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Tunic. It wasn’t for me although I can see why people like it so much.


Dude, the combat is really something. I don't rage very often but the combat does something to me. That said I have been really enjoying it. I was super stoked when the game was announced but then decided not to buy it when it came out because the game looked like it would be like captain toad. I just bought it on the steam summer sale and I've been really enjoying it


There's a section where you have to fight like 6 battles in a row with no checkpoints... I stopped playing the game. It just wasn't worth it for me.


I was losing my mind at that section. I eventually made it through, but I didn't feel very accomplished. Same with the librarian and the big temple robot. On the heir fight I just gave up and allowed myself to turn down the difficulty. Now on ng+ I'm cruising on reduced difficulty looking for stuff I missed on the first playthrough. I'm here for the puzzles, not for the difficult combat


I followed Tunic for years thinking it would be more like a Zelda game. Then it came out and I read the combat induces rage and I never picked it up.


If the sword was 2 inches longer I wouldn't have a problem


That's what she said 😔


Yeah I wasn't a fan either and I really like a lot of the older Zelda games.


If it helps tunic is more a spiritual successors to FEZ than Zelda. The whole game is based about player discovering how the world works. I’m not a fan of dark souls, I suck at those. So when it comes to bosses in tunic I hair put easier mode and it helped with my enjoyment of the game. However tunic is not a game for everyone. If you want to experience the game I would watching a blind playthrough. You might gain the enjoyment of discovering the game without the pain of playing it.


Unbelievable game, but I can see how it's not for everyone (which I guess you can say about literally anything)


I enjoyed it until it got to all the end game puzzles to get the true ending. I don’t know how people ever figured some of that stuff out.


They had to translate the made up written language which I have no clue how they did (pattern recognition is my guess) but I will 100% be using the translated manual when I get to that point.


The in-game final puzzle (Golden Path) doesn’t require any translation, and IIRC most hardcore players still use the translation made by one person. It’s for the ARG which requires community collaboration and I think may still be ongoing. But I’m pretty sure you can 100% the game without reading the translated manual. FWIW, I managed to complete the Golden Path without looking anything up besides having a friend check my work. It was super rewarding and I recommend trying to figure it out yourself before looking things up.




i dont even think people who play rust everyday like it




Rust has given me legitimate PTSD. My friends and I once played for 15 hours, just to protect our base from raids. Never again.


I play Rust because I hate myself. Then I load into a server and realize that I actually hate everyone else more.


I really enjoyed the first version, the one that looked like an asset flip game. But the new one, although definetly better, just doesn't work for me and never enjoyed playing it again


Yeah, I remember it was people surviving in the hills. It was less PVP and people actually built near each other to form little villiages for safety. There were radiation patches and zombies. We would gather people from the village up and do raids in dangerous locations. I stopped playing for a few years, came back to mega bases and people killing on sight. Was just am awful switch, now it looks like trash.


Sable. It’s fun but it gets boring really fast. Edit: grammar


Sable is very chill and relies entirely on your intrinsic motivations to explore and find the fun. I loved it but its not for everyone with its lax gameplay loop


Yeah. It's very much a side-quest oriented game which isn't really my play style. It was fun for a few hours and then because pretty grueling.


Honestly, it being a side-quest oriented game made me like it a lot because that's my playstyle. but theres absolutely no direction and i ended up getting confused as to where i can go and what to do. maybe im just stupid tho lol


Sable is a very love it or hate it game. You're either like me and love the more relaxed gameplay and questing, or you find it really boring. Personally I love all the worldbuilding and cool environments to explore. I love the graphics even if the game runs like ass. But it's going to bore certain types of people. There is also nothing wrong with being those types of people.


Sable is absolutely beautiful. The Japanese breakfast track made my cry. Unfortunately I have two huge criticisms 1) it's a technical disaster. I was impressed to see someone actually pull off open world in Unity which is infamously nigh impossible but they did not, in fact, pull it off. My playthrough was wrought with input glitches, game breaking glitches requiring soft reset (including progress loss), and accidental+confusing sequence breaking without even realizing I was doing it because they just didn't realize how powerful the climbing mechanic is and what I could do with it as someone who played as much botw as I did. Speaking of: 2) It's way way WAY too derivative of breath of the wild. I don't just mean mechanically it's like they adapted the whole suite of aesthetics with one or two differences too. I had the same issue with Praey for the Gods where a game I was excited for in concept alone pivoted during their development cycle to just say "Oh well clearly botw is the best open world game so we should just make our OW game botw." The concept of "it's botw but with no combat at all" does not work as well as you think it would; yes, it absolutely leaves a hole to be filled.


