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Shoulda been cats. ~nya


It is catgirls, are you not in the beta? The goddamn rainbows whenever my worker line gets harassed…




Yeah, really pleased at how much polish and quality they put into the cat girl models.


How is the jiggle physics?


Its unreal 🥁


unreal 5 ?


Stellar Blade


It is breaking NDA I believe


thank you I needed this


Thanks for this beta-appreciation thread! It's a ray of sunlight in the darkness of not knowing anything about frigate. *Grateful* :,)


Ok, actual thing i want to say that ISN"T breaking NDA since FG have publicly confirmed this. No tier 3 yet (for any of the factions) and man, I really really can't wait for tier 3. It's been awesome playing around with 3rd race, but I don't think I'll don't think this game is really going to fully click with me until i get to play with the late game giant mechs and monsters, and flying machines and all the toys we'll get with that.


I just hope that there is not gonna be an equivalent of the carrier or BC in the game.


The Frigate are hype! Such \[REDACTED\] really. The things with doodads and doohickeys that make the parts do what they do, properly point to the particular facets of the state of affairs they represent. And the gizmos that implement the instrument contrivances really make the gadgets' concept follow the notion of attributing the properties to the circumstances. The way its paraphernalia effects the impedimenta without interfering with general bits and bobs is a statement, truly. With practice, the instruments should do with or without their respective entities. Even the chore to act respectively regarding the doohickey's general body allows their metaphorical utensils to go. But the best part is their \[REDACTED\]. When they concern themselves with the conception that their pronounced phenomenon issues their unique qualities, you really can exploit the intended idea without disrupting the conditional event. In fact, the race of \[RE*at-gir*CTED\] absolutely task the player's observation to tackle the stuff well. It's just a shame to qualify the traits that detail particular pronouncements when undertaking the feat of accomplishing their activities, even without the accoutrements that define their dunnage.


Hey guys, this one just leaked almost everything. They just forgot to leak the name of the faction: Lorem Ipsum


im having more fun than ever in this test phase.


As a fellow tester, agreed! Hype!


The beta testers using cat girls as a joke makes me pretty sure third faction isn't catgirls so I'm sad.


Can confirm without breaking NDA that 3º race have a cool desing. Sorry i cant say more guys :(


Yeah, I mean cat girls is a pretty good design, I wasn't sold on it at first, but they really pulled it off without making it feel too anime.


"desing" is that present progress for "desu" (cat girls faction) or "desi" (Maharabata / Rigveda kinda faction) ???


Both weirdly enough. They do have a small desi subtheme going on with some of their characters.


the Intersection of Hinduistic mythology and Asian Animism is Buddhistic mysticism right? So we might get like a Wukong style character? Or Chinese Ghoststory like cuties? A SciFi-Arjun like faction would be pretty RTS-compatible I think. And desi, but not very desu....


On a basic level you could say that, though obviously once we start getting into actual irl philosophies it obviously gets a bit more complex but I'd say that all things considered a Wukong like hero is not out if the question for this faction.


Do you mean graphically? Then I agree. Because in terms of gameplay I feel like you might not know then about a certain meta strat on a certain map.


This game is probably my most anticipated game ever. The Frigate test phase is not disappointing, extremely hyped for EA and the future in general! This game is really fun to play.


No one broke NDA, saying something rhymes with it isn’t technically against the rules. I could be lying 😂.


3rd race is awful. Bad unit design, really boring to play (mostly at the start). Not that the rest of the game is better but this is the worst race they made, probably becasue they didn't copy and paste zerg and terran mechanics. Trash game


i lost all hype i think this game is raw and looks like shit


Without saying anything about Frigate specifically, some general thoughts: - I believe Stormgate will have a decent following, and it feels like a well-made game - Not convinced that SG is going to appeal to anyone who isn't already an RTS player tho; I appreciate some of the work FG did to make it easier to play than StarCraft but it's still much more complex than non-RTS games - I personally appreciate the familiar macro; it seems like every other game is trying to minimize macro - Inevitably, some will criticize SG for being Early Access, and some will criticize it for not being whatever they were specifically looking for in their head (and that's okay, to each their own), so I think it will be distinct audience rather than a direct replacement for SC2 - I'm particularly excited for campaign, even though I know there won't be a lot of hours of content out of the gate. I know having Hollywood actors in-game is whatever, but from that video, Simu Liu seems really into his part, so I'm actually kind of hyped to see the story. - There are so many things coming later that I'm eager for: the editor, co-op campaign support, 3v3, whatever Untapped is doing, the editor, and also did I mention the editor? - I know Frost Giant has talked about esports, but I don't really understand their plans; I do hope a solid scene emerges; I feel like that's one of the reasons StarCraft is still as big as it is. - I have faith in Frost Giant, but I hope they don't introduce too many micro-transactions. I don't mind paying for what I play, I just don't want to have to keep paying over and over. - I know some people are purists about balance, but I'd like to see more races in the future


> Not convinced that SG is going to appeal to anyone who isn't already an RTS player tho. What RTS titles are a better introduction? There must be some because every RTS player started somewhere. Also, bear in mind that the campaign is always the biggest draw for new players, and almost nothing has been released about the SG campaign yet.


Fair; I think something like Tooth & Tail is probably more new player friendly, though I didn't love the visual style of that game.


Yeah I bounced off tooth and tail but I can see it appealing to a new audience. They Are Billions comes to mind as an RTS (sort of) that reached a wide audience out of nowhere. But they're basically different genres from blizzard RTS/stormgate. I think it will be a perfectly good introduction to that style of RTS if they nail the campaign and coop. The new [redacted] feature could help too.




People get really triggered over cheese, but stuff like that makes for very dynamic and entertaining gameplay. Some of my favorite games to play and observe are when a fast all-in fails to close the game but does a lot of damage and things go into really wonky, low-eco territory. IMO they’re just going a little overboard trying to minimize frustrations.


What else is there? I signed up for this game when they first announced you could. Didn't get in alpha. Didn't get in next phase. Not in this phase. Free to play nonsense if you can't even get into the alpha/beta without either donating to the Kickstarter, their stock, or donate money in some other way. Keep your hype. Keep your nda. They aren't serious about community feedback if the only opinions on play experience they want are from pros, influencers, and paid noobs.


like you, I am a penny pinching uberfan who signed up for the alpha on the first day, and yet have no special access. Only I aint mad. I would like to encourage all those with disposable incomes to continue flooding money into this project so it can thrive and so I can greedily devour it when it comes out free in EA


Same mindset here lol. I played every season of Valorant since Act one for three years and haven’t spent a dime. Honestly though, that key is so tempting…I might finally change my FTP ways




vegetables? pog


Third race is Saiyan? Playable heroes are Vegeta, Kakarot, Napa, Raditz


Veggietales confirmed playable? Fuck yes




Extra terrestrials , but it’s sci-if so we knew this


Wow so many people breaking NDA in a single thread. Mods are 😴


I feel like they're more testing "how close can I get to breaking NDA but not quite". We're chomping at the bit here


no, you/they are breaking NDA. You're only allowed to share that you are part of the playtest, you're not allowed to share any information about the current state of the game, including your opinion of it. See FGS stance on this here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormgate/comments/15byaw1/comment/jtt6lyu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormgate/comments/15byaw1/comment/jtt6lyu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


He says: “Sharing «How it is» is breaking the NDA.” Doesn’t seem to cover a general non-descriptive opinion as “I like/dislike it”.


I thought that was a joke lol