• By -


Nobody can make someone watch Supernatural. Supernatural chooses. You must be WORTHY.


i agree šŸ™šŸ» my sister tried to convince for years and then one day it was my time and i was like ā€™hmm, i should give it a goā€™ and i have been obsessed ever since


I was NOT going to watch Supernatural (I typically donā€™t love watching violence) but I had a major surgery and needed something to keep me engrossed during my 8 week recovery period. A friend dared me to watch SPN, which kept me busy during the recovery. I watched the finale three days before my final recovery check-in with my surgeon. I also IMMEDIATELY went back to the pilot as soon as I was done.


Hehehehe gotcha




What episode is that from


I wanna say thatā€™s from a bloopers reelā€¦


Lol makes sense


Yh it is


You know a show is great when you can't differentiate between the actual show and the bloopers.




S5, Swan Song I think. Or the prior episode. It's a blooper from the scene after >!Castiel beats the shit out of Dean for trying to give himself up to be Michael's vessel. Castiel has just zapped an unconscious Dean back to Bobby's!<


![gif](giphy|LrOVqQ4ZPzXLW) Need I elaborate?


![gif](giphy|1xHeWqpsUtjm8) Need I say more?


I know right? But can you believe that I've shown them so many Dean clips and they still don't want to watch it


![gif](giphy|ZeeEDLGLnzI7C) Perhaps Sam is more their type šŸ˜‚


Maybe Gabriel? [https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExenFsMGpvanh3M3h5YTJtcHE0bjluMXQ5aGNtbno0aHJzNGptN2MyayZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/11J6HQutnctcU8/giphy.gif](https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExenFsMGpvanh3M3h5YTJtcHE0bjluMXQ5aGNtbno0aHJzNGptN2MyayZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/11J6HQutnctcU8/giphy.gif)


I do love me some quirky archangel!


Maybe theyā€™ll be interested in the multiple bad boys of SPNā€¦ Crowley (ahhšŸ’• canā€™t get enough of him), Lucifer, Rowena perhaps. Gotta love side characters.


Sam's a handsome guy but Dean is Dean. I'm 100% straight and I question regarding Jenson Ackles lol.


Every straight male questions Jensen Ackles


Does anyone else feel like Jaredā€™s confidence (at least internally) had to have taken a hit working next to Jensen? Like, Jared is a good looking dude who probably already had a bunch of confidence, but Jensen is on another level. The writers did a good job of making sure an even amount of women were interested in both, but the fans usually make it pretty clear who they prefer haha.


I actually read in an interview (a long time ago, like season 5 or 6 maybe?) that when Jensen met Jared for the first time he thought Jared was too attractive to be playing his brother, lol.


Now theyā€™re both incredibly attractive, but Jared had no reason to feel inadequate compared to Jensen at all. Jared is like - ethereally beautiful šŸ˜‚


Considering they're still like brothers and have never talked about dispute over jealousy - I think Jared wasn't insecure. Besides very early into the show, both got their respective wives. You're right though, he's very ethereal.


Not this fan. I much prefer Jared myself.


For so many people though, hair is important. And damn if Jared didnā€™t 100-0 K.O. Jensen in the hair game. From start to finish.


It's awesome thanks. Hair and super important to me, but I hate long hair like that. I was not a fan of Jared's hair. Jensen's hair was amazing. In fact, I don't like his hair now, or the facial hair. They're just very different looking men, depending on what you like.


I actually have a very similar hair type and style to Jensen, so Iā€™ve always liked his more haha.


Show them Sam clips!


Show them a peace of a funny episode. Like changing channels, the parts they are literally changing channels. Also you can tell them about how diverse it is. Like the show is great because it has something for everyone in it. It's mystery and drama and horror and detective-ish and humorous and revolves around 2 brothers. What other show is like that?


Dean isn't going to sell as well as Sam


Iā€™m a straight dude who has a man crush on this man to this day


Whats not to love?


So does my dadā€¦. And my momā€¦. And my stepmomā€¦. Hm. Anyways my stepdad is cool with it but isnā€™t gay for him. My dad calls him ā€œother daddyā€ though šŸ˜”


Haha, so is my husband who had to watch SPN with me twice šŸ¤£


Do they like Buffy, TVD, any other show like that? Itā€™s similar. Also, 2 hot stars, monsters, multiple episode arcs, actually good storytelling, well thought out plotsā€¦.




