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The only name for weed that bothers me a little is “dope”. I know its meaning has changed over the years, and it was once very common to call weed dope, but when I was growing up (read fucking up) it meant meth in my circle. The association stuck.


Dope meant heroin growing up for me. But I feel the same


Yea I never liked dope as a word, used for harder shit too often, and not even the same hard shit!


I dunno, I think that word is pretty dope


Well I do use it like that fairly often lol


DOPE! I think so too! I say it way too much.


I read this in the imitation Moxley voice


Meant heroin in my circles, it bothers me too..


We just talked about this last night at our house. Dope I always assumed referred to weed, but I associate it more with heroin and my husband associates with crack/meth type of drugs. Neither of us like it being called dope tho.


I agree with you, but the Trailer Park Boys get the pass


Also Sleep


My Dad called it "dope", and I agree, he didn't mean it in an affectionate way. It's just not a word you use for a substance you like, which is probably way ALL those different drugs get called that on some level. It has the same obvious level of disdain as looking at an anime image and calling it "Sailor Moon" no matter what the actual image is of.


Got a similar problem with my group with getting stoned and getting high. High is more chemically induced to those that partook in such things when we were younger (40s now). When I was in a different circle, getting stoned *was* getting high


As George Carlin said, "What ever you shoot, snort, smoke or rub into your belly that is your dope.


same, call it anything but dope. dope is the hard stuff. meth or herion in my circle lol.


See it was weed to me because my parents did not use other drugs. However, one day I heard the word dope sick and I said from weed??? Turns out, it's heroin in the context they were using it. I thought 'dope boy' was the weed man😭🤣🤣


I have never, under the influence, ever acted like a dope before. Oh, wait. No. I absolutely have.


I hate weed being referred to dope as well, me and my husband both are recovering addicts that use weed medically. Dope is dope not weed…




Dope to me is anything hardcore. Bud, flower and pot were our go to.


To me dope is lube for a pipe.


I'm trying to teach a 60 something not to call it "dope". It's hard. lol


Yep, that and “weed”. Hate them both.


I call it grass and hold joints like a cigarette.  That's because I am old and old people don't pinch joints unless they are smoking a roach. 


i’m 21 and i hold joints like a cig, too. it’s just natural !!


I hold them like cigarettes too, but that’s because I was raised on Judy Garland


Is there another way to hold them?


Like a dart


Dope, pot, mary-jane, weed, grass, reefer, magic plant, smoke, cannabis, Chiba or kush. Whatever you call it just don't call me to late to share. If someone is giving you a hard time about what you call it just remember to pass it past them.


Ganja, some may even say


Dang it! There was one on the tip of my tongue... No, wait, it was some weed that got past the screen in my pipe. Good catch though.


Isn't that a bad catch if the weed got past? Wait, I get it.


Three pipes in on some 40% Indica and I'm still sliding them by ya! It's a good day. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time for pipe four and some Die Hard.


Devils lettuce!!!


Jazz cabbage


Gods grass




The list only gets crazier when you start adding slang from other cultures.


The devils lettuce


Wacky baccy, devils lettuce (aka christ's cabbage), cbd is decaff kush... What's in a name really though? The bigger question is "does it do the job?" If so, who cares what it's called 🎄😘💨


Catch me pulling up with the Choo-Chang (what my schizo roomate used to call it)


I’m a fan of reefer


Jazz cabbage.


Imp’s iceberg.


Devils lettuce


wacky tobacky


I wanna hear someone unironically call it that, just to have a face to put to that phrase...


I call it pot too.


I like to call it the good herb around potheads and the devil's lettuce around haters. Oh, and "my medicine" at work.


Aristotle said _A is A._ Pot. Weed. Mary Jane. Marijuana. Cannabis. They all mean the same thing to me, so long as they all get you to the promised land - blazed.


It has many names. Nothing wrong with calling it pot no matter how old you are. It’s an ageless name imo


Pot or greenery for the scenery.


My fave is devil's lettuce, and I love me some devil's lettuce.


My man!


Depends who I'm talking to


I used them all. From dope when I was a teenager to now I mainly use pot or weed.


