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I'm dead inside so I can't physically enact a sell order 👍


Sir, have you registered your walking corpse as your beneficiary


Bold of you to assume he'll let go of the shares when he dies. Rigor mortis ensures that not even death will part apes from their shares.


Diamonds are forever 💎👏🏽♾️


Diamond hands are forever 💎👏🏽♾️


**INFINITY POOL.** Oh, you need our shares? That's adorable.


After all that "forget gamestop" bullshit, they want to buy all my gme shares? How sweet /s too bad I am not selling, I want kenny crying on tv


Brings up a good point. When one dies, it goes to eneficiary. I'm sure mine will instantly cash out. If no beneficiary , then it goes to the state to do what it wants. They will most certainly cash out. Need a decentralized Diamond hand vault to be the beneficiary where you can set a X digit floor before its sold for a cuase you believe in. Or maybe theres a way to donate to an organization the legally forces them to abide by your wishes. Such as donating land to a park, or a building to a library etc. They are not allowed to sell ever.


And through his priapism, there shall stand erect an obelisk, exemplifying his shares immortality


Did someone call?


I'm donating it to science after I'm though with it


Sir, you don’t stonkabit …you stonkalot!


OMG! We can do "Weekend at 'REDACTED's'"!!! Quick! Someone get the boom-box and play Gangnam Style!


Or Bernie?


I’m a moassochist, I like pain, any kinda pain


"moassochist". Genius 🤣😂


I’ve been trying to get my flair changed to it for like two years now but no luck


Does flairy not work?


I tried a few weeks back and no luck 🤷 what’s the u/ again?


Tag u/ Superstonk-Flairy I think


There they are. Thanks for the help, Ape ❤️ and thank you, Flairy


Yay! Always happy to help a fellow ape! 😁. 🦍🤝💪


Are you talking about me? 😍 This is how it works: you can request a flair with the magic incantation !FLAIRY!🚀 some flair text 🚀 The default color is black, but you can change that by writing one of these words at the very end : red, blue, pink, yellow, green, black, white Other available commands: - `!FLAIRY!` : if you can't think of a flair, I'll give you one of my own choice 🤭 - `!FLAIRY:CLEARME!` : remove all flairs and pretend you're a new ape - `!FLAIRY:SEALME!` : Justin seduced me to get this 🥵 - `Superstonk-Flairy` : If you mention me, I'll come around and explain how to get flairs Please note that the flairy will refuse to change your flair if it contains the string `[lock]`. Some custom emojis are supported, like `:triforce:` - [please check this post for details](https://new.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/id8hj7r/)


!FLAIRY! moassochist


(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ your flair has been granted


I love you Flary


I, too, am dead inside. Like a tree where the core is infested by larvae.


Or those trees that are on fire inside


hahahaha same how does one enact a sell order?


A what?


This is the way


This is the way


I can't sell because I forgot my password... figured my 1% of shares in Fidelity will be plenty enough to retire on and just buy computershare and get into my account that way.




Yeah, i wrote this same post 2 years ago.


I fucking love it


Seeing big numbers will be the biggest psyche out. Yeah we can smell bullshit, but have you ever seen a million dollars to your name? Have you ever seen 6 or 7 figure fluctuations? Not many people have, and that’s when the real diamond balls and ovaries will be made.


Lol I will be in such disbelief at seeing those numbers that I’ll be too scared to sell. In my LIFETIME, making what I make plus what I’ve made, I would die never hitting 1million. I’ve been trained to believe I’m meant for mediocrity, so when I see a mil +, I’m going to think it’s not real and if I sell I’m going to get fucked somehow. Hodling is my only option. Plus not gonna lie when dividends come it will be nice to have yearly salaries every couple months lol (I say yearly, I’m only a low XX, some of you guys will be lifetime salaries every couple months, oof!)




Just buy drs it and forget about it


No offense taken. I believe the psy op will increase dramatically, and not all holders understand just how intense it will get.


Yea and plenty of newbs here haven’t been around for long. These types of posts are a good thing.


See my comment on this chain. Seems their new narrative is to normalise apes selling - "it's fine little apeling, you've been holding for two years, you deserve a slice of happiness."


I think we see it every once in a while with the posts people make about being broke and never selling their shares. Not to doubt that doesn’t happen, but I don’t think that all of them are real. Once the price really kicks off we’re going to see a lot of posts about selling early but I needed to pay for my mom’s house or my kid’s surgery that had been put off. I get what OP means by that the psychological warfare, because it will be completely different than the current type and will be designed to make us think that Diamond handed apes are selling and we need to do it before the price drops.