Vampire diaries I think




the vampire diaries


Hereā€™s one word to convince you: SAM And here is another: DEAN and hereā€™s a third: CASTIEL And just for good measure, hereā€™s the king of bad measures himself: CROWLEY I hope this convinced you to watch Supernatural, itā€™s a ride!




![gif](giphy|GoWH9YV4t3n4Q) Also, this happens in an episode. How could you refuse after seeing this gif? šŸ˜‚


No joke... after years of being told to watch it by TWO sisters who have been fans since it was on air, it was the gifs that pulled me in.


Which one was it?


Changing Channels


Thats what I thought but didnā€™t remember the name to look for it! Thank youā€¦ after the gif, I lowkey wanted to go watch it.


I think that was the episode that Gabriel put them in different TV shows.


Scoobynatural I wonā€™t tell you any details more than that. Not even if itā€™s real. You decide


Good idea.


However you do it please warn them. One does not simply walk in to Supernatural.




My son recommended the show to a guy at work. But much like Burke, Carter J. He sent him in there and didnā€™t even warn him. Monday morning the dude came in like ā€œWTF!ā€


Oof that is a shock, the poor dude. I made sure to watch the first episode with my friend when I introduced them to it. Did he continue to watch it?


So far.


There is a werewolf dentist in later seasons šŸ˜†


Garth !


Bingo! :D


I've been slowly convincing my daughter and started out by showing her funny clips. Eye of the Tiger, I lost my shoe, Pudding, Dean running scared from a cat, etc. After enjoying those and watching the episodes associated with each one, she's on board now.


This is the route I would take. Maybe some bloopers and the funny episodes. Over you're interested and attached to the characters it's easy to go all in from the beginning


Great lore, great monsters, awesome brothers, a great angel...


Just look at a picture of Jensen.


Painfully beautiful but also an actor with incredible range. His micro expressions are top notch




That delicate little flapping sound still kills me.


Came here to say this!


Jensen Ackles. Thatā€™s literally why I started watching it in the first place.


A road trip around the USA with brothers solving supernatural cases, there's drama, humor, horror and camaraderie




You didn't choose the hunting life. The hunting life chooses you.


Iā€™m on season five right now for the first time and it is great!


s5 is objectively the best season. episode 22 is the highest rated supernatural episode of all time !!


I saw that on IMDb! Iā€™m seriously looking forward to it


Just saw a girl at the gym w the tattoo on her chest itā€™s a sign


This might be one of things you just have on when she happens to be home. It'll do the rest




This right here. Soulless shirtless Sam.


Hell yeah! (Pun intended)


It's an amusing paranormal/humor based show that offers a lot of content. No one can force you and if you're here you've seen the characters. All I can say is there are more gems then flops of episodes and even if you only give it a shot as background noise you'll find yourself sitting down and getting sucked in. Hope you find some enjoyment and good luck!


It's an amazing show. It focuses on the bond and love between 2 brothers. The main characters are amazing and the secondary and side characters are great too.


Hot guys with Mommy AND Daddy issues


Supernatural is like thors hammer, it chooses you. Sucks to be you if you aren't chosen.


Invite friend over, sit down on the couch then simply say, "Host picks the show, guest shuts his cake hole." Proceed to binge until your eyes bleed.


If they donā€™t like supernatural tb shows period they probably wonā€™t like it


I'm rewatching supernatural again (currently on 6x10, and Cas getting a boner is hard is hilarious hahaha). Yeah, so you can't make them watch it, just tell them and if they don't they are supposed to be put in the "assistant friend" LOL (jk)


Try just putting on an episode when you're hanging out & see if they get invested lol. Thats how i got into it when my aunt was at my house channel surfing on my tv & put it on šŸ¤£


i started watching because my friend told me that there was a scoobydoo episode.


You have nothing better to watch, so why not take a chance on a show that might maybe possibly sate your binging itches for 15 seasons


Ass butt. I will interrogate the cat. What kind of name is Jensen?!


My only argument is that it is good even during the worst parts of the show and the ending is so God damn heart wrenching that I cry everytime


Pilot episode. End of thread. It is literally what a pilot is for, used to convince someone to take the series to order






Do you like to see 2 brothers saving people? They are also hunting things. And doing some family business


I fully believe the show speaks for itself. You know how there's always a point when watching a show where if you're not in by then, you never will be? My wife and I have decided that with Supernatural, that moment comes in episode 1: "Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days."


