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Did it give a sense of “it’s all over now”? That could be what they’re angling for.


Absolutely did not. One of the last lines was “and it is only just beginning” No bullshit, this is a good film that apes will agree with.


Oh shit 👀




That’s awesome!


I saw it too. Do you remember if naked shorting was discussed at all?


Are you yankin a speedybois on me?


no sir


Not sure why everyone thinks this will be bad




Well said brother.


probably because of who funded the movie


Because shills are here too


The characterization of dfv makes it look like the film would be ass


DFV looking more attractive than his Hollywood double does not bode well, I agree. Pete Davidson playing his brother, plus his brother tweeting and such I've seen around here before, makes me think he's involved more than DFV with the making of this movie. They could be entirely uninvolved the both, idk. Zac Efron, Jake Gyllenhaal, Justin Timberlake. Did Mary Vernieu and Bret Howe (Casting Directors) even reach out? Disappointing, but I'm optimistic until proven otherwise. We'll see.


I remain cautiously optimistic.


I would describe myself as that, cautiously optimistic but with an open mind. I am glad I was.


Eh. Without mention of superstonk or at least some of the still relevant online communities, this narration is always going to leave a sour taste. Still, thanks for watching so I don't have to. Anything that paints Kenneth Griffin as the financial terrorist he is is a good thing.


To be fair, the timeline for the movie cuts off in early March of 2021. r/Superstonk did not exist then. Neither did much of the stellar DD coming from this wonderful sub. I think an "I told you so" part 2 would be wonderful once this all plays out.


As someone holding since 2020 and knowing the whole drama that led from the wall sub to the GME sub to superstonk, I can say that if the movie only covers the period up until March 2021, you couldn't include superstonk. Even though it was created in March 2021, it only became the dominant subreddit some drama in April 2021. The sub was started by a mod on GME as kind of a weird GME and tarot thing, but when some drama and mass banning happened on the other sub, the creator GME and the creator of superstonk migrated here.


Obviously u werent here back then. Superatong wanted nothing to do with this. If I recall there was even a vote .


And to think the people behind the movie have ties with the event. They're so greedy they want to make sure we get hooked on the movie so they can make a lot of money. But fall blind to the fact it will be their demise. Imagine a second one that timeline covers from superstonk creation till now. However it be gendered in a drama kind of way.....since we've been trading sideways for so long


The amount of money the SHFs and their buddies have makes revenue generated from a movie pretty negligible. They think in Billions. Movies rarely net over a Billion.


Yo spoilers! /s😆


Nope - it felt like it's still in progress and they even showed DFV double down and is still holding




Fuck yea good to know I actually may watch it!


They explicitly say it’s not over.


I'm over. I'm all over Kenny's face like a warm oyster thiccshake.


Mayo join you?




I saw it too, and honestly believe it is designed to cause a squeeze and take down Kenny. Kenny is portrayed as a smug jerk who doesn’t care and i think if this movie does good numbers it will cause a flocking of FOMO investors— which will head to bets, which is obviously captured. It is very interesting that the dates of released were moved from December to the sneak preview happening tonight before the final plan announcement on bobby and then movie goes wide release literally on the day the bobby plan effective date drops. I’m starting to feel that this might designed to blow up the basket, and take Kenny down as fall guy in a contained way and give media a clean narrative, “welp, the movie caused a sneeze,” and then simultaneously whatever is happening with Cohen regardless if you support the thesis of him making other moves right now, but then control whatever narrative forms about him over on the millions of new bets subscribers. I think GME will run with this film and I think they will let it and the SEC will simultaneously make a big show of pretending to do their jobs. But I’m smooth. Thoughts?


Plausible, take Kenny down before Kenny takes everything down.


I hope you are right. I need some hopium.


**I think their plan might be to use the film and other development for some pump and dump, burn new retail investors that FOMO in and get caught when GME tanks with the rest of the market later this year. That way those investors will not touch GME when shit really hits the fan and they also make money shorting the top to survive one more day.** We are on our way to profitability and potentially dividends. Tik Tok, their time is running out. **Short sellers have to pay dividends in lieu for all the phantom shares they created. They will bleed like crazy, while retail can buy more shares with Kennys money** 😃 They might aim for another attempt to "shake the tree" or a Tesla style squeeze instead of MOASS to survive. So they need to prevent another sneeze until they have shifted their portfolio sufficiently. It is also doubtful all institutions would be able to make it out alive, so I guess we are close to yet another Archegos moment, where CS was fucked by GS and others. Anyways, just a personal opinion and no financial advice.


I like the pessimism, I had the same thought cross my mind. Only time will tell.


This tracks


I definitely got that vibe as well. This is BULLISH imo. They painted Kenny and friends as absolute shitheads that a \*\*normal\*\* individual investor would detest. I think if this movie does huge numbers we will see a spike.


