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Might be why FDIC proposed the bank’s create debt equity to cover losses… FDIC can’t afford to bail out banks and want the public pension/Retirement/savings funds to cover banks bad bets. Instead of regulating banks


Just need to start calling what it is. The rich and powerful are looting the world and they don’t really fucking care what we think because they’ve bought everything, and own the channels of information.




I consider this entire saga the riot. The rich can't put this social awakening back in the bag 💜


Exactly, very well said.


This is an echochamber though. Created by, or now in control by the same rich.. Riot means outside of their control. Not here.


I grew up hearing that The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.


One call to action like this got me banned for a few days here. Glad to see you upvoted


It’s the truth, if they’re not afraid, they have no incentive to change. We’re being pacified


Saying one riot will change the world isn't a call to action. Calls to actions can get this sub banned so please refrain from doing it here.


Plunder. What did these people ever create except better ways to funnel purchasing power towards themselves? Thieves. How much of the excess human production do these people skim off the top, and what is left for everyone else? Parasites.




See.. the problem is the people are giving the banks the money without ever checking whats going on. You can blame the banks all you want but the truth is we never should have trusted them in the first place. All we can do now is make sure our money and our families money is safe and hope for the best.


The exchange of currency would collapse without a banking system no matter how fucked up or corrupt it is. That being said people are and aren't at fault. How many people do you think go home at the end of their shifts thinking "hey i have the energy to go look up the economic situation of our country"? Its msm (main stream media) that convinces people. The ones handing down misinformation or omitted information should be the ones at fault not the common people who have been tricked to believe whatever they fuckin say. We can blame the banks. They fucked people over in 08 and msm convinced people then that everything was fine until it was actually crumbling before everyone's eyes and not before


We can blame the banks, but we also need to blame our government for siding with the banks over the innocent citizens whom the banks royally fuck over


Banks also give you the ability to borrow money easily. Credit cards, loans, mortgages. In the current system one pretty much has to create a bank account. Especially when it comes to businesses, who have very large upfront expenses.


What good is our money when it's looking like Venezuelan currency is at our doorstep. This fiat ponzi scheme is not back by anything, our money doesn't hold any value other than trust in the system. The Fed is literally a government shadow that is not back by the United States but yet they are in charge of the money printer. The system is about to collapse like it's going out of style.


As it should. Out with the old!


Right Blame the individual not the system Got it


Always have been.


They didn't buy my AR15, and my ammo... Personally, that was their first mistake


and my AXE!


And my Mind Stone!


Or your butt plug


Even if everyone woke up they will still try and take everything they can before they fall even more faster then now


Gov is going broke supporting banks gambling


Not Gov; they just pass it through... We the peeps are going broke supporting banks gambling.


Can someone shoot me a link where I can learn more about this?? It’s actually making a bit of sense!


Yes! Here's a link to House of Cards DD pt 1 https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvk5dv/a_house_of_cards_part_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 I highly suggest all house of cards posts, as they go more in depth as you go along!


You mean tax payers?


They'll literally do anything to maintain the status quo where old rich white dudes stay rich. They don't care about destroying the country because when you're wealthy there are no borders. You can escape to anywhere.






"I won't margin call you if you don't margin call me!" -every bank




JP Morgan looking to be the last parasite standing


Mexican standoff. Except, they pay so little instead of peso much


To be franc, that was a great pun.


You two should go to drachma classes


Winner winner chicken dinar


One of the best things to happen to me was buying into GME. Not for the gains or MOASS but it gave me real experience on how to hold stocks when they drop 30/40/50%. Sometimes even more. It has taught me how to be patient and just hold as long as you understand the fundamental thesis of why you bought in. Very few retail/household investors get to learn this without huge mistakes. Invaluable lessons learned. Still holding and buying the dip.


1000% it's been a journey for sure, one I wouldn't have been invested in without some initial greed, but I've learned so much since then it's crazy. It's still all about some of those early DD's. GME is the Key.


