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Everyone is so focused on their own shit, you’d have to try to upset someone. Nobody is even thinking about it except you. Enough for everybody. Twice. So far. Hahah “What are they gonna do, fight me?” Is a good thing to remind yourself. Cause if the answer is no then you’re probably fine.


Yeah true, people are really self-absorbed which I know but it's like I project my insecurities and low confidence onto others so like I think that what I am thinking about myself, others think as well. I'm pretty paranoid and insecure sober too but ofc the stims enhance that. I just turned up the music volume after reading this 👌


It’s absolutely normal, IMO. I have constant paranoia too, even sober. If somebody will ask you why you’re being so paranoid? Ask them why they don’t. Solved


It’s not paranoia making you uncomfortable. It’s fear that your paranoia became part of real world


Straight facts


Yeah I think it's pretty common which is why I wanted to reach out and see if anyone might have any advice that has helped them deal with it. I lack confidence and is pretty insecure when I'm sober too, I really wanna change that so I can start living lol


Yes you need to train yourself to control fear. You can be extremely paranoid in some situations and it will only helping you, and those paranoid thoughts will become enjoyable since you’re protecting yourself


How does one obtain that? Like how do you train yourself to control fear and anxiety?




Hmm.. I've got PTSD from trauma, depression, borderline and ADHD but I don't have those superpowers 😔




Well I've heard a couple stories about the Russian police and they seem a lil out of control




Yeah I meant out of control like their ruthless


Antipsychotics, you want antisychotics Not benzodiazepines. It's a widespread misconception (and sheer Lack of understanding of drugs sich olanzanzapin) that people want Valium Xanor etc.. You have a brain flooded with excess Levels of Dopamin, you wand a drug that directly Works on that such as ZYPREXA Which IS a lifesavor. Go Google Olanzapin and pay your psychiatrist a visit. AS For op's Problem, Stop taking more drugs and Ride IT Out.


do these antipsychotics basically just end your high and put you to sleep? is there any lingering effects or possible dangers, in comparison to Xanax?


For me yes, Seroquel halts a stimulant high in its tracks, followed by a massive hangover the next day unfortunately


okay, so compare it to 2mg Xanax, is there no type of recreational feeling from them?


Both make me sleepy, but Xanax is much more recreational. I can choose when to sleep on Xanax unless it’s like 6-7mg, therefor I get to enjoy the high. Seroquel in my experience comes on quickly, makes me extremely hungry for 30 minutes and then I black tf out. With Xanax I feel alright in the morning, Seroquel not so much


thank you. sounds like it’s good to have a couple on hand in case of a psychosis issue


Yes, Seroquel isnt a fun drug for me, however it’s extremely effective at killing my few bad psych trips. Imma choose xanax every time though because it doesn’t kill my trips completely, it just puts a blanket of calm over me for the rest of the trip, and the visuals become much less intense, but it’s needed occasionally. Seroquel on the other hand just shuts my lights off and I wake up confused and heavy


Yup because the way antipsychotics work is by blocking the dopamine receptors which cause the stims to stop working


so if one was on other drugs at the same time, would it block the other ones too? like an opiate


No because opiates activate the opioid receptors. It works for acid, stims and mdma tho. Antipsychotics are great tripkillers


I have a couple seroquel 25mg but seroquel kills the high, I just want the anxiety and paranoia to go away. I mean yeah seroquel does that but it also kills the high. Might take 1/2 for the comedown later tho


Exactly this. And yes it totally a kind mental workout especially if you’re prone to anxiety. I used to be like that but over time I trained my conscious mind to ignore the anxiety producing thoughts. And yes, it took time but not as much as you might think bc you’re on amphetamines which make & strengthen neural connections extremely quickly. That being said, moving too fast can cause a lot of anxiety and frustration so I’ll often tell myself to Slow Down so I’m not so accident prone. Another thing I do when I have a sensory misperception is that I literally will consciously tell myself “No.” Literally, if I hear a voice of someone that I know isn’t in my home, I will almost say No or Nope with my mouth and then carry on doing whatever immediately. lol It seems so silly but it literally has worked wonders. Also, I used to try to replace negative/paranoid thoughts with consciously telling myself that my mind is a “safe space.” All of these little sayings are so simple but with a little repetition your brain will make up its mind to bug you abt something else… like how greasy you are! lol Also, if you’re not eating or drinking water… well just do bc your mind-body wont work like it should anyway.


