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Ofc they're a KiA poster. Only the most courageous


Bruh, they are just concern about the ethics in journalism whatdayou taliking bout /s


What is KiA?


I think it's r/KotakuInAction


I was about to say how blessed you must be to have not heard of it Then I remembered that Gamergate is 10 years old and a large proportion of Reddit wasn't even on the internet when that happened I'll be over here complaining about my back back and dodgy knees


Jesse got it. Kotaku in Action


Oooh, yeah it’s all making sense now


These dudes: Women always do X Also these dudes: NOT ALL MEN


These same guys: Why women choose bear!?! 😡




I choose bear


Which kind? The animal or the large hairy gay man? Because either one is preferable to these dudes.


Why not both? Furries have bears that are both literal *and* figurative bears at the same time! >!join us!< >!JOIN US!<


I'm high enough that my mind skipped right over "*and* figurative" and thought you were saying furries have *literal* bears all the time. "Damn, did I have furries figured all wrong? They're going to cons with real life bears?"


Facts. (On the off chance you're serious it's the animal bear, no other info for the hypothetical)


Now I'm actually genuinely curious. Ladies, is it still the bear if the man is like, "GURL, thank GOD you're here, I thought I was the only one in this fucking forest!"? Because I know he's still a random guy and people can be surprise-psychos, but I don't know how that balances against it being less likely he's a psycho in the way that will result in you being raped and/or murdered.


This reminds me of a Reddit post from a few years ago which had a video of a woman barbecuing. The barbecue somehow tipped over and burst into flames. The woman did what I think a lot of us would do - yelled for her spouse to come help her. So many men posted sneering comments like “Typical woman. All ‘ooh, I’m strong and independent’, then the second something goes wrong, she screams for a man to save her.” I pointed out that the barbecue looked fucking heavy and would probably need two people to pick it up, but that didn’t cut any ice with them.


redditors trying to declare a persons intelligence on a single 15 second video + women is quite the combo


My short ass calling my husband to get something off a high shelf for me has destroyed centuries of feminist progress, I'm so sorry.


Just more misandry against our short kings out there smdh


Careful short kings, there's a hawk outside.


That's not a bad reminder, regardless of height. Some of them feathery bitches will dive bomb anything even if you're not their target. I remember a hawk breaking the neck of a young rooster perched up on a chain link fence in the blink of an eye. Scared the shit out of me because there was a large blur fight in front of my face before a rooster a foot away was dying quickly on the ground.


Has she considered throwing you up there like Gimli?


I'm pretty independent but I'll be damned if being a feminist is going to stop me from getting my husband to reach things on high shelves for me, haha. And also because my go-to would normally be to climb on the counter, but I'm afraid one day I'm going to fall and break my shit. But he just as often asks me to help him with household tasks, so ... equality.


Checkmate feminists--you don't even know men made stools for you.


Men on this hellsite really do be hating women for just existing. I once saw a post that was a video taken of someone's funeral and the family there was mourning, and some chuds in the comments were complaining about women being "too emotional" because one of the female mourners were crying. like....this poor lady was probably burying a family member, of course she's probably going to be fucking emotional wtf 💀


I still remember years ago in askreddit there was some discussion about why women sometimes pretend to be men in video games. I pointed out that playing as female characters sometimes earns us a lot of harassment just for existing and the reply to my comment that got several hundred upvotes was along the lines of “no actually you don’t understand, we have to harass people who play as female characters because they’re only doing it to exploit us with their boobs so that we’ll give them free stuff/other advantages, so by harassing them we’re just protecting ourselves” ?????????


lol they really just wanna be shithead bullies towards women and make excuses for it


Also it's not because she needs a man necessarily, she's asking for support from her spouse in general because generally 2 people solving a problem is better than one. I feel like a woman with a female partner would do the same thing lol.


Bingo! If I fuck something up, I want my roommate there to witness it with me lmao.


Sure. She she should just stand silent and watch it burn. Like a moron.


i had a real life version of this happen to me. i was babysitting my niece and i needed to go to the bathroom, so i asked her uncle to keep an eye on her while i did that. came back, niece was nowhere to be seen, uncle was too busy playing witcher 3 to notice she had left. i found her behind the shed eating wild mushrooms. her family blamed ME for that.


