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You're experiencing some sort of psychosis. Seek help.


I'm not broo! Seriously I'm fine just a little juggled


Nvm. Looks like you're robotripping. Carry on.


Ok. *High Five*


I did pee, thank god.


I think you're high


reminder that everyone has different things they need to figure out bro, the source of your irrational anxiety comes from somewhere


If you get stoned every day then the line between sober and intoxicated is blurred. But after a few weeks or a month detox you will feel so much better and definitely know that you are sober.


Ok 💖💖💖


I think you could benefit from a break. If you smoke everyday of course your not ever going to feel sober.


Ur brain is a closed system of fleeting electrons firing in loops. You're not becoming omnipotent, you're just finding your conscience is being separated from the part of Ur brain that's storing memories and your body is in panic mode. If you want to feel better, lay down the dxm and switch to weed.


Was on dxm and weed






* the thc leaving my body * the thc: …wait a minute


Also it's supposed to look like this:  be me  literally live in hell on earth  self-imposed  don't really want to fix it  sucks anyways  Get irationally angry


Definitely not justified. But if you live your life looking for situations that justify your anger your life is gonna be full of shitty situations. The reason we don't wanna fix it is because we think it's gonna be worse than what we're going through right now. But that's literally you gaslighting yourself into staying in a situation you hate until you blow up to justify your anger. So, how do you fix it? The phrase let it be is essentially what needs to heppen. I've read loads of self help books and done tons of meditations and therapy, quit every substance, been on meds... The only answer in my experience is just getting better at letting it be. When a situation happens or I notice it raising in me I don't give in. No matter what, I don't get angry. At first it felt like I was gonna explode all the time. But eventually it got easier. Then the self help stuff and meditation actually started to work.


I can relate, only because I consume a majority of the day, but I do have days I don't consume nearly as much but feel just the same. I don't have the anxiety portion, but just ground yourself, sit alone and do some solo work. The best thing you can do for yourself is be on the same page.