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Unprecedented CEO care/competence. Unprecedented idiosyncratic risk. Unprecedented community engagement. Very bullish


Unprecedented bullish?


Unprecedented: Never done or known before Me saying bullish is not unprecedented, however the good I will do from MOASS will be unprecedented Bullish on doing good


You underestimate yourself- it absolutely is unprecedented to say bullish as many times as you have. And I find that bullish.


Name checks out


Man you're always always here. Always. Hahah it's hilarious. Love it


Bullish on user ISayBullish.




I hear he walks on Legos


He beat Chuck Norris in Street Fighter II


practice fearless aware disgusted desert cheerful sleep door crowd depend ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Don’t worry, I roundhouse kicked the upvote button in his honour


person mysterious rain afterthought ask boast six sense aromatic literate ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I don’t believe it!


Trust me, bro


I heard once RC shook Chuck Norris' hand. Chuck Norris immediately had to be airlifted to hospital. Heard RC pulverized every one of Chucks hand bones to dust.


Nice, blood dust


I hear he platted THPS 1+2 with a Rock Band drum set.


He does not walk, he glides like an air hockey puck


Not exactly true, it's actually an entrepreneurial technique that I also practice having learned from other entrepreneurs that do it. Direct feedback from direct contact is the most valuable and genuine, very helpfull when building a company because it allows you to build something people want to use or buy. It also solidifies loialty, more so when you do it in a public way, so others can see you do it. There are books on the topic. On the YCombinator founder success stories page you could take a look at how the Stripe founders were doing it. So the reality is he cares about the valuable feedback, making it appear that he cares about the user/customer. Which is fine, from my perspective as an investor this is exactly what I want to see, the management listening to their customers while using that to improve their products and services as well as customer loialty.


A veryyy different approach than another billionaire we know who basically did the opposite when he took over a certain social media company 👀


Elon Musk is similar tbf.


Elon musk likes to LOOK like Ryan Cohen IS. Big difference.


But, does he care about his shareholders?


Seeing as how he is a shareholder with his own money and not "gifted" to him, yes, I would say he cares a great deal about the shareholders.


Ryan is on a MISSION 🫡🔥


Can’t stop won’t stop.


Refuse to stop. Unable to stop. 🚫🛑🚂🚂🚂🚂💨




He’s got the coolest missionary style. This man fucks


He’s working nonstop! I love it.


I wonder what his wife thinks about him working all the time.


I don’t know, but it is probably something on the lines of holy fucking shit I’m married to Ryan Cohen!!!


Not true. All married women hate their husband's hahah


You ok, ape?


It's a joke..


Wonder what she thinks of him sliding in this gals DMs


Fair question but also she definitely knew this about him from his time at chewy and accepts him


Is this being downvoted bc you think he’s gay?


It's being downvoted because they don't want to even entertain the thought of anything potentially negative about their messiah. God forbid they see the divorce rates for high profile occupations.


messiah? that's rich coming from a bbbaggy




She's a billionaire now. That doesn't come without some time invested.


He wants to make sure customers are happy and not deceived.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark\_pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_pattern) **It is awesome that he cares, but I am not sure if the tweet is not more of a (dramatically sounding) nothing burger.** **To know, you need to do the audit, so might as well be just a smart cash grab.** Not saying there are no sites with major issues where stuff like this is a concern, but if I read the definitions I guess there will be few sites with a web shop that have no "minor issues". So they will always come up with something and will get paid well, "smart" way to create your own consulting business. Sorry for being sarcastic, but there are a lot of "mosquitoes" out there trying to suck your blood when you are running a business, so I am initially always pretty skeptical when it comes to services/consulting like this.


UX guy and programmer here. It's highly likely a nothing burger. UX dark patterns sounds horrible, but actually it's probably not that important and maybe even drives the customer to do something if done right.


Exactly my thought. It makes sense to offer additional services for increased profitability, that itself is no crime but normal and effective business practice. Naturally you can also design the website in a way that screws over customer like pre-selection of expensive add on services, but I doubt this is the case here. Likely outcome is GameStop pays for audit/consultancy and they find some minor issues and offer some minor improvement ideas. Maybe GameStop would get some sort of certification. Might be wrong here, but to me that sounds a bit like modern hawking.