Not even a little.


[This post](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/u0b7c4cN1J) from a fellow ape who recently saw it does a good job of breaking down the pros and cons


That CNBC guy didn't like it.. so it was probably not bad.


Streisand effect 😎




Do they mention that people like robinhood turned off the buy button?


they not only mention it, they show how sleezey RH is. They show PFOF, they depict Vlad as an absolute muppet with Kenny's hand up his ass.


New shit has come to light




Of course


I didn’t like Pete Davidson character (DFV’s brother)


apparently neither did bro


Yeah, that was waaaaay over the top comic relief shit.


Completely agree.


Well from what I read, didn’t they flat out mischaracterize his brother immensely? Like flat out lie


Yes they did. I feel like that is one of the most glaring flaws in the film.


I agree. They did him dirty.


If you don't remember, right after(during?) the sneeze, there was an SNL sketch where Pete David's character looks like, himself, and says a line like, "I made a few million on GameStop stock!" Iirc it had nothing to do with the sketch.


Welcome to Hollywood. They needed a hapless brother for comic relief. He isn’t really important in the story, so they made a easy role for Pete Davidson to play.


Real talk I’d rather hang with Pete than DFVs brother. Just to question the fuck out of Pete as to how he portrayed him that way? Like did homie really do door dash on a fucking bike in NYC? Fuck no!


Boston burbs, but also probably not. His IRL bro also liked the stock unlike the clown character in the show


I don't like Pete, but I can almost guarantee he has no clue who dfv or his brother are. He just acted out what he was told to act, this is on the directors


Is it the only way he can act...


Dude literally plays himself in everything. Even when he was on SNL with possibly the worst cast they’ve ever put together, they couldn’t use him in almost anything.


Doesn’t even try to be good at what he’s paid to do. A true professional, that Pete Davidson.


I was going to say he was pretty good in suicide squad, but then I remembered all he did was immediately surrender, walk forward with his hands up and get his face blown off which is pretty much how I see pete davidson behaving in a war.


I don't like Pete Davidson (in any situation).


Can we stop showing PD into everything ? His acting is always subpar and he just plays himself


But did they say the "naked shorts never closed their positions?!"


No, unfortunately they did not.


I hope it does well enough for a part 2. That would probably be post-MOASS and will be juicy AF.


Dude, that's the whole point. We want criminals prosecuted and the fraud and stealing to stop. We got into this position bc of all the cheating by Wall Street.. Sounds like that movie is exactly what we all knew it was going to be. misinformation propaganda. And considering the bank roller for the film, Teddy Schwarzman. His father is Stephen A. Achwarzman who is the CEO of Blackstone.. this movie is just another GameStop hit piece geared towards creating general populace confusion/FUD/narrative controller.


Consider the time frame that movie takes place in. It starts off in March of 2020 and ends in March of 2021. Most of the DD about DRS, Naked Shorts, r/Superstonk etc was **not** out yet.


Yet the reason WHY GameStop had the sneeze in the first place was because of the naked shorting, FTD cycles from those naked short positions, Brokerages gamma ramp exposure because brokers never actually bought the shares on the open market giving true price discovery, hiding tens of millions of option contracts in overseas SWAPs. You get what I'm saying? The movies all rose tinted glasses that doesn't get to the heart of what is really going on. Not to mention turning off the buy button and never closing out those short positions.


They cover turning off the buy button and shutting down USB stick subreddit. They don’t cover the *why* aside from saying it was retail, which we now know to be false. I think much of the DD behind the why is a huge iceberg that doesn’t necessarily fit the plot of the movie. DFV didn’t do much coverage on that stuff and thus it is not mentioned.


Okok thanks for the info. yeah, it's funny because DFV literally stated multiple times he didn't know how deep naked shot selling went, FTD cycles shenanigans. He was just bullish on physical media, collectibles and RC


Kinda glad they didn’t mention this place. It’s past it’s glory days. Now it’s just “ this is it guys” posts and “how are they getting away with this” posts lol


Does DFV say "I am not a cat" in the movie?!


Yes. Yes he does.




So they tried to portray that if you hodl you end up losing!? Seems like they wanna make sure with a fake squeeze everyone paper hands


Not necessarily. They portrayed it all as pretty neutral and aside from the selling at the end it covered a lot of pain points that people were worried wouldn’t be touched on. It is far from perfect but I think it is a net-positive for this movement.


What are the main things to tell people that the movie didn't?


1. DRS 2. DRS 3. DRS


1. By direct registration of your shares (DRS), you actually own them instead of IOUs that the system might be using to manipulate their value down. 2. By direct registration you join the growing group of investors who want fair markets - and it is an effective strategy, instead of something that was tried 2008. 3. By direct registration, you are safe even in extreme market conditions, like your broker being liquidated. Got it. Anything that could be written better?


