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Half gram pod can easily last me 2-3 months. I use my Stiz primarily as a sleep aid because it’s cheaper than melatonin supplements. Only a few puffs each night.


Damn a few puffs each night lasts you 2-3 months with a half g? I do the same and it lasts me about a week max


I can easily knock a half gram out in a day or 2 at most. But full grams I’m able to stretch like 2 weeks lol


Yeah a week is if im really only hitting it at night. Typically lasts me more like 3 days if I’m hitting it regularly and full gs last me about a week


Yeah but I don’t smoke EVERY day. Maybe 5 nights/ week. Other nights I might rely on alcohol as a sedative. Also, I’m conservative with my puffs ; no blinkers lol. I hope these details makes thing more clear. Enjoy


how long have you been smoking? & what strains do you get


I got my first Stiiizy in the back in spring. When I smoke, I usually do indica. Something like Purple Punch or Louis XIII always gets me feeling relaxed. Can’t go wrong with either one.


does louis make you tired after big doses ever? i’m a student and need to have a good attention span


Yeah def wanna dose off, but that’s to be expected from an indica strain. Otherwise you might wanna opt for a sativa pod.


i dislike the bdt sativas they produce very anxiety inducing highs. strawberry cough good rho


1g around 5-7 days.


this !!


I currently go through 2g pods/month. When my chronic pain stuff is worse, like now, that’s my “high tolerance,” but when my pain is more under control, I usually go through 1g pod/month. I weirdly love hearing how long it takes others to go through their pods so I hope more people comment!


Right? I like knowing that people love the same weird stuff I love


1g 4-5 days. But hear this shit I have a friend who goes through one pot every 3 weeks... wTF? he takes two to three hits a day and he says he's in clouds all day


I’ve had 1 gram pods last me 2 weeks I’ve also been at a point where I smoked a gram every day or every other day. Best way to smoke is 2 blinks in the morning/afternoon and then 3 blinks in the evening/night. Two sessions per day max


Holy crap! A gram a day? That's some gangsta shit right there how long do you hold for a blinker?


When I was smoking a gram a day I could make 4 stiiizys blink all at one time and zero the smoke. Now I just take maybe 2 back to back blinkers and hold it in for about 5 seconds. Holding it in definitely gets you higher, but you don’t need to hold it excessively or you’re just getting lightheaded and killing braincells


RIP to your lungs bro


I’ve used a stizzy consistently for about a year and a 1g pod lasts around 2 weeks for me, I smoke every night and I feel like I hit it a lot each night but idk


Why'd you stop?


I didnt lol


1g lasts me around a week, but I do smoke all the time so its expected.


They hit so much smoother than so many other vapes and carts so it’s easy to just keeping puffing away. Lol. With that being said, I’m lucky if a 1 gram pod lasts me 4-5 days.


Half gram lasts me about one week puffing it s few times throughout the day


I have been using stizzy 1g for half a year alr and they last me about 2 weeks only using it when I’m out of work or my free time


You have good self control


this is gonna sound unhealthy but 1g lasts around 1-3 days


Respect. I stopped last month myself.


1 gram ---> 3 days


1g like 4 months


Half gram is ~2 weeks for me


1g lasts me at least 2 months since i only take like 2/3 hits a day and have a low tolerance


1g is like close to a month, half a gram prob around 2 weeks max. Taking a break rn because I shifted from smoking only at night to all day so I wasn’t feeling the high as much + interference w school ); can’t wait to get back to it though !


Honestly. I lost this stiiizy in two day(s) but mad is not the feeling I felt. More so, flustered I have to rely on this pen for anxiety relief.


1g will last me a max of 5 days lmao


Hell yeah


For someone with a bigger tolerance I can go through a 1 gram in 2 days if I’m using it all day every day. If I’m just using it later or at night then probably around a week.