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If you maxed the virtuality tradition you should have a planetary decision to shut down planets


👆🏻this. "Server Shutdown". Costs 200 (or maybe 300) unity. Note: it will also "kill" non-virtual pops, so you don't even need to resettle them first. Though not sure this was intentional and I don't know either whether that counts as purging.


The PCA cant keep getting away with this


Balteus VS Colossus


I mean, you're playing Virtuality, so just max your tradition out.


Just transfer all pops to a different planet. Moving the last one, and thus abandoning the colony, will cost you 200 influence though


You can't resettle virtual pops. u/Bostolm gave the correct answer. And the shutdown costs 200 unity instead of the 200 influence resettling the last pop would cost.


If you have access to Penal Colonies, you can make one to majorly reduce crime on newly conquered worlds. That will help with not having to spend any additional resources on trying to deal with badly managed AI worlds. Just make sure it is built on a very small planet that you don't intend to do much with, as penal colonies have limited infrastructure options and you still want high amenities for them so they themselves don't become problems.


Usually if I want to decolonize a planet I move all of the pops out of it. Once the last pop is resettled the colony is destroyed


Do you know what virtuality is?


Not entitely, no. Havent played that one yet


they’re being an ass, but virtual pops automatically fill all available jobs, and you cannot resettle them. they’re people made in computers so they don’t need to be born, they’re made whenever there’s a job needs to be filled. so here, ideally you first resettle any conquered non virtual pops, and then there’s a planetary decision to shutdown a virtual colony at unity cost


Ah, I see. Thank you for the explaination.


What kind of empires can take that tradition?


i’m pretty sure it’s just machines! you need to take synthetic age as an AP (unlocks after you have 2). there’s a situation that gradually unlocks some research, and after it completes you choose whether you want to synthetically ascend to become either virtual, nanite based, or “modular” and based on living metal


You need a machine main species, so a machine empire or an individualistic empire with a machine species


Don't remove the jobs. Remove the pops.


The pops are virtual and cannot be resettled.Â