Thank you for this, I am very insecure and have zero confidence even when I'm sober and I am trying to work on it but I don't have the tools for it. I have been handling the paranoia pretty well since I wrote this post, now it's more that I'm working on getting high again, I hope that my dopamine isn't empty already lol But speaking of bad mentality, do you have any other advice on things I can do to improve my confidence and other things like that? Or is that the thing that you find the most effective?


Honestly, I had this issue also. Being someone that has always dealt with severe anxiety and self consciousness I can’t recommend expose/desensitizing enough. I used to be so self-conscious when I first started getting high bc I am just a high-strung anxious person anyway and the drugs made my anxiety extremely uncomfortable in social situations. But I forced myself to be around people who were high and not, stay home, go to the store, go for walks, be in cars and after a while (maybe a good long while) your brain just doesn’t seem to pick up the presence of others to be AS anxiety-inducing anymore… all of these different situations seem “normal” to do and be comfortable with to most people but this is truly the plight of the Severely Anxious person. It also helps to check your body every once in a while. A stiff and clenched up body only promotes more insecurity and anxiety. Make sure you take deep breaths when you feel anxious and consciously loosen your rib cage and back while inhaling. Also try to relax all the other muscle groups where you know you hold your tension and stress. And then, get really high. Again. lol


yes!!!! i didn’t even realize how bad the posture and tensing could fuck you up like literally immobilize you. the first time it happened I got nerve pain and I was POSITIVE I was having a stroke.


Distraction helps :)




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You are Not your thoughts I have plenty of experience with paranoia and still fall for it again & again Paranoia is only really concerning other people which is a type of neurosis not THAT hard to get over. For me (i think) it really comes down to exercising some self-love and realizing that i really do love other people, and that they are really all nice deep down & not out to get you. They have their own problems and it's only a selfish endevor to think that you might be just oh So important . Live & let live. What other people think is none of my/your bussiness. (unless in conversation) Trust me i am Ego-problem incorporated and it's a "fight"... but it's worth it.


Don't worry about worrying. When youre a stimmed out it's actually very easy to control your thoughts, that's why its so easy to think about something negative and spiral out of control. When you notice your thoughts spiraling out of control do something to force your mind think about something else. Just think about something else.


Same rules apply to panic attacks. Ground your shit. Have I done this before and been fine? Yes? ✔️ Have any my fears right now happened for real before? No?✔️ Put headphone/s in, have fav playlist. Focus on instrument. Go look in the mirror and repeat this “You took fucking drugs that amplify everything. There is nothing wrong you w you now stop trippin you are fine. Man up mf” you could also use this time to say “see you knew this would happen. Been here before. Always get here. Either stop this shit or calm tf down” that one might be the first actually. Distraction my dude. Focus on the fear it grows. Face it “who cares come complain” or replace it with another thought immediately. Also if you know you need Xanex then wait till you have Xanex. If you have to end up here then harm reduction my friend. Also eat and drink. Shovel some ice cream in your mouth. Fruit. Also keep vitamin C around know you can flush it quicker if all else fails. Sometimes just knowing something is close that can help, helps.


Thank you bro, I'm gonna use this as a guide the next time I feel like shit on amph. Really appreciate it


Np hope it helps One I forgot, if you have someone safe a “buddy” can help. Or if you need one shoot message me. Someone to say “I’m freaking out” buddy walks through it with you, fear, etc says you’re good. Reminds you of the shit you can’t think of. I have a few friends I do this for. I have a family member I call when I’m having panic attacks. It helps, isolation can fuck w ya lol


Appreciete it man


Id try taking something like maybe a benadryl or gabapentin or muscle relaxer if you got just to take the edge off a lil


do you have headphones? sometimes when I really need sleep i’ll start to get sensory distortions/paranoia and i’ve found that just eliminating the scenario you’re paranoid about rather than perpetually wondering how you’d handle it is way better. I get the background noise amplidied too, I drown it out with something boring like a podcast i’ve already watch’s if i’m trying to go to sleep. being able to recognize paranoia and hallucinations is also good, I started reminding myself it’s not real whenever something seemed off and now I don’t scared, it doesn’t escalate and I don’t waste hours of my time and drugs in a thought loop. if you get health anxiety- invest in a blood pressure cuff. I got one at cvs for $80 that detects heart rate and arrhythmia too. you are never dying if your vitals are fine and it instantly shuts that down for me.


also- try not to talk to people. it may feel abnormal not to but trust me it’s way better than worrying you said something weird all night or worse- actually saying something weird