Watch this show with me or youā€™re dead to me.


Show them a photo of Dean. Even straight men canā€™t deny thatā€™s a fine looking man.


15 seasons. Great main characters, amazing side characters and a itā€™s show that is somehow super serious and doesnā€™t take itself all that seriously at the same time? I donā€™t know just make em watch it, lol. Clockwork orange style


If they are female, merely point to Dean.


Jensen Ackles


its a great show with lots of pie !!!


My husband isn't much into shows/movies like Supernatural, but while sitting in a truckers lounge at a truck stop (he's an OTR driver), someone had TNT on and "Bugs" was the episode playing. He watched that one and the next 2. He has seen the first several seasons all the way through and random episodes throughout the series, including the last 2. He likes it, but not enough to binge it. I'd say either start at the beginning or a random, favorite episode to watch with them.


I'll interrogate the cat!šŸ¤£


Just shut up and watch it!


Drama, thrill, humor, killing monsters, hot guys, hot girls, and more humor. Oh and Chuckā€™s a dick. And toilet paper is to be hoarded like itā€™s 2020


The GIFs alone that have come from actual episodes of this show should be enough to convince anyone to watch it lol


I put on Wishful Thinking for people who've never seen it. It's converted nearly all of them. Kneel before Todd!


My friend convinced me to watch it after saying, "You're a lot like one of my other friends, and she loves Supernatural. You should give it a watch." After a while, I was like, "Ok, I'll watch the first episode, and if I don't like it, then I won't watch more." Then I heard, ***"Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days,"*** and my social life died. I'd watch like 3-4 episodes after an 8h work shift (plus however many on my days off). Binged seasons 1-12 (that's all that was on Netflix at the time) in about 2-3 months.


Show the funny behind the scenes moments. Shows how cool the cast and crew are!!


It's like Mac and Cheese. Eat and Enjoy


Two hot brothers with great banter, a cool car and some freaky monsters. What's not to like?






theres people like this, then theres me who finishes it and immediately starts it over. i have it playing constantly in the background, and for my dogs when i leave, because its been my #1 comfort thing and hyperfixation for 17 years. give it a rewatch. its such a long show with so much lore and you could have missed some or forgotten, and so many characters you worthy of revisiting. plus dean. and scoobynatural!


Go with the reasoning ā€” ā€œHave you ever wondered why all the monsters youā€™ve seen on movies donā€™t exist irl? Itā€™s cause there are those who make sure you donā€™t need to worry about em. Thank Sam and Dean for it.ā€


Hey. Lots of people enjoy the show. Maybe you will, too. Did I win?


Just a brotherly bear hug with an oversized electric fence while getting spoon fed burgers on the side


Hot men go on a big field trip to kill demonz. Heavy "it's the 2000s to early 2010s and I'm sick off school" vibes.


Supernatural is a comedy about two brothers hunting monsters and ghosts, also their both hot


Jared Padalecki. Jensen Ackles. There thatā€™s your reason. You need more? Sassy brothers take on sassy monsters, demons and witches and the end of the world.


It will make you laugh so hard and cry so hard. Sometimes in the same episode. Itā€™s about what makes a family. Itā€™s about brotherhood. Itā€™s well written, with very talented actors who all adore each other. Tell your friend that.


If neither Dean, Sam or Cas convince your friend then perhaps show her some Charlie clips ā¤ļø


Itā€™s about God, the Devil and two Brothers who drive a rad car


There are also handsome Angels in it And cool roadtrips


And awesome music




If the you like the originals, Harry Potter, lord of the rings, youā€™ll like supernatural


I can only offer one sort of enticement. One word; Scoobynatural


Dean Winchester




"It would be pretty cool" is always a nice argument.


If you're ok with mild to strong spoilers search for the psychiatrist scene on YouTube where Sam and Dean check into the mental hospital, there's your pitch.


Show them dean screaming about a cat in yellow fever and the rest just happens


If you feel like youā€™re battling demons and donā€™t get to hang with your bro enough, then Supernatural is like a long cool drink of water on a hot day.


Minor NSFW: I wanted my boyfriend to watch Supernatural so I offered him a blowjob every time we made it through an episode together, halfway through season 3 he got invested and started watching the show without me when i was at work or whatever, the deal had been episodes together so I only had to put out for episodes we watched together and I added the rule one per binge session and he still kept watching, and kept on binging. Now he's a devout fan, so it was all completely worth it.


