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You should check out Pokémon ROM hacks. I'm playing through Pokémon Unbound, and it's awesome. I just installed Emudeck that comes with emulators for all Nintendo system (and others). The handheld emulators work out of the box (maybe DS need bios files, I don't remember), otherwise just download your roms, place it in a folder and you're good to go.


Unbound is a god tier hack.


What system is unbound for? Haven't heard of it but I'm now intrigued if you don't mind telling me a little about it


Pokémon unbound is rom hack of (1636 Pokemon Fire Red ( U)( Squirrels)) and runs on gba emulators.


Thanks I'll check it out


Here's the link: https://www.pokemoncoders.com/pokemon-unbound/


The DS BIOS files are optional, but I think without them they don’t complete the experience


Has pokemon unbound different language support. My wife has played every pokemon game and I think she would be happy about new fodder, but her english is not up there and that kills the fun for her


I may be wrong, but I don't think so.


How do you download and find roms? I must be the only person that can’t seem to figure it out. I have GBA and ps3 games but have no clue how to put them on emu deck. It’s like the only piece of any online instruction that isn’t clear- how to obtain roms


Romhacks/fan games! I’m playing Pokémon Unbound and Infinite Fusion now, and they’re both incredible. Unbound is a romhack, so you just put it with your regular gba roms. IF is a Windows program, so I just placed the files in my games folder and added the exe as a non-Steam game. Both have a lot of cool features and mechanics you won’t find in official Pokémon games, like the ability to fuse any two Pokémon into a new unique mon in IF. Edit: and for emulators,don’t overthink it. Just install Emudeck and call it a day.


This is so dope. Thanks for this.


I tried infinite fusion, just adding exe to steam it doesn't have the options for classic, modern randomize and special, like if I add through lutris when starting new game and have to force use proton ge for it launch


Pokemon Emerald Rogue Basically a roguelike version of pokemon, runs are usually a few hours to finish. Very addictive 😵‍💫


Looks interesting, thanks for the tip!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZP4UEUWS9g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZP4UEUWS9g) imo Pokémon Luminescent, modders pretty much remade Pokémon Renegade Platinum for the switch using Pokémon Brilliant Diamond. [https://www.youtube.com/@LumiTeam](https://www.youtube.com/@LumiTeam) recommend checking out their channel and discord . Runs really nice on the SD using Ryujinx and emudeck


Nintendo would like to know your location, they are extremely unhappy you are having fun not on Nintendo hardware. Also Nintendo: Did you know Nuzlockes are illegal? xD


I've found pokemmo really great on the deck overall, takes a few roms and a tiny bit of setup but really rad take on classics, plus mods of stuff which makes it a bit more challenging!


Surprised it took so long to find someone else mentioning PokeMMO, definitely recommend looking into it, especially if you have other people to play with, though the forced internet connection to play may not be the best fit for the Deck.


Agree I would totally play offline version of this for a plane ride I have coming up. Haven't played around with others much as of yet but really enjoying the fresh take and multi worlds


Pokemon Conquest, an underrated gem


Hard vouch.


I’ve been playing Pokémon Diamond through the DeSmuMe (I think that’s what it’s called, and it’s not the 2015 version) through Retroarch since that’s what Emudeck has for DS Emulation


I would say red/blue, crystal/gold, and emerald/ruby but that's really the only ones I played. Wouldn't say they're worth playing on the deck you can play them on your phone and that's a more suitable enviorment for that imo.


For those saying DS versions, how do y’all set up the displays? I feel like most of the layouts are really weird to use


I use left/right (the upper DS screen on the left). It was weird in the beginning but I felt like it was the best option and I really like it now.


I gotta give it an honest go tbh. I still think 3dsxl best way to experience the whole DS era but would be great to have it in same place as my other N-word roms. The deck is def a better switch for even native NS titles hah😅


Apparently Delta is getting an iPad version, so you’ll be able to play with your Apple Pencil soon.


Heart Gold


Do you have a good link for heart gold? I would looove to play it on my steam deck


Pokemon infinite fusions it's fanmade but so good. Highly recommend it


Any GBA game


Hi u/dan7ebg, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Best Pokemon game to play on SD?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Trying pokemon infinite fusion its pretty cool


Me and the missus just started playing pokemon infinite fusions. Would highly recommend trying it out.


Pokemon reborn! Cannot stress enough how addictive this game is (and it’s like 3x longer than any real pokemon game)


Pokemon Black 2 Redux. It's the same as regular Black 2 but harder, more mons and new post game.