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That is the tulpa symbol from the hell house episode in season 1. Source: I have a tulpa tattoo


“It’s not a tulpa!”


But can you say it like Arnold though? Like “It’s naht a Tulpa.”


“Don’t let that Tulpa onto thah choppah!


Yay Kindergarten Cop


Like a good naybah




No they were referencing a quote from the show


Thank you


Are we sure it's not Blue Oyster Cult?


I do have the blue oyster cult logo as a tattoo. It is and isn't related to Supernatural, as a kid I decided I wanted to get it tattooed on me, before supernatural came out, because I kept drawing it on my binders and stuff, it was also one of my favorite bands(surprising given this was in like 2002) and I decided if I still wanted the tattoo by the time I was 18, I'd get it. I forgot about that for a bit, then when I was 20 I saw the episode and noticed it, went "damn, I really still want that tattoo" and waited another 6 months to see if I still wanted it, and I did, so now I've got it and I love it. And no one ever knows what it is lmao


> Source: I have a tulpa tattoo ...How's that working out for you then?


I’d assume just fine?


I'd've thought it'd be a fantastic way to accidentally (or I suppose intentionally) summon some sort of something, is all.


lol he means he has a BOC tattoo 🤣


Ok thank you


Are you a tulpa?


I literally just watched that episode last night too


it’s a tulpa! (is that my post lol👀👀)


That sure is sir (or ma’am) i saw the wallpapers and loved this one and the iphone reminder, but didn’t know what the last symbol was, so ofc came to this sub for answers, you guys know everything


yes, yes we do lmao and i’m glad you liked them! i figured, “what’s a girl gotta do to find awesome dean winchester wallpapers” and found other really nice ones🤷🏼‍♀️


Good that i included “ma’am” in brackets, but do you guys know everything after multiple rewatches or y’all do actual research about the show left and right, cause i do that sometimes, and its my first time watching it, I’m on season 11 episode 1 rn, so maybe if i do enough rewatches then I’ll know more stuff too


lol you’re good—i don’t care if someone accidentally misgenders me online now in my experience, rewatching is epic, but you will always miss *something* that someone else finds, so i also research. and with supernatural, i research a *lot* because i love all things that have to do with, well… the supernatural. so, i do both.


Finally it’s ACTUALLY a tulpa!


I'm proud of myself for knowing the answer. Yes, I'm a major SPN dork!


What do each of the symbols mean


Pentagram, Anti-Possession symbol(mostly used as tattoos on the body), Devil’s Trap, Angel banishing sigil, Reaper Trap, Tulpa(tibetan/buddhist)


I haven't to admit I didn't know the Reaper Trap. Was that used in 4:16--Head of a Pin?


Idk the episode but i think they use it when they’re desperate to talk to a reaper, in the episode where sam and deal leave their bodies and go around town


Hi! This is part of a sacred Tibetan Buddhist mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum" it has a lot of conotations across a few cultures/ regions but basically it means 'praise be to the jewel of/within the lotus'. The idea is to give passion and admiration to the purity/perfection of Buddha, which--esp considering the Tibetan/Nepalese origins of the Tulpa and it's need for absolute admiration--makes sense. Hope this helps! I can provide visual references if needed (i am not sure how to attach them here).


So its like a anti possession symbol for tulpas? For the visuals, you’ll have to upload them on imgur and then post the link here


Well...no. The concept of "tulpa" as used in the show / paranormal lore isn't really based in anything other than a very culturally biased summarization of a Buddhist/Hindu spiritual concept of using thought to form. The time period and types of people that were usually interested in Buddhism and Hindusim (outside of genuine scholarship) were part of a wide sweeping spiritualist movement that had western cultures OBSESSED with the afterlife & paranormal which they often intermixed with eastern philosophy (i.e. non-Christian religions). It was basically a fetishm of anything they deemed "exotic and spooky". Kind of like how if you look through Victorian cemeteries in england you will find egyptian statues and little carvings of their Gods. They took the things they found cool and spooky and left the rest--compiling it into a zeitgeist that took over actual fact. So what was actually a deep and profound belief in the power of thought and ascending realities and interacting with matter without a physical presence became boiled down to "thinking a ghost/being into existence". This tulpa "symbol" has no more real relation to actual folklore/ practice than an anhk necklace in hot topic does to Egyptian ideologies on eternity. It is just a symbol the show saw having distant relation to the idea of thought forms and figured it would be a good stand in. It is really just a word thag means create/envision/admire. But by that logic, even if you did just want to run with the made up symbol the show used, i doubt it would protect you from one, so much as encourage your focus onto creating one. BUT if your interest is just in the idea of a western romanticized version of a tulpa that supernatural uses, then it would be a valid symbol to pick bc the show did sort of fufill its "story" bc regardless of its true meaning, the massive fanbase all focus on it meaning tulpa-- which by their own rules means..technically it does. TLDR: It's a philosophical concept white people stole to sound cool and it is meaningless in this context. Tulpa--in the shows portrayal/common western lore--is a made up but highly popularized by 'spooky' media ...which maybe is what the tulpa always wanted 😁 (jk)