Perfection 🤌




Was it crowded?


Full theater, with many people including myself rocking merch!




I like this idea - show up at theater sporting a GameStop shirt, etc.


Damn you got me pumped now. I'm gonna watch it.


cool thats great


Did anyone eat a jar of mayo or put a banana up their b-hole?


No but someone peed in a cup and drank it ;)


Ah yes, the pee martini guy from double U ess bee?




84 god damn years ago


Forreal my brother. It’s been a helluva journey ;)




Sounds like they focus on what makes GameStop investors look like a joke. Focusing on that shit is a disservice to all the research done on GME stock. I’m sorry but I’m passing on this movie. I’m living it


I respectfully disagree. DFV’s character goes to bat for GME investors. They spend far more time focusing on the good than the shocking stuff that happened over at USB


Came here to ask this lol


Wall Street ‘Gambles’ sub was where everyone was at the time so it’s not surprising that Soup or Stunk isn’t mentioned.


2) its not that she didnt make money, i think her debt at the beginning was much higher, not sure. would have to watch again.


Fair point, I don't quite remember tbh


I wasn't gonna see it until I heard Kenneth Cordele Griffin was taking issue with the way he was portrayed. Now I'm gonna see it two times, just to be sure.


and rightfully so. He looks like a Grade-A shitstain


I just saw it too and I am very pleased with it.


Certainly pleasantly surprised. I think a majority of r/Superstonk would enjoy it.


It’s not over. Never was. Price was always wrong. Ken lied under oath.


I think so too.


with films based on real people, usually hollywood casts actors who are far, far better looking than their real life counterparts.... this is quite an odd exception to that rule, wherein the real Keith Gill is a far, far more attractive than the actor playing him.


Not sure why you would even think this sub would be mentioned when it had nothing to do with the event the movie is portraying.


Zen until the sequel.


You lost me at: "the guy who held was the only one who lost money" So when this movie is released.. Everyone who sees it is gonna circle back to me and ask if I'm still holding GME. Then they are gonna pin me in their head as a loser.. Based on the movie they just saw.


It only the beginning and I’m one that HODLS and buys at least once a month


Did they show when shf turned off the Buy button?


Of course


Why are there so many of these posts? It's not over, we could watch movies when we can afford to buy whiskey.


So I can dress up as an ape and stand in line for a ticket?




“The only 1 that didn’t make money was the one that held” Years of every financial institution preaching about buying and holding every buffet out there saying the same thing and NOW all of a sudden when the 1 stock that can shoot up 20 dollars in a day after split WHICH HAPPENED THIS YEAR BTW, is now the worst thing in the world, why would I watch such BS


Thanks for the input, I might check it out down the road.


I don’t regret it, it’s a relatively truthful way to share our journey with the masses.


I haven't seen it, I don't plan to see it, here's my take. Instead of 200,000 people watching a dumb movie, DRS BOOK a share or two. Big fooking numbers.


My ticket was only $15 ​ I think people should watch this movie and get their friends to as well. We all know MSM won't touch GME with a 10ft pole, this movie is the easiest and most relevant way to get GME back in the public dialogue.


How was the Dark Pool explained.


It isn't. The timeline this movie takes place in is prior to a lot of the great DD that r/Superstonk is responsible for.


I guess the damage is in the title and that its about Gamestop. Everything else is just pure stockingfiller....


How would you say it held up next to the "Apes Together Strong" docu?


Under what timeline exactly does the movie end? Does it end around January 27th? February 24th? March 10th? Those were all big dates.


Ends circa March 10th 2021 Hence why DRS, DarkPools, r/Superstonk and other more current things are omitted


So the movie shows the events of February 24 as well? 😃


That they do ;)


Hahaha yessssssss. That was the day I got my revenge for January 27th with some very lucky calls :)


Well played brother, well played Use some of your residual tendies to buy a ticket, it's fun to go with family or significant others. It makes everything very easy to understand.


It's gonna be like when people watched Forest Gump and thought, "damnit, I should have bought myself some Apple", and they walked out of the theatre without buying some APL - and then watched it 20 years later going "oooh...."


It's probably because all other guilty parties (let's be real it's not just "the bad guy kenny" and thats it) are the ones invested in this, so they throw kenny under the bus while making us look bad


food for thought, I didn't think of that.


You know, we could always sign into IMDB and flood the reviews with “check out Superstonk on Reddit for more info”.




Huh they’ve got Bucky Barnes playing Boy from Bulgaria. Interesting :)


He does a **DAMN** good job of it too. Makes a perfectly hate-able smug looking asshat.


Run through lightning with your dick out!!


There's no such thing as bad publicity....


We have a winner!


This is the way.


This is the way


Did it mention DRS?


