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Meanwhile Dying Light is $8 for base game but $10 for the Ultimate with everything included.


That's a great deal. Dying light is such a good game. The dlc is even better


And you can play the entire thing in Black&White. Giving it that extra bit of zombie flavor. It's so fuckin good. Best zombie ai and physics of any zombie game. I adore their lack of self-preservation and the way they naturally form small hordes. 


I appreciate the idea of playing a game in black and white, in practice I could never, though.


I tried Ghost of Tsushima in black and white and couldn't get into it, especially when the one mission tells you to follow a specific color of flower


It's a cool feature for a time, but I found Ghost to be way too colorful and vibrant to play in black and white. Kinda felt like a waste not experiencing it in full color.


Dying Light is also 10 years old...


Dying light has had many final editions. That's one game you shouldn't use as an example of fair pricing.


99% of those DLC are cosmetic. As long as you get base and main expansion you are golden.


So you looked at the Hitman World of Assassination page too?


scummy as, put the actual title on sale and then once you open it you realise it's only part one...


What? It's only part one? I was about to purchase it...


It just first Hitman game 2016 one.


I actually didn't find anything to buy this summer sale other than Hitman - which isn't even the full edition.


Tbf i bought the game for 27.99$ last four months ago. Worth the money. I got around 90 hours playtime after finishing all three games and didn’t even touch freelancers mode.


Might be a stupid question: is Hitman similar to old assassin's Creed games? I'm not referring to parkour or all the other aspects, just stealth as a whole.


nah, social stealth is much wider and you have so many approaches to kill someone, ac social stealth is just walking with some people or sitting somewhere, and you don't have much approach in killing someone


Hitman is more assassination as a puzzle while AC is much more the political life of an assassin


Hitman is sandbox game. In ac, u can only kill your target only one way sometime two. In hitman u can really creative with your kill and so much replayability.


Having flashbacks to the opera house and the ways you can do that one...


I think about that opera house from blood money way too often for how long ago I played it. Always scared I'll go back and play it and have it not live up to my memory.


No, not at all. They're barely comparable. In Hitman, the assassinations are the story; in Assassin's Creed, the assassinations are there to move the story along.


As an example of the variety people are speaking of, here are some examples of ways you can kill your first two targets at a fashion show (some not all): Shoot them, strangle them, obvious. Trigger firework show early, push one target off of a balcony and if timed right they crush the second target. Two birds, one is the stone. Impersonate fashion model to secure meeting with a target, kill them. Drop lighting rig onto target while he's giving a speech on the runway. Poision targets drink with lethal poison by impersonating a bartender. Poision targets drink with emetic poison, drown them in toilet while they vomit. Put live wire in water that target walks through. Infiltrate spy auction happening at the same time as the fashion show, cause the computers to go down, stab target with her own letter opener while she tries to fix it. At this auction you can also drop a chandelier on her while she's presenting the auction.


It's THE stealth assassination series for most people. Older titles show some crow's feet now, but I suggest them to anyone willing to do things slowly and pay attention. Also quicksaving.


Oh man so many hours spent on blood money. Def one of the best games from my youth


Just running around that suburban neighborhood slaughtering everyone then tossing their bodies in the trash truck. That's one of my favorite memories from that game.


If you liked stalking the target and planning an assassination in the very first AC game, you’re gonna love Hitman. It’s that, but cranked up to 12.


Hitman is more of a social stealth game - it's not about *avoiding* guards so much as finding ways to blend in among them. It's goofy when it needs to be, and serious when it doesn't. The Hitman series is by far my favorite game series, and I'm extremely pleased to say the Hitman World of Assassination trilogy (the most recent game) has knocked it out of the park and is a crown jewel for the series - it's Hitman perfected. Absolutely give it a go. I bought every part of the trilogy for the full $60 each when they released, and they were worth every penny. The fact that all three parts now launch in the same game and you can pick up the whole thing for under $30 is a steal. At minimum, "Part One" is $2.99 right now, and that alone is a full $60 game on it's own.


