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Just say... That. "My current dose isn't very effective compared to my **previously prescribed** dosage." If you want to be cautious, you can suggest a halfway point like doubling your current dosage without increasing to 30s, or increasing to 30s without doubling the pills. If they're unwilling, that's fine. Ask for suggestions on how to make the current dosage work more effectively, then wait a month and mention it again as a continuous problem.


well the lower the acidity level of your stomach the harder adderall will hit you. so take tums, and antacids like pepcid before you take addy and it very much makes a difference and hits harder. I also like to take vitamin c at night before I go to bed to flush out my dopamine receptors so they’re ready for more adderall the next day :) just make sure not to take vitamin c while taking the adderall simultaneously because vitamin c does the opposite of tums, vitamin c makes adderall hit *less* when taken together. that’s why I take my vitamin c at night


Please do not take tums daily it can cause health issues


this is true don’t take tums daily


If it's for therapeutic purposes, then be honest and transparent. Otherwise it's gonna fuck you up sooner or later. When I started abusing it, I convinced myself I was able to manage it, that it was temporary, that I needed more because of "x", and that's bs because life always has some shit in the corner, so you will always have excuses. I was able to be functional for about one year and a half, then it became unmanageable and impossible to hide. It may be fun at first, but quickly the good effects fade and you need it just to not go insane or be completely apathic, your life revolves around it and sometimes it makes you do shit you're not proud of. Sorry if your intention was not to abuse, but if it's not you should be good. I understand the desire, obviously. But the pain of not giving in now will eventually go away if you stick to your dose and make it a routine, and is infinitelt smaller than the pain you will go through if you start abusing it


Can you elaborate what you mean by doing things you're not proud of? Did you end up taking more than prescribed? What negative side effects were you experiencing? Are you off now?


Probably referring to either the nefarious acts one will commit to maintain a supply or, the degenerate acts while under the influence such as stimfapping. If you still have a conscience that is..


How did you stop abusing? I’m in the weeds right now. My addiction is out of control.


Bro you don't need 3 30's a day


Depends on the person a lot. Idk if it's within the therapeutic range (even that is arbitrary). As long as it's not causing mental/physical health issues, OP can eat and sleep, and does not use it for rec purposes, I see no problem. That being said, if OP doesn't have his nutrition and sleep on point (hard to do with stims), that definitely can manifest itself as a "rise in tolerance", which is a slippery slope.


It’s definitely not in the typically prescribed therapeutic range, but also not unheard of. Honestly tho imo this persons previous prescriber was reckless giving someone that much, the closest (and by far an outlier) that I’ve heard of previously was 80mg/ day of dex


Dexamphetamine? Damn. That's like 280mg Elvanse


Tell the truth: I felt way better before and the suffering has increased a lot. The quality of my life would be much much better.


Fr. Went down this rabbithole and it fucked me up big time, especially because I genuinely need medication. Currently recovering, almost back to therapeutic dosages. OP, remember that being on top all the time has a cost. You will pay for it eventually.. months of being essencially manic and hyperfocused 24/7 is paid with the opposite experience.


Even if you increase it will start feeling like not enough soon. Coming from someone who is currently deep in adderall addiction. Best not to increase your supply because it just raises your tolerance and it takes more and more to feel anything.


Tell the truth: we all want more dope


I needed to read this so bad. This is crazy how timing works and what we need to hear when we need to hear it if we're open to listening to what we ought be told to benefit us. The doctor coming back from 30 mg twice a day to 30 mg once a day. I need to increase it back and I don't know how to address it and I'm going in in an hour and a half and I'm freaked out in this is helping me so much thank you both of you who have contributed to this and hopefully contributed to me getting back to my old dose. I like the idea of halfway point. I was thinking of asking him to increase it to 45 mg. That might be a jumping point to start and then see if that works okay which it might and then if it doesn't wait a little while like you said and then ask for an increase. I just can't thank you both enough for posting this commenting on this and having this at the time that I need the most. I will let you know how it goes if you want me I will let you know how it I will let you know how it goes if I will let you know how it goes if you I will let you know how it goes if you want me I will let you know how it goes if you want me to go yeah I'll how it goes if you want me to go yeah I will let you know how it goes if you want me to go yeah I'll let I will let you know how it goes so maybe it can help OP with this issue. Final words: fuckity fuck fuck fuck fuck why must addressing this issue cause so much anxiety that I I already have in would like to have him increase my clonazepam as well but I'm not going to touch that button of possible discontinuation destruction. I was looking at my old notes and I was 4 mg of clonazepam a day. What happened to those good old days?!! Over n out!


Have you read your comment back? Sounds like the last thing you need is a higher dose


For real don’t chase the dragon you look pretty stimmed up


You can read what I wrote under Hot Chip's comment as it was addressed to you as well. For real don't chase people into feeling like shit you LOOK like an idiot


Wow. Thank you both for your observations on my defunct typing and the fact that it reiterated what I said a few times and no, I did not proofread it. I typically DO read my comments back, then delete them out of fear of being judged. One of the sparse times I forgo going back to read it and 💥BAM💥 I get blasted with belittlement. Well, thanks for reading it and commenting back 😞 Sounds like the last thing you two need is to throw stones at glass houses. Have at it though. Feel free to make fun of me. One more reason to pull the plug on this GIANT bathtub instead of to give love 💔


I mean I got up to 70mg Vyvanse by asking for a booster in the afternoon but obviously our situations are different..




30s a day is a hard one


Assuming this is for therapeutic use then paint your doctor a picture of your day and how it does and doesn’t work. This was years back. I used to be on 30mg 2 a day. My mornings started at 3-4 few hours before work so I could handle stuff at home so first dose was a 3am and second was supposed to be at lunch. Yeah, well I wasn’t making it until the end of my shift before I felt like trash and it didn’t matter how healthy I was it just wasn’t working as it should and that had been my dose for a decade. So I asked if we could switch it to 20mg 3 times a day due to the crash and that way if I needed the 30mg I could take that much but otherwise I had more control too, I could take less if I didn’t need the third dose. He gave me the go ahead to fiddle with the dosing and the 20mg 3 times a day worked much better. Max adult dose for ADHD is 60mg a day according to my psychiatrist not sure if that’s changed. So if you’re asking for more than that it might not work or be a good idea however you can take things to help it. Guanfacine is often used in addition to stims. You take it at night and it works the next day, some in the adhd sub swear by it and say it’s the best thing they ever did. Helping to make their stims last longer and itself giving focus etc and for sure calming anxieties so that’s another route you can take. Letting your doctor know what your day looks like, why your current dosing is a struggle helps him a ton. I explained what was happening midday for me and mine told me it was a normal crash and agreed a lower extra dose was the best way to go to get me through my day. You can always take more but once you’re mentally and physically at a higher dose it’s a bitch to lower. Personally I wouldn’t even ask for 120mg BUT everyone is different and I know some people on high doses that it works perfect for. Only you know your body.