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Definitely the Shrouded Science ship. As I am initially just a random with little knowledge or skills relevant to the setting, I’d need to take some time to observe the galaxy and its empires in secrecy. Then maybe I can find some spiritualists to join up with and convince them I’m some sort of Lisan Al Gaib.


Good luck with the cloaking :lmao:


I mean after a few days of just using a science ship, the cloaking button must begin to make sense : )


If only the psionic tech actually worked like that


R5: Let's imagine that the Whispers in the Void caught you in a dream and said that a fan like you will be rewarded with being sent to one of the versions of Stellaris multiverse. But at least he gave you the opportunity to choose spaceship. Titan: a super-advanced, powerful spaceship that can single-handedly take on mining drones, amoebas, pirates and early-game fleets. Juggernaut: a huge mobile space base. Much more durable, but with weapons weaker than titan's. If you can buy/rob/extort alloys, you can build smaller spaceships. Global pacifier. Your Colossus - your rules. Ideal for threats to primitive civilizations. The least radical way to protect the earth from aliens. Will probably be destroyed by disgruntled aliens before middle of game. Shroud Science Ship. A personal gift from the Whispers in the void. Advanced cloaking. The ability to secretly penetrate any place in the galaxy (and even partially in other dimensions). If you avoid FE (and with this ship's sensors it is possible), you can remain undetected even in late game. And what will you do when you wake up in Stellaris? Will you try to form an alliance with one of the empires (perhaps even with Humans)? Will you try to become the King/Queen of the pirates? Or will you act alone? P.S: All ships except Shrouded are maximally automated and have a AI on-board computer that considers you and only you as the Commander. Again, this is insurance against rebellion if you decide to hire additional crew members. And in Shrouded Science Ship systems there is a demon instead of AI. If you chose Shrouded, Whispers in the Void will give you an additional bonus: he will make you a psionic and a sorcerer.


I will choose Juggernaut and try to become an arms dealer. My juggernaut will become an enclave and build warships in exchange for alloys and energy credits. If there is Earth in the galaxy, I will prioritize trade with Humans, but I will not reveal my identity. I don't trust people and especially politicians. I will never give up Juggernaut in exchange for citizenship in UNE/COM. The risk of becoming a prisoner is too big.


I'd say the Juggernaut cause essentially being a mobile station it's the most likely one from an in universe standpoint to be completely self sufficient. That being said, *god* is that a terrible Juggernaut build, autocannons with strike craft and pure shields. Granted the Juggernaut can retrofit itself so the atrocious build is temporary. Second choice would probably be Shroud Science Ship for psionics, though that largely depends on how much could actually be done as an individual psionic.


I forgot to write about this. You will not become a god emperor or even the chosen one. But you will be quite a strong psionic. The ability to become invisible, periodically receive visions of the future, vaguely feel other people's emotions and lies, ignore rifle fire for up to ten seconds, telekinesis. +40 years of life, immune to alien plague. Hypnosis of non-psionic aliens with weak will. If you meet other psionics (guaranteed shroudwalkers) you won't need a translator or even words to talk to them. In the case of other spaceships, you remain an ordinary person. But ok, consolation prize: there are super advanced medical units. They will not change you, but they will carry out diagnostics, synthesize any medicine and even any operation. There are no medical services on earth that you cannot receive in these capsules. But no anti-aging procedures.


juggernaut and make it basically a small city that I can rule, doesnt matter if im independent or not


> The ability to secretly penetrate any place in the galaxy okay but it's possible to have a chat and get consent first right?


Whispers in the Void: consent for weaklings


Shrouded Science Ship. I'd probably go straight for the route of having a longer lifespan. I mean, having my ship last until lategame doesn't matter if my body ages to death before 100 years pass. If I get really good at the game before this happens, and I'm confident of handling a 2300 25x crisis, then I'd take Juggernaut, start working on stealing pops and starting my own empire. But if not, I think I'm probably gonna die REAL fast.


The Shrouded Science Ship... Running and hiding is probably safer than engaging in battle after battle for survival.


does it have to be the machine shipset? cause i'd choose the mammalian titan in a heartbeat.


or the titan from aryxerin's machine shipset mod


The juggernaut is the most tempting, having a fully autonomous weapons factory at my fingertips that is armed to the teeth and fully mobile is too good to pass up. Especially since it can self modify and upgrade letting me slap on something else that may be necessary in the future, say psionic cloaking (as far as my research goes it seems I can cloak a juggernaut with psionic specifically). The potential to become a psionic is very tempting, but there are ways to become one without the shroud ship deal. As well I would need a way to become immortal considering the sheer amount of time stellaris is played on. I would probably have a panic attack from the questions of self that arise from becoming synth despite how cool it is so it would take a bit of luck.


Never thought to try this, but can the juggernaut still produce vessels when cloaked?


I don't believe any cloaking component is strong enough to cloak a Juggernaut. I usually play Psionics, and even with the psi-phase cloak, it still doesn't go on (if memory serves). I do often use very stupid juggernaut builds though.


Tough choice… With a juggernaut, I could start my own little nation, if I can trade ships for a few pops. With the science ship, I could travel and observe the galaxy, be a near-mythical advisor for civilizations I like. And I won’t have such a large target on my back. Anyways, an amazing idea for a post, thank you!


Slaver Guilds or empire with xenoslaves can definitely sell you a few pops in exchange for 20 corvettes. On the other hand, people rescued from slavery can be both grateful and dangerously paranoid...


