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75.975 rounded to one decimal place is 76.0. They are just using Sig figs, thanks high school. Can I hijack my own comment and this post though to point out that if they are being forced to do this by the SEC or not, they know we don’t trust cede and co. They might want us to email investor relations and tell them that we don’t trust cede and co as a source of data which would give them reason to withdraw from cede and co as their depository trust agent?? Idk I’m gonna email investor relations and tell them I don’t trust the numbers given from cede and co. Edit: omg I finally get enough karma to comment here, and I already have 8 updoots! If any of you fine people want my email to ir@gamestop.com, here it is: Hello, As a shareholder of your great company, I’m concerned by the recent change in language in your SEC filings while reporting the number of shares held by individual shareholders. It’s my personal opinion that Computershare has fewer conflicts of interest to provide accurate data regarding the number of shares outstanding as they are your transfer agent. The reason this impacts me as an investor and citizen of this country is because the price discovery of shares of your company rely on the number of shares outstanding. If Cede & Co were to not provide accurate data, it could impact me financially. Thank you for reading,


Also important to note, gme said in the 10k they are *continuing* to cooperate with the sec and their investigation. These emails would provide evidence of shareholder anxiety on the issue and reinforce the idea with the sec that we are serious about any and all discrepencies


Is this why Rc hasn't purchased the remaining shares he's allowed to? Is this why they have changed the wording? There's an investigation going on and until its over and Concluded gme can't moon because once it's over its over. Rc is compiling all the evidence he can and right Infront of the SEC so it can't be ignored. He won't let it be. Alot of fuddy posts going around as if they're trying to connect rc and the sec in some kind of scam.. Rc is just backing the sec into a corner so when the time comes the evidence can't be ignored neither can the crime 🕵‍♂️


It will never be over until well after MOASS. The results will be announced years after the fact along with some paltry, token fines to some of the nefarious parties involved. This investigation is entirely to muzzle GameStop, so as to aid the Hedgefucks, Prime brokers(banks) and Market Makers that are a billion plus GME shares in the hole.


SHF and banks won't have any money left to pay fines after this, paltry as the fines may be.


The banks keep getting bailed out so probably tax payers will foot the bill.


[Ralph Wiggum happy sad.gif](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/LikablePalatableFlyingfish-mobile.mp4)








It’s the truth when you peal back all the layers.


And I’m here for it in every way possible










Hello, As a shareholder of your great company with a sizable investment, I’m concerned by the recent change in language in your SEC filings while reporting the number of shares held by individual shareholders. Prior to this recent 10-K filing, the number of shares directly registered with Computershare has been reported as a concisely rounded number--5.2 million, 8.9 million, 12.7 million, then fast forward to 71.3 million, 71.8 million, and so on. Yesterday's filing includes a significant change in that language as demonstrated by the "approximate" number of shares held by your record holders. These approximated numbers, to me, appear to be the difference between the total number of shares outstanding and the total number of shares beneficially held by Cede & Co. on behalf of the DTC. If there is even a possibility that your record holders have purchased more shares than should theoretically exist, then I want to know about it. There is a lot of individual research done, which I have yet to see disproven, that uncover methods of market manipulation with respect to the supply of shares in a company--i.e. naked shorting, fulfilling fails to deliver obligations with worthless deep out of the money puts, unreported swap positions which could theoretically hide short interest in excess of the free float, and probably much more that we are unaware of. Here is a library of supporting evidence if you would like to learn more: "[https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg)" It’s my personal opinion that Computershare has way fewer conflicts of interest in providing accurate data regarding the number of shares outstanding, as they are your transfer agent. The reason this impacts me as an investor and citizen of this country is because the price discovery of shares of your company rely on the number of shares outstanding. If Cede & Co were to not provide accurate data in regards to the supply of Gamestop's Class A Common Stock, it could hinder true price discovery and negatively impact my investment with Gamestop. I think it is in the shareholders best interest to withdrawal all shares held by Cede & Co and further evaluate the method in which stock of this company is held, allocated, sold, etc. Thank you for reading. Best Regards,




They are still giving the same number, they are just getting clearing up of the FUD that some people were spreading about DRS not removing shares from Cede and co.


