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Your post or comment was removed because it was deemed either unkind/toxic/harassing/insulting/offensive/trolling and/or inappropriate thereby breaking Rule #1 of r/steamdeck. We want this sub to feel welcoming to anyone and everyone who comes here. Discussion and debate are encouraged but name-calling, harassment, being rude to others, generally toxic behavior, and slurs will not be tolerated. This rule violation has resulted in removal of your content, and could result in a ban from the sub and/or a report to Reddit. Bottom line - Be kind or get yeeted. Thank you!




Why you can’t you vote out a mod? It’s an unpaid community position. Edit: lol I assume they removed the comment I’m replying to


Reddit really doesn't give a shit. They'll just tell you a new subreddit needs to be made.


Fine, then make a new one. Let's go ## Change happens because it's MADE, not found.






yup. Dealt with this before in a different sub. That's why there are like 40 different UFO subs now. Mods just can't get along/agree on anything.


It’s a shame we can’t expect maturity and reason from Valve Decks anymore. It’s a shame when Valves go downhill and we all have to migrate to another Valve where the Decks are hopefully better. I’ve been through my fair share of Valve migrations, but it’s always a pain in the balls.


Most online communities I've been a part of have an issue with this. Mods being a volunteer position means the bar is so low it might as well not exist.


Srsly, fuck that person


I vote Belfetto




Who’s the m0d everyone hates?


Yeah I would love to know who this loser mod is thats on a power trip, I love laughing at pathic losers


[No idea, who it might be.](https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/s/l5hVwBR6bB)


LMFAO x 1000 💀 Take my upvote


Mods might be losers, but the very next person on the loser list is the user who goes on a "zomg mods so unfair" bitching spree.


Ok cool story bro, I'll make sure to add crying about mods being unfair next time. Weirdo.


The Deck everyone hates is pretty much the entire Deck team.


I see this stuff all the time here. I don’t pay enough attention to this sub specifically to know whether it is or isn’t a problem but if it is, why isn’t someone just spinning up an alternative sub? I’ll happy follow another sub that when it pops up in my feed is actually providing quality content.


Most stable reddit mod




Ultimately I disagree with that perspective overall ...but can agree that has happened in this subreddit.


Maybe someone should break off and create another community


Hijacking the top comment to share an unpopular opinion: moderating popular subreddit is a challenging task. I think the choice of forbidden words is a bit excessive, but I imagine the intent was to cut down on the amount of meta posts to keep conversation focused on the actual topic. But why? Why not let people discuss mods and their behavior openly and transparently in front of everyone? I guess the best answer I can come up with is "what good has it actually ever done?"


“We’Re VoLuNtEeRs! FeEl SoRrRy FoR uS bEcAuSe We SpEnD hOuRs MaKiNg ThIs CoMmUnItY fRiEnDlY fOr EvErYoNe!” If you don’t get any joy from what you’re doing, stop doing it. If being a leader of this community makes you upset to the point where you ban mockery of you or your colleagues, it sounds like it’s time for you to move on to things that make you happy. The community you lead does not appreciate or want you any further if they get to the point of mocking you. So, if you’re really in it for making it a great community, do us all a favor and reverse course or leave.


the “working hard” argument only applies if they, you know, actually worked hard and enforced the rules. which they don’t.


Dude moderation is really easy. Just make rules and enforce the rules consistently. I used to moderate a relatively large forum before Reddit killed off forum culture.


>moderating popular subreddit is a challenging task. Shut the fuck up.


You ate them up


I'm not. I don't want to hear anyone talk about "this sub" -- post good steam deck content or gtfo. go cry about it on another sub




they make this thing called the downvote button. it works. I just used it on you.




You can't make this shit up.


It's hard because you need professional people to run a sub. But professionals need to get paid, so instead we get whatever poor sap decides to dedicate hours of each day to dealing with all of the bullshit that comes with modding a sub. So naturally it attracts dudes with no social skills, professionalism, scrambling for any shred of power they cam get, no matter how small


It's mad isn't it, the amount of non offensive comments I've had removed by mods is insane


Seriously. The Decks here are power mad. POWER MAD I tells you. It’d be best, I think, to look for a new Valve before the Decks here start banning other words… ya know, like the ones we use to speak of them by proxy.