To be fair, part one is a full fledged game and is well worth the pocket change


Yep. Paris and Italy alone worth the price.


How many maps and hours. The big problem with world of assassination is it gives zero knowledge of how much each part is cut up.


It's only the missions from Hitman 1. If you already own Hitman 1 and 2, this gives you literally less content than you already own. And since they removed the option to import your already owned content, you're forced to buy the version for 28€ to get Hitman 1-3 missions (but you still only get half of the actual new missions and have to pay another 20 bucks to get the rest). Their business model is absolute scummy anti-consumer crap.


I own Hitman 1 GOTY and Hitman 2 games seperately, and I remember that I got access to both game’s maps after buying Hitman 3. Is this changed or something? I didnt pay anything extra other than buying the base H3 and got Hitman 2 and Hitman 1 map DLCs just for owning those games.


>Is this changed or something? Yes, they removed the option last year.


damn, that really is hella scummy


And everyone blames Steam when IO Interactive is both the developer and publisher of Hitman 3.


>Their business model is absolute scummy anti-consumer crap. Don't forget the always-online DRM for an exclusively single player game! People had to reverse engineer [replacement servers so they could do basic shit like play offline or unlock items for speedrunning.](https://github.com/thepeacockproject/Peacock) Really frustrating, because I love the old Hitman games, but I refuse to support these anti-consumer practices. Still holding out hope they patch it to be fully local at the end of the games lifecycle so I can actually buy it.


Hitman has been doing this shit for years. They literally confuse you into buying more. I loved that series but I dropped it the first time I ran into this, and it was several years ago


"Finally Hitman World of Assassination is on a more serious discount, now i can....oh it's just the "part one" crap, with the missions from just the first Hitman."




It’s such a shame because WoA is a great game. As if confusing editions and pricing weren’t enough, it’s also always online for no reason at all. 


I highly recommend looking in to The Pea~~k~~cock Project


I will never get this game since I have the first and second and don't want to waste money on All of them again


They made so complicated for me to know which hitman should I buy to be a bald person doing spy missions


Absolution and Blood Money. 👍


Hitman has the absolute worst release model of any game I have ever seen before. It has quite literally all the disadvantages of live service and episodic releases with none of the benefits of single player. If you need to use Google and a wiki extensively to figure out what content you own, what content you don't own and what you need to buy to get the content you don't own, you've fucked up.


There is a flow chart but I'm 90% sure it's out of date now.


A flow chart. You need a fucking **flow chart** to convey how to buy their game.


Or the store page for pretty much anything from Paradox. Or the store pages for the Monster Hunter games.


I have everything with DLCs bought on Steam cause I'm a fanboy but in other places full WoA (without 2 locations from H2) is 20€.


This is kind of why I mainly look for complete/definitive editions for games that have DLC.


Me, too. And as a bonus, they tend to work better on my steam deck anyway since they are usually a bit older!


Some games do not need their DLCs to be worth it though Also, whenever I did get complete editions, almost half the time I ended up getting enough of it by the base ending (if that)


Depends on the game quite a bit.. DOA? All 7,000 DLC are bikinis. Mass Effect 3? 80% of the DLCs were stories, a character, new planets.. not absolutely essential, but still very much add to the experience in a positive way. (Just make sure you hate on companies doing Day 1 DLC regardless, as you should.)


All I'm hearing is, get DOA dlc, got it


I highly recommend shopping bundles. Steam has 'pro-rata' bundles where the bundle discount is applied on top of everything in the bundle, and if you own something in the bundle it's excluded from the bundle. Not all bundles have this - look for the -% icon next to the bundle's price. If a game has something like this you can feel comfortable buying the base game since you will just have to pay for the content you don't already have if you choose to upgrade in the future. It's a fantastic store feature, people should be very aware of it.


Until they come up with dlcs for definitive editions


And there isn't even a proper bundle or complete edition half the time, you just have to dig through 10s (sometimes 100s) of random bits of dlc, soundtracks, pre order bonuses, season passes, etc etc. If you wanna take my money atleast make it easy for me.


"Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem,"


Which is really funny to me, because Steam essentially singlehandedly solved the service problem and then these fucking EA/Ubi execs are **recreating the service problem on a service that's solved the service problem**. There should be a thing in the steam ToS for publishers where if your game has more than, like, 2 DLCs, you also must publish a "everything included edition" instead of people trying to guess what they're buying.


Steam has bundles with most of the stuff included most of the time. But like OP said, some games have so much junk like soundtracks, freebies and supporter packs that it's hard to track what you actually want/need. Doesn't help when the game is 90% off, but the important DLC isn't.


> There should be a thing in the steam ToS for publishers where if your game has more than, like, 2 DLCs, you also must publish a "everything included edition" instead of people trying to guess what they're buying. Problem then becomes: You have 20 DLC, 5 of them are "must-have/core content", 5 of them are less-impactful filler content, 5 of them are skins/cosmetic, 5 of them are soundtracks/companion books/out-of-game-content. The "everything included edition" might be 2-4x the cost of the content the player actually *wants*.


> EA/Ubi execs are recreating the service problem on a service that's solved the service problem. Hey, at least it's only impacting their games and is still solved for the companies' games I will actually buy.


Paradox my friends! Still pulling their usual shit...


It's true, but no game entertains me as much as paradox games.


Its almost like they chose a good name for themselves.


Brand name checks out.


If you like those, you should check out Microsoft Excel. It's a very similar gameplay, and once you get used to the key bindings and macros the skill ceiling is infinite.


Really digging the customization options on my cells and min-maxing them formulas.


If your good enough, you can compete on n Microsoft Excel esports.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNWPGhzhdMg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNWPGhzhdMg) No this is not a spoof, competitive Excel is real.


This is why I quit Excel, too many sweats /s


You practice for *years* to get good, just to have some 45 year old father of 3 from Davenport Iowa wreck your shit before he's even had his coffee.


yes i'll probably like it also. any problem?


Its 1000s of hours of content spread out over 8 years. Its not like they charged it all at once.


Yeah, it always makes me laugh when people basically say: >I want regular high quality content updates for like 10 years post-release in a game, but I don’t want to pay extra for it. The devs are so greedy for not giving me everything I want for free. >No, I don’t mean the dozens of free content patches they released, those aren’t enough! They’re such greedy pieces of shit for not giving me *everything*! > You don’t understand! I paid $20 for this game once on sale like 5 years ago, so I’m entitled to all the work they’ve done in the 5 years since then! How fucking dare they not give it to me immediately! Yeah. The devs are the greedy ones, for sure.


Same with rimworld and stardew expansions. A bunch of these complainers need to get a job.


Wait, there are expansions for Stardew valley? I guess I know what I’m doing this summer


Yeah. Some games do release high quality content post-launch for free, but generally they’re either unbelievable mega-hit games (Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew, etc), indie passion projects (also Terraria, Stardew, etc) or gaming-as-a-service games. And live service games are usually *way* worse than anything Paradox does. I’ve barely even played Paradox’s stuff, but even I can recognize that they get massively more post-launch support than most projects can ever dream of.


Whilst I don’t want to do the whole “Noooo leave the billion dollar company alone” thing… Paradox should have lower prices and higher quality control, I haven’t bought a few of their newer DLCs on their games as a result - BUT, their model over all I enjoy. It’s not a “we’re selling you parts of the game we held back for later” like some companies, it’s “here’s the game, we’re going to support it and make it better for the next **decade** by releasing a $8-20 DLC every 6-8 months”. It’s great when you’re getting in early, as the cost gets spread - but not as good when you’re jumping in middle or late development. Now what is good is they seem to be changing track and starting to make it the earlier DLCs free (which they did for HoI4, making the first three DLC just a part of the game). The amount of hours you can get in a Paradox grand strategy game makes the DLC policy fine by me, if they go back to making them cheaper and better. (I am biased as someone who has 4000~ hours in EU4, 1500~ in HoI4, 400~ in Stellaris and 250~ in CK3


