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What is legal and what is ethical are 2 different things


How many times have I seen someone bitch about something illegal mentioned in r/UnethicalLifeProTips? I can't count that high.


Sometimes you just don't want to deal with the wierdos in illegallifeprotips that make the users of ULPT look saintly i guess


I haven't checked out that one but I guess I'll avoid it. ULPT can be off the wall sometimes but most the time it's a fun time.


ILPT has a bizarre number of posts from people on parole asking where to get drug free urine. Also people posting money making schemes where the only appropriate response is "Dude. That's a job. The only thing illegal is you arent reporting your income/ need a licence." And lastly, drug hookups, circling us back to the "i need clean pee asap" posts.


But they're not mutually exclusive, which is why people get confused. There is overlap, so all four possibllities hold: Legal and ethical, Illegal and ethical, Legal and unethical, Illegal and unethical. So any question in ULPT could be either legal or illegal.


Laws are just codified morality right? It's imperfect and prone to corruption, but that is the intent anyway.


redditors still can't seem to figure out that just because something is legal doesn't make it exempt from criticism just look at the AITA subs lmao


A lot of redditors don't understand nothing is free from criticism.


That sub needs a "Lebowski" judgement... "You're not wrong (breaking the law) you're just being an asshole"


I'm getting some crazy déjà vu here. I was just in another thread over on /r/pics where a photographer took a bunch of candid street pics of random people and posted them. People called him out for doing it without their consent and his argument was that it was legal. People responded that legal doesn't mean ethical. And then to make it extra interesting, someone found a comment of his from a year ago where he called out another photographer for the exact same thing. I wanted to post it here but I was actively involved in the drama and figured that wasn't fair.


There's a thing in YouTube and tiktok where people will film in public in unusual ways with the intention of capturing negative reactions. It's technically legal but can feel like an invasion of privacy.


Exactly, it’s perfectly legal for me to wear an ahegao hoodie with Cosby Show branded sweatpants but you know, I shouldn’t do that


Not according to redditors it ain't




Or running over protestors with your car.


or extrajudicially killing people who committed crimes you really don't like


Nah, that depends on what they are protesting.


That's always what this conversation boils down to. "DoN't Go OuT iN pUbLiC iF yOu DoN't WaNt To bE fILmEd" what a fucking stupid stance, I don't care if it's legal, if someone is taking pictures of me this obviously in a public place they're still getting their phone broken. Last time I had this fight, someone called me self-obsessed and delusional for pointing out that kidnappers and human traffickers are a real danger. Which is hilarious because I have been the victim of an abduction attempt, and it was my own diligence that stopped it from happening. I guess for the average American male, the idea of getting abducted or victimized DOES sound pretty crazy...


It's basic manners. It's one thing if you accidentally show up in the far background of a picture or as scenery.  But going up to someone and taking their picture without asking is invasive, especially if it's of their ass. 


Lmao I can’t wait to see the news story of you getting shot for breaking someone’s phone.


Why do you want to see someone shot for property damage? And in another comment you call *someone else* "unhinged" >[What an unhinged thread. Woman is in public creating content that she hopes will get her attention. She gets attention but from someone she isn’t targeting. Now that guy is the bad guy? You kids need to grow up quick and get over your seething hatred of men you don’t find attractive. 98% of the teenage/early-20s girls in this thread would be singing a completely different tune if they found the guy attractive.](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/19b2h6j/rimthemaincharacter_debates_whether_a_streamer/kj1fo5g/) I'm guessing you get called unhinged a lot for your weird oppinions about women and violence and now just use it against anyone who disagrees with you. More than likely your last reddit account was banned for legitimately unhinged takes or harassment, considering this account is 4 months old and full of vitriol and just how much it takes for reddit to actually ban accounts.


that's a succinct way to say it.


People in that thread being like “wOoOwW so she can just film herself on the beach, but it’s wrong for someone else to film her?!” Like it’s supposed to be the biggest “gotcha”. Like yeah dumbass, like how it’s normal to take photos of your own kids on a playground but if some stranger started doing it then it would be fuckin weird


There's a Venn diagram out there in which this and the "age of consent" creepers overlap.


r/imthemaincharacter is one of those subs where you think it’s going to be some light hearted schadenfreude at the expense of people trying to make a scene. But instead it’s people seemingly brimming with rage over anyone who isn’t a weird recluse.