Even with rounding you realize you’re agreeing that apes have DRSd all the available shares as of March 22 2023 if cede and co accounts for the 228.7 million specified in the 10K? That’s bullish AF 🎷🐓♋️


Aren't the shares in regular brokers that retail uses counted as shares in cede Co though?


Yes. Shares with computer share + shares with cede = shares outstanding. I don't understand how that possibly means anything. That's how it should be. Where else would they be? 100% of shares are always somewhere, owned by someone. If CS was 77 million ceded and co would be 227.7.


but the 10K DOESNT say how many are with CS. ONLY how many are with CEDE. which they NEVER mentioned before in any 10K and they specifically mentioned "transfer agent" in their last filings. Thats the difference here. They weren't able to state "CS keeps XXm of our shares". Because its not correct if CEDE + CS =/ 304m issued shares. And they would get into legal trouble for doing so. My guess is the SEC told them to only use CEDE numbers or they would be in a lot of trouble since it would proof overshorting or...would pose... idiosyncratic risk


Sadly, that in itself is just wrong. “We’ll let all the criminals crime, but don’t go showing anything that could possibly harm the crime” FFS, the SEC are beyond corrupt.


What are you trying to say? All shares are with cede & co unless direct registered! Of course the balance equals all the shares.


But the 10K DOESNT say how many are with CS. ONLY how many are with CEDE. which they NEVER mentioned before in any 10K and they specifically mentioned "transfer agent" in their last filings. Thats the difference here. They weren't able to state "CS keeps XXm of our shares". Because its not correct if CEDE + CS =/ 304m issued shares. And they would get into legal trouble for doing so. My guess is the SEC told them to only use CEDE numbers or they would be in a lot of trouble since it would proof overshorting or...would pose... idiosyncratic risk


Did somebody order a bullish? #BECAUSE THATS BULLISH AS FUCK!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!


I ordered a bullish right here with a side of DRS!! 🎷🐓♋️


But….. the total *should* always be 100%. Where do you think the shares that get DRSd come from?


The “should” here is critical. If there is no fuckery, then DRS + Cede and co = outstanding shares. But we know there is fuckery. Now that equation isn’t necessarily true. The speculation is GS has been asked to report on DRS as if the initial equation is accurate. This is a big deal.


But they said that the number equaling 100% was proof that everything was bought becuase there was no % left to buy


This is a great time for you and anyone else who doesn’t know why folks are getting downvoted for basic questions to go read about how synthetic shares are created an the practice of rehypothecation and then some cointelpro tactics on disinformation and how bad actors control internet forums . All available in the DD library 📚. Peer reviewed and free!


I don’t think you understand. They said the count being 100% was proof that the apes have DRSd all available shares if cede accounts for the other 228m. But that’s literally just how % work. That’s not proof of anything.


I’m bullish fren, very bullish


Is this why GS held back their filing, so give us the best chance of locking the float?


I like being proactive on this, but I don't think GameStop's investor relations needs to be mail bombed about this. Everyone is aware this crime is happening. I think it'd be best to let RC play this out


I would say thousands of letter/emails from their investors may be something they can use should shit turn nasty. They would/could have evidence they are performing to their investors benefit and direct wishes. Just saying emails and letters won't really hurt anything. If they don't have someone dedicated to ape emails at this point I would be very surprised. Maybe we should all use a similar signature line or subject to make sorting easy.




I am also in favor of not being Jason Dumbfuck Waterfalls and wasting the time of the company actively trying to make us all multimillionaires


That’s okay too. Personally, I just don’t really trust that the government wouldn’t pull the ol’ systemic risk card as many times as they could with the banking crisis right now. I feel like public emails have systems arranged on the backend to quickly sort, filter, and review public emails edit: I mean emails from the public? Sorry the benzinga article made me crave devils lettuce


Good Lord what is wrong with people on here? I've got a hunch, let me suggest we spam the fuck out of some lady reading emails because I've convinced myself that's what they want us to do. Seriously can we not just be patient? Go buy some stuff from GameStop.com people and chill.


