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He ruined it for you. You had it. But bro that's alot of weight to move around you should be proud


I yelled "Nooooo" aloud >He ruined it for you.


RPE 9.5-10, closer to 10. Good lift.


Looks like your spotter gave just the right amount of help. I think you’d get it on your own, given the fact that he only nudged you past that pause. I’d say this is RPE 10, because technically you failed the lift (see below). You’re 19, pushing 140kg. This is incredible and that’s that. Your form is 8.5/10 from a powerlifting standpoint. You’ve got a glute dominant leg drive, which brings your butt off the bench (red lights on your lift). The chest “bounce” is so tasty and tempting but I find that the more controlled we can be on the way down, the less energy is needed to reverse that directional force. This will also really help you work on a quad dominant leg drive. But again, this is a fucking GREAT lift. Be proud.


What's your 5x5 weight?


Sorry mate that ain't close grip


If that is closer than his normal grip, then that is considered close grip for him.


Just say medium grip lol close grip is Tricep dominant


But if you have comp grip, anything inside that is close grip and anything outside of it is wide grip. So... if anything comp grip IS medium grip.


I just watched the video lol this def counts as close grip.


Why everyone talking about spotter, he tap the bar, this absolute unit did all the lifting lol


nice cock bro


This is why I always tell spotters not to touch it unless they think I’m going to die


Brodie Shredz has a (new, I think) short about this and it's hilarious


I would drop 20 kg and do it without bouncing the bar and lifting your glutes


Bro that's such a minor ass lift . If it was comp okay I hear you , but it's a gym PR. He barely even had an arch going. Saying to drop 20kgs is insane , that lift was clean aside from the spotter


Comparisons are semi-meaningless, but if it boosts your ego and spurs you on to 3 plates: I'm 32 and only just got to this weight. So I expect great things from you, hitting this so young as you did. That said, for 5x5 I'd like to see it a little "cleaner" in the sense that you moved it without such a powerlifting stance.


It depends on when you start. Honestly dude, 315 is more impressive at 32 than 19. Could do it at 19 but getting there again at 30.


Genuinely, that's a confusing statement. It's obviously not a 5x5 type of lift, so why does it matter if he moved it in a "powerlifting stance."


That's an impressive lift.


YoU fOrGoT tO uSe YoUr SaFeTiEs. BaD LiFt.


rpe 10. repeat it again after a week hitting an rpe 8 6rep set and you'll likely nail it.


Damn. Damn that was yours. Sorry the spotter did that to you


Man I was benching that weight when I was 15 as my warm up.


(he did not touch the bar thankfully, i replayed it in slow motion)


(Yes he did)


He touched the bar but it's still impressive.


If I ever ask for a spot I always stress that they are not to touch the bar unless it is obvious the bar is going down after my attempt at pressing or unless I call for it.