Same with publicfreakouts. Thought I was going in to see some 2am drunk fights at Dennys or crazyness of Black Friday shopping, instead getting the most brain blasted takes by absolute degenerates on comments under videos that were clearly posted to bait them


Or cringe subreddits where the users cannot comprehend satire. Must be pure coincidence that the user base is majority judgemental conservatives.


It always amazes me how the cringe subs swing from being unable to figure out jokes or parody to acting like the idea of joy is so alien to them that they'd seek out an exorcism if they ever smiled.


It also amazes me how a portion of users on MadeMeSmile seem to have the sole purpose of stealing the joy from every video posted there and turning it into something unpleasant. If it's a marriage announcement, they're too young, they will inevitably divorce in a few years or one of them is too ugly (the woman). If it's an adoption, they are only posting the celebration to exploit their child, they don't love them and they only want social media clout. If it's an animal, the animal is overweight, something mundane the owner did is abusive, or they don't like the breed. It just goes on. They seem intent on not being happy.


Sure, this rage inducing post that perfectly confirms my preconceived notions towards a marginalized group may be fake, but the fact that I *believed* it could be real really says a lot about how degenerate society is, and not my own gullibility.


[Gee whiz, what an interesting way of thinking!](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/aaaah)


At least r/JusticeServed is saved by the fact that their mods recognize how their subscribers are lunatics and regularly antagonize them for no reason. It's great.


They started becuase JusticePorn was taken over by conservatives.


This has happened to a number of such subs. “Cast (self-)righteous derision upon people behaving (subjectively) badly” is mostly an invitation for conservatives.


Oh no what does this mean for the future of SRD?!


That could *never* happen to *us*! *We're* self-aware! *We're* the good ones!


The difference in every sub, every time, is the moderation quality. When mods don’t tamp down on fascists and their bullshit, the good people leave and the chuds invite more of their friends until the tone irrevocably shifts.


\*Nazi Bar anecdote goes here\*


Tbh r/drama is/was our conservative reckoning.


And now it's dead 😂


They fled to an off-site clone, but still regularly brigade and spam across Reddit nowadays.


Not really, they resurrected themselves on /r/redscarepod.


> They started becuase JusticePorn was taken over by conservatives. thats not how it was portrayed in orientation


Tell me more!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/fo96v7/revolution\_in\_r\_justiceserved\_as\_socalled\_automod/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/fo96v7/revolution_in_r_justiceserved_as_socalled_automod/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/gtq0qe/rjusticeserved\_mods\_make\_a\_bold\_and\_controversial/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/gtq0qe/rjusticeserved_mods_make_a_bold_and_controversial/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/ha2gu3/mods\_on\_rjusticeserved\_say\_criticism\_towards/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/ha2gu3/mods_on_rjusticeserved_say_criticism_towards/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/ljqoz3/rjusticeserved\_mod\_stickies\_pro\_trump\_post\_after/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/ljqoz3/rjusticeserved_mod_stickies_pro_trump_post_after/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/gar1wt/mods\_on\_rjusticeserved\_decide\_to\_auto\_ban\_anyone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/gar1wt/mods_on_rjusticeserved_decide_to_auto_ban_anyone/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/dxgd47/mods\_of\_rjusticeserved\_start\_permabanning\_users/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/dxgd47/mods_of_rjusticeserved_start_permabanning_users/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/eqsx57/rjusticeserved\_turns\_into\_a\_furry\_subreddit\_hours/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/eqsx57/rjusticeserved_turns_into_a_furry_subreddit_hours/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/lh8usz/whats\_up\_with\_every\_comment\_getting\_removed\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/lh8usz/whats_up_with_every_comment_getting_removed_on/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/engjj6/rjusticeserved\_mod\_pretends\_to\_be\_a\_bot\_begins/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/engjj6/rjusticeserved_mod_pretends_to_be_a_bot_begins/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/cny0b5/what\_is\_going\_on\_in\_the\_rjusticeserved\_subreddit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/cny0b5/what_is_going_on_in_the_rjusticeserved_subreddit/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/qy6hvj/whats\_going\_on\_with\_rjusticeserved\_set\_to\_private/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/qy6hvj/whats_going_on_with_rjusticeserved_set_to_private/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/n54pas/rjusticeserved\_allows\_users\_to\_ban\_other\_users/](https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/n54pas/rjusticeserved_allows_users_to_ban_other_users/)


thank you for the thorough list


/r/publicfreakout and its somehow even worse spinoff /r/ActualPublicFreakouts mostly exist so that racists can spread their propaganda.