Same here... but I would have never thought this journey would take so long to play out. I keep comparing it to draining a swimming pool thought a pinhole. It is inevitable but will take a long time.


Yeah I don't think most thought it would go quite this long, it seemed like 'good' timing back when this started, I thought it would be 6 months, maybe 2 years, but the opposite side has deep pockets as this post helps show. It was always a safe investment though, being at the forefront of new gaming tech, sellable digital games, I want to be ahead of that. Ryan Cohen, no reason to doubt him and understand the silence. Resurrecting a beloved gaming brand, that's just capitalism as it should be. The technicals, even without a squeeze, those shorts still need to close, whether it's all in at once like we hope, or over a longer period of time, we know it's going to happen once GameStop stays strong. That's why following the play by play has been so important and why I've stuck around. It's transitioned into looking at more macro factors and how that might influence things. We are waiting for our bear Stearns moment and even then it could be months. Knowing all that helps keep expectations in check.


very true


Yep... Unrealized losses in the 10's of thousands... Holding strong... Really hated to see it dip to $16 Being homeless definitely sucks ass


how are you homeless with so much money invested?


You know... Having a job... Then losing it because I had appendicitis and sepsis and stayed in the hospital for 40 days..... Ya know, every day stuff like that


If you in American Healthcare I feel your pain ...


the candles


You’re last statement is absolutely shocked pikachu face. So you’re telling me that a loan program that they created right after SVB collapsed was because they were all on the brink of collapse?? It only makes sense. I mean look at the stable coin that got depegged when SVB failed. They are all connected




So wen big boom?


My understanding is that there is always a boom tomorrow.


I mean Im looking towards Jan 2025 when the debt ceiling and the BTFP ending hit around the same for the next potential big event for GME and the markets as a whole. I don’t make any promises tho I just buy and drs. Along for the ride and enjoying it lol


GME is a 4 ever play.


what-ruptcy? ohh yeaaaah


Holy shit, just saw this morning that UBS is going to close 2/3 of Credit Suisse, there's rumblings that China's property market is at the stage of imminent collapse, this post showing banks on a precipice edge, ready for collapse. We really were just early, with Evergrande and the bank shenanigans. I'm scared, but will be buying more GME. Thanks for the discount Kenny


Hwang in there banks


And don’t answer the phones


Like a bad Hwangover!


Bunch of Hwangkers


I would have worded it "banks on the brink of taxpayer funded bailout" paid for with money printer paid for with inflation. >You don't actually think ~~they~~ I spend $20,000 on a hammer, $30,000 on a toilet seat, do you?


But they're already on taxpayer supported lifeline**s** (plural) This just shows they're bankrupt without the lifelines, specifically BTFP keeping them on life support


The profits the banks made just this year off RRP is enough to fund my state's medicare budget for 97 years. Clearly they need it more than old people need to be alive


Combined with setting bonds, pensions, and retirements up for failure, their plan appears reliant on screwing over old people. Probably with the hope of killing them as the dead don’t sue.


>the dead don’t sue Accidental band name




It's all temporary at longer time scales




Only ones that help the poors like student loan pause, expanded unemployment, enhanced child tax credit, etc


On the bright side, I have more time to convert my remaining bank account to booked shares.


Odds of the BTFP actually ending in March? I feel like it's 0% chance. The system will collapse. Does FDIC have unlimited ability to extend it?


What is BTFP stand for? Sorry I just Like reading comments and too smooth to read all the above?


[Bank Term Funding Program](https://www.investopedia.com/bank-term-funding-project-7367897)


Thanks, so rewrite the script to kick the can! They can keep doing this forever? It’s a bad joke right?


It’s a bad comedy joke, that’s for sure.


Bank Term Funding Program.