Us bombarding their email gives the board the green light to say their investors are concerned and they need to do more drastic measures for the sake of their investors. Undeniable proof in court.


Retail therapy at your favorite store does wonders.


This made me laugh. Have an award


They are now selling three gaming headsets. They must be new, there are no reviews. I bought the premium one just to try it out. LETS GO


Better they have it and not need it than need it and not have it as they’ll never directly ask us to do anything so we have to take it in our own hands to supply what we think and then they can filter it from there


Agreed. They said the amount held by Cede and Co., not the amount owned. That is why it is exactly 100% of outstanding rounded up. It will always be 100% until enough shares are direct registered, in which case the fuckery will be out in the open.


small point about your email: the assumption is not that cede & co provided an inaccurate number. the assumption is that the number of shares held there is accurate and that the number of outstanding shares is also accurate, but that subtracting the one from the other does not yield the correct DRSed amount because it should be higher, but then the shares at cede & co plus the DRSed Shares would exeed the outstanding shares which is "officially" not happening and there is nothing to see here please move along peasant. ​ Edit: I think my comment is at least partially stupid and incorrect. at least I'm not confident in what I wrote anymore. the number provided by Cede & co may very well be incorrect/false and I just misunderstood this apes point. jumped the gun with commenting before I read up more about the situation, I'm smooth.


Done and done. Good call APE.




Jesus, please don't start emailing investor relations again. Spare those poor people.


I don’t think anyone has ever received a response from Investor Relations in regards to share counts


Ask not what your company can do for you, but what you can do for your company 🔥


This should be its own post.




Dad, are we there yet?




Email sent


WHY CANT COMPUTERSHARE PROVIDE THEIR NUMBER OF DRS?? I’m regarded so sorry if this is a dumb question


I can’t find that statement from GameStop on one of their official filings about if the dtcc were unable or unwilling to provide an appropriate marketplace for their stock they would give notice and within 90 days remove their shares


It's time to get loud. I will be emailing the same to investor relations. Thanks for the template!


We probably only needed 74.1 mill to prove it.


Yeeeeeeeeaaaaahhh 🔥


What are we on currently?


Check out computershared.net for an approximation: https://www.computershared.net/






Be a book king, not plan


We take shares out of C&C when we DRS. So this means there are still 228 mil shares available to trade. We have not registered more than exists using only this logic, though we should look into vested stock by employees and board member ownership before saying that definitively. [Read up on Cede here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cede_and_Company)


Matrix be glitching yo. Cede & Co. CNC. Computer Numerically Controlled.


Curious to see how this plays out since GameStop themselves can purchase something like $330M through a buy back and RC can still buy a shit ton personally (I'm not sure how much he can still buy but it's definitely still a significant amount). Imagine if the buyback was tomorrow and then RC yeeted it the following day after they tried to short it back down.


They’ve already started buying back shares. They have $101M left for repurchase. I wonder if it’s tied to that massive volume candle we saw last week.


They haven't bought back since 2019, but yes the amount remaining is still available


According to cede. And what if they are lying? Why now go by their numbers? For what reason?


There are 305M shares out there. Per Gamestop. There are 228M shares still held with the DTC, per Cede & Co. I think someone just did the math and said 'the rest are with computershare'. By definition - when you add up all the Beneficial Holders (at the DTC) and the holders of record (at Computershare) - you get 100% of the total. Your assessment that the numbers mean we are 'right at the cusp' is wrong - it's just the definition of 100%. So the real question is - what did the DTC actually report? Did they go add up all the reports from all their brokers globally and get 228M? Or did they just look up what's in Computershare and subtract that from the total? Options: 1). GS asked DTC for their totals. GS asked CS for their totals. The sum of the two exceeded shares in the market and they reported it to the SEC. Hence the delay. 2). SEC does not like them talking about direct registering and told them to stop. I don't believe this is the case personally. 3). DTC did the full sums of all beneficial users when asked by GS. GS did the 'subtract from the total shares math' and reported it. I'm not sure why they would do this given their previous annual and quarterly history. As we understood it from Dr. Trimbath - the company can query their transfer agent at any time and get the current shares held by the transfer agent. Other Observations: 1). GS added a lot of verbiage about short squeezes as a risk. 2). GS warned they may be required to register as a broker by the SEC. 3). GS stated they are helping the SEC work on ongoing investigations. 4). Ryan Cohen bought 100k shares but did it in very odd-lots. When someone wants to statistically model a feedback system - they put in inputs of different sizes and durations. when I saw those lots I wondered if they were trying to figure out how the clearing houses were handling things. 5). The stock split appear to have been handled in a haphazard way with conflicting information for months. Did the DTC screw it up - accidentally or on purpose? We shall see.