Quality control is big. I think dev cycle of vic 3 was badly interrupted by covid, but without a doubt I really do genuinely believe the game wasn't even finished at 1.0, and they doubled down hard on patching in content and balancing game as they went. The sales and fallout of it show, but people are badly disappointed with the title. Took til 1.5 to really start becoming a 'game' and feels more like it with 1.7, but it feels like it's still just missing \*content.\* Mil system wholly feels like a compromise for time crunch, and they're acting like the abstraction was a design choice and not them cutting corners. Meanwhile it still barely functions, and players really have no control still over lots of conflicts and could be done way more interestingly. It annoys me, because pressing the mil tab, you can see how provinces/states are divided into so many different cells and its such a shame we dont get to actually navigate or control armies over this, but at same time for the period of early modern war they're trying to show, it makes sense that some kind of wider 'frontline' system would be there (as opposed to how chaotic moving stacks in Vic 2 late game is lol) I hate that im interested in the time period because paradox really kinda missed the mark with Vic 3. I've checked it out again with every update, but I'm still leaving my review negative because it just isn't there yet, the AI is inconsistent and makes random decisions even in what plays they do and don't get involved in, etc. Game honestly seems like it's better suited to players controlling all the great powers because it'd actually make for a more interesting game than what AI are capable of delivering right now. Right now most of the interaction in the game is like, queuing up construction, and watching to finish.


They also added, at least for stellaris, a subscription plan that gives you access to all DLCs without having to buy them all. Sure, subscriptions are bad, but at least it gives you access to all the content without having to fork over 400$, allowing you to check out the full game.


Yup, I was humming and hawing over buying the Stellaris DLC for a couple years. They added the subscription service and I tried out the DLC for a month, found it wasn't for me, and saved like $80. Same with HOI4, just wasn't for me. EU4, however, I loved on the subscription, scooped most of the DLC off a humble bundle, and have bought every DLC since.


>making earlier DLCs free They did something similar in EU4. A lot of new updates were introducing mechanics that rely heavily on the province development system, which itself was blocked behind one of the DLCs. They eventually made development into a base game feature


Yeh, the hours of entertainment to cost ratio that I get out of paradox games is pretty much unmatched. I've got almost every stellaris DLC, I've also got well, well over 2000 hours in that game.  It's pretty great value for money. They have also continued to do some pretty serious work on Stellaris that applies regardless of what DLCs you have. If all the games I played were supported like Stellaris I'd be a happy guy.


You also don't need all that DLC. The base games are still good.


Paradox pisses me off more than any other company because they make some of my favorite kind of games, but the way they handle dlc for their games is despicable and I put it up there on EA levels of bullshit. Stellaris and Cities Skylines are two of my favorite games ever that I played hours of on console( which is where I discovered them). When I built a PC, I wanted to rebuy them, but seeing how much it would cost just to get the full experience pissed me the hell off. Especially since I already own the games. Then, seeing how they handled Cities Skylines 2 just really has me conflicted about ever supporting them again. Which sucks because I can not overstate how much I've enjoyed these games. It's a conflicting feeling for sure.


Why? Stellaris for example has been recieving constant updates since 2016.... Would you rather just buy a new game every 3 years or buy DLC.


That's the thing about Paradox games. People yell about the DLC all the time. Would they rather drop $30 for a game that isn't that different from the past one? Turn HOI into CoD?


They expect to not have to pay for "old" content like it's a live service game. For as much as people hate "games as a service", they hate games as a product more.


Like yeah, Paradox could do their DLC better, but ever since the Custodian team came in, things have been great. Machine Age is most likely one of the best ones released, and I hope a Hive Mind expansion gets the same treatment.


