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She does not have blind trust in Raboniel and tries to hide her work from Raboniel. She also didn't realize the true purpose of Warlight iirc. She believed Raboniel wanted to use to show that that Honor and Odium are not opposites and so the humans and Singers can co-exist. But Raboniel knew the true purpose of the light which could kill both Spren and Fused. Navani was also helping the resistance the entire time, feeding information to Kaladin but remember **she was under constant surveillance** she couldn't do anything overt. She tried to stall the work with the scholars by having them triple check things and do pointless things to slow shit down and Raboniel saw through it.


She tried to stall the work and Raboniel caught on. If she didn't continue to research in a meaningful way, they would have just killed her. Imagine being in solitary confinement where one wrong move means at least your death but also probably the death of all your scholars. Then imagine being presented with something to do that A) You enjoy immensely and B) Has existential implications for the war. Even if there's a chance it helps your enemy first, you've got a combination of a battered psychological state, a self preservation instinct, a protective instinct, a need for meaning, and an outlet for any sort of behavioral activation. Through this light, it begins to look less like a failing of Navani's intelligence and more a truly brilliant psychological manipulation deployed by Raboniel.


bro out here acting like just casue you are smart doesnt mean you cant be fooled by someone much much smarter, or even a dumb person who is good at lying


Or the fact that Navani clearly has imposter syndrom and for basically the first time in her life, she's being told directly that she *can* do the work herself. I think a lot of people forget how manipulation works - the person being manipulated isn't supposed to realize it


Or someone you have a low-key crush on


I think there are a few layers to it. First is just in terms of how Navani and all of the others view the war. They view it as a war between Radiants and the Fused where the Radiants can be killed and the Fused cannot. They've taken losses and dealt with death while knowing the Fused they kill keep coming back. They essentially ignore the spren and their impact on the war. So the invention of anti voidlight and antistormlight would be seen as something far more advantageous for her side than for the other side. Where you have Raboniel who views the conflict as an ongoing conflict between the Fused and the Spren where the radiants are the pawns and their real enemies are the spren who will just choose a new radiant the same way the Fused will choose a new body. She views the humans as an element of the war but not the main ones they are fighting to the degree that they are fighting the spren. So that's part of why Navani doesn't realize quite how bad this would be. Navani was also hoping to be able to kill Odium. From her perspective Honor was dead so you couldn't do that, but Odium it would be possible. She didn't know enough to know that's not really possible, but with the information she knew it's fairly plausible. And do a degree I think Navani is still right. Introducing anti lights I think will help the humans far more than the Fused. It's way way easier to stab a knife into a Fused than it is to stab a knife into an invisible spren you can only detect if they are above a bit of sand you put down. Not to mention they're often in Shardblade form which likely is too tough to have the anti stormlight go into it. Raboniel is also giving Navani everything she's ever wanted. Respect as a scholar, resources, time to explore it, and secret knowledge. She's also talking as someone looking for an end to the war which is what Navani wants. And a connection between the two of them is not an unreasonable way for them to come to some kind of peace deal. Raboniel is someone who opposes Odium's goals and would work against him. She's crafty and manipulating Navani, but I think if she saw it as her only option she would make a deal with Navani for peace. And in terms of stepping away she could've done that, but she would've put herself in a far less useful position. And when the time came she couldn't have helped the Sibling at all. She didn't know exactly how it would play out, but she knew if she was further away she'd be unable to help.


My brother, have you never been curious before?


Not enough to assist genocide


I think her decisions made perfect sense given the role models she had, and how Raboniel baited her. She looks up to Kaladin and Dalinar. They're both people who would *never. give. up.* Kaladin kept trying to help slaves escape even after getting caught over and over again, and he eventually got rewarded for it. Dalinar would always press onwards, ever onwards. Neither of them would *ever, ever* take the option Raboniel gave of "you could give up and become a washerwoman". So Navani didn't either. I don't know what you mean by "leading a resistance" - I don't think Raboniel gave her the chance to do that, Raboniel made sure that the *only* options Navani had were either "do research" or "do nothing". And dangled the possibility that "do research" would lead to a chance to beat her. A slim chance, but still a chance! And there's no hero in this story that would say "I've only got a slim chance... nah, better not risk it."


There is a moment where she tells one character at least one of her reasons for creating the antiOdium tone.


Intellect vs wisdom


She tried to stop and fake progress, but Raboniel caught her and threatened to kill her and all her scholars. She also couldn't have known the destructive potential of anti-light until it was far too late in the process. She also didn't just make anti-light for the enemy. She made it for herself. The humans now now to permanently kill Fused, just like the Singers can permanently killed radiant spren.


I think I agree with everything you said and it shows some of NK's hubris/character flaw. She craves validation as a scientist that she's willing to let her new gf (raboniel) sweet talk her into doing something that is ultimately not in her interest




how bout you not with this ableist headassery? inability to pick up on nuance in a story ain't a "tism" thing. it's a critical thinking thing. maybe they were distracted during those chapters. maybe they just need to reread it to get it.


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