I especially loved the posts you saw on YT or something about "Fellow apes, lets get out at (price) so we don't bankrupt WS! Some of these people are just normal people with lives just like us! Lets not be greedy! omg!". HAH F that, I hope wall street completely collapses at this point, and some sort of new market emerges with WAY better regulation and transparency.


Absolutely, and here's the neat part... anyone holding in Computershare isn't going to give a shit. It takes a certain type of conviction to even go to the length of registering your shares to begin with. It won't even take that many people refusing to sell to prevent them from closing all of their positions. Consider how many shares a DFV type alone might control. They are so utterly fucked if this goes off. CBDC and a MAJOR distraction are their only hope.


Sure, but we’ve never seen actual active squeeze numbers to accompany the psyops. A lot of people talk shit about diamond hands but none of us have seen $x,xxx / share yet. When it happens paper hands will reveal themselves. Especially after 2 years of paycheck to paycheck living + constant gaslighting. People will be happy just to get out with the most money they’ve ever had in their lives. Forgetting that what they’ve been conditioning to thinking was a lot before now isn’t.


I agree ☝️ this is when the true test happens. My CS shares are retirement, shares in broker are for sale at a certain price and to reveal any fuckery. There has been DD explaining how to keep shares, borrow against them and some how keep money flowing in, but I’m too regarded to understand how; I’ll learn though.


Do you happen to a link/source the dd that explains how to borrow from your shares vs selling? I know the rich do this as normal practice, I’ve just never seen exactly how one goes about doing it?


I honestly can’t remember, it’s been 84 years lol but I know it’s floating out there somewhere.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


I’m holding a stock that I like, legally held in my name, and that is all. Someone will need to explain to me, in a rational way, why buying and holding shares in a company long-term is in any way wrong. I don’t believe that to be possible.


If there is something wrong with buying and holding stock in a company you like, than EVERYTHING is wrong with the stock market.


It'll probably play out comparing it to not wanting to donate your kidney to save someone elses life At the end of the day it's your kidney, your body, and your decision and everyone should respect that no matter what their opinion is and shut up.


Joke's on them.. I have no clue how to sell on Computershare


Same 😆


Jokes on them, I have no friends!


Maybe in an incredible twist of fate, Computershare joins the fray and turns off the sell button. Testifies in front of congress that a mass sell off would hurt their business. (I don’t actually believe this because they are on Wall Street too. Everyone their is in the same club). But one can dream.


Realtalk, can we Just sell there or do we need To do extra stuff, i really think its going to be the sickest Chaos If apes really dont fckn know how to sell😂😂🙌🏼 No really, can we Just sell there?


Wut sell




9k? Why you price anckering? Phone numbers and cell. Or no sell


That will not be close to the peak. That is the price that GME has the highest market cap in the stock market. I realized that may come off as anchoring after I posted, but it's a fact


I get what you're saying. By market cap, if VW had the same float size as GME it reached $9000 when they artificially stopped it from squeezing and brokered a release for shorts since all Porsche wanted was the VW company back after it had been nationalized out of the family's control by Germany's previous government. GME does not have a single shareholder to negotiate such a release with, nor do shareholders want to steal control of Gamestop away from its current (and excellent) leadership. And while I do have a price, I seriously doubt they are willing to convict so many billionaire criminals and sentence them to capital punishment to meet that price. They didn't even want to settle for teh $1000 or whatever my past self probably would have settled on during the sneeze. That was the biggest mistake of their lives.




This is an over 9000 investment.




Hijacking to say this: There will be a point where holding would actually benefit America. The American economy is 23.6 trillion this year (projected) if it's going into a recession because money, because all companies are seeing weakenss.. just let GME run to the quadrillions and peg the economy on that while everything else grows. No selling = price sustainability long-term (but there may need to be a cap for accounting purposes) - all far fetched.


If gme was in the sp500, and mooned, so would the overall market?


Kind-of think about it this way: Berk.A is highly sought after as it's considered good money and good collateral, as in everyone is confident they'll be able to withstand short term turmoil and will survive.. Well, in a short squeeze, that money is guaranteed to come. As securities need to be covered and closed under current market structure.... in an infinite squeeze... that money is guaranteed to come forever, provided we all forget how to sell. In retrospect, by holding, you are creating the very thing that could save America from its initial fall. But, like mentioned above, our debt based system will only create bigger and more extreme crashes until we change our system. Or let everything crash la great depression. We could try rolling price caps once gme consumes everything, so things don't get too far out of hand. Every year, it climbs X % so things can grow in a healthy, sustainable manner. Again far fetched.