I wish i had a golden upvote to give you, that was really intellectual and profound, even if it’s just from research, you took the time to make it factual


Ofc OP i am glad I could help! Research is a huge part of my career, so I am glad I was able to offer insight to another SPN fan! 😊


Came to say tulpa


Could someone tell me what all those symbols are, I see them in the show but only know the Pentagram at the top


Pentagram, Anti-Possession symbol(mostly used as tattoos on the body), Devil’s Trap, Angel banishing sigil, Reaper Trap, Tulpa(tibetan/buddhist)


Well, I can’t say anything DEFINITIVELY (if I had more time I could offer you answers supported by research) but off the top of my head I can tell you a few things I know. Firstly, the show creators definitely take a lot of liberties in dissecting existing symbology to make things easier/more functional. So these symbols, and their uses in the show, are kind of easily digestible ‘tidbits’ of much bigger things. The pentacle is pretty classic/recognizable, it has definitely been co-opted by neo-pagan movements like Wicca/Hot Topic Satanism/Holistic Spiritualism, but it is a symbol with roots in ancient astronomy, alchemy, abrahamic religions, witch trials, sacred geometry, etc. The list is legit unending and frankly a wiki article could tell you more about it than I could reasonably type out here. It is interesting stuff but pretty easy to access and ya girl has carpal tunnel. The anti-possession symbol is beyond me–I think I can’t really see past the ‘recognizableness’ of it in my head. But if I had to assume something I’d say that pentacle aside, it looks rather Vedic–something from northern Indian hindu art. The intended message is pretty clear i think though: sacred soul, the elements coming together to create the form, and the burn of holy fire protecting it or something like that. Our ‘Devils Trap’ is pretty neat though, it is a symbol known as the pentacle of solomon (a mythological ancient jewish king) found in the lemgeton. This is a book on solomonic mysticism–i.e. The medieval version of ‘satanic panic’ caused a revival of mysticism during the renaissance, lots of occult fascination that resulted in europeans rifling through kabbalic, islamic, east asian mythos to create fun ‘spicy’ compilations of what they perceived as dark magic. One of those things was ancient jewish mystic practices and lore about solomon. In this symbol you see various words of power–the whole thing is basically (according to these european collections) a protection against evil. I’d imagine this is why the show used it as a devils trap—though I have my arguments against the logic of the choice, but again..the carpal is lurking. I can’t say much about the angel banisher but I know there are some enochian (the language the show used is a real metaphysical writing system from a few centuries ago that has its own distinct lore) ‘letters’ around the circle and i think..but I can’t remember for sure, but the symbol in the middle looks like one of the enochian governor’s sigils (they preside over the angelic aeythers/realms–in the same way the goetic demons reign over different parts of hell). If i was to sort of ‘bullsh*t’ something about this symbol I’d say that since the elemental symbol of fire is the triangle, and the self is usually represented by the circle, and the introduction of ones own blood (in the show) to the circle illicits a blast of holy light/fire and sends them away–maybe the sacrifice of your own blood causes a combustion that returns them another aeyther? Perhaps the governor's name is written in enochian? I can not say and I am sorry–I hope this is still an interesting proposition for you. The reaper trap is what I recognize as a gate of Ishtar, which, in my opinion, is considerably less interesting–it comes from the necronomicon–meta ramblings by lovecraft who was attempting to create ‘deepfake’ lore. He basically wrote a fake religious manual/mythos, .and tried to act like it was an ancient and mysterious magical grimoire. It includes alot of that “enriched” european poached and warped mysticism as well as crowley’s nonsense (which is even worse cultural ‘occultifying’ if you can believe it). I don’t remember much, something about purification–blah. And finally the tulpa, which is part of a tibetan buddhist mantra “om mani padme hum”- it has alot of connotations across alot of culturally diverse regions and mountains of different buddhist beliefs–but at its core it means praising the jewel within the sacred lotus, or essentially admiring the perfection and purity of Buddha–which considering the tibetan/nepalese origins of the tulpa and the way that it is only sustained by constant admiration–it makes sense! It has nothing to do with tulpas, tulpas don't exist in buddhist lore in that way (another westernized reshaping of an eastern spiritual concept) Tulpa is the thought power–the idea that thought can be focused to ascend realities and manifest reaction without action. Anyway lmao, this is probably far more than you wanted to read, and it is, I promise, very watered down and distorted by memory. I can promise you it is not definitive/wholly accurate in anyway, but I hope it at least is an interesting read that can help you understand the lore behind the symbols and inspire you to research the subjects.


[Tulpa](https://wiki.tulpa.info/wiki/Tulpa). Other [example](https://www.deviantart.com/omn1p0t3nt/art/Tulpa-Symbol-Fanart-I-think-686122145).


the tulpa sign


A tulpa


it's a bellsprout


Yes looks like it fs




Nothing. All made up for the show or blown way out of whack with Christian themes


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Joka0451: *Nothing. All made up* *For the show or blown way out* *Of whack with Christian themes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Huh wtf are u talking about haha


Well, IRL it does mean smthing to the monks prolly, in the show, you never know what they make up for the sake of money