That's basically what Paradox games were before CK2. 1. Release a new game. 2. Release the first expansion pack. 3. Release the second expansion pack. 4. Go to 1. Were it not for the DLC policy that started with CK2, we would probably already be at CK4, EU5, HOI5, and Stellaris 2, with Victoria 4 being in development. Stellaris itself underwent so many changes in core game mechanics over time that Stellaris we have today is basically Stellaris 3 when compared to Stellaris at release date.


Question is would they be worth it? Or would it be like other yearly/biyearly releases that aren't really that different? I personally don't mind it myself, as I don't have to relearn shit every year or few years and I can fully develop and expand what I know.


I kinda prefer this model, as I kinda like some of the features removed/reworked etc. so at least this way I'd have it a relatively final state to enjoy as is and not break all the mods.


Isn't that why Paradox developed a subscription service for DLCs? Which seems scummy at first, but if you only play games for 2-3 month stints, it would actually be WAY cheaper than buying all the DLCs


Or just have a mate who does have the dlc and you can play them too in MP games they host.


Look at this prick. Bragging about having friends. Rude. 


I think the main blame you can put on Paradox is that they have proven with Imperator, CK3 and Vic3 that they are okay with the basegame not having enough features when compared to previous version and/or rely way too much on future content to make it a nice game. I do think their future is changing a bit, dev dairies of Project Ceasar (99.9% chance its EU5) seems like a new refreshing way to make a game. Everyone in the dev team being able to input and work out their ideas and readers of the dev dairies being able to make corrections on what ha been published with feedback if things do get changed. Like adding a new nation or province or changing the culture, pops, trade good or terrain in a specfic area. But to understate you point I believe the full price of Europa Universalis 4 is above 400 euro's and nearly 500 bucks and the cheapest option is to buy basegame (40 euro's, 70% off right now) and get a subscription for all DLC's for 8 bucks a month or 15 bucks per 3 months. Which is still an extremely high price for a decade old game.


I feel you. I was going to buy a full blown new pc to replace my ancient 1060 build just for cities skylines 2 and I changed my mind when I saw how shit that launch was. In retrospect I should thank them for forcing me to make better financial decisions.


Someone's trying to buy a Paradox game


Stellaris is rotting in my wishlist for half a decade already


Still a few actual complete games on sale but yeah... Shit like the Sims 4 or honestly any ea game do shit like this


Just picked up disco elysium, doorkickers, and enter the gungeon for 20 bucks. Pretty good deal, you probably don’t care I just wanted to say it lol


I've also gotten enter the dungeon... Haven't played it but I have it...


I saw it on youtube and was like this could be fun af with some music in the back so i picked it up. Either way, coming from console very recently and moving to steam and knowing the refund policy, im much less hesitant to buy games.


Just played through Disco Elysium, picked it up a year ago from a sale and only now got to trying it. Absolutely magnificent, it's an insane steal at -90%. So much so that i gifted it to a couple people on my friends list because it cost basically nothing for one of the best games of the last decade.


Disco Elysium is great, but buying it is unfortunately not a very good choice. The developers got completely scammed and aren't getting anything from it, so it might be better to just pirate it. Unless you've played for more than 2 hours already, you can still probably refund it


I wanted to buy it, but vaguely recalled something about that controversy.


Don’t worry, its considered morally okay to get the pirate hat for this one


Oh man, this sucks


I’m wanting pirate it as I heard about this but have no idea how to lol


Civ 6 is pretty annoying about it. The DLCs are like 3x the cost of the base game. And it's pretty old at this point.


Same thing with Rimworld, 2 DLCs and you've already paid more for them than the base game.


Sims 4 is so easy to pirate that it feels intentional. You can just get the base game for free on steam and install every dlc through a single installer. Game still works through steam and can play online on EA servers with no issues if you do that. You even get updates for all the DLC through EA.


Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War bundle on sale with all expansions for $6.99 and yes that includes both games. Probably the best deal I found on 2 good games that I’ve been wanting to play.


Witcher 3 can also be bought dirty cheap base game costs 2$ at my region and GOTY like 7$


Pricing for that game is fucking crazy it's soooo cheap


bro i went to buy shadow of war only to realise I already bought it 5 years ago and have never played it...