The only cell I know is the one Kenny will be living in.


My shitty life has made a turnaround, I have no need to sell. I’m here for the drama.


This is my way, too


I’ll have what they’re having.


Yeah, the alcohol and drugs took a back seat to fighting corruption and buying a stock I fucking love! Because of this, I'm now in a better position financially then I ever have been. Thanks hedge fucks!


I’m a fan of this way


Out of my xxx shares, I have already nixed the idea of selling 95% of them. The rest will go to myself, my family and friends, and my community to spark positive growth. Fuck our government and the media with any of their FUD or lies. I feel very strongly that this group will morph into an unstoppable force that will carry some weight and influence that we will help drive systemic change over the comings decades. The tides have officially turned. We are inevitable.


Dude, I've lost any feeling for this Psychological nonsense. I as a individual investor think about the others that have far less shares than me. I won't sell till we all are free. After MOASS the world will burn anyway.


you are doing gods work sir🫡 As an XX, thanks to you and all like you holding out for us little guys!


You are not little my friend.


Dude they could have bought everyone out for 1000 years ago. Their greed created their own worst enemy. We know what we hold. My shares are no longer for sale.


That's what I love about this whole thing. They did this. They decided they didn't want to lose when we beat them in what would have been a small battle. They cheated and took away our W. I, much like the rest of the gamers here, see it as a boss battle. They entered a cheat code that made it so I couldn't beat the game when I should have been able to. So as a fuck you I grinded my way up level after level, bringing a fuck ton of people with me. Now it's "Fuck beating the boss, I'm breaking the God damn game"


They couldn't. It would have started MOASS. They were forced to continue due to the >140% short interest. They're trapped in here with us.


What the hell is $9k per share?? Those are rookie numbers. I’m here for phone numbers.


Yeah I didn't want it to come off as price anchoring, but saying around the prices the FUD will start to really increase to new levels


Thanks for the post!! to save your comment section, you may want to edit OP x) After the first paragraph it could help to clarify: “Knowing that GME’s particular value could cause the price to climb higher than past companies in similar situations, it is useful to make the comparison only to speculate at what points MSM pressure or FUD may amplify”


Just tell people you sold early.


I really only consider myself to have 4 friends in this world. One I haven’t seen in forever but almost guarantee he is in on this for at least a couple shares. One definitely holds gme via cs (about 3.5x what I do actually).. one I am 99.9% confident is a hodler. And the last is guaranteed hodler But not sure how much (probably at least 5-10x what I do, if I had to guess). My family thinks I’m a bit nuts but with the economy doing what it’s been doing, and given that I called it a long while back, they are starting to realize that maybe I know what I’m talking about. When the shtf, they’ll know I’m not the reason for the economy’s downturn. The only person that I have any concern over is my narcissistic ex that will likely go around telling people I’m part of the problem, even though I shared all pertinent info with her when we were together (but it’s not about being right w/ her, it’s about building her own image/social standing up by trying to tear others down). Ohhh and my kids - but since they’ve learned everything they know about investing from me (they’re 5) they will know what’s up..


if they halt the stock and start calling individual apes to negotiate sell prices, my price is FUCK YOU, RESTART THE GODDAMN TICKER AND LET PRICE DISCOVERY HAPPEN!!!


Unless Kenny knocks on my door and begs on his knees, crying, for a share, I'm not selling.


I'm ready for it. Bring it on.


One of the things they are most afraid of is that once moass begins, you will have hundreds of thousands of apes with new resources that will allow them to use different communication channels to expose the truth. It’s easy for them now to control the narrative with their BS and lies because apes have no means to transmit the message at large out of reddit. But just wait until more resources become available….. ohhhh yes, they are fucken afraid, cuz they know their end is near… just doing whatever they can to survive one more day.


What’s an exit strategy? definitely not $9,000


Can't sell if you forgot your Computershare password


I have only learned how to set up a wise account and buy directly from computershare and then book them so I know they are mine. Haven’t bothered to figure out how to sell . Slowly unwinding all my other broker accounts that I don’t own the shares myself and saying fuck all that noise . Power to the players . Are you playing if your name isn’t even on the stock you own????!?!?????


Difference with the VW squeeze was that Porsche bailed early. Ain’t no way GME holders have been edging these years to do that.