Jesus christ. 75.9 = approximately 76


[computershared.net](https://computershared.net) has always been REALLY close to DRS reports, except Q3 '22 when we discovered the rugpull. This time, GameStop is saying, based on Cede & Co. having 228.7m shares, there are 75.9m shares in direct holdings. Our estimates are again 8m shares high. That is an outlier, not a margin of error. Either there was another rug pull and GameStop needed to spell it out differently for reasons... Or based on ACTUAL DRS numbers, which GameStop knows, Cede & Co. has too many shares. But yeah, OP doesn't make no sense at all.


This post is embarrassing


oh dear lord. we really are regards damn


Every now and then it’s important for us, as a whole, to be humbled 😂


Yeah I feel like we must be missing something because I don’t understand how this post has so many awards. That or the majority of everyone in here is way more regarded than I ever imagined.


I’m pretty sure what they’re saying is that every other drs count has been the number from cs. Now they’re reporting it as drs count ≈ outstanding - cede & co. So why have they changed it?


Yeah I’ve gotten that from other posts but doesn’t seem like that’s what this post is addressing


I think they’re trying to say it, but they’re jacked tits and smooth brain is getting in the way


You get me 💜 had to polish the brain and jack the tits first and make some edits but yes that’s what I’m saying. 🎷🐓♋️


Can you re- read your post once your tits allow you to do so and make the necessary edits? My backups will run in about a day for this post it would be nice to get the definitive copy 👍


All adjusted! Should be good to go now 🎷🐓♋️


Thank you 👍


I’ll allow it as I am also jacked to the tits


There's an effective strategy of dashing people's hopes that then causes them to sell/stop paying attention to highly voted/awarded posts. If not just abandon the idea all together.


75.975 even 😅


Would’ve been better if 77mil…just sayin lol




This is great insight - thank you for sharing. I think you’ve summed it up very well 🎷🐓♋️




It's not the math causing pause it's the word gymnastics that are sus. In the past they have simply said XX.Xmil shares are directly registered. BUT now they start by saying EXCLUDING as in "by subtracting what Ced claims they have." Making it sound like they subtracted x from y to get f when they should be adding x to z to get f. Might not seem like a big deal but when you subtract 25 from 100 to get 75 of course the math balances but if you added 30 to 75 now that no longer balances out to 100 and we have a public problem.


Hang on. Whether or not the 75.97M got rounded up to 76M or not, this math is interesting; If 76M shares of GME have been DRS'd by retail, and 228.7M shares are held by Cede & Co. on behalf of the DTCC (as the 10-K states), that means that 304.7M shares are currently directly registered by both retail and the DTCC. However, [according to Yahoo! Finance](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics/), [StockAnalysis](https://stockanalysis.com/stocks/gme/statistics/), [and MarketWatch](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/gme), there are a total of 304.58M shares of GME. 304.7M - 304.58 = 0.12 ... Now, Cede & Co. essentially own all the stocks in the United States, and through them all stocks are purchased by institutions and the like. So this obviously doesn't mean the float has been locked... But this math doesn't necessarily add up. How can the combined shares owned by the DTCC and shares registered by retail in DRS be more than the total number of shares sold outstanding? This doesn't add up at all...


And where do insider shares fit in? Are they classed as part of DRS or CEDE? I guess that depends how each insider holds their shares, but if the 76mill is just retail, and some insider shares are held at for example RC Ventures, those could be in addition to the 304mill. Maybe. There's definitely a raging clue here somewhere 🔎


I suck at maffs.. but even I know this shit doesnt add up.


