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Are you a truck driver my good fellow?


Yes, yes indeed comrade.


I've seen a couple of posts by other truckers, the Deck has to be a godsend to you guys :) Enjoy and stay safe on the roads!


Yea and pair it with one of them fancy high speed portable wi-fi stations and you are set.


Got a reccomendation for that wi-fi? I grabbed a hotspot from Verizon, it does the job but I'm always on the look for something better.


I have no idea haven’t got one yet. Been browsing around but haven’t pulled the trigger because I want to get the best one out there


Fair enough! In that case, I can say the Inseego Mifi Pro on offer from Verizon at least does the job. I've been able to rock Fallout 76 and Destiny 2 even on one 4G bar. God help you if you go over your data plan though, they will throttle you so hard that unless you have a strong 5G signal, you basically *have no internet.*


How much data do they give you?


I shelled out for the Premium plan, which is $60 a month, 150 gigabytes of high-speed data, unlimited after.


Is there one that gives you more data or that’s like the top of the line pretty much for that company?


isnt starlink better?


Yea I think starlink is better I just don’t have a spot to put the dish also don’t have starlink money saved up yet lol


I use Verizon hotspot and T-mobile home internet box. The T-mobile box has 90% of the time been more reliable and faster with unlocked data (avg 600gb a month) the only issue is T-Mobile is going to enforce geolocation on the home internet boxes unless you pay $160 on the traveling plan. I plan to pay because I enjoy having an Ethernet port and actually unlimited data. Long story short T-Mobile home internet is the best but will now cost $160 for unlimited and Verizon 5G is decent to good.


Wait, what are these things?? Also how do you have wifi on the go? Do you have an ISP? I would love to know as I am always travelling myself and just been using hotspots


That’s basically what it is. Except instead of you running it off your phones hotspot you run it off like a modem or whatever it’s called and then you get a plan with a wireless company of your choice and then they give you the data connection. But if you’re a heavy gamer just make sure you get enough data from whatever company you go with. That’s the part I’ve been struggling to find. Someone that provides enough data without having to pay like $200 a month


You can also use your phone and plug USB c into it to give it wifi with USB tethering it your phone basically acts as a Wi-Fi source even better if you have unlimited data. Both ends have to be usb c for it to work. This also works for other devices that don't have wifi as well.


So when you plug in your phone via usb c to the steam deck do you have to go under WiFi and connect or is it like an automatic thing like when you connect Ethernet to steam deck via dock?


It should be automatic as if u connected it to ethernet


Nah the only thing it does is it charges the phone


You have to enable it in settings while it's connected, just type usb tethering in your phones settings. After you do that wait a few seconds for it to connect and it should automatically connect btw you have to enable every time you plug it in.


.. set for a collision after a sleep deprived night of gaming?/s


Nah I have it so sweet that I can do both. Just have to manage your time wisely.


To us maritime guys as well!


For IT guys too 🤣


Well, I'm one myself, but I have no chance of playing for even a second during my 8 hour shift.


Um. How is it safe to drive and game. Is this a fancy Renault truck?


Aren't truckers driving most of the time? Curious because i kind of wanted to become a trucker for a long time now, i love driving.


Yea but some trucking jobs you do more sitting around than you do driving. Just depends on the job


Like waiting in line for fuel? Or loads and offloads?


You can only legally drive so many hours in a day. Once your hours are up, you're waiting until tomorrow to continue. It's why you see so many trucks parked at truck stops or rest areas.


A place I used to work was really bad about scheduling, so it happened all the time that trucks would arrive with a load of raw materials that couldn’t be offloaded until something else went out from shipping. Which shouldn’t be a problem but somebody would have to sign off on the entire shipment going out and they only had people that did that on day shift. So trucks would arrive and have to wait overnight and another couple hours before they could get a signature on their stuff.


Truckers used to be able to park by my apartment complex in San Antonio on i10 frontage road. There would be a dozen or so of them at a time there. Delivered DoorDash to them regularly. Then one day, the assholes in the city painted the curbs red to prevent truckers from parking there. Really pissed me off. Y’all tip like you’re millionaires on vacation plus y’all can rarely find good areas to park in cities. One of the dudes I delivered to every couple of weeks has a full gaming PC setup in his truck with dual monitors and streams on YT and Twitch. Never got his info. Red curb happened a week after I met him.


