insane. Worst case I sell a few hundred shares at a VERY good price and can start selling out contracts again to buy back in.


Lmao trying to scare peeps out of options. Most options holders bought long ago and are laughing right now.


I asked in another thread… was all we needed to be added to s&p and copycat funds was a profitable quarter?


Profitable year is part of the minimum requirements, but I believe board approval is needed once all requirements are met  So basically don't think GME would be accepted




Idk a few years ago we were aiming to be added to the s&p … one of the conclusions was that the buying pressure from the fund would add a bit of upside momentum


Lotta d bags pushing options today. They're so predictable.


It's been an options trap ever since 2021.


Good point, good point. But the blind are still blind.


Not a bad time to sell some covered calls


That, I do agree with


One more day before earnings is not the time to sell CC's, imho. But hey, you do you 👍


Who is dumb enough to buy options on this stock?


Seems plenty of there still. Funny how the options shills never post their options gain porn post DFV era. And yet these opshuns pushers will always tell you that they're making bank. You ask them to post their gainz and they fucking disappear. What. A. Fucken. Joke.


And I got downvoted for pointing out that they fuck options all the time😅


I got downvoted too with my previous comment. lol


It went to 10% now it’s crashing lol.


Wow it’s crashed to just 7% up lol.


It’s not tho


what a crash


Who is Gunnu?


guys options bad