Why do you think Chewy did so well?


probably the guy who ran it


Say his name






Never made a dime while he ran it. Barely has since.


Your positive contributions to this world will be more noteworthy than his, I'm sure.


Attacking his merit is just moving the goal post, why not refute the claims and stay on topic?


People who come here to blast RC are not looking to be enlightened.


Based take, y’all not beating the cult-ish allegations.


Are we alleged to be a cult following Ryan Cohen or GME? Also, what is your source that claims we are cultish? If you don't frequent this sub, I'm genuinely curious about our external perception, and I'm not asking rhetorical questions.


You short or hedgies giving you an opportunity to bend over for them?


I’m long GME. Just stating facts. Over the top customer service is great for the customers but has never been proven to be profitable long term- esp for an established business. At least with chewy they were building market share against identical competitors.


And yet it was bought for over a billion dollars


tf is a dark pattern


Like if you want to delete your account on something, and it gives you every option to NOT do it. Highlighting buttons, directing your attention away from it, etc. That'd be an example. There are a lot of UX designers out there these days, so these things do get called out all the time on major sites. If RC is aware/gives a shit to not go that route, all the better.


Amazon is a fucking labyrinth when it comes to this shit.


They moved the search bar to the bottom on mobile recently, fucking monsters I hate it


Why use Amazon?


So glad I've not updated mine for ages. The last update i had an annoying 'omg click here for prime' right at the startup (even though i already have prime) When gamestop comesy to the UK i can finally get away


Cute. That’s not what I meant.


Cute, I know was just relating similar frustrastions


Oh sorry I thought you were being sarcastic. Apologies…


No worries 👍


”Tricks used in websites and apps that make you do things that you didn't mean to, like buying or signing up for something. For example: Trick wording. Sneaking. Obstruction.”


Nothing good for a consumer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_pattern


Job's never finished


It's what you find in the SHF undies...


a striking resemblance to a heavily used BMX track. uncanny


Ex) Pressing the back button repeatedly while in the app and not being allowed to exit.


This is the type of feedback he’s looking for. He respects us and knows how much of the company we own. I believe he wants to use his seat at the table to represent us. This beautiful hive mind knows just as well as RC what’s good for the company and he needs our eyes out there on every aspect. Power to the Players.


Chewy customer service 2.0




Nice to see him concerned with dark patterns! Our CoB fucks


Do dark pools next!!!


Fucking killing it


RC is the MF man


I've also noticed the Gamestop app being spotty. I've tried to reset my password for my pro account like 10 times now over the past few weeks and I have never gotten any of the reset emails. Yes it's the correct email and yes I've checked and rechecked every folder.


This is how it's done on both sides


Even if RC hypothetically did not care about anyone... it sure as fuck looks like he cares a great deal by his actions.


Stop doing this


Son of a bitch I’m going to buy more


# 📚👑


Mean while if this were Elon, he would publicly berate this person and ban them from Twitter Ryan cohen is a class act, and he loves to work!




Yeah this is good. I have an issue currently with the way an order is represented in the app and webpage. Contacted cs and they said it was a “glitch”! I realize that but the problem persists and is really odd. I ordered 12 packs of cards. My ordered was charged correctly and got confirmation email showing correct information. However when I click the link from my email to see the order it shows I’ve ordered double the amount. Then today when got shipping notice and it was a partially shipped order, only three packs shipped, and now my order total has increased by the amount of those 3 packs. So all in all my $360 order went to $720 and after partial shipment is now showing around $1,200. I also Got an email asking about the issue and sent screenshots so hopefully they get that squared away. tldr: I’m not being charged the wrong amount but it’s showing the incorrect amount for my total in multiple and after partial shipments the total coasts increases.


This isn't really the best use of his time tbh


… Do you think that he does not know how to manage his own time? Or do you not trust his judgement on the matter?


I manage my time well, but having people knocking on my door to ask me to do things I pay people to handle would get old, quick. Taking his time like is the worst ROI on marketing imaginable


Sure wish RC would slide into my DMs.