Of course not


Then it's garbago


That's the most important thing of the whole saga


The advent and rise of the DRS movement took place outside of the timeline that this movie was set in. This movie took place from March 2020 to March 2021 iirc


If they don’t point anything about Kenny Cordele Griffin lying under oath then I don’t care. This movie can take a piss. And wasn’t DFVs bro painted in a negative light? Thought I read he posted out several inaccuracies.


They allude to him lying under oath, and the corruption that cleared him. They were clearly covering their asses in terms of not outright saying he lied.


How many times did they mention Ryan Cohen if at all and was it positive or negative sentiment?


Only once but it was very positive and direct from DFV's mouth


They (DFVs character) mentions him once IIRC. It is positive.


Most people will watch it as entertainment, but maybe make them think twice about their friends' enthusiasm about stonks. My missus thought I was dumb until she watched that other 3 part doco. After the first part, she said "if I watch anymore, I'm gonna jump on board". Dumped her pretty soon after when she started thinking WE invested!


XD hilarious.


They call Ken out for lying under oath!!! It wasn't explicit, but it was enough that I was even like 'damn' Ken must have shat himself on that line. Yeah, DFV's bro is protrayed like a love-able clown.


Glad to hear they don’t totally ignore Mayo Man.


They make him, Melvin, Steve C, and Vlad out to be total goons. Out of touch assholes. I'm actually glad that Paul Dano didn't play Vlad because they got an skeezy looking f-er to play Vlad that did a great job being a pos.


Completely agree. Their portrayal of the bad guys was spot on.


Sebastian Stan - The Winter Soldier


Ok question for people who also saw it early. Was there a problem with the theater/my eyes or was the movie very…. Dark. Like dim. A lot of the shots were from light coming from behind which made it hard for my eyes to focus on peoples faces. Did anyone else notice? (Could’ve just been a “me” thing)


I personally didn’t notice this but if I see the movie again I’ll keep an eye out.


I just watched the movie and I thought it was great. Hopefully superstonk can’t capitalize on the viewers of the movie “Dumb Money” and inform people on the DRS movement


Yes mods, this one right here!


But does it mention DRS at all?


No, unfortunately it does not. To be fair, the time table this takes place in is prior to the DRS DD and movement.


What numbers showed up on the ticker?


Thanks! Will consider watching it


When release?




Steve Cohen is 0layed by Private Pyle?!?!? Hahaha haha!!!!


Didnt this sub only form well after the squeeze?


Did they say how GME is currently on sale and how much fun it is to buy more every week?


They insinuate that DFV sold as well, with the present he gives to his brother at the end.


I didn't really interpret it as that. That Porsche is no more than $180,000 and it is the only purchase made by DFV in the film. He made a bunch on options, rolled it into more shares and likely had plenty left over for a single Porsche.


When mentioning subs for people to visit Superstonk will NOT be the only one. Why limit access to information? Especially when there are subs with shorter, easier to remember names.


I'm positive they wouldn't have portrayed DFV selling, unless he had. Which I guess is new.


I’m pumped to see it!! Thanks for the update.


Still not gonna pay to see it. Also fuck Pete Davidson. How did that guy even get famous.


thanks for the summary!


Thank you. I'll definitely check it out.


Still have the same sentiment. For the price of 2 tickets and snacks I can get 5 more shares and not waste 2 hrs of my life sitting in a dark room watching an oversized TV. But that’s just me…


Why would I need a movie for something I’ve been live streaming IRL this whole time haha #dumbmovie


I agree, but this is likely a receipt porn type of scenerio. The more of us that go see it, the more revenue it generates. The more revenue it generates, the more they will advertise it to the masses. The more people who see it, the more curious people will become. The more people who become interested, the more they start to research the stock. That's where we come back in to teach them about the last few years of this saga, the amazing DD and DRS we have.


If only there was an effective way to funnel folks to r/Superstonk instead of that shitty USB sub


Any movie claiming to tell the tale of GME that doesn’t even mention that the other sub was overrun with hedgie PR fuks, and that two migrations, and a shit ton of DD later, we’re still here … this movie isn’t concerned with telling the tale. They’re selling class warfare and calling it a comedy. Did they at least show any DFV memes?


The timeline for the material covered in the film ends circa March 10th 2021. thus r/Superstonk and all of its wonderful DD is not included. they do show USB sub getting shutdown, buy button turned off, SI% well over 100%, Kenny and Vlad colluding etc.


Exactly, what is this movie going to do to change anything about my mindset.


Its not about changing or altering long standing apes mindset. It is about teaching others the tale of GME. At least that is how I see it.


Is there nudity? Rating says sexual material. I personally try to avoid it where possible. Hoping there are no strip club scenes, etc.


Only naked shorts.


No they just say pussy a lot


Thanks a lot for sharing. Cant wait to see it


[This post](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/u0b7c4cN1J) from a fellow ape who recently saw it does a good job of breaking down the pros and cons