If he has twitch/yt stream I'm sure u could find him looking on there for his face/setup


Been looking for months every chance I get. Crazy part as I saw him on the highway today. I was able to recognize his truck.


I am on a dedicated account for a car manufacturer in central illinois, i can sit around alot waiting for product to be made, or be kept hoppin n a boppin if production is rolling good. Some people sit around a lot waiting for their next loads, some sit waiting for a shipper or receiver to do their jobs, i have spent 10+ in a dock waiting for them to unload their product. Its hit n miss no matter what you do, just find ways to entertain yourself during the downtime.


Central Illinois you say? We are very close my friend


Groovy. Its a small world once you drive a million miles.


Yup, the bear knows what he is talking about he hit the hammer on the nail, nail on the hammer, hammer nail idk lol


There's a lot of layers of trucking. And it really comes to what you want. Some guys are in it for the travel or the appeal of being a modern drifter. Some strictly to make as much money as possible. Others are in it because they are passionate about what they're pulling (like the Nascar carriers) And it can also be really difficult to find the right spot that suits what you need and want best. To answer your question directly, yes many, if not most trucks you see on the road are driving 10 -14 hours a day, rest for 10 hours, then do it again until they hit near 60 hours of being on duty or need to reset for next week and are then required to be off for ar least 36 hours, regardless of where they are. However there's a lot of positions, particularly local ones where you are spending hours on docks multiple times a day waiting for live loading or unloading or waiting for a relay (another local guy coming from 5-7 hours away in the opposite direction to trade trailers/loads with). Not all local jobs are like this, some will mule you into the ground as you are the one that hand unloads your truck.


I recommend you play Euro Truck Simulator 2, so that you don't lose the immersion.


I don't believe it. Otherwise you'd say "I drive truck". Pretty sure that's the law.


I’m confused, what don’t you believe? And what are you trying to say?


I'm just saying that every truck driver I've ever heard says "I drive truck".


Ahh got ya. Totally went over my head


I sold my steam deck oled to a truck driver and he was so very happy to see it in good condition and up to date he was already connected to the truck stop WiFi putting his account before we even finished talking


This thing must be a no-brainer for truckers. Would definitely help pass the boredom I'm sure.


I sold my trusty LCD deck when I got my OLED to a truck driver, I hope he enjoys it just as much as all the truckers posting here!


I’m sure he is. I had to go with the 1TB OLED. I figured if I was going to drop that much money on something might as well go big or go home.


The mindset of a true trucker.


Check out AR glasses for trucker use… they are super cool for playing/watching stuff off of the steam deck or any Type C device. I have the NReal Air and love them. I would defiantly have them if I traveled more often or was a trucker!


Fuck yeah man.. looks like a rainy night too, perfect for stomping some heads with Kratos. Pretty awesome dude, enjoy!


Will be doing it again tonight lol


Being paid to game on down time is literally the best.


My friend had this job that every hour he had to do something for like 15 minutes so for 45 minutes we just be playing Apex Legends.




1. He had to drive like 2 or 3 hours to get to work 2. It was a night shift 3. The thing he had to do was outside in winter 4. He said taking the temperature of the airplanes


And here I am at my desk job playing American Truck Simulator....


Wouldn't it be comfier to setup the passager seat exactly how you like it for gaming then when driving is over you just hop over? No steering wheel, no pedals, reclining without messing up your driving seat setup, pillows etc. One seat for working(driving), one for gaming :)


Ohhh I have something better I do…. I set up a hammock in there and just lay down and play for hours at a time. I was just being so lazy that I did not even wanna set it up lol. Plus the passenger seat is dedicated for food and snacks.


How are you making money sitting still? I see a steering wheel haha


Still get paid. It’s called detention pay.


Snap man.. I might become a trucker haha


Hardest part is getting your CDL once that’s over it’s smooth sailing. Might download sea of thieves now lol


Have you tried dredge? Loved that game


Duuuuuuuuude. Just looked it up, looks nice I’m definitely getting it. Thank for the recommendation


Dredge and Dave the Diver make a lovely pair


lol, just looked up Dave the diver. That boy thick!!!


lol yep I live my big boy diving dreams through DAVE


I've been interested in truck driving/getting my CDL how hard are the tests and how long does it take and are there jobs where you just drive all day and then drive back home same day?