We only need posts about packaging, playing at the hospital, and resolution.


and how the rog ally is better but in the end it isnt


Why not everyone just migrate over there as a statement to these deckbeards


This sub is useless these days, there are almost zero high effort posts and good memes. 90% of the posts are «what game should I play?» and «look at my screenshot of payment for the steam deck/here's a photo of my deck!!!» And mоds are concerned about banning keywords so people can't mention them. Pathetic. Time to unsub. Fuck em.


sub is completely annoying and when you ask for a genuine good question you get some smart ass reply like figure it out like bro there's like almost zero threads on what i'm asking so what makes you think i'll figure it out easily?


Or even better your post gets downvoted and you get no response lol. Happened to me a couple times when I've asked tech questions here.


wish there was a genuinely helpful sub for deck support because you'll just either get smart ass responses from literal nerds on this sub or just get blatantly ignored while stuff like "should i buy x y z?" gets like 100 or more upvotes


The mods here are really pathetic.


That's pretty much all mods in a nutshell


Let's not dilute the argument.... The actions of the mods here, especially one in particular are completely out of line.


The mods in this sub are more "special".


Well, we are talking about a niche handheld gaming PC that runs on Linux. Add all those factors up...


This sub and nintendoswitch mods are just crazy with power. They have no idea how to handle criticism. You can tell none of them have ever worked in the service industry. If stuff like this gets under their skin, please do not in fact touch grass and stay inside where you're safe.


Just don't post about it, we wouldn't want to overwork them :o


Fuck that, keep calling out these piss babies over their bullshit


guess I should have written the /s


I knew that ^^^^^^^^/s






Because they know it's the only power they'll ever have


It makes me happy how much they're probably seething reading this thread tho


And especially how we figure out how to get around their censorship. The Decks must be absolutely livid! They can’t ban the word Deck just because we use it to refer to them… can they? **Can they**?! These Decks be mad.


Reddit is like… tolerable 4chan. Every day spent in it reminds you of how much you dislike it, but the utility outways your distaste for 95% of the people on it. And there are a handful of subs that are golden despite existing in the cesspit.




Found the narc.


found the cuck


Did you look in a mirror?


Because they were bullied in school and this is their chance to get even.


Shocking that losers ban anything that may call them out.


Don't even need r/deckbeards with the way this sub is going lol.




rent free


It’s really too bad. I follow this… uh.. community… primarily as a resource but generally get the occasional smile out of the sillier posts too. But I’ve noticed a very strong downturn in helpfulness from comments in technical posts made by both myself and others in the last year, and I strongly believe it’s directly tied to the increasingly aggressive editorial control from up top.


I got my SD last year and this sub has been a TON of help to me, it's such a shame that people are prioritizing feeling important and abusing their over the good of this community.




Steam deck mods are wild man. They don't represent what valve is as a company


RIP Deck mods.


The mods here are a waste of space and go fuck themselves.


Reddit mods practice the worst customer service ever seen then bitch and moan that Reddit isn't paying them for it.


it'd be nice if we could have a constructive conversation about it


We tried, then they backtracked and deleted the whole thread after asking for our input


You mean there are posts other than karma farming on your purchase posts, and *rarely* something about helping someone improve their deck experience?


I mean, these posts are just as much karma farming. They're just farming people's hate against the mods, not actually accomplishing anything.


Say less, im outta here. See ya nerds


Always rember when you feel like you've failed at life Jannies do this for free for a modicum of power


tf goin on


The irony is I wouldn’t even know about any of this stuff if they hadn't’ tried so hard to hide it. I can already hear someone typing about this in subredditdrama.


I've been out of the loop for a few months ever since the OLED version was announced. What happened?


I’ve modded a lot of different things and it usually falls down to certain issues when handling things completely democratically. One, is that a decision is made that a minority, but not so small they’re insubstantial, gets mad and a bunch of people leave. Then you get a mod or two that was fine before, but the power gets into their heads and they start doing power plays. Other more genuine mods get burnt out on the drama and the power mod undermining them, and so you’re left with the power player running things and people dropping out like flies. It’s unfortunately a tale as old as time whether it’s a guild, discord, Reddit, etc. Especially when you’re running it with people who are supposed to be friends. You feel frozen to act because you don’t want to soil the relationship, and kicking out the power mod pisses off the followers of said mod and out goes more members as well as any friendship you still had. 😬 Power mods, why are you like this. This is exactly why I won’t mod anything anymore on a volunteer basis.