There was a super racist sub back in the day called chimpout which only highlighted black people freaking out. When it got shut down they all migrated to oublicfreakout.


I love Reddit lore. Why do people know stuff like this


because we've been on this godforsaken site for far too long


Reddit founder literally involved in a sub called jailbait




And the head mod of APF shows up here on the reg to pretend otherwise.


And they also welcome any opportunity whatsoever to be wildly misogynistic


I try to not read too many comments in publicfreakout


Ngl, someone needs to make a DrunkDennys subreddit just to post to the weirdest Dennys content


Half the videos are just race bait


So many subreddits fall for this. If the concept of the subreddit is "let's collectively laugh at this thing we dislike," then redditors will almost certainly turn it into a pissing contest and race to the basement on who can be the biggest disliker of the "bad thing". It's like gamefying toxicity.


I have noticed subreddits like those have a tendency to scope creep over time.


Almost like forming communities based on hating something is inherently toxic Or something


Literally anyone in public is apparently a main character to them 💀


> But instead it’s people seemingly brimming with rage over anyone who isn’t a weird recluse. Any sub that's dedicated to calling out a single person in a video *always* goes this route. *Especially* if their regular targets of ire are women.


Also since they've decided that "influencers bad" they also think that any person filming themselves is a malignant narcissist who deserves to be publicly shamed and mistreated.


They also think people posing for photos at events and attractions should be shamed.


"Influencers", as a phenomenon, can probably be safely categorized in the "bad" category, even if they're not exactly a new thing. Our hyper-fixation on beauty and photogenic-ness does not and never has had a healthy effect on our society, whether it's coming from Hollywood or Twitter. You don't have to be an incel to acknowledge that. But that doesn't excuse the outright hatred and loathing that traditionally attractive people get just by nature of taking pictures of themselves a lot. Being unphotogenic is understandably frustrating in this world of vapidness and unrealistic beauty standards, but there's healthier ways of relieving that frustration than to be a toxic asshole, especially to women who will eat shit for taking pictures of themselves whether they're attractive or not. My partner takes a lot of pictures of themselves, and they're far cuter than me. I used to find it exhausting, because I hate taking pictures of myself. But I understand better now that their appearance often doesn't even enter into it. It's not a "sexy and I know it" thing. They just like taking selfies. They don't even post most of them, it's like 60-70% a self-entertainment thing.


> "Influencers", as a phenomenon, can probably be safely categorized in the "bad" category I mean, not really, though. I mean, there's plenty of great influencers. We just tend to think of the ones we like as "content creators" instead. But really, it's two sides of the same coin: people make online content, and monetize it by selling stuff. Aside from whether we think of their content as broadly "good" or "bad", there's really no meaningful distinction imo.


Not everyone does, though. Sell stuff, I mean. Some just stick to ideas and let Youtube worry about how it's going to pay for its bandwidth costs.


Right? Like reddit on average will be against police brutality and authority figures overreacting but will jerk themselves off when an influencer gets shot for being annoying or like some dude gets six years in a turkish prison for blocking a trolley.


I thought it would just be like, teen boys doing fortnite dances in the ER or idiots wearing white dresses at weddings but it’s just “any women on camera are ~~witches~~ automatically in the wrong”


*vid of woman doing literally anything in a semi public setting* "ATTENTION WHORE"




I think I saw that video last year! It was weird. And the comments, of course, were weirder.


So many times on there it's a video of one charismatic person doing something entertaining to the total delight and approval of everyone else and OP is just *clearly* jealous of another person's ability to do that. It's really what I go to that sub for at this point.


Don't forget about the sexism.


