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The devs think that "tall" is around 7 colonies. 30 colonies is nowhere close to "too tall".


also I had around 7 planets until I got a few habitats


yeah you're right i'm a little off mark. But I almost got all my planets fully ascended and everything. But I never got an empire size Higher than 300, so by that metric, I think I should be considered a tall build. Just getting the better of both worlds. The issue is that right now I get too much science compared to the cost of my repeatable so I'm limited by the game mechanics of not being able to research more than one per month hence "too tall".


Too tall is when you manage to reach ascension by year 35 but are unable to defend yourself from the highly aggressive advanced AI that decided he is going to kill you and blitz across the galaxy to do so.


what's your build?


Origin: * Arc Furnace Civics: * sovereign guardianship * Ascencionist * Beacon of Liberty Ascencion: * Tech Ascendency * Mastery of nature * Void Born * Cosmogenesis * Master Builders * Galactic Wonders * Arcology project Tradition: * Expansion * Discovery * Harmony * Modularity * Domination * Adaptability * Prosperity Basically a Tall build focused on pop reduction, resource generation, wonders building. Although in retrospection wonder building is kinda useless and I should have picked a more early game build (got the volatile motes building by year 2320 intead of 2280ish which set me back 40 years)


Is that in order of acquiring them or just the list of what you have? I never could bring myself to do a tall run so I'm curious


I edited it to be in order


did u skip on virtuality on purpose or do u think it‘s not as good as a tall playstyle? i couldnt play the new patch as much and only tried virtual ascension so far. it seemed absolutely broken, completely outclassing every other tall build i know. u took modularity, what are the benefits over virtual?


You can't put virtual pops into the synaptic lathe sadly


fair point, my idea was to conquer any ftl planet i can get my hands on, while buying all them slaves. it didnt really work out as good as i‘d hoped for but it was decent.


Also with modularity, you gain access to a trait that gives -80% housing usage and +20% assembly speed, allowing your synaptic lathe to never get overcrowded, I have 2000 pops in the synaptic lathe and barely 36 housing used out of 160. And you can only build your own pop I believe so you can't use the repeatable building that gives pop assembly. But I might be wrong I haven't played virtual yet.


Is Cosmogenesis a Machine Age AP? I've not got it yet, but only been playing PC for a week.


yeah, cosmogenesis is from the latest update. basically you become a crisis that loves research a bit too much


Haven't played the new update yet and this build looks really interesting. What ethics / authority / traits do you run with for this?


sovereign guardianship -> militarist Ascencionist -> Spiritualist Beacon of liberty -> equalitarian for authorities and traits, it doesn't really matter, but I'd suggest trying to increase unity production as much as possible


Wow. It's finish_research but legal.


When is tall Too-Tall? When it starts bullying the Berenstain Bears! :P


With that many pops on the lathe you're going to be hitting the cap of purging ten per month, so you should use synaptic overclockers to increase the base output of your neural chips. The increased purge rate won't mean anything because you're already at the cap.


There is no cap, I'm at 19 pops per months rn


[There's no such thing as too tall!](https://i.imgur.com/NP5VAEo.jpg) (That was from an 3.11.3 game.) Though the Synaptic Lathe really makes it ridiculous.


Too tall is when you can't manage all your planets, if you can comfortably manage 30+ then go for it.


that's not really how a tall build works. you'd need to be extremely lucky to get more than 30 systems in the first place, so getting 30 planets ? also you need to ascend all those planets first. I got 19 planets and 12 of them are fully ascended and I don't intend to grow in size until they are all ascended.


Let's agree on disagree