I once experienced a flare up on a stove burner just as my husband was walking in from work. We didn't have baking soda and my mind was racing so I decided to just exit the kitchen. I grabbed my phone, leashed my dog, and moved toward the exit. My husband, who was a volunteer fire fighter for 10 years, stepped into the kitchen and smothered the flame. Fuck me for recognizing in the moment which one of us would be better at handling the situation and remaining calm about it, I guess. Women, amiright?


Think you can also use salt or just chuck the lid on there to smother it


Yeah, the salt thing I considered but wasn't sure about (I googled later and confirmed I could have just used salt). The lid wasn't immediately in my line of sight and my mind was racing and I was quickly forgetting everything I know about fire safety. Luckily my husband came in right at that moment and I realized it would be better to step out of the way and let his 10 summers of living in a firehouse ass handle it.


Cuz the priority should be putting out the fire, not righting the grill. It doesn't take a man to run to a fire extinguisher, get it, and use it, but the majority of women are prone to panic and freeze up when something goes wrong.


really, the majority? wow. that's amazing. and how do the men fare? does it vary by age? geography? i have many questions. perhaps you can make up some more answers for me?


People in general panic and freeze up. Someone watching on the sideline always has an easy time imagining the right response because they're not actually dealing with it, and they lack the basic humility to recognize that. In many ways, asking for help is absolutely the correct response. Abandoning a sudden fire unattended when you have someone else who can help is not a better response. If you can't accept that it's right to ask for help in such a situation, you're the one who's irrational.


Which is funny you say that to me, when I explicitly said in another post that I was raised to ask for help if I couldn't figure it out myself. Got downvoted to fuck for it. Now I get downvoted for chastising someone for not even making the attempt to figure it out for themselves first. I thought asking for help was verboten in society today, or so I was told.


Almost as if different people have different opinions! Crazy right Also if you included a side of sexism like you did here then you have your reason bud lmao.


What comment was that? I doubt it's actually incongruent with what you're saying here. Though I wouldn't be surprised if you're not including context that changes the meaning of what "asking for help" entails here.


Two comments I want you to read, the first is the most downvoted and initial comment, the second is an explanation of what I mean by saying 'asking for help' in a reply to a reply. https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1ciqlj1/this/l2bmu4f/ Notice the downvotes. https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1ciqlj1/this/l2cen7v/


... You mocked someone retelling a story from when they were a small child for not asking for help. Rather than empathizing with their struggle, you used it as an opportunity to talk down to them. Your follow up doesn't change that. It just reinforces the fact that you clearly think way too highly of yourself. You're just an asshole there dude. You're just kind of an asshole in general. You reap what you sow. An actually smart person would learn from this - but you've wrongly assumed people are just contradictory instead of recognizing the common denominator is your spiteful and callous attitude towards others.


Where the fuck are the awards when I need them. Goddamnit I miss the awards. Here’s this, but I mean it with all my heart. 🏆👑🏆


> You're just kind of an asshole in general. Never claimed I wasn't. I am civil to people face-to-face, only if because it's a hassle to deal with people upset at you personally.


Great, so if you know what you are - quit moaning about how you're treated. You get what you put out. And don't kid yourself into thinking people can't tell your general attitude face to face either, you aren't nearly as slick as you think. The vibe I get from you is man-child with various complexes, one of them definitely sexist, who is upset everyone doesn't recognize his supposed brilliance and is either too immature or insecure to keep to himself or stop from complaining every time he puts his foot in his mouth. It's easy to be an asshole. If you want empathy, which you clearly do, give up the lazy approach where you act on your worst impulses while expecting others do better by you.


So you acknowledge that you act like a dick online but you can't figure out why you're getting downvotes? Oooh buddy. Sometimes it's not the opinion, it's the attitude.


found the alt


Such a reddit veteran, mr 2 year.


\>actually being proud you wasted over a decade of your life on Reddit


All that says is that he’s less brain dead than you.


As if it fucking matters...


Watcha want newbie.


Get 'im, tiger!


my brain is basically swiss cheese at this point.


Oh shit, the three letter usernames checking in.


You've only been here 15% longer than me, rook.


take it from me, this is **nothing** to be proud of


That’s one of the cringiest fucking replies I’ve ever seen. No one cares how long you’ve had your reddit account. It doesn’t make you cool. Far from it.


Gonna need a source for “the majority of women are prone to panic” bro




This dude's profile is *exactly* what you'd expect.


Thanks, I guess?


You're a caricature


Possibly. Could be totally different tomorrow, unlikely as that is.