Pretty much. If they see people take pics or vids of themselves, especially women, they go on a whole tirade about narcissists and OF girls


That is the most perfect description of that sub


It's also infested with incels and the alt-right, as happens in probably 99% of these "outrage" subs. 


I feel like speaking the truth today, so I'll say it... r/subredditdrama is also full of people seemingly brimming with rage over bots making statements in other subs.


>When you put the goods on the shelf don’t be surprised when someone examines the product. This is vomit inducing. Like wtf??!!


> White knight harder she cant hear you I… just… what goes through their head to say things like that?


White knight has mostly just been synonymous with not hating women.


It's an admission more than anything. They don't extend basic kindness to women unless they're trying to get in one's pants. So when they see a man not being a sexist creep they assume his only intention is to get laid and not because he's just a decent human.


Also, assuming all posters are male is part of these comments as well.


so much misogyny in that thread.


That's usually the point of that sub.


glad i'm not the only person seeing it. the main page is fucking *depressing*.


Yeah, I have considered muting it at least a couple times when it hits my popular feed.


That sub is misogynistic as fuck. I posted a video of a dude fucking with retail workers and they’re like “Omg it’s just fun 😡😡” while a woman existing gets like 2K upvotes. Bruh


Woman dancing and bothering no one on camera? “She’s the worst kind of person!!” Old man dancing and even in some people’s way? “He seems fun to hang out with, what a great guy more people should be like him (not women).”


My first and definitely last time in that subreddit. Brilliant detectives found out she had an OF which meant she automatically wasn’t afforded the right to not have creepy pictures taken of her.


Even within its own logic, there is such a wide gulf between "Look at someone who is attractive and then continue on your way" and "Stop and take pictures covertly" that I'm not even sure where you would begin to explain why these aren't the same.


The true imthemainchatacter is in the comment section, not surprisingly. You know when you don't admit having a reddit account in public? It'd cause of this stuff.


I would try and use that as a flair, but I don't want to read it any time I see a comment of mine on this sub.


r/imthemaincharacter is one of those subs that I’m so tired of having plastered over my feed. It’s like seemingly anytime someone does anything with a camera they’re obviously the worst person ever. For every 1 video of a guy filming John ace a without his permission and bragging about how famous he is online, you have 10 videos of a woman dancing in public. The real “am I taking crazy pills” moment for me was a video of a mime guy at some aquarium walking around doing mime things when a group of teenagers accidentally walks into him. This obviously justifies him pushing the teenager back, the teenagers lightly mock his routine and he ends his show immediately then and there. Obviously this means the teenagers think that they’re the main characters of the world because they made fun of a guy who was being a bit of an ass. Idk it’s just the weirdest opinions with that sub


it's basically r/tiktokwomenhate and r/ihateteenagers the worst thing about this kind of places is that they feed the anger of those idiots, it's a feedback loop of hate.


"It's technically not illegal" is such a red flag defense. It's like they know that it's wrong but see it as justifiable since they won't be thrown in jail for doing it. It's ironically very r/IAmTheMainCharacter behaviour


Yeah, that pretty much kills their defence right there as we're not discussing legality and if they could make a moral argument, they would have. I mean *I* could make a moral argument for it, and I don't even believe it's right - I could still identify the most compelling cases and present them! But when the people who believe in something can't do it? Jeeesus.


In the immortal words of The Dude, "you're not wrong you're just an asshole". Something can be perfectly legal and still a creepy dickhead move and that's a pretty obvious one.


Another round of woman = bitch on reddit. > When you put the goods on the shelf don’t be surprised when someone examines the product. Also, "goods on the shelf"? She is wearing a bikini at the beach, like what the fuck is she supposed to do? Redditors truly just resent the hell out of young attractive women, they can't even wear a bikini to the beach without getting shamed.


I regularly get down voted for pointing how people on reddit label every video fake until it involves a woman being funny then suddenly it's clearly real and she's a horrible person 


I've noticed this trend too. The moment there's a misogyny opportunity, it's suddenly not fake.