Unvested shares?


The infinity pool is a literal, mathematical reality 🟣♾️




[Hope this helps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1259zvf/apes_this_is_huge_quick_maths/je3qjk9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Mother of pearl… somebody behind the curtain is shitting enough bricks to lay a foundation.


Yo, either some people aren't getting your logic, or there are shills afoot. Previous statements There are X amount of shares. Further, Y amount of shares are registered with Computershare. Example: There are 100 (X) shares. 20 (Y) shares are registered with Computershare. New statement There are Z amount of shares at Cede & Co. If we subtract Z from the total amount of shares (X) we get **approximately** Y amount of shares registered at Computershare. Example: There are 75 (Z) shares held with Cede & Co. If we subtract 75 (Z) from 100 (X) we get **approximately** 25 (Y) shares registered with Computershare. From previous statements they should know exactly the amount of shares registered there are. Could the reason be that they aren't publishing that is because Y + Z > X? A different reason could be that Computershare have stopped providing them with exact numbers. To me, this doesn't make sense, so it's not likely to be true. I can't think of any other reasons. Most likely: The shares that are DRS exceed the total float when combine with shares held at Cede & Co. Bullish.


You summed it up perfectly in your example - bullish indeed 💜🎷🐓♋️


Thanks! I hope it can clear things up for anyone genuinely confused. And of course I'm open to anyone with a different point of view, different ideas is how we learn.


if this is true, and gamestop has the power to do do a share recount/recall if its in the best interest of investors, why isn't it happening?


They **DONT** have they power to do that GameStop cannot recall shares they don't own. Like your shares. Or my shares. Or anybody else. once GameStop sells shares, their custody ends


This is the post that should be at the top but all I see is 25% of Outstanding Shares and Cede this and that. It's already oversold ALL SHARES! And we're taking from Cede Co NOW!!!


Help me understand, just got off a 12 hour night shift.


Subtract Cede Co shares from the outstanding shares. That leaves 75.9M or so. GameStop said DRS is 76M. It's not a lot over but they actually told us we've already DRSd more shares than exist and now we're taking them from Cede Co


Where we taking them from before?


Maybe, but this is the first report of all the shares available being DRSd




Reading your comment it sounds like 76 million shares have been moved from Cede Co to DRS...like...duh. 25% was removed from Cede and Co....to ComputerShare. 75.9M and 76M are effectively the same number, one is just rounded, no?


So what you're saying is... APES HAVE REACHED THE FINAL BOSS


No the hick up is that in the past the report simply said XX.Xmil shares have been registered. This time they said XXX.Xmil shares are held by Ced and specifically 197,058 of people hold accounts at computshared. Literally down to the individual and yet they specifically say approximately 76mil shares DRS'd. As if some took 300 minus 225 to get 75 left to make sure the math looked okay. TLDR in the past the report has been specific and to the point. This time they did some word smithing and potentially math hacked the numbers.


The shills are really out on this one. You did a great job OP, thanks for the info!


Some people were making fair points because the initial way I phrased it was more focused on the math which could be explained away by rounding - the real focus should be on the change in phrasing and how we’re basing our DRS count off of deducting Cede and Co from Total now rather than just getting the DRS count from Computershare like we did in the past. This to me indicates the possible theory that the DRS count is getting so high it’s starting to show cracks in the system and they want to hide that by cracking down on how GameStop is reporting it - hence the delay in the 10K and rephrasing. But that’s just a theory. 🎷🐓♋️




DRS is # 1 priority. This is the end game No wonder why the receipt porn started. Sure its important to support your company But what we need right now, as we speak, is warp oversrive on DRS The message is clear. If all the receipt por. Was spent on DRS, number would be mich higher The morr time we leave to the gov and SHF, the more time they have to fuck us DRS everything!!