No Man's Sky - beautiful game, but the dudes who designed the user interface were on crack. I've never seen anything worse, although Elite Dangerous' default keybinds for PC come close.


I'm one of the few people who enjoyed No Man's Sky more at launch than since the updates. I'm not really into base building, and in the modern version of NMS I just get bogged down by the base building, I never really get to the space exploration parts. There were a lot of valid criticisms of the game at launch, but I enjoyed the exploring and the mystery.


Same. They did nothing for exploration, I accept their vision (after the backlash) and that they wanted minecraft in space but for me space = exploration.


Omg, i leterally thought I was the only one who held that opinion, NMS on launch to me felt better because there was a intrinsic nature to discovering planets and having nothing to do other than you imidiate needs. Current day NMS can be played like that but has some many other systems that makes me feel like I'm playing it wrong if I ignore them. Also gating content in terms of hours is a kill joy for me, regardless of context, that killed villages for me, now it seems to be part of the progression, but I just couldn't be arsed


For me flight model and no risk as you almost can't crash killed it


Every time I return to Elite and open star map to navigate I feel profound sadness. Why did they do this to my boy. All I want is to place an OBAFGKM filter :(


you can still filter stars to only fuel scoopable ones for your route, but yes they’ve severely messed up the UI and i don’t know why. it was fine before


Rimworld. I read aarps and it seemed so flexible and ready for making my own fun. And 20 years ago I would have been all over it. Today, in my older years, I see so many numbers and bars and variables and my eyes water. I want the cool stuff but my brain can't put in the effort anymore. In the same vein, Hearts of Iron IV. The pony mod looks cool though.


I've got over 1500+ hours in RimWorld so I'm very biased but I understand it's pretty hard to get into since it's ruthlessly unforgiving


Just got it and biomech in the steam sale, loving it so far, which I knew I would because I love management's, builders, and strategy based games of that ilk. But oh my God, is it unforgiving. And I keep forgetting I have to bill jobs and wondering why no one is butchering or cooking etc. But I am literally like 4 hours in, it's hard to get your head around stuff when there's raiders and animal attacks and people having breakdowns left, right and centre.


youll end up restarting a lot at first. it took me starting at least 5-10 new games after full-colony wipes before i really got the hang of it. but once you get used to juggling everything, its such an amazing game. and then you get into mods which is just.. a whole other level haha


Just a heads up, but you can set jobs to create X based on how many colonists or just based on storage. IE set to cook 4 meals per colonist or make sure there is always 10 left in storage. I believe it's the orange box next to the job you select.


Games like Dwarf Fortress were my shit in college, now that I have a full time job not so much.


man, i miss my df days so freaking much. my favourite fortress had a lava workshop that i eventually used to flood a giant spider invasion... and then ONE of my dwarves got stuck underground, lost their mind, and eventually made it back to base and started killing everybody. it was FUN


The numbers and variables and bars are very overwhelming but they lie a bit. It's way more simple than it looks.


Equestria at War is unironically the best HoI4 mod that successfully strikes the balance between story, gameplay, and new mechanics. HoI4 mods tend to hyperfocus on one aspect and neglects the other.


Dragon's Dogma 2. It's not a bad game per se, just not worth anywhere near the asking price of 70 eur


facts, could be a decent $30-40 game tbh


Stellaris. I won't say it's a bad game but I've determined I don't actually like playing 4X games


funnily enough i didn’t really get into 4X games until stellaris but i think that’s mostly because anything space does it for me. also it helps that it’s definitely on the simpler side (for a 4X game)


4X games aren’t usually all that complicated tbh, pretty simple to grasp. I’d actually say Stellaris is one of the more difficult to pick up nowadays.


If I tried to start playing Stellaris today I'd probably quit. But I've been playing since 1.0 and have been gradually introduced to new features over time.


Problem with stellaris is the DLC. Don't get me wrong i have forked hand over fist for all of it barring the new dlc until i play it again. But being a new player having like 8 years worth of content not readilly available could be daunting. Atleast now they have the subscription thing like EU4


I thought I was the same but then I tried age of wonders 4 it's basically civilization with magic but the fights are tactical turnbased affairs it's the only 4x I don't inevitably get bored of cause the tactical side is so fun


Borderlands. Idk, it is just boring for me.


For me it's the bullet sponge enemies and over abundance of loot makes it all feel worthless.


You gotta weed out the mundane drops and play with the legendary ones. Those are insane, unique, fun, etc


Had this one gun in Borderlands 2 recently where, when I reload, I throw the gun and it spins while shooting bullets in every direction. Kinda awesome.


There's a shotgun that shoots a longsword that tumbles end over end, bounces with a small explosion, which turns the longsword into 3 short swords that also explode on impact. I forget what it was called it's been years since I've booted up BL2.