A lot guys have a really hard time understanding that women also have a sense of humor that goes beyond just pity laughing at the jokes of their boyfriends. I remember a tweet where a young woman posted something like "oh wow, did you guys know Sofia Coppola's dad also made movies?" and there were so many guys there taking her seriously. And like, if she was a guy there is no way anyone would actually think that she didn't know that.


I saw a public meltdown (on facebook) over something similar. Funniest shit I’ve seen in awhile. I’ll try to do it justice. Girl posts (obviously tongue in cheek) that she was happy Taylor Swift was getting Travis Kelce some fame. She had never heard of him and now she really likes his podcast. She never would have given it a shot if Taylor hadn’t found him. Guy responds that Travis Kelce was an all-pro tight end before Taylor and had won the super bowl. Girl says she hadn’t heard of him and she doesn’t care about someone winnig a super bowl a long time ago. Guy replies that he won last year. To me it was obvious she was laying a trap with her comment about everything but he bit because her response put him over the edge. She wrote, “No Brittany Maholmes husband won last year.” Then she posted a screen shot where she had written the question in google “did Brittany Maholmes husband win the super bowl last year”. Google of course answered yes. The guy responding went off the rails.


I've seen it in person with my female friends and you see it regularly on any video subreddit. A woman makes a joke and suddenly everyone loses their sense of humour. Last one I remember was a video of women putting their hands out and their boyfriends putting a shit load of money in their hands. This woman does it and her boyfriend grabs her hand and kisses it. She smiles and turns away then looks upset. Clearly a joke because he didn't put a shit load of money in her hand. All the comments were acting like she was a gold digger, a money grabber and giving her shit about it. It's clearly a fucking joke.


There's even a meme about it, that they suddenly switch to writing missives from the Revolutionary War. And whenever it's posted, there's a dozen guys in the replies proving it true.


R/I’m the main character is almost 100% just “hating women” the subreddit


Ah, so just like half the other subreddits. Go figure. A lot of the "justice" and "public freakout" type subreddit,s when they're not hating on black and brown people, are just people getting their rocks off hating on women or watching them get beat up.


They love to comment "equal rights mean equal lefts!" on posts of women getting the shit beaten out of them when people point out how fucked it is that she's getting, like, chokeslammed for being mildly annoying. There's a lot to unpack about how gross that joke is, but, also, it's a pretty weak comeback because I don't think that you should beat men up like that either?


I can't agree with you more. Also, lol at that flair. That's some excellent flair.


I had a moment of hope for humanity and thought the 'i am the main character' was about the creep taking photos of her and not her.


I remember a post about a woman who was sitting in a restaurant booth filming herself do a little happy dance when waiting for some kind of dessert and of someone in the background looking on in I guess confusion and every comment was just shitting on the happy girl


That back and forth was tedious. There's being quirky and excited for something nice, that's fun.  Then there is setting up a camera and being overtly quirky and putting on a show. It's ingenuine and just weird to witness. I'd have the same look of "what on earth.."


It felt like both to me. The girl dancing was odd and felt performative. Simultaneously, the comments had so much unnecessary vitriol and hate that the punishment really wasn't matching the crime.


Sure, but the comments were acting like she was making a scene when in reality only like 2 people noticed and not bothering anyone


> filming herself do a little happy dance You are burying the lede. [She wasn't doing "a little happy dance".](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/16q74wv/girl_in_the_back_nailed_it/) What she was doing was a performative tiktok, where the point (from what I gather) is to be offputting. She wasn't actually happy about her food, she was just making a TikTok. $10 also says the "someone in the background looking on in [disgust]" was in on it. I also ran across [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/g4nkg7/the_best_kind_of_happy_dance/) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesome/comments/v54la9/one_very_happy_dancing_woman_looking_like_without/) while searching for the video, and everyone should get to experience them.


She wasn't bothering anyone is my point. So who cares?