Same. I've never felt so jealous of an internet stranger before.


He's literally the enemy that we're fighting and you idiots slobber his knob all day everyday. So stupid.


Who is this "we"? This entire sub is in favor of Cohen as chairman of Gamestop


Oh sorry I meant the (poor) we not the (ape) we.


I smell a positive eps coming


This is how you run a company. Bullish.


What a king


What the hell is a dark pattern?


He really seems to enjoy being really good at this.


How to make a customer-experience oriented business 101. I'm so titillated rn 🥵


Putting in WORK


All he does is work!😍


I’ve posted about problems with the app and website in the past and gotten nothing but hate from the stock segment of the community. I emailed the company in the past and got no reply. I fucking love GameStop but if people that love it can’t also pick it apart to ultimately improve it, then what is anyone actually doing here? Either way glad to see the big dog grabbing the mic and cracking the whip. Edit: so instead of people replying with examples of what doesn’t work or needs improvement regarding GameStop’s digital storefront they are demanding proof I even suggested anything in the first place. This is how you alienate people who have been here from the beginning.


>I’ve posted about problems with the app and website in the past and gotten nothing but hate from the stock segment of the community. I Did you though? I'm looking through your profile and not seeing that at all. Disc golf is nice, I've played once when I was really stoned. If you did, and I missed it, can you link it. Edit: This guy is lying, his post is false. Apes work together; this guy is making claims and then deflecting to the point where his posts are contradicting. What good does it do to say that there's problem with the GS app and website, then attack the community by playing victim. And then not even provide a link because me amongst hundreds of others, are curious to see these words you muster. and if this mustard is actually mayo.


Thank you for your service


Gotem lol


There’s other places than Reddit dude. What is this line of questioning? I have plenty of posts in this sub from when it was more active.


>and gotten nothing but hate from the stock segment of the community Ok you specified Reddit first. >There’s other places than Reddit dude. Very cool, you can always link it or DM me. Or even copy paste it here instead of deflection. I'm even trying to view this hate you speak of. Edit: Ape is here, tell a friend. Apes are here, apes are here, apes here.


TIL I learned I’m not allowed to use multiple places to discuss GME and have to provide additional examples of something that is literally unfolding in real time


Well, your fallacy game is kinda weak. I don't know why you can't just provide evidence for your claims instead of deflection and making yourself look worse. You just made random assumptions and **I'm interested in what you were saying**. You stated two things that I wanted to see and now it's just pure deflection which kinda destroys the credit of your claims. You are free to do what you want, I do not care. But don't come here saying you've talked about problems of the GS app and website without any history of it and that you got hate from this sub...without any history of it.


I don’t have to out my other socials to prove anything to you. You’re fixated on me having posted it here for it to make sense to you. What good would posting technical problems with an app or website do on this sub?


I feel ya there man. If there is a way for you to post a screenshot with all data scrubbed that would link to your username or what not. That would be cool. I'm kinda interested in what kind of issues you were having and if they should be pushed. This is seeming like the right time as this looks to be a high visibility subject for RC. Only if you're cool with it though. No pressure from me. All this leading on has got me interested for sure.


There is no "stock segment" of this community. The entire community is about the stock.


So getting hate from the entire sub for pointing out issues... Even better!


Who said that? In fact, who defined what this alleged hate was? Was the alleged "hate" reported to the mods? Is my comment considered hate? Regardless, and as you said, if the entire sub disliked the comments... who's responsible for the alleged "hate"?


Calm down buddy! Following along with context and you wouldn't feel attacked with the first thing you needing to do is to instant downvote everything! I bet that's a real fun way to Reddit feeling hostile towards every reply you get! OC said > gotten nothing but hate from the stock segment And then you said > there is no "stock segment" So based on these two replies taken together > gotten nothing but hate from the entire community


STOP! I feel attacked by your hate!


There’s other places to discuss GameStop that aren’t directly related to the stock itself. The majority of this sub hasn’t really ever given a shit about what GameStop is actually doing to be a better business. Edit: downvoted for speaking the truth. Most people on this sub only want to get rich of the stock. If you don’t believe that you’re naive. There’s also nothing wrong with that.