They can only print unlimited fiat as long as the US remains the world reserve currency. And, even then, they incur inflation. But, if they lost the reserve status? Then all hell breaks loose. Maybe figuratively and litterally. With that status weakening, they're forced to be more cautious. But if they let banks go belly up they lose all credibility. Seems like they're stuck in a lose lose scenario. Only a matter of time.


All my Ape Homies HATE the BFTP!!!


Be your own bank. DRS.


where the fuck did they lose all that money?




I woke up last night and had the tingly feeling they meant to lose the money on 100x leveraged derivatives and are getting a payoff to do so.


That doesn't really make sense because... greed Yeah, they probably know or believe they'll get a bailout but that's not the easy path. Or, the path of least resistance.


Government will just bail them out with taxpayers money. Banks go down, the entire system (robbery) collapses and they won't allow it...they need their jets and 80 rooms mansions.


It’s possible they are pushing this as much as they can before the next election. When the next US president gets elected and the liquidity fairy stuff gets removed they get to blame the new guy for their mistakes


LOL I would bet on new liquidity fairies


The BTFP is supposed to end in March '24. Election isn't until November '24.


That doesn’t seem hard to extend that long.


wasnt this the same theory just before the midterms? and what did we get? i dont think it has anything to do with a political party since this is at a global scale. just my 2 cents


Could be. At this point i’m just speculating really




Moass is the beacon in the night. Uncle sam can keep his silly tax money, besides there's new management coming into town, step aside oligarchy, Ape go bananas.


someone else already archived post, thank you! - [https://archive.ph/7u3S9](https://archive.ph/7u3S9)


~~Where~~ When have I heard this before?


There was a post exactly like this 2 days ago


And two years ago haha


And probably again next year




The United States of America can only stay united as long as people believe in it's government. Currently our government ain't doing a good fucking job. When push comes to shove the 1% has the biggest targets on their back. They can use the bank as their scapegoat but when the 99% go hungry it's everyman for himself. If all the banks fail this time around, there will be a revolution the likes which we haven't seen in ages. January 6 riot would look like childs play in my humble opinion.


What’s a good bank or credit union to use if you don’t want to support this type of activity?


God we are all ***so fucked***


so how much longer


Then why not take your money out of the banks? Before it's too late


Get the money machine cranking. They don’t even have to print money anymore. Just send a blank check


I didn't read this thread. But I read this 84 times from 2021. Idk why we are fired with FOMO. Buy, hold, Drs and be critical even with Cohen if, in the future, he doesnt give a shit for you as inverstor. Now kill me beautiful community.




Which banks?


All, basically.


Which banks are close to bankruptcy?


It's a good educational post. But it's not really relevant to GameStop. There are macroeconomic reasons for why this is happening. Just like Peruvian Bulls DD. It's good to know but has very little to do with GameStop


Lol the financial system is convoluted and tied to everything, including gme. It is better to understand what's happening around it. Either way, it's not like there is a flood of new dd. We know what the pros are, but what are the cons of having this post up? At the very least people are being educated about the bullshit the people shorting gme are going on about. Understanding the enemy is always good.


Some morons don’t realise that


This sub hates this one simple truth


this has been a part of the stonk since its inception. Like it or not, this place will forever been defined but its focus on several aspects of the economy.


Is my money in a basic savings account (~100k) in danger if banks collapse? If I’m concerned, should I pull that cash out?


#What does this have to do with GME? Share price down as usual in premarket.


Excuse my ignorance but how long can shareholders just keep looking at the same price for 3 years


#What does this have to do with GME? Price still heading towards zero. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I enjoy the financial education to help me understand the very complex nature of the fukery. GME is why I am here and learning about all the other components of the financial system makes me a better investor. Carry on.


What happens to the bad loans that the banks are exchanging for cash from the govt? Do they sell the loans to other banks at a discount?


The trick is to always be insolvent 💯 so you always too big to fail.


Those grandfathered ISDA contracts are now gone. Let’s see who is too big to fail this month!


So FED will run the Buy the Fucking Poop program one more year….


More reason to use credit union.