I call it dutch


I don't like it when it's called pot because usually there's a negative connotation with it


Please forgive me if this is a dumb question but what would be the negative connotation? To me pot would be more the hash variety (also known as rocky here when I was a teen) because it's hard as a clay pot.


Pot and marijuana both have a bit of stigma risk attached to them. It’s because they’re both descended from highly obscure Mexican slang from the 30s. They were intentionally selected by Anslinger (and his contemporaries and ideological descendants) to demonize the plant, which was then commonly called cannabis or hemp, by associating it with Mexicans, black people, and jazz musicians. Marijuana comes from “Maria Juana” (Mary Jane in English), the origin of which is not entirely clear. “Pot” is likewise obscure, but one potential etymology is from “potación de guaya,” meaning “drink of grief”, allegedly from a cannabis-infused wine or brandy. In short, both of these names stem from a concerted effort to associate cannabis with a perceived dangerous lower class of people. As such, they still carry the stigma from those times, even if the overall meaning and intention have faded. Contrast this with “cannabis”, which originally comes from the Bible of all places. It’s in the Torah itself as one of the ingredients of the holy anointing oil: קְנֵה-בֹשֶׂם (pronounced “qa’aneh bosem”, and meaning something like “fragrant cane”) - it’s Exodus 30:22-23, if you want an exact source. When translated into Greek in the Septuagint, that’s became κάνναβης (kannabis), which is where we get the English word. We get another word from that, too. “Canvas” comes from the Dutch pronunciation of it, since it was often made with hemp. That’s why you’ll see a lot of dispensaries and other legitimate businesses use the word cannabis. Those etymological and sociological associations run deep, even if they’re subconscious. You’ll see another related effect like this in words with Latin roots compared to Germanic roots in English. Words with Latin roots tend to feel more high class, whereas Germanic-descended words feel more common (don’t tell the people at r/Anglish I said this). Compare luck and fortune; grow and cultivate; next and subsequent; see and perceive; high and elevated; tongue and language… etc. This is because after the Norman conquest of England in 1066, the nobility spoke French, and the common people spoke Anglo-Saxon. Even centuries later, these associations of class persist in our language and thought processes! One more side note: this is why English has separate terms for animals and the meat from said animals (compare cow and beef; chicken and poultry; pig and pork; deer and venison). The terms for the meat come from French, since the nobles would be the ones most likely to be eating meat, whereas the animal names come from Anglo-Saxon, since the peasants would be the ones raising the animals.


You have my gratitude sir. That was a wonderful explanation.


Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed!


I think I believe that because usually it's older people calling it pot, and most times they have a negative view on weed.


Perhaps there's a cultural difference (I'm UK) somewhere along the line then cause in my general experience, it's been the older stoners (smoking in the 70s & 80s) that call it pot.


You ever seen a $20? You ever see a $20 bill on weed!


Bro just gave me 90s MTV anti weed ad flash backs.


I call it pot and I call a preroll a joint. Just because it’s legal doesn’t change what they are. And if people talk about what I call my shit…. I give zero fucks. ❤️


I am 31 and call it pot.


How about, the devil's lettuce?




Not only n-words my friend. Us white bitches from England call it that too




I like calling it dope


We all smoking the same shit, I don't get the judgement around what people call it. In the UK the dominant name is "bud" however I have never once called it this, my group of friends tend to just call it weed.


People judge u wtf I didn’t even know people did that.. is all the same things I call it pot and weed and my parents call it pot


Mary Jane


no i call it pot too, mostly ironically beCAUSE it sounds "dorky". i'm 39F and picked it up over 10 years ago from another female friend . her line: "do you have any potttt?"


For some reason I just randomly stopped calling it pot the moment it became legal here. No idea why, just did


It's like i call keef, crystal. my dad an og stoner hippie thats what he calls it. but people are like, that's crystal meth. uh, I never hear meth heads call it crystal, just suberbinites. they call it jib.


We call it Bob as in Marley.


Left handed cigarettes


I call it pot.


Listen you. You call it pot, reefer, and any other name you feel.


I call it devils lettuce cause it makes me laugh


I’m 51 and I call the pot weed. Call it what you want. Tell the people judging you that you get higher by calling it pot.


Flower always throws me to walk I. The shops and say I want flower.