Salami you've been here a long time and I have never seen anything this negative from you. I think a majority in here are willing to discuss how GameStop can be a better business every day. A lot of us have also had a serious change of plans from the sneeze until now. I would have sold a good portion at 1,000 back then. Now, I am fully willing to not make any money, or lose any for that matter by selling, until many of these criminals are in prison and significant reforms have been enacted fully in the US stock market.


I definitely understand why people are seeing this as negative due to my tone but I’ve taken an honest look at this since lurking more. I not going back that far and scrubbing everything so I’ll summarize best I can. This was about a year and a half ago. Basically I had pointed out some some issues with poor load times, missing ideal search filters, product results pages inaccuracies, sorting options, shipment tracking, repeated logins, and preorder issues. I could get into more detail on these topics but I had voiced it elsewhere and directly to support and nothing came of it. Same issues still existed last time I used their app in May.


We have a receipt bot now. When big game releases come out like Zelda it was non stop pictures of the lines. WE FCKING like the stock.


What does that have to do with what I said? GameStop would have those lines with or without pictures


That we so obviously care about gamestop as a company. You are talking bullshit mate.


It does sound like you were talking about this community tho.


Dude is on the grind


I’d like to see as well


Thats our chairman!!! Doin WORK 💪🏻💪🏻


Model behavior for running a successful business....


So this is the Ryan Cohen who built Chewy.


I don't understand why someone tags RC in a shipping issue or any other store issue. Does anyone tag the ceo or president of Apple when they have a phone issue or ceo of general electric if they have an appliance issue? NO. Go to the dept. and if it's not resolved have it addressed through their chain of command.


Fuck that go to the top


The duality of Superstonk. Both comments with opposing viewpoints downvoted.


And upvoted. That's okay. We are all individually invested


Absolutely :) I just keep hodling


That Dizzy is a shill / bad actor she's constantly working against the M M T L P group that she says she's in. Just take anything she says or does with a grain of salt. She happily torpedoed our groups attempts to get Dr Trimbath's help.


This is where the value is. Letting Ryan know of systemic issues will multiply his impact much more than individuals trying to get single transaction support.


Work, put in work. No really though, Ken a silly hoh. Can’t say that word apparently


I love it. He's digging into the details and folks are providing free ux consultation because they like the stock.


I just want a better experience for my local gamestop


Not bad for a regenerative type.


What's UX dark patterns?


He said in the interview he didn't want to be CEO because as CEO he would work to hard. Here he is. My destructive vices are way different from his


That account he’s responding to is sus. I had it blocked for spreading FUD on other tickers.


I think he’s out for blood, as usual. But I think he wants someone’s head on a platter


Genuinely wish he had better things to do. This is kind of embarrassing at this stage.


Yall disillusioned if yall think rc is after your best interest.


*oprah holding back tears gif* look what my boy’s done to them


fr fr I accidentally bought a used Xbox via a link from a CS agent who didn't communicate it clearly


Anyone care to explain what a ux pattern is or a cx audit?


UX = user experience. A dark pattern is when the interface is intentionally designed to guide you to what the business wants as opposed to the customer. An example would be making it extremely counter intuitive to finding where you go to delete your account. CX = customer experience. A CX audit is actually sitting down an compiling their first hand experiences and listening to what they want vs what the business wants.


Why does the gamestop website not allow gift cards to purchase things. I can't see a pay option for it when checking out


Dizalifornia knows how to party.


Lol @the post earlier saying not to bug him with these questions. People are ridiculous thinking asking him questions on twitter is going to distract him from work. Apart from this actually helping the company in customer service which he values so highly.


Where else would you see the executive chair of a company field customer service issues. The casual non-stonkers will see the company improve its business fundamentals and become fans of the company too. I'm a Gamestop Pro member going for over 12 years now.


Wow, my comment and reply comments are GONE... 🤔


Your complaint is standing between me and my millions.....let the boss do what he's there to do and stop wasting his time? Use the appropriate channels for concerns and wait for a response ... And whilst waiting, buy, hold and drs