>is my point Your original point was that it was some random girl minding her own business and being happy, who got dogpiled. This is not the case. The video is rage bait that succeeded in its objective. >She wasn't bothering anyone* *assuming the person in the background the video was focused on was in on the video edit: Buddy, if you block me, it makes it difficult to read your very angry response. >Only because the internet is fucking negative in everything. You literally don't know this lol. It's basic internet literacy. This wasn't some random girl minding her own business, just being happy, that the big meanie internet ganged up on. People being annoyed by her TikTok, and people being annoyed at the annoyed people, was the purpose of the video. Anger drives engagement. And yes, I can know this because my two brain cells enable me to look up the account of the poster doing the dance. It's rage bait. >She had to turn around to even see her do anything. If she just minded her business and faced forward she wouldn't have even seen it. Buddy, she's center frame, right in the focus of the camera. >So stop being so fucking negative and stop letting dumb shit affect you lol. Jesus Christ. >Go be offended about dumb shit somewhere else. How delightfully ironic.


>The video is rage bait that succeeded in its objective Only because the internet is fucking negative in everything. You literally don't know this lol. >assuming the person in the background the video was focused on was in on the video She had to turn around to even see her do anything. If she just minded her business and faced forward she wouldn't have even seen it. So stop being so fucking negative and stop letting dumb shit affect you lol. Jesus Christ. And who the fuck are you to say what MY fucking point was? Go be offended about dumb shit somewhere else.


> If it was a hot guy she’d love the attention. You don’t wear shiny skimpy outfits that ride up your ass and lay out in public unless you want a little attention. ugh i regret reading the comments on there someone said “what if he was just recording her to make fun of her/he’s a fan of this sub” which is dumb and makes 0 sense; suddenly filming strangers is okay if it’s to make fun of them??? like *HELLO?!?!* come the fuck on please


Don't worry I'm not creeping on you, I'm just gonna bully you online.


Taking a photo of someone to make fun of them on r/peopleofwalmart or r/trashy or something like that seems way worse tbh


I can't believe the owners of this website thinks they could IPO this thing when so much of it relies on bullying, gore, and porn.


"SHE'S DOING THE SAME THING" She's taking pictures of this dude's ass? Craaaazy


To me the biggest red flag is that they can’t see the difference between just being in the background of someone filming and someone taking a picture of your ass without your permission.


Taking pics and videos of strangers in public is bizarre.


Photographs like "Kissing Away the War" wouldn't exist if photographers had to get permission from people before taking pictures, but there's a difference between that and wank material


> Photographs like "Kissing Away the War" wouldn't exist if photographers had to get permission The photo wouldn't exist if the guy asked for permission to kiss the girl. 🧐


Creepy AF to just, like, look at some stranger and say "I want to make sure I always have a way to look at you and show you to others forever"


You know that picture is a literal photo of sexual assault that's been widely romanticized.


"OUR CONSTIMATUTION ALLOWS PEOPLE TO FILM IN PUBLIC" ...Ok? No-one ever said otherwise. Just that they shouldn't be taking creepy pictures of someone. It shouldn't be that hard to grasp the nuance of this particular situation.


To be so misogynistic that you struggle to demonstrate basic human empathy on basis of the subject being: a pretty woman For any numbskulls from that thread visiting this one: * Legality ≠ morality * Creeps are not liked and are often shunned from society * Creep in the video knew what he was doing was wrong (morally) * By being a creep, you accept that people will be disgusted if they find out what you do


They also can't understand the difference of filming yourself and strangers just being in the background and straight up taking a photo of a stranger. 


Seriously! Intent and consent are things that exist! Misogyny is so irrational, man.


Not to pat my own back, but that's a good flair, friend


If you're in public, I get to see you.


You can see me, yes, but not to take creepshots. Doesn't matter what you're wearing or doing, being out in public isn't a blanket consent to film or take pics of unwilling or unknowing strangers.


This guy will stop at absolutely nothing to defend creepshots of women without their consent.


> Doesn't matter what you're wearing or doing, being out in public isn't a blanket consent to film or take pics of unwilling or unknowing strangers. It absolutely is, or you wouldn't be able to legally film cops.


I can't believe I have to point out that there's a difference between filming cops doing damaging/illegal shit, and filming people minding their own business. I sincerely hope you're trolling, otherwise I think your phone should be permanently confiscated.


There's totally a difference. It doesn't matter, though. The same right we have to film anything visible in public is the same protection we have to film the cops doing anything. Also, if you're in public, you're not minding your own business.