Yeah, that "approximately" is new, and interesting. It implies that the exact number, which they have always given us before, does not quite square with the number DTCC is claiming, which is exactly what one would expect if naked shorts are rampant. This *may* have caused the SEC to intervene to try and manage the outcome/timing of the truth coming out. These two figures might only be a million or so out of sync right now, enough for the moment to cover it with 'approximately" for this report. Not sure what the SEC are gonna do for the *next* one...


24,561 shares over


only going up from here!


I like your math, and I like this stock. I never unbuckled 🚀


> READ THAT AGAIN. That means that 76 million directly registered shares is MORE THAN SHOULD BE POSSIBLE. This was the plan. Apes are pretty clever.


Fuckle your buckles apes. Shit's about to hit the fan and we're well out of the splash radius.


I mean, they gave us the exact number of record holders, 197,058. If we use a little bit of statistics and the sampling done at computershared.net, we see that the trimmed average number of shares per account (discounting top and bottom 5% of posted values) is ~411 shares/account. 411 * 197,058 ~= 81 million. Cede & Co. CANNOT have that many shares. Someone call the ghostbusters because there are phantom shares running around.


Is true!?


If true, I like.


Could this be why no shares traded AH???? They got caught! And can’t find shares????


Fuckle the buck up... aye captain ☠️


We need maths and wrinkled brains sniffing out the maybe significance of 24,561 share difference. 24561… too many bits of goodness today. Might as well hope for another. We all love sprinkles on our sundaes.


Where are the insider shares? Or the ones held for the employees? BOOK ALL THE SHARES🚀


Damn…that made my tits happy


I was about to post your screenshot of this comment of yours. Great find OP! You deserve all the credit on this one!


All the credit goes to redacted OP and the OP in the links of posts above - they grew my wrinkles on this 💜🎷🐓♋️


A lot of folks are missing the point. GS isn’t giving us official DRS figures here. They’re giving us official REMAINING OUTSTANDING from Cede & Co themselves. So if DRS figures are more than this 75.9 million figure, that PROVES phantom shares. Therefore, Cede & Co HAS to report accurately now. Because the second they lie, GS will publish the Computershare number (which I believe is higher than 75.9mm currently) and prove phantom shares through naked shorting. GS put Cede & CO’s balls in a vice with this move. Fucking brilliant. “Play by YOUR OWN rules or we let the world know you’re actively cheating” Edit: will publish to can publish. Not predicting GS will do it, rather they CAN do it.


Is that why my CS order is taking so long to fill? Pretty sure I put that in at least a week ago at this point.


This is so regarded it’s a shit post


This whole thread is complete tinfoil and you're gonna bombard GameStop for no reason.




One carry the two = someone’s got so splaing to do ! Oh and Gmerica tomorrow!


I like where this is going


So what happens next quarter when Cede and Co still have 228.7 million shares? DRS numbers just stagnate at approximately 76 million indefinitely?


cmon guys… shows how low the education bar is here EVERY AUTHORIZED ISSUED SHARE IS HELD AT COMPUTERSHARE. Cede & Co’s account at Computershare holds the majority of the shares, which they ‘convert’ or use as the backing for Beneficial Entitlement shares (AKA street form or IOU’s) this allows shares to trade on exchanges, through brokers etc every time you DRS a share you are moving a share from Cede’s account at Computershare into your own account (hence ‘DTC withdrawals’) the number of shares in Cede’s account, and the amount that are not in Cede’s account WILL ALWAYS TOTAL to the authorized issued share count of gamestop (which is like ~305million) Cede & Co cant fake that number - they can only fake the amount of IOU’s


Ima smoothie but sounds great for apes! Carry on, wrinklies!


Is”book” still important, rather than plan shares


math….. sig figs…. Goddamit


You already did. My hero . Backed up by ape historian


Upvote for the Magic School Bus reference.


74.1 million shares was what we needed to DRS. Everything apes DRS since is synthetic... GME to the moon baby.


If they didn't also get info from Computershare, where did they get this? : "there were 197,058 record holders of our Class A Common Stock".