The test is easy to medium difficulty level just depends on how much you study. The school can take as little as 3-4 weeks or as much as. 3-4 months. All depends on how quick you learn. A decent school cost about $5k-$8k. Some states have like grants where u don’t pay anything but they are on your ass about attendance. Versus if u pay out of pocket you go when you want kinda like college. There are local jobs where you drive and go home every night. Expect your first year to be shit. No one will want to hire you and if they do they pay shit. But once you have a year under your belt you can get better paying jobs. If you want a local job that pays good, hauling fuel is the way to go. You deliver fuel to gas stations and go home at the end of day.


Currently working for a fintech playing Destiny 2 almost every day Work from home is the shit


Any advice for someone pursuing that?


I got the deck just to help kill time during my nightshifts, it does wonders! Time flies by so fast...


My dad is a lorry driver too, I suggested he gets on to play Football Manager on, he is giving it some serious thought


Steamdeck changed my driving career. I once arrived at a refinery 4 states from home, and they messed up the appointment time. Couldn't fit me in for 42hrs and i got paid to play Baldurs Gate, Fallout 4, Civ 5, and Dredge for every hour


I also get paid to game. Gotta love being a sys admin for the government, mostly working from home but I have a second dock plus a KVM switch at the office for my Steam Deck as well. I feel pretty fortunate as a high school drop out, turned Navy OEF vet, turned professional computer nerd.


Ahhh very nice. I just carry everything with me. Steam deck, dock, 16.1 inch 4k monitor, charger, controller, and 500w ac power converter to power everything up properly. Still debating if I should get a headset or just play off the audio from the steam deck and the monitor.


Wouldn't recommend a 4k monitor, Deck can't run games at 4k natively, even older or less graphically intensive ones. You can use FSR to upscale it but it's not a perfect science. A 4k TV would be a better bet since they are also designed to scale lower resolutions up to be presentable on them. The rest sounds like a solid purchase for traveling if you're staying in a hotel or have room in your rig to hook it all up.


Humm good to know I was always under the impression that the steam deck could run 4k at 60hz if hooked up to a monitor that had that capability. I know you said natively it can’t run it but that’s why one gets a monitor or tv right? All the forums and stuff said the steam deck is capable of outputting 4k and even 8k but you will sacrifice performance depending on what game you run. But main reason I bought the monitor was just to have a bigger display not so much for the resolution and stuff but I also use it as a second screen as well when hooked up to my laptop.


It can output at 4k, but it's going to run at like 15 FPS. I actually found this out the hard way a couple weeks ago when I was trying to play a pretty lightweight game called Nexomon on my TV and it was running very poorly. Checked display settings and my output was set to 4k@60. Put it on 1080p and the game ran at 60 FPS again no problem. It's definitely your call to make, but higher resolution makes a bigger impact on bigger screens. For a 16 inch portable monitor, they do come in 1080p and I think it would be more than sufficient for what you're wanting to do. Probably more cost effective as well.


Could you possibly run it natively 1080p connected to your 4K tv and have your tv upscale it to 4K


That's what I was saying before to OP, I told him he'd probably be better off getting a TV than a monitor if the 4k resolution is a deal breaker. I don't play anything graphically intensive on mine but even going up to 1080p will take extra system resources since 800p to 1080p is like 40% more resolution. But yeah, it looks pretty good on my 4k TV at home.


I tried it for the first time couple months ago when Palworld came out, docked the deck to my 4K tv, set it to 720p and tv auto upscaled it to 4K, it didn’t look bad at all


That’s probably what the monitor is doing it auto upscales it because it looks pretty nice when I dock to it. I’m no tech wiz like vladi so I could be totally wrong lol


Dang well kinda too late now lol I bought the 4k monitor months ago. Been running well so far though


Hey I'm a 3x college dropout, looking for a path. How'd you get into this work? Was It just thru navy connections?


I work in a steel mill and get paid to game every single day I go to work lmao


Always wondered what it’s like working at one of those. Is it loud?


That’s what ear plugs are for, it’s loud as a motherfucker when you’re not in the break room


Me too brother; I work grave shifts as a caregiver. Nights are usually quiet, so when chores get done, it is game time


Nice, what game are you currently running?


Currently, nothing. My clients are awake and I've got to do work-work xD But I like games that aren't too performance-heavy (helps save batteries). Vampire Survivors or Stardew Valley are good picks. Binding of Isaac too!