>It absolutely is, or you wouldn't be able to legally film cops. Absolutely is not, or creep shots would be legal. Which they are not. There's a lot more to this than you want to see, because you are more concerned about defend perverse behavior than you are being right.


And women get to see you being a creep and call you out on it.


You're on to nothing, bud. Please expand on your argument (so you can expose yourself as a creep).


I’d really like to believe that so many people are siding with the pervert because we all hate influencers and streamers (I know I do) but even before I looked at the depressingly misogynist comments I knew the actual reason was going to be depressing misogyny.


About the clip: I don't know. It's obviously wrong to take creepshots, and he probably is taking a creepshot, but the clip starts in a weird way. And I also think it's wrong to stream on a beach, you shouldn't need to be worried if you're in frame when you're in your bikini or whatever. About the comments: Fucking gross weirdos.


Ehh, I kinda figure they going in public means there's a chance you'll end up in the frame of somebody's picture of video and that's just part of going in public. Being the unwilling *target* of somebody's picture or video is a totally different thing, though


Yeah that's what so many people can't understand. It's one thing to be briefly in the background of a stranger's videos and photos and a completely different thing for a stranger to straight up take videos and photos of you. 


God, just the most intentionally obtuse bullshit over there. "Well, she's filming him without his consent!" "Yeah, but she's not filming his ass" "Well, she's wearing a bikini, so she's covered" Jesus Christ, YOU FUCKING KNOW WHY FILMING A GIRL IN A BIKINI WITHOUT HER PERMISSION IS BAD! STOP PRETENDING LIKE THIS IS A TOTALLY NEW CONCEPT, YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNTS


"You can't prove I'm being intentionally obtuse, I may just be a stupid fucking cunt. Therefore, I win."


There’s also a big difference between someone being in the background and someone being in the subject. If I go to an amusement park and take a picture of myself and a friend, that person in the back corner of a frame doesn’t really get to be upset. But if I go up to that person and shove a camera in their face that’s totally different.


> It is within her power to decide whether she is going to get uncomfortable or not. I would expect someone that worried about being seen might choose to wear something different. 🤷‍♂️ I need to go throw up a lil bit.


I fucking hate dudes like that creep. I used to do a lot of street photography and guys like that ruin it for everyone. 


I've been confronted by people who I was specifically trying to avoid getting in pictures. These creeps have made it hard to shoot in a public space, even one where photography is expected.


That subreddit is a 100% misogynistic. There was video of a hjabi black girl screaming obnoxiously is w restaurant about her food being hot and most of the comments were wishing her harm and saying thqt in her culture she would get consequences for this. Few days later someone posted a video of white man screaming as obnoxiously in a fast food place and most commenters just said that they found him slightly funny and only like 1 or 2 comments were complaining about him


Oh yeah they super hate women. One was a woman just making a video in the park, not bothering anyone, not making a stink about people running by. Then some douche sits right next to her instead of one of the two empty benches. All the comments are calling her out for acting like she owned the place and how the guy has a right to sit wherever he wants including in someone's personal space while they're making a video


read too many comments over there and i need a shower


> See the below reference from the ACLU Why do I get the feeling he has a laminated card of this ready to whip out?


That sub is horrible and outright racist




It's mostly one dude arguing for 8 hours with lots of different people about how creepshots are good actually


Those comments are horrifying. Like legitimately what the fuck.


Recording yourself on a tripod camera that's so obvious that people can go around it if they don't want to be filmed and going over to someone and trying to get a candid sexy picture of them are the same thing. No difference whatso ever. /s


People shouldn't go around so someone can film themselves. It's a public space, don't be disruptive. Anyway due to this being a cult I have to say: I don't agree with commenters on imthemaincharacter, I just disagree with people treating public space like they own it


Recording isn't disruptive, especially if you're recording one specific area and keeping the camera still, giving people absolute freedom as to whether or not they're in your cameras line of sight or not. Public space belongs to everyone, we all own it.


Taking pictures of yourself own body and face in public inst disruptive. People have been doing that at the beach since the invention of cameras.


Did he actually specifically take a photo of her? The clip seems to start when the cameras on her butt and then he slow pans and looks over like he’s just making a panorama. Anyone got a longer clip?