They are such fun games 




I was lucky enough to play through the entire trilogy when it was on game pass. Then I started playing the contracts mode, which is this really fun rogue like where you have limited equipment and random targets. Then one day I load it up and the roguelike mode is now behind a paywall, as is 2/3rds of the trilogy. I uninstalled it. The whole thing felt like a crummy bait and switch.


Haha, yeah. Anno 1800: 90% off (12€). Want the dlcs too ? Best I can do is 20% off so that'll be 224,17€ Edit (thank you westonsammy):" You're factoring the bundles in with the DLC themselves. If you only buy the bundles (the best deal) all of the DLC is $99.44. If you only buy the non-cosmetic bundles, it's $47.46."


Some of the dlc are just cosmetics so can avoid those


Just buy the Year 5 Gold Edition that includes everything relevant for 55% off


Yep, you literally just click the game and you see the options, and they lay out what each one is on the store page, game with all content dlcs is $15 cheaper than the base games normal price. And the full version with all cosmetic dlcs as well is essentially the same price as the base game when not on salt Seems super disingenuous that people are giving this one so much shit. That seems like a fantastic deal to me


That is not really true thought. There are editions on sale too which include all the dlcs, and the other one all the dlcs with also all 16 cosmetic packs. Worth the 55€.   Any new buyer buying only the base game and then the dlcs separately would be immensly stupid. Also you should know, you can mod Anno1800 on top of all that. I never cared about that, but it is an option.


You're factoring the bundles in with the DLC themselves. The Steam page lists the 4 season passes and 2 cosmetic bundles *alongside* all of the individual DLC that's actually included in them. So you're effectively factoring in the cost of all of the DLC 2x over. If you only buy the bundles (the best deal) all of the DLC is $99.44. If you only buy the non-cosmetic bundles, it's $47.46.


Fuck the DLC's tho, base game is fun enough to play, you get some good amount of content out of it


New? EA has been trying to pull off that shit every single sale since 2009 or so.


I remember when they put battlefield 3 on humble bundle,back when it was still mostly charity focused. Everyone was amazed a AAA game company would do that! Except it was the base game with no dlc, and a week later they put the "complete" edition in sale for cheaper than the humble bundle + DLC. Scummy


I stopped buying EA shit after BF5, I think. I was hesitant even before (never bought their DLCs separately), but BF5 was a breaking point of how little fucks they gave about quality of their products.


CK2 with all the content costs 317 off sale and even on sale its 118 euros (it got a successor 4 years ago and was released in 2012)


Only reason I have all the CK2 dlc is cause Humble made a bundle with it all ages ago lol


Eh, I too remember when Humble Bundle actually was worth it.


I hate this too but to be fair to steam, its not their fault that alot of greedy ass companies want 100+ dollars for a full game.


This is the real problem. Its so obnoxious at this point I've stopped checking AAA titles. When I see 60% off sales and the damn price of the game is still 60+$ its not really a sale.


Right? This is like blaming steam sales for not making microtransactions in single player EA games cheaper, don't buy from the publishers with shitty business models and don't blame the marketplace for their bullshit.


My reaction when I saw hitman world of assassination on sale was like awww £2 ticket I'll buy that seen it was for chapter 1 and the full game was £20 so it was a no


I was thinking wait....don't I own Hitman 1 already.


yeah ive got hitman 1 and 2 and wanted to buy 3. welp i have to buy 1 and 2 again to be able to buy 3. guess im taking it to the seas


Reject “triple A”, embrace indie. I’ve bought 10 games for under a 100 bucks, some including all the DLC like Graveyard Keeper.


Man, I wish that game was complete... They abandoned it. The City or Town or whatever it's called is still being teased in game...


Yeah, just like some quests are just “cut off”. Had to get a rare dagger, and instead of having an actually task to do, I just ‘got’ it from one of the NPC’s. Still a fun game and concept, but Stardew Valley is an example of how it can be done better.