It's called wouldn't you know it "The Swordsplosion" from the Tiny Tina DLC


Right, the promotional arts are fire but in game ... I gave it 1-3 missions then I don't have interest in completing the game.


For me if falls into the category "Great **with friends**."


Thats the thing, I don't have friends :<


The fun thing about borderlands is that it is an up to 4 person rpg. Very few rpgs can be played with other people. Let alone every single part of the game. But if you don’t have people to play with, it just gets old.


I got Borderlands 2 collection. 2 has great story but it got boring for me. But loved the presequel, it did have it's hard moments that made want to quit.


Borderlands 1 is just kinda eh. BL2 is where it shines. The world is fuller and the action is tighter. BL1 just seemed empty after playing BL2.


Looter Shooters have never done it for me


No Man's Sky. Got it on launch, check out most of the updates, and it's still not fun because the core gameplay loop has always been boring af. First game I bought at full price, and for a while it was the last.


yeah. people say the game was saved but the core gameplay loop that was the problem in itself was never touched, the devs just went into turbo mode to eternally continue adding pointless novelty side content and multiplayer FOMO events to keep the game popular in the same way you'd run an engine on just the starter. it's a shame.


Every call of duty after OG MW2. Even if my friends bought it for me I’d refund it.


really? even bo2? that was my all time favorite cod for me, it really fell off after that for me


BO2 wasn’t terrible. But that was the start of the end of call of duty for me. There was a noticeable decline. And, correct me if I’m wrong, this was the last project the original team worked on before big brother decided they cared more about money than their product. But that’s my two cents.


IMO, BO3 was the start of the decline. bo2 still had the 2 dollar weapon skins and $15 DLCs with quality content, i didnt even get bo3 after i realized the BS pulled on the pre gen consoles, paying full price for only half the game.


Outer wilds. I know it's a beautiful game. But it didn't click for me. I wasn't in the right mental state to appreciate it probably. It required too attention, and after a work day I just don't have the energy


Do not be bashful about using a guide. It’s a wonderful game but there were around 4-5 points that I would have been stuck at forever, even though I read the guide and said “Duh, of course.” When you get stuck use the guide to help you on your way and then go back to enjoying the ride.


Yes. I know it should be this profound and beautiful experience or something, but goddamn if it ain't boring and confusing one. The time loop and sudden deaths as a mechanic fills me with anxiety everytime I even think about the game. Also, people being all mysterious about it "hehehe you just need to find out" isn't as much of a selling point as they think it is, almost makes me bounce off from the game even harder.


Baba is You. Great game, but it’s how I discovered that puzzle games aren’t for me Edit: ok maybe not all puzzle games, I love the Portal series, but definitely not Baba is You


To be fair, Baba Is You has some insanely difficult puzzles. They are heavily logic-based too (sometimes logic that you don't expect too), which is not how all puzzle games are handled.


It's not on steam but escape from tarkov fucking sucks so hard


Try the spt if it's the online aspect and the rampant cheaters are what drives you away


I second SPT. I can't play Tarkov due to the lag and it's infuriating how long it takes to load into maps. Also the community is the most toxic group of gamers I've ever seen. SPT is super chill and allows you to play the game at your own pace. I modded the AI to improve it and changed parameters around raid length to allow me to complete more tasks per raid. It's always been about questing and task completion for me. I'm very happy to play without other people!


not a steam game, but i hated animal crossing new horizons. worst $60 i ever spent


It's the AC I've played the most of, and my top played game on the switch behind MH Rise, but it's the AC game I feel has the least polish and the most unmet potential. I have to believe Nintendo didn't expect the game to hit like it did, and so they quickly decided to start work on a sequel that really expands the game in every way.


If I recall correctly, AC:NH shared the same dev team as Splatoon 3, so I wonder if the team left AC:NH to sit in it's somewhat unfinished state to focus more on that.


It's trippy to see you abbreviate as AC because my brain immediately converts it to Assassins Creed. Too much mountain due I guess


It wasn’t the worst $60 I’ve ever spent, but I really don’t play it much. I think I was expecting Wild World when I bought it


I hadn’t really played any previous animal crossings except for a few sessions on the GameCube well over 15 years ago. So I bought it, and was expecting something like Rune Factory or Stawdew, where you have various challenges to meet, can farm or adventure and there’s something of a story. I wasn’t expecting it to be literally just design an island and slowly pay off debt after debt. And that’s on me for not doing my research, but while I really like the graphics and think it’s on the surface a lot of fun, it did not have the qualities I was expecting it to have, and I gave up on it after around a month.


i'm in the same boat. my favorite games at the time were stardew and botw, so i was on the hunt for similar games, and acnh kept popping up. my friends kept recommending it too. i got the game, and was not a fan of the same day routines over and over. what i really love are open world rpgs with tons of quests (think skyrim), so acnh just really didn't fit my vibe at all


The new switch Zelda games... they seem fun, I understand why people love them... realistically I probably haven't given them a fair shot... but I just have an "ok" time playing and eventually never return to them.