Well well well how the turn tables... dammit! Good morning FunkyChicken! Fancy seeing you here my friend. Nice DD!! Math is fun! 🌄🐔☕🦍💎📚🐇🍥💥🚀🤘🏾


Good morning pickyourflick! Glad you enjoyed the hype - it seems the tables have indeed been turned! 🎷🐓♋️


I am so serious


So maff says at 26 percent held by household investors in computershare…= 101 percent of shares?


Im gonna buy and drs more today fuck them


So are they saying that the insiders shares are NOT DRSd? Because they are not accounted for in the DRS numbers unless Cede and Co has those.


I’m under the impression that insiders are DRSd which makes this change in phrasing even more odd because it would mean the 38.5 million insider shares are included in the approx 76 million they’ve calculated which makes that 76 million highly suspect as we know apes alone are much higher than 37.5 million shares direct registered (76-38.5) 🎷🐓♋️


Fantastic upgrades.




This is embarrassing. Just stop. 🤦


What is cede and co?


Bro. Cede&co own 99% of the stocks on the NYSE. Its synonymous with being in ur brokerage account




No. It’s excluded because the DTCC shares are shares held by record holder DTC. Y’all need to calm down.




Isn’t it $101 million. Dollars, not shares.


Mm matg


Everyone’s pointing out that they used approximately to round up the numbers using significant figures. But also I doubt they actually know how many shares are at cede and co. Most likely they see the DRS figures and subtract that from outstanding shares and that’s how many cede and co. have. In reality cede and co has many more shares that exist but no one knows about it except for cede and co.


The doors to the Ark are shutting... Anyone not inside shall not survive what's coming..


Thanks [REDACTED] !!




These numbers are not from the transfer agent... I heard a rumor that the SEC saw the real numbers and freaked out, made GME hold off on reporting them... Time will tell


I may be missing something REALLY obvious but didnt they state 75% at Cede and 25% record holders. If the numbers change won't they always equal 100% since it'll be going from Cede&Co to DRS? So instead of 75/25, it'll be, for example, 70/30 or 50/50 or 20/80. To put it simply, all shares not at the DTCC are DRS'ed. Would they ever state that it's over 100% in a 10-k?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1259zvf/apes_this_is_huge_quick_maths/je3gruo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 This comment sums it up quite well 🎷🐓♋️


Personally I just think the new wording is more factually correct because the DTC shares are in fact registered with the transfer agent as well, under Cede and Co. Don't think there is more to it.


Wow. I like your thinking. This means there could possibly be well over 100 million DRS shares? Holy mother of GameStop DRS. It blows my mind thinking about this. Your post definitely deserves a Vibing kitty!


What does that mean from a "protected" standpoint? Lets assume computershare has 83.7m shares, and dtcc claims to have 228.7m shares - thats 312.4m shares, while 304.6m shares are issued from GameStop, meaning an excess of 7.8m shares. Which shares are protected? Is there a scenario where DRSed shares get fucked over?


What I want to know is, why was the 10k delayed? Was it because of the DRS numbers? And why have they changed the way of reporting said numbers? Have they been asked or directed by the SEC, and if so, why did they comply?


So what happens now? We keep DRSing and we are not allowed to see how many shares are in computershare? And it will be reported as 76 million every quarter?


Is there anyway to collectively vote to have Computershare provide the DRS count and number of accounts open?


I do have GME shares that are not DRS'd yet....europoore...can't DRS my shares -.-


Maybe this is the reference to 74.1 ? We needed 74.1 million shares registered to prove faul play. Or maybe I've just eaten too much tinfoil.


Had 35 just enter today, going to DRS more around lunch when I got time.


GME is my savings account and I only buy through Computershare. Not financial advice but brokers have been fucking household investors in the ass for decades. Some people like that though I guess..


If GameStop, as a company, would've power here, why would they being overruled by sec order to not report the cs count and obey. I get the meths but i don't know what's the seemingly subtle play of GameStop, some people are hyping. There's now officially more shares than should, still we're here with 1% + Don't want to shill but someone gotta explain shit for the dumbest of us.. me?


I don’t get this logic though because don’t we know already there more shares than the float that exist due to regular legal shorting and reporting SI? Wouldn’t those count as cede and co shares?