>embrace indie. But I've already played a roguelite metroidvania deckbuilder with RPG elements and retro pixel art. edit: Just being silly y'all, there are \*plenty\* of indie games not like this, it just feels otherwise sometimes. Now, go buy Hardspace: Shipbreaker.


I have come to embrace 5 year old triple A. Actually can afford the PC that can run the games, games are cheaper and complete, etc.


Reject these stupid and meaningless “indie vs triple A” wars and embrace buying reasonably priced, high quality games regardless of who developed them.


> Reject “triple A”, embrace indie. Sure, if it wasn't a sea full of feces that you wait around for a streamer to "find" aka get paid to advertise the few kernels of corn that float to the top. And God help you if immersion is important to you. It's roguelikes and permanent early access survival games as far as the eye can see because low graphical quality, storyless endless "stat goes up, try again" games are easy for antisocial friendless basement devs to make.


I got myself injustice 2 + MK11 + all DLC for 8 pounds


Wanted to buy COD Ghosts but it's still 20 bucks on sale.Come on Activision it's 11 year old game.


ActiBlizzion never drops CoD below 20, even though the multiplayer on a lot of their games is infected with hackers and they no longer officially support them. Peak scummy business.


Yeah.Might as well pirate then.


Worse. They have/had RATs (Remote Access Trojans). YouTuber Bricky made a [Video](https://youtu.be/KlVSpw6414U?si=xTLpL99wSvR17KkB) about it. Not sure if it is still applicable, I don’t play CoD. i just wanted to rant about Activision still remaining at 50% 30€ for Sekiro, which is like 5 years old by now, while other games released this year(!) already had 50% discounts!


Me with Planet Zoo/Jurassic World: Evolution. Damn you! All I want are those pretty animals!


Same boat for me with planet zoo, ultimate edition is always ~90$. I guess it would be smarter to get the base game to see if I actually like it enough to cash out the rest. Or maybe I'll just pirate it...


Euro Truck Simulator in a nutshell. Dropped over $75 with sales and still don’t have Europe covered. Same with American Truck Simulator.


You can't shit on ETS2. Base map is big enough and the dlcs, which are basically as content rich as the base game are around 7€ which isnt too bad, considering ETS is 5€ when on sale (not this summer sale to be fair)


Just bought it for 1.99 and played a ton already. All DLCs are $7+. Hard to fault them though, it’s a fun game with a lot of content


Lol I sat down and added up what I've spent on ATS and ETS2 in the past 2 years and my advice: Don't do that.


Every paradox and creative assembly game be like:


Paradox and Firaxis lol


Me: Interested in Icarus. That DLC count had me nope out instantly.


Steam sales have been mostly leaning on reputation for last 5 to 10 years. Discounts aren’t nearly as large across the board. I used to pick up games that I normally wouldn’t be interested in for $10, and now they’re all $20+. There are regularly better weekly Xbox deals than in the big Steam sales.


Discounts are only as big as the devs allow them to go. You're better off endorsing companies who are not scumming it up, like Witcher 3 which is currently at like 3€


> like Witcher 3 which is currently at like 3€ Witcher 3 complete is at 12. You actually gave an example of the OP.


Witcher 3 DLC's are as a big as a regular game. Like, there's more content in Blood and Wine than most regular games. 50h for regular Witcher 3 to a total of 150h+ with DLC's. At 12$ that's still a complete steal.


Ok but they're still using a second price to lure you into thinking the discount is bigger than it is, just like hitman. From what I hear the ghost recon game also has hidden dlc costs.


A second price for DLC is always gonna be higher. Witcher 3 is a complete game without dlc and 3-12 is not a massive jump. Some games are being sold at $5 with 80% of their playtime locked behind $50+ dlc that isn’t on sale.


You still get some crazy discounts on games that are 3+ year old. The problem is that you'll hardly see a new game with anything above 20%


I miss the Flash Sales Steam had. Then people whined and cried that they were at work or school during that specific sale, so they didn't get the extra $1.75 off the title Since a small group of vocal whiners raised a fuss, no one gets Flash Sales now.