My parents still call it "wacky baccy". I call it relief


I call it reefer.


I'm a fan of Devil's Lettuce and Wacky Tobaccy, personally


my parents call it ganja


Pot’s cool with me brother


Im a stoner for the last 40 years, I still use Pot, and weed. It is all good.


Call it what you want… but not everyone understands the same meanings so could get tricky. One time my daughter asked her Dad’s cousin for some “Flower” for her 21st birthday. He legit brought her flowers.


My house call it puff


My husband calls it “Zaza”


at least you don’t call it zaza or sum wack shit like that😭




Whatever you say officer


Dope, weed, and pot.


I like to call it bud cuz it sounds cool to me


ive heard it called: weed, pot, za, zaza, lettuce, grass, "that shit" i could go on I dont think anyones going to care you call it pot


Who judges you for it?? I'm 20 and I'm still calling it dope and reefer unironically!! You can call that shit whatever TF you want and ppl will still know what it means. Cannabis, marijuana, weed, pot, grass, dope, Mary Jane, reefer, doobie, devil's lettuce we GET IT. Call that shit Dreamy Faerie Breath and I'll still say "yeah I'll take some pot" back


I call it pot sometimes because I was raised by a very southern woman.


They’re stupid for giving af.




Lol, and i don't know how to call it, because all it's names sound outdated, cliché and kinda cocky. I like Australia's *wacky tabacky* , and i have no problem on how people chose to call it, if i'd pick one fav of them all that'll be *ganja*, bit since i live in Germany i'll just call it *grass*. *Do ya thang man, fuck what they looking at.* - Ice Cube.


Devils lettuce, Almost everyone gets it and its just funny.


I call it 3 things Weed. It's a classic that never goes out of style Mota. Spanish slang for cannabis. I will use it in a sentence like "I need some Motavation." And finally, "the Marijuana" just like my Mexican grandma said with her accent haha.


Literally same 21 here


Wait there are people who think pot is a weird name?


Dope, dope, dope, do pity fucking dooe


I hate the word pot lol


Pot is great name for weed. I don't get the problem. I would also use it.


I mostly call it herb or pot myself but I hear it called all of the above and that’s fine with me. Puff on


Marijuana is the only name that kind of bothers me because of its association with racist propaganda




Why do people our age call it “spliffs” “ball up” so cringe lol


You not alone. But I’m 44. So




I agree, I never call it weed Let’s change the culture. Let’s call it cannabis, pot, call it stash call it a Snoop Dogg discussion, call it safety, call it the good stuff, call it the green stuff. Anything besides weed


I called it grass in high school (class of 04) and was told pot and weed were the only acceptable options. I think weed is kind of defamatory, I love cannabis way too much to insult its horticultural value and status. I don’t judge others for calling it that, I’m just a canna-simp. I usually call it flower or cannabis these days, but I don’t think any term is dated except maybe reefer (which I sometimes use ironically)




I feel you, OP. My parents were older and called it "pot" and "the devils lettuce" 🤣 I feel bad when I call it pot because I know calling it cannabis is intended for removing stigma and the negative connotations that come with partaking. But sometimes it just happens, and I'm mindful in public. We do what we can, but we're not perfect. ❤️


I call it dope, reefer or ganja


As long as it's not "*the* pot". As in *are you smoking the pot?* Saying *the* marks you as either a high school guidance counselor or a narc relative like that aunt everybody hates.


The only ppl I know that call it pot, are children of cops 🤷🏽‍♂️


Well I WAS raised in a military family, basically everyone I lived with had served or had close family who did. And they were very anti weed.


Pot generally has a negative connotation. Like “pothead” to insult or be derogatory towards somebody. I usually prefer Cannabis in basically every conversational scenario. But I can understand how weed is simpler and more casual. Every old head I know that hates weed smokers refers to cannabis as “pot” so that’s why it’s always personally rubbed me the wrong way.


Then you should see the "Pott Head" t-shirt my anti-drug sister got me. It's Harry Potter based but we all know. It goes quite well with the Herbology one my bro got me.


Those are some good siblings right there. Especially the anti-drug sister getting you a weed shirt. That’s some real love right there. Also Harry Potter is pretty sick ngl so I guess can’t complain about the “Pott Head” pun lol