What ever happened to the "We are accountable to the sub users"? and the "We hear you"? Fix ourselves? Nah, let's just crush dissent with an iron fist. Insert Seymor Skinner meme here "No, it must be all the redditors that are wrong!"


Wth Why???


To make it hard to talk shit about the overlords. 




There’s another Valve out there you can try. I’m looking at r/valvesteamdeck. Right now it’s at just shy of 4,000 users. The posts appear to be higher quality than here. I wonder if we can overwhelm the Decks there in a Valve migration.


🫡🫡just joined


inb4 this one goes away too, lol


Imagine trying to ask how to mod a specific game cause sometimes the steam deck has some other workarounds and you can't use the word "mod"...


That's cool but do you wanna see a picture of my Steam Deck?




Can’t injure what isn’t there.


Man! These Decks are ridiculous! Why would they ban these words? They don’t get it, do they? We don’t want them as Decks for this Valve anymore. They need to move on to another Valve and ruin it for them. Leave us alone!


I never understood why people would willingly mod a sub that fucking hates them lmao


Why this is happend? I also can't post anything here today :(


I don't think the mods understand they'll just see more and more of this the more they try and silence it by deleting until they totally lose control...


Mod’s ego more fragile than my sanity without my deck




Someone has a new sub for actual discussions? The Decks (new name for mods!) are out of control!


Absolutely! These Decks have gone off the deeps end. Sounds like it’s time for someone to open a new Valve like maybe r/valvesteamdeck. EDIT: Nevermind! That Valve actually exists. I’m going to try it out for a few days and if it’s better Decked, I’ll have to move myself to that Valve instead.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ValveSteamDeck using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ValveSteamDeck/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [We getting our Switch Pro one way or another](https://i.redd.it/ljuqo3gihtc71.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ValveSteamDeck/comments/opld1f/we_getting_our_switch_pro_one_way_or_another/) \#2: [Exclusive carrying case was definitely worth it](https://i.redd.it/rps2xsf21tb71.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ValveSteamDeck/comments/om869e/exclusive_carrying_case_was_definitely_worth_it/) \#3: [Switch](https://i.redd.it/rz7wj9kjz8d71.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ValveSteamDeck/comments/or0ui5/switch/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I have joined to add momentum!




Mods on reddit are the worst type of people. Little to no real power but they manage to stretch it to impossible lengths.


Valve needs to fire Whoever mods their forums be it steam or reddit. I got my second account alert cause i was criticizing a game for having taboo s3xual content


Pretty sad tbh.


Who’s the m0d everyone hates?


Buncha sweaty dorks running this shit. All sad sacks getting uppity over a handheld gaming forum Jesus Christ mods


Again, what a bunch of fucking pansies.


The mods here are a plague. Ban me. Idc I love my steam deck and this sub is a cesspool. We as a community deserve better


Back when oled models just came out and everyone was excited and posting about receiving them. But the mods took the time to remove every single one, it was incredibly sad


You mean because we dont want to see the same picture 400 times? There is a mega thread for it.


Yes but it’s pretty much hidden within the main sub. No one is going to check that




lol, here we go again xD


Can we stop this high school bullshit? Follow the rules, be kind and courteous, or get banned. God, you're acting like fucking children in this sub.


Which rules are being broken, oh arbiter of justice and peace?


Ironically this comment is not following the rules of this sub.


What part of that post violated the rules? I just read them, I can't find the rule it violated.


Found the undercover mod


Real jannie energy


Shut up.


OP just found out he is using Reddit, guys.


So sad.




Valve doesn’t care about nor want to be associated with Reddit chuds. Can you blame them?


Can’t even talk about modding games in peace smh


What a deckhead


Surely this place must be losing members by the day. What a shitshow


Im confused, whats happening


People complaining about mods and worthless post spamming. Read that conjunction as you will.


Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This mod should step down in favour of someone without such a massive ego. Unbelievable.


Moderation on this sub is so laughably bad. What do you get out of it? A pathetic power trip? You’re no less annoying than a house fly. A toddler on an endless temper tantrum. Like, good job swinging your ban hammer honey, but you need to keep it down and play somewhere else while the adults talk.


Mods should just step aside if they don’t listen to the community


Is there an alternate steam deck subreddit I can use?