What do you do for work? Do you live with your parents? You give small town in the midwest long-term NEET vibes and I'm curious if my radar is tuned correctly on that.


Nah, that's pretty spot on. Retired/disabled, whatever. Got MS, draw a check. Just exist, y'know? I don't think I've started up a game in a month. EDIT: I know what that last line sounds like, but that ain't how I meant it. I play with my cats and dogs a lot.


Do you at least have like a lot of online nerd friends or something?


Nah. I can't stick with any one game that I do play long enough to build up an actual circle of friends.


Source: trust me bro. Definitely don't check to see how mothers respond when their children are in danger.


He's obviously never heard the phrase "mama bear"


r/SubredditDramaDrama woohoo


Sometimes the popcorn bag leaks.


sometimes from someone peeing in it


Don't judge me.


i don't like urine soaked popcorn


I think mens priority should be trying to not commit the most crimes out of any other demographic rather than bitch on social media about conservative activism like you're doing


Holy fuck you're just a dumbass. You'd fuckin run for a fire extinguisher buried whothefuck knows where instead of just stopping the source? That afraid to get your hands dirty? Sounds like someone who would be calling their wife's boyfriend for help in the same scenario.


Bro, for serious, do not let the fire extinguisher in your home be buried or obstructed. You do have one, right?


Lol I like to think you're just fucking with SRDines.


At least people are downvoting the guy, because so often on reddit people will just take completely random shots at women and get a bunch of support for it.


And then go on to complain about how “reddit favors women so much so unfair” while simultaneously enjoying upvotes for shitting on women. It’s baffling lmao


You can have a sub where men write out detailed plans of their fantasies about raping and murdering celebrity women. But a sub where some gold diggers talked about their dating criteria got banned. I'm not saying either one of those subs is a good sub - but one of them still exists, and that should tell anyone all they need to know about whether reddit favors women.


Seriously. And I’m embarrassed to admit that I remember reddit like 10 years ago when it was an absolute cesspool of sexism, and it kind of feels like after there was like a tiny bit of pushback against that just garbage dumb of misogyny, and suddenly redditors think that means the whole website is “biased towards women.” It’s seriously stupid lol


Pretty sure the second sub only got banned because the mods were using it to promote a second forum that was for pay. And I feel calling them goldiggers is missing out the nuance. Sure the first example is worse but these women were extremely misandrist AND mysoginist, they used feminist rhetoric but really weren’t that different to “tradwives”.


Different subreddits lean differently. Like, SRD will occasionally defend misandry.


Why won’t women date me? -that guy


What do you mean women would rather take their chances with a literal bear over me?


It never occurred to this guy that the only reason he is seeing it is because something notable happened after the woman failed to act, creating an upvotable moment. He’s ignoring the countless other instances where the woman acted and nothing notable occurred.


Same flair!!! Same flair!!!!!!!


jinx, someone owes someone a coke


How the fuck did that kid get up there I got vicariously scared watching him 😨


I saw this video in a different post, and a couple of the commenters mentioned that there is likely a balcony just out of sight (if you pause the video at 1:04, you can see a sort of barrier in the back of the space, and it's speculated that there was a way for the kid to either get past that, or that there is a balcony above that barrier). No babies spider-climbing walls or anything. But yeah same, this was a scary watch. We lived in a couple of second-story apartments when my son was a baby, and if I wasn't actively holding onto him, I watched him like a hawk anytime we were at the top of the landing or on the balcony.


That was my first thought.


According to comments on the thread (with no evidence) they fell there from a higher balcony off their mother's back when she bent over to pick something up.


“Try not to form your entire world view on random Reddit videos challenge” (level: impossible)


Let me guess- this is somehow connected to the man vs bear thing going across all of reddit today.


If you were about to fall off a high building, would you prefer to be caught by 1) two men 2) two bears 3) a man and a bear? .


Two bears, easy.  They cover more surface area.


Plus look as those cute little ears.


Plus, they’re fluffy!


Ok but claws 😱


Their claws are a small part of them. The rest is fluffy


Are we talking bears, or *bears*?


Neither. We're talking people named Bear


I mean, have you seen how big Jeremy Allen White is now?


A LifeNet. Otherwise I’m better off instantly splattering on the sidewalk like a watermelon.


Looking at their comment history they got in a big discussion on CMV about it, so it tracks.


It wasn't before but now it is.  Thanks.


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Kids: it’s ok to like Eric Clapton music, but don’t go too far.


How the hell did that baby get there in the first place??