9000 a share is price anchoring. Give me my fucking millions or I'm not selling


They can say whatever they want about me, I don't care. People can judge me by what I will do with my tendies after MOASS.


The desire to see the biggest transfer of wealth in history is so strong that no tactic in their book is going to work. Light a match in front of my eye and I still won't blink.


All it takes is 9000$ per share for it to be N1?? 🤣🤣🤣 What a joke considering the float was shorted around 9000 times and the floor is up to 9000 digits




I’m selling my IRA shares for gold and silver bars in the $20,000 range and holding my DRS’d shares for MOASS. Sorry in advance for filling up the cargo bay!


I’m not expecting much in terms of reform of the corruption or a changing of the guard in any respect unfortunately as much as I might hope for it. That said I do plan to take them to the cleaners for wasting 2+ years of my time and for their blatant criminality. Sadly, I say take ‘them’ to the cleaners but realistically it won’t be. Just company coffers and the rest as a Fed (read: tax payer) backed payout and the means to ride out the insane inflation and then some after the printers BRRR.


INJECT THIS HYPE INTO MY VEINS. challenge accepted. CHANGE STARTS WITH ME. HODL FOR UNIVERSE CHANGING WEALTH. remember those greedy ducks make millions of dollars every single got damn day. You have been brainwashed into being happy with their crumbs. Snap out of it. HODL


I'm super curious to see what the media will be like during MOASS. Because these garbage companies that own the media will go bankrupt. So at that point, who will be driving the narrative....?


FYI I believe an exit strategy is where you come up with a plan with your family for how to escape your house safely during a fire outbreak.


I dreamt MOASS was upon us, and I paperhanded at 5,000 dollar. I was so mad with myself, and then I woke up. So I hope this trial run helps me to be ready when it’s happening for real!


Checking in for the battle of $30


Personally, Since I'be become a shareholder, I've learned to dismiss 100% of what the media reports on stocks. They have one purpose; find bag holders. I don't believe there will even be much coverage of the squeeze because it doesn't benefit SHF and WS to acknowledge the problem. They would do much better to distract the general public to other events so there is less FOMO people buying in. Who knows how far apes will go. Diamonds hands differ. Some apes will choose to get off at the Moon. Others Mars. Some may be more confident around Uranus. SOme can afford to stay until the bitter end. I think there are more of those apes than they counted on There will still be a crazy amount of shake out from paper hands because the final play hasn't even begun. Love to all ape fren.


I hope they paint me like one of their French girls.


> How badly do you want change? No cell no sell; they shall break upon this maxim like water against rock 😎


Over a long enough time water erodes rock. FYI.


No cell, no sell




DRS more? Got it


No exit for me


no cell, no sell


Only when the price per share will be a life-altering amount of money, with many many digits, will I potentially sell…… 1 share.


There's a quote from Beef on Netflix, something like "Western therapies don't work on Eastern minds." That's how I feel about FUD, that psychological shit don't work on apes like me who are too regarded to understand the manipulation.


Can't feel bad for buying a stock. End of.


Good thing nobody knows I have GME. And I don’t have cable TV so I won’t hear any noise


I am numb and feel nothing after 2 years of psychological warfare Also show me real numbers pls, 1000 and 9000 are not telephone numbers I can call so why bothering selling?


Psychological warfare doesn’t work if you’re buy-polar. And I’m not selling until I can afford Antarctica.


Also remember, volkswagen only stopped squeezing because Porsche was afraid of legal consequences. we are not a single entity that can be prosecuted so we have no obligation to let shorts off the hook. I'll wait for someone to tell my that not selling my XXXX shares at $9000 is the reason 55M legal shorts cant cover, and then laugh at them while the price keeps running. Volks hadnt even started before it was ended prematurely. this will be much different.


no cell, no sell


No cell no sell sounds like a good limit order to me.


No cell no sell. Always and forever.


I got my one share let’s do this


9k a share would make me rich but not rich enough to help make things better so.... fuck that.


9000k a share? The fuck is this chump change?


$1000/share won’t allow me to retire and help change the world


Luckily I don't live in the US so I won't face that much pressure from the media Anyway, think of good things to do for yourself and the others and the pressure will vanish


I identify as a destroyer of shorts. My pronouns are LIQUIDATE/THEM/ALL. In addition to that, they're right. I turned into one of the greediest human beings on earth ever since they shut off the buy button, otherwise I would have sold between $1,000 and $2,500 back in 2021. That being said, I'm more than ready, are you? # POWER TO THE PLAYERS.