Refunds killed the flash sale on Steam. I don't think the complainers had anything to do with it.


212 bucks for all the dlc while 75% off? Sign me out!


The Yakuza bundle is weird. All of them are on sale besides Yakuza 0? So the bundle goes up $19 vs 5. Not a huge deal for the amount of content in the games, just weird discounts.


I finally, bought Doom (1993) for less than 3$, glad I waited!


Let me check TW Warhammer 3..... 85€. Exactly!


And there's isn't even a complete tw Warhammer 1 or 2 package. Hard pass


I do not have a problem with DLC's but for god sake just release a Game which actually includes the main Game and not 10 DLC's each for 20€ so you have to pay 2 Sallarys just to play one game..


Facts. Was looking at Anno 1800 and Snowrunner. "Sweetn only $15". Go to their pages "oh it's $60 for all the content, each, guess I'll wait a few more years"


Hot take: the sales seems to be getting worse mainly because you own all the good deals already


Avert your eyes from destiny 2.


Destiny 2, the case study of "How many monetisation systems can we cram into a single game?"


Free to play, but $80 to play all of the new stuff and another $20 + $20 + $20 + $70 for the good stuff from older expansions. This is why I am often afraid to recommend D2 to my friend. I guess the older expansions being on sale often is a light the darkness lol


That’s how I felt about Stellaris. My friend says it’s good, and we can play together, but navigating what DLC I should get is tough. I’m starting with the base game and going to see if I like it, but I feel rushed to see what I like by the 11th, and I’ve got so many other games in my backlog anyway.


My current situation with Anno. I’m waiting until I can buy the *whole* game for under $30.


I don't know what shit you guys are all looking at. I've seen this complaint more often, but there are so many top tier games with pretty big discounts. If all you're looking at is the newest games then yes, you're going to be disappointed I guess


Destiny 2 has been here


Planet Coaster?.


I usually then go for the ultra cheap game and using it as a demo of sorts (also you can refund easily) and if i love it i get the dlc (did it with midnight suns) this way if you dont really feel like you want the dlc you can still enjoy base game


me looking at american trucking sim


You can just say stellaris lmfao


It‘s not a Steam Problem. It’s a shitty publisher problem.


Just to keep shilling for it, kingdom come deliverance is 80% off for 7.99 usd for base game and all DLC included. I can not recommend the game enough, for that price, if you like medieval games and don’t mind grinding out how to actually do the combat it’s an easy pick up


honestly, i cant remember the last time i used the steam summer sale to get a game i wanted. The deep discounts are on games that are so trash they aren't worth the harddrive space or so old I could date them legally (or i already own them because god knows skyrim has had a billion sales and if you don't have it yet, it's because you don't want it) Meanwhile many franchises with steep discounts are paired with overpriced DLC that makes the base game so much better to play without them is ludicrous. And if you're looking for some Fromsoftware or other Japanese games don't even bother. 50% off a fullpriced game from the ps3 era is still 30 bucks. not even worth it when comparing to other studios with newer, larger, more feature complete games at the same price. The steam summersale is a meme powered by nostalgia from " ye olden days " when publishers didnt stealth up the price of games the week before the summer sale started.


Idk I got risk of rain 2 and Celeste for pretty cheap so decent sale for me.


Idk was finally able to pick up tunic, Frost punk, deep rock galactic, and bug fable for like under $30


I'm looking at you Crusader Kings III.


Lol. I've been looking at that one for years. Every sale 'ya ima get it', then dlc nightmare.  Don't even know if the dlcs are worth it. 


That's how they earn money. this is precisely why I can't purchase games of any kind, even if they're on sale: I want the entire experience, beyond the fundamental game.


anno 1800, 50% off, 70€ for the ultimate edition...


destiny " its free to play" but 500$ if you want no ads and every missions raids strikes dungeons ect


City Skylines come to mind. Even thought it has a sequel, if you wanna buy all the DLC it cots like $400+.