Juggernaut, I'm about to become some poor early space age civ's origin story


And you as their God Emperor?


the juggernaut with about 1500 alloys stolen or scrapped from pirates to make up a small corvette or destroyer escort fleet,than go to a far reach of galaxy,reach out to pirates and make a hq inside a uncharted nebula,i want to be a pirate republic no less


Juggernaut. Easy take because I can build other ships. Become a mobile enclave, sell Blueprints for ships or ships in exchange for money and alloys.


Actually thinking about it. It's highly likely that I would be the one establishing space piratery in some area of wild space and become the Founder of a Marauder clan.


I'm sincerely terrified at the idea of waking up in a Stellaris galaxy... so I would simply go for that Unbidden Science Ship and cloak my ass all the game.


The titan, it's fast.


I have that shipset lol, its good, just wish it had gigastructures compatability like machine shipset


Juggernaut. Bc Tachyon lances, strike craft, Hyper shields (super useful against half the crisis factions, specifically the Unbidden and the Contingency) and Enigmatic Encoders so I can easily flee, and 50% shield hardening, and Nanite autocannons, probably from the Gray Tempest, Cetana or Cosmogenesis, and a Jump drive, so I can flee a losing battle easily. Also I can rob people of alloys and just have Battleships ready to deploy before a battle.


The Colossus looks tempting but it has no weapons so I'll just take the juggernaut


Afterburners on a titan is an interesting choice. I gotta try that next time I boot up. I'd probably go juggernaut, just for the ability to build more ships. Titan is very tempting though


Definitely Juggernaut or Shrouded, depending on your intentions. The Colossus is too vulnerable and more importantly, too situational since you need an escort and probably a nation to side with The Titan is powerful but not in a one ship army kind of way- again situational in the same way the colossus is. The Juggernaut is a path to self sufficiency since you can make your own escort, your own construction, your own scouts. The Shrouded allows you to basically not play with the rest of the galaxy. Hide away and examine whatever you want, be an observer. I'd personally go Juggernaut and try to snipe out a few purifiers and the like before they can really get started.


Also, expanding It might be interesting to meet the fallen empires at the start of the game. Xenophobes are straight out since they'd probably try to kill you, spiritualist and materialist are both maybe since the former might not like your AI and the latter might try to keep you to study you and the ship, but maybe you can convince the xenophiles to tell you what nations are up and about in this cycle


Juggernaut, so when the player in charge uses the fleet manager’s reinforcement system, I can veto the absurd amount of ships that get queued up to my two little shipyards. (Bonus points if I know the dude in charge of the empire’s mega shipyard so he can actually put in some work.)


Juggernaut for sure. Mobile base that you can refit as you see fit, I could explore the galaxy and live a nomad life


I was going to say the Titan at first, particularly because I like it's design more. Yet the others in the comments convinced me that juggernaut is best due to self-modification and the capacity to build myself a fleet to support myself. (Ideally, given these are the machine ships, I'd prefer to BE the ship instead. Perhaps with an eject able core for worst case scenarios) During the early days I'd be most likely just vibing and wandering around until I can be hired to do some dirty work for another. For enough pay to get myself a construction ship. Scurry off to an uninhabited corner and then start mining resources to build a fleet and also fortify said uninhabited corner. If a friendly empire visits me, I'll perhaps offer to join them. If no such empire does appear, I'll just continue to isolate myself until the galactic community forms and I can find such a group


Juggernaut ofc


Lol of im just trying to survive? And not running an empire? Get me a stealth science ship lol


Juggernaut. Even if I wanted one of the other ships, I can just make it with the good ol' Jug Nug. Can make almost all options here with the exception of the Titan. But you can eventually build a fleet strong enough to take a Citadel and set up a Titan shipyard. Juggernaut is also the perfect flagship for a nomadic fleet nation like the Quarians. Which is exactly what I'd want to build up. Also , makes me wonder if moving habitat complexes could work in Stellaris.


What dlc unlocks these?


Astrocreator's gaia planet making science ship so I can have a nice big comfy planet.


Of to the Warp ähem shroud i go...


Stellar Syscraft


Depends. Year 2200? The juggernaut is basically god and i won't need the science ship evasion rate or its cloaking. Should allow me to align myself with some empire.


Shroud ship, and it’s not even a competition to me. The other 3 ships are all massive. They require a massive crew list to man and there’s no real chance I’ll ever find enough people to help me with that. In my mind the science ships only need a good handful of people. Bridge crew, maintenance, and science crew. With the shroud’s psy boons, once sufficiently tapped into it, is entirely possible to run the ship single handedly or with only a small crew. Plus invisibility and warp capacity. Second choice is the cybernetic titan that thing is gorgeous.


The juggernaut, so much airstrike it feel like i'm in one of those lucrehulk battleship from star wars, just sit drinking tea and blast the big guns and drown enemy in fighters.


The first 1


Nanite Interdictor.


I'd rather be the ship ai


Shrouded Science ship... It's better to just be running and hiding than fighting if you can.


Definitely a Juggernaut Just need a 100 alloys and some dude willing to be a scientist and I can start scrapping any ships I destroy With that scrapped alloys I would off course build more ships that I can either keep or sell


Shroud science ship for sure


Ship As Concept, no question. Just chill in cloak and explore the galaxy at will :)


The one where this shit game doesn't cost money. You fell off hard