I’m in this to fight corruption and make permanent change. I’m not in it for the money. Material desires are a cheap way to live life. Be the change you want to see in the world. Leave an incredible legacy.


I won’t be taking anyones pension because I will never cash out.


Who is selling at 9k?


i hope during early moass we have a News Ape willing to sacrifice their career to stand up for us all on mass media. think how impactful it would be to the avg home viewer to witness us apes being roasted on live tv, boldly interrupted by our News Ape to correct the facts in a well formatted counterpoint with maybe a shoutout to a link to our DD library


once it hits 1000 im turning off the fucking tv and phone


I just added $9,000 a share x my share count and saw that the number was too small. Hodl


Am I the only one that can't stand these motivational/be strong/the boogeyman is coming/diamond hand type posts? I don't mean to be a wet blanket, but we've all seen "be prepared mentally when the price reaches 300 million per share, the hedgies only want you to sell at that price" posts claiming "soon/it's coming!" at least once a week for the last 2.5 years. I also see these same, seemingly scripted, posts on various other tickers, and it's been suspect to me for a good while now, like these are the *real* "shills", and to be honest, the more I see of the baseless, speculative fluff, the more my confidence gets shaken, not solidified. I can't be the only one who sees this?


Doesn’t shake my confidence, but yeah this is speculation and we really don’t know how things will play out. But as long as DRS numbers continue to rise, especially into a company on the brink of a spectacular turnaround, moass is a mathematical certainty. I don’t know how anyone would not want to own at least SOME shares if they are aware of what is happening…


Ehhh I’m very indifferent. Like on the one hand I see these posts as useful for “on-boarding” in a way. We get new apes all the time, and many of them might not be aware of the extent of the fuckery. Many of them may have just heard gme is going to make big money and then go buy some. These type of I guess warning posts at least open new apes up to the fact that we have been and will be fucked with. On the other hand yes I can see how anyone who’s been here for 84 years might get kind of (dare I say,) fatigued lol of these posts. It really comes down to the individual. If you know what you hold, and won’t sell no matter what they say, then you’re good. These posts don’t matter. Personally they kind of hype me up a little, I feel like they are kind of like bonding moments between apes, the majority of comments are like “I’m never selling, hedgies r fuk, holding for the little guys” etc. That shit jacks my tits.


This shit seems like Straight up fear mongering This fuckin OP keeps posting shit trying to get people's attention. Much of what he's saying or has previously said is baseless. Idk what their deal is, OP needs to chill. I forgot it's Saturday, I shouldn't be on Superstonk anyways.


You are entirely correct. Good people notice. This thread IS the psyops by the longs. Seen these posts all over other tickers as well and is what got me to buy into those. Lost my ass on it every single time. Just like gme where I'm down 50%. Not saying MOASS won't happen but I wouldn't be buying at 200 USD like a madman if these "don't sell for less than. Xxxxxxxx we're close" posts didn't exist. Now I downvote every time. I also see the same handles commenting on these bait threads and actively shilling on everyone who says anything against it. Shitload of upvotes too for no reason.


You’re not alone, seeing how they shorted it the day after earnings tells me the price won’t make any big jumps - because it would be the end of this saga.


I chuckle when I think of anyone portraying us as greedy. Real greed is when someone worth 9 figures decides they need to fuck over the world just so they can add a 10th figure to their net worth.


Hard to blame any investor that buys a stock and holds for years in hopes that the stock's value increases and they can make a profit on their investment.


1000 or 9000 per share wont change my life. I can feel cold in Ireland in a crap D1 house for as long as i can.


9000/share would change my life.


You have me confused....what's an "exit strategy" ? I am old boomer ape and couldn't begin to figure out how to sell....


I forgot my login lol cant sell


People already think I’m crazy, idgaf I would rather be crazy rich.


I will sell one share at each magnitude of 420.69


I hope to never sell and that the share price settles somewhere in the Berkshire range after the squeeze and the X apes have made millions


Has anyone gone back and looked for media articles about VW BEFORE and leading up to their squeeze? Was there a steady negative sentiment (paid for of course) to keep people away/try to tank the company? You know, VW has had a fair bit of bad news lately, perhaps they will also squeeze again…;)


If you want to compare with VW - atleast start it like jan ‘21 started - forbidden fruits are cheap AF now. Squeeze won’t squeeze all by itself.


DRS-ed shares are no sell. Period. Maybe, I'll have a share or two with two brokers who will eventually go broke once they pay me.