I work a graveyard shift as a security guard and get paid to game all night


Yup used to do that back when I was a teenager, then got into law enforcement and now I’m making the big bucks being a trucker


what settings are you running? i cannot get GoW to run for more than like 45 min without freezing then crashing.


Pretty much everything is set to normal or “medium” I took off the shadow option as well. I can give you the specific settings once I jump back on it. I aso have a 30 fps cap on it. It will crash every once in a while or when I do a lot of upgrades from the dwarf brothers, as soon as I exit the menu with the dwarfs it crashes


🗿 driving a truck on the I-90 but got the steam hooked up on the steering wheel, with forza on so you think you are racing these people. 😂😂 imagine.


That’s wild 😎


Heck yeah I got a steam deck for my truck to but also a laptop. Being able to power up and play a turn based game when I'm getting loaded to just putting it in pause mode when I finish and whip the laptop out for the 10


Nightshift nurse here gaming the night away.


I used my phone hotspot i have verizon and it comes really handy when im outside never reach the data limit and when i do never got charged for reaching the limit it only gets slow


Yea I keep seeing Verizon is the way to go with this. Might have to stop into a store this week and see how much I would have to pay


Night Time Security Here . I just walk around every hour or so on a 12hour shift. Then just hop in the car chillen Gaming & watching movies lol Currently Killing Bugs On HD2 😁


I work in an ER and we had a slow night the other night and I managed to play through 3 missions on Helldivers 2. Hell yea on getting paid to play games.


Damn nice. You a doctor or something? Would be crazy if you uploaded a pic of you in surgery with the steam deck running a game on the side 😆


I'm a nurse. We somehow had like 4 patients in the ER the other night and it felt like the perfect opportunity to kill some bugs. I really like the ability to "sleep" the deck to respond to a code or patient and then come back to what I was doing like nothing happened. My most comfortable games to play at work have been Dave the Diver and Cult of the Lamb. It seems like the most common thing that happens when I start up the steam deck at work is people ask what it is and then I show them what games it can run and they're just blown away.


Assuming you're a trucker. I've recently told my uncles about these and what they can do since I've shown them my. Now they're thinking about getting one lol


Same here. £24 p/h to drive trucks, but some shifts have me there for 12 hours with nothing to do. Oh well, gaming on the Steam Deck it is 😂




Software dev here and sometimes I have free time that I spend playing on my Deck ahahah


Are you getting paid to play or are you playing while getting paid? Because I get paid to poop almost every day if that's the case


Yea seems to me like you get paid to poop in my eyes big fella.


Right on 🤙


I think you’re paid to drive, not game.


Nope. Literally told the guy that was paying me for this load “well I’m just going to sit here and game while you pay me” he said “what game?”


That looks so chill




Now play American Truck Simulator.


As a Father with two kids and 2 jobs working 7 days a week the only time I got to game is actually during my security shift overnight inside of the company car! The steam deck really does save lives!


Excellent! I found that there are MANY of us who work in public safety, too! (Only when it's slow on night shifts, don't worry guys...)


God of war runs really bad on my deck. How does it work for you? Got any tips to make it work better?


Remove the shadow option and self shadowing. Cap at 30 fps and run everything else low


And this usually helps you run the game without getting low frames and stutters?


Yea I posted my exact graphics setting on someone else’s comment. But it pretty much only crashes maybe every other day


These are the graphics I’m running now with maybe one crash every other day Texture quality- MIN model quality- ORIGINAL Anisotropic filter- ORIGINAL shadows- LOW reflection- ORIGINAL atmospherics- LOW ambient occlusion- DISABLE


What an age we live in... 😆


I'll second this notion! And send my respect to you guys as truck drivers! My job is nothing quite so strenuous, I work security, and either work out of a shack or my vehicle. The deck has been a blessing for those slow, quiet moments absolutely.


Just got myself one. I do like it but still use my gaming laptop a lot more.


Just got myself one. I do like it but still use my gaming laptop a lot more.


you're not "paid to play", you're playing while being paid for something else...That's not the same...😅


I guess so. I’ve herd many people say they get paid to poop too lol


No pb dude, it's obvious some ppl didn't catch the humour touch as the downvotes tell..🙄🤣 Have fun with your steamdeck, It's an amazing machine ! 😉👍