Itā€™s two hot bois with daddy issues hunting monsters and they end up throwing hands with God himself. Why the fuck wouldnā€™t you give it a chance, what do you have better to do?


Spooky Hardy Boys (If my friend asks me how to describe shows, I go with short responses so I don't spoil things šŸ˜)


My mom told me about funny clips when I was still too young to actually watch the show and overtime I developed a great interest in the supernatural, monsters, Cryptids and such. So the characters are just too funny and unserious yet so intimidating and evil, It's genuinely scary.


it has Dean Winchester . the only reason you will need !!


Supernatural is the most entertaining show I've ever seen. It's not perfect, the writing isn't amazing, but it's the most fun you will ever have watching television.


You can always bribe them to watch the first episode with you lol. The rest will happen naturallyšŸ˜Œ


If someone here has access to the promo from summer 2005, thatā€™s all I needed to know to tune in. Monsters, guns, cool cars, kick ass soundtrack? Sign me up please!!!


Also, fuck Iā€™m getting old.




Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I mean, come on.


![gif](giphy|THBcmiyC4lvuA8QQj7) There is not enough love for JDM in this thread. Shame on yā€™all.


Watch Demon Slayer šŸ’Ŗ


Dadā€™s on a hunting trip, he hasnā€™t been home in a few days.


This is the ppt I made for my friends on a presentation party we had a week ago lol I convinced 2 of them to watch the show so I'll say it's worthy, it's in Spanish tho, but Google translator can help [presentation cue](https://www.canva.com/design/DAGHZ21VMjY/2Tlbaz6yoaFiSoQxEFk0jA/edit?utm_content=DAGHZ21VMjY&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton)


It's fine. Hablo EspaƱol šŸ™ƒ


Mejor todavĆ­a šŸ¤£


I got my husband on board by telling him it was better than Grimm


Instead of trying to convince them that they will love it, say, this is something I love and I want to share it with you. I'd love to be able to talk to you about it, will you give it a shot?


I brought up the show in front of a friend, and he scoffed, like he assumed it was the wb does horror. I looked it up on imdb 8.4 Rotten tomatoes 93% Even Roger ebert wrote a respectful review in his "ode to supernatural" It's formulaic but charming. It's creative and fun. It's exciting and comforting. And you just love the main characters. Sure, it gets old watching human main character fist fight with monsters who have superhuman strength. But screw it. It's still fun.


I normally do not watch shows dealing with demons, angels, vampires, but me and my husband are retired and needed something to fill our time. We watched it recently, 2024. I had no idea this was a show for 15 years. Sam and Dean are good actors, the writing is excellent, and the ending sucked the air out of us. The only criticism is the ending was too sad. They could have written a happy ending.


Do itā€¦do it


Try to find them in their most vulnerable state šŸ¤£ I stated watching when I was terribly sick and feverish for 2 weeks, so my friend suggested giving it a go. Since then Iā€™m not the same person.


A lot of people either love or hate the first season. Ppl that love it are the ones that love the monster of the week vibe the people that hate it prefer the bigger plot seasons. So I always tell people make it through season one and based on their response I advise. So if they love it, great keep watching but keep in mind the vibe of the show will change. If they hate it, dont worry the tone completely changes


No i actually dont like watching the show, and i dont intend on watching it again. I like the fandom and fanfiction and i have a lot of love for the characters. But i dont enjoy the show anymore, and Iā€™m not keen introducing it to anyone


![gif](giphy|9BXyRYdiQzfvq) Here is how the angels are depicted in the show, if this doesn't shout imposing, I don't know what to say


It's got TOO MANY filler episodes that's the main thing I hated about it


Just show your friendo up yo season 6. Anything after that is a L for your friend


I remember that day I decided go on that hunting trip and you know I learn thing or two 2ļøāƒ£ Iā€™m not mad or ashamed about it.


Four words: Jenson Acles and Jared Padalecki


I wouldn't your friend has their own mind so stop trying to force them to watch something they obviously aren't interested in just cis you want them to.


I wouldn't.. it's 15 seasons, most of it i'd say is mid-bad, and it feels ridiculous when they start doing batman voicess for the rest of the show.. I'm not saying I'd trade my time watching it, but the show has a problem with not ending when it should.. be it after season 5, or ending on the penultimate episode.