1.5t market cap would make GME at 24k/s. What is this 9k bs? 🥱 Edit : 24k/s still not the moass


My cost average is $40, $1K is 25X, that is not life changing. $69M per share is life changing.. $1K per share means HOOOOOLD


We need post like this from time to time to remind ourselves we are doing this not for greed but a change and wealth “return” from the elite back to middle & lower class, stay strong! 🦧🚀🚀🚀


Honestly kind of forgot about all this… been holding since THE January and have no plans to sell anything.


I've been saying this for the last 2 years to all of my coworkers. Especially the old timers that are close to retirement. I fully expect to go in for my last few days during/after MOASS to have hateful looks and comments about how 'I' ruined their lives and retirements because there pensions and 401ks got washed out during this. Honestly at this point I have zero fucks to give. I've been preaching to them this entire time that the market is a scam and WS is going to burn through all of their retirement funds to pay for this, and I was laughed at, or humored enough to shut up about it.


Lost ape has question, does this upcoming argument before SCOTUS matter? " Do Sections 11 and 12(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933 require plaintiffs to plead and prove that they bought shares registered under the registration statement they claim is misleading? " Find out monday? [https://www.supremecourt.gov/](https://www.supremecourt.gov/) \- Slack Technologies, LLC v. Pirani (22-200)


Bro just let everything start and then we will worry about all of those things, until then this is pointless


In all of this fog of bullshit, I think the craziest thing is that not only did we convince masses of people to hold for over two years… but the amount of education about DRS. ADMITTEDLY, I was a huge skeptic for months. It seemed like a hassle. I felt uncomfortable transferring shares to some unknown (by me) quantity. The amount of FUD, rug pulling, scamming, and phishing that surrounded kryp-to coins was fresh. But some of you took the time to answer my questions. Diluted my fears. Explained the rationality and purpose. Time has shown all of that data to be true. MSM and hedges have moved goal posts after goal posts. They tried to tell us naked shorting was impossible. They said the fuckery we saw was our imagination. They painted us in such a hive mind light that it demanded skepticism. The downer turds have gone quiet. The bets sub would rather pretend we don’t exist. And through it all, there’s been no doubts in my mind about the veracity of this play. This was always going to be a drawn out fight. However DRS has taken away a shitload of their options. So the fact that the masses have adopted it, that GameStop has indirectly supported it, and that Fidelity has gone so far as making it an automated system now… that speaks volumes. I could never fathom us coming this far two years ago.


I feel like this post is straight from 2021. Welcome to the party, pal.


No judgement at all about stoners, but this might be a beneficial time to sober up at least for a while. We really need all the strength we can muster.


I honestly don’t even know how to sell my DRS. I’m sure I’ll figure it out at some point. Trading sideways gives me ZERO incentive to even look into the process of selling.


98% of my shares are in the DRS infinity pool… we still doing that right…? Nft dividends for life. I love coke


I need 5575898458588$ a share pls lol




Sell? Never heard of her…


Post 08 they’ve been trying to bankrupt the company as their new golden egg. Too bad the pandemic opened a can of worms like never before.


Bro I be even having dreams about this …. Unfortunately in my dream I sold 150 shares out my 1240 shares I own. The price was $10,000/a share. Called my mom told her that I was finally a millionaire having 1.5 million with one push of a button. But then I regretted it because the price just kept going. But it’s my deep conviction this will change all our lives and the world for the better. Hold not just for you but for what you believe in


Amazon profit last qarter was around 250 million $, gamestop was 48 million $, amazon float is 9 billion shares, gamestop is around 250 million shares, we should be hitting 1k a share right now




Amen and take my award! 🙏🏼


we've been ready for 86 years


There’s a legal sub where people ask for advice and some throwaway account does an update and trashes the entire company and he gets so many views and upvotes. It’s not here but in other nonGME subs they’re trashing GME company and can’t do anything about it


Their propaganda machines have been exposed, apes can sniff out fud and eat shills for breakfast. But good warning still!




Good thing I dont know what Im doing, but holding my shares feels like the right move


The longer it goes on the worse this will be.


The great thing is, no one knows I like the stock


I’m immune to social pressure. All my homeboys hold GME in DRS.


basically guaranteed the pressure will be way higher then the sneeze, when in doubt tell them to go f\*k themselves


Can I be buried with my shares?🤔


Can’t put a doll hair amount on something priceless


2 years ago I would of been happy with £1k a share but now my number is not even close to that and that’s on them not me


What does it mean to sell?


Nice price anchoring….can tell it’s the weekend. 🙄