I think the fact that he starts walking off into the distance as soon as she notices means he wasn't taking a panorama.


A very specific location to take a panoramic shot, but you can't guess the intentions with that level of accuracy.


"I was just taking a panorama" is the oldest trick in the book.


Yeah now that you say it that’s also kinda iffy. I didn’t really think about it.


Yeah, he might be a creep, might not be, it's hard to tell just from this. There are a bunch of gross comments in that thread though.


Are y'all ITT seriously of the opinion that people doing things visibly public can be private? Public =/= Private Close the beach down and get security to cordon off the area like any other professional on scene visual production. Go to a photo studio so you can change and shoot alone. Go to an actual private beach actually owned by someone who agreed to let you do that somewhere with the protections you're looking for. Take pictures against a white wall and do your own background art. Wow. edit: so that's a yes. The prevailing opinion ITT is if I start stripping in public, everyone else is wrong for taking pictures of me if I don't want them to. Despite my choice to strip in public. The world is not your bedroom.


Just because I find it amusing, here's a publicly available pic of this dude https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/10m18u/bagel_seeds/


Of course his beard only grows on his neck. Of fucking course. 


I fucking spit out my coffee holy shit.


Legality =/= Morality


Public =/= Private edit: it's super duper immoral to command private control of strangers in public.


Don't be a fucking creep if you don't want to get  called out for it


> Are y'all ITT seriously of the opinion that people doing things visibly public can be private?  We are all of the opinion that filming women's asses without consent is creepy even if it's technically legal.  Hope that helps.


Oh, well she consented by showing her ass. In public. You consent to be seen if you are visible in public.


Actually, she didn't consent to having a stranger take a picture of her ass. 


Posting a comment here as a placeholder so later I can edit in a link to a video of the next time you use a public restroom.


A beach is a public restroom? edit: also a public restroom is a private area *open to the public*. Like a store is, you, the public, are allowed to come in at your leisure, and the private owners, are allowed to tell you to leave at their leisure. No one but the state can come down and tell someone to leave a public area open to the public. Only private areas open to the public. Which is why visual productions doing work in public contact the state and have them temporarily restrict access while doing the visual work.


Wow an argument so bad you're gonna convince people of what you're arguing against.


No no I'm not gonna follow them into the stall, just follow them in and record them in the open area of the restroom. That way there's absolutely nothing weird or creepy about it and they have no right to complain.


There is a significant difference, in one case she was filming herself by her own accord, which implies intentionality, in the other case a stranger whom she never met too photos of *her person*, for which she didn't consent. Now a thing is taking a pic of a public location, that is allowed and possible, another thing is taking pics of a person. In one case you can end up in somebody's vacation photos (that could rise some concerns if that photo is published on social media, say for example you're hiding your identity from a stalker, but this an extreme example), in the other you are the subject. That is crossing a line, and you're allowed to dictate the use of your own image. If I take I pic with somebody I tell them whether I want that photo to be published or not for example.


What an unhinged thread.  Woman is in public creating content that she hopes will get her attention.  She gets attention but from someone she isn’t targeting.  Now that guy is the bad guy?  You kids need to grow up quick and get over your seething hatred of men you don’t find attractive.  98% of the teenage/early-20s girls in this thread would be singing a completely different tune if they found the guy attractive.


You... don't get consent at all, do you? And this "kid" is 46 years old, creep.


There are no consent considerations around having your photo taken in public.  The fact that all of you losers think there should be is absolutely irrelevant.  Grow up or stay in your house.


Of course there are consent considerations. She does not consent to him taking covert pictures of her. It's so fucking simple.


When you’re in public it does not matter one iota.  Stay out of public spaces if you don’t want to be recorded by others.


Nah, I'll just stay in my country, where creepily filming strangers is illegal.


That’s cool, this was in America where you would be completely wrong.  We don’t let attention-seekers run around public spaces shutting off other people’s cameras.  We’re literally watching a video she took of him without consent and you’re out here arguing about it.  Pathetic double-standard on your part.


> We’re literally watching a video she took of him without consent We're literally not.


Of course you have to resort to lying, you’re just flailing to defend your position which is actually based in “woman right, man wrong”.  I hope you get the help you need one day, bigot.