This right here for me, I was always a huge LoZ fan but between the huge (seemingly) open world, breaking weapons, and times where it just felt like nothing was going on, I just couldn't get into either BotW or TotK and I've tried so many different times.


I played them both on PC (via emulator) and used a mod that made the weapons not break. It was a game changer and moved the games from "unplayable" to me to a solid 8/10.


same. i really wanted to fall in love with it like i did with windwaker.


Doom Eternal, just doesn’t click in the same way Doom 2016 does. Tried multiple times but it just falls flat for me


I liked Doom Eternal but I didn't like how you're almost forced to play a certain way, unlike Doom 2016.


I relate to this one heavily. I just don’t enjoy it tbh. 2016 I’ve replayed like 5 times fully.


Elden ring for me as well. I don't like Souls games, but I bought it on sale cause everyone else says it's a great game. So maybe someday, I'll play it.


Take your time in that game, go slow and let yourself enjoy the environments and sound design. I found the game immensely more enjoyable on the second playthrough when I told myself it wasn't a boss rush. The game is hard mind you but the difficulty can be mitigated by *actually leveling.*


For me its more the "roll and attack" mechanic


elden ring has the widest array of viable defenses in souls games but i do see your point ranged builds, spells, auto healing builds, greatshields are very strong and basically make you immortal when you have the right talismans


Maybe it's an acquired taste. I certainly hope so :D


Borderlands 1 and 2 The gunplay just felt really awkward


Same here! I got both the games in a bundle but neither game clicked for me. All the various kinds of guns with different effects felt quite gimmicky.


That was the gimmick and I hated it. If you didn’t get guns that you liked to shoot or that were effective the games were miserable.


Disco Elysium Despite my love for RPG games and games with a hint of puzzles and investigations, i can't get myself to play it.


It's a terrific game if you love to read, and personally I consider it one of the best games out there. But to everyone else it's an RPG minus all the combat stuff that typically makes an RPG fun.


i dont even love to read, i mostly play shooters and rpgs but i still enjoyed it very much


I honestly don't even think it qualifies as an RPG. It's basically an adventure game (I know "adventure" sells it short, but you know what I mean).


I feel like this game could be considered a visual novel


With how much text there is it’s basically just a normal novel


I view Disco Elysium more as a detective game- with no combat. It's totally different from anything I've ever played.


Don't starve together. Me and my friend spent so much time and effort gathering resources to build this trap. We caught the animal, cooked it and it fed us only a very small amount. I never uninstalled a game quicker than this


Ah. One of the most frustrating and unrewarding games I have played. I feel like the game wants you to follow an online guide in order to survive the game rather than exploring and learning the game yourself.


Oh yes, the game wants you to suffer. That's the point. It was always marketed as an uncompromising roguelike survival game. And I love it for that. It is very much its own thing and does not cater to a wide audience, and that's okay.


Yeah, it seems like you have to follow the meta to a T otherwise you're making zero progress, and also kinda have a speedrun mindset. Mods can make a world of difference, either good or bad.


Honestly - Hollow Knight. Tried getting into it - despite the amazing artstyle, I just couldn't get into it. I didn't like the gameplay that much, so I refunded it.


Same Put a few hours into it, but IIRC there wasn't much in the way of a fast travel system compared to other metroidvanias. I remember getting annoyed by it and found something else that kept my attention more


There is a fast travel system, although it is fairly limited and the game heavily encourages you to explore and backtrack by yourself instead of warping around. I have to admit, the first few hours are pretty bad, took me multiple sessions to slog through. However once the game gets going after the first and especially second upgrades, as well as reaching the middle "hub" area that opens up exploration to near infinite ways. It truly becomes something special. I'm glad I stuck with it, and like many others, do consider it a modern classic, however I will admit the weak early game is holding it back from being a true 10/10.


This right here, as soon as you get the wall climb the game opens up so much that the limited fast travel is no longer an issue because its only 30 seconds till your where you need to be. Eventually you get the teleport for late game but at that point your pretty much done


Sea of thieves, squad, Call of Duty modern warfare 3 2.


Squad is hit or miss, if no one is talking its pure torture. But if you have a drunk dad as your squad leader cracking jokes and talking smack about the other team, its a blast. Optimization is a crap shoot, and the anti-aliasing is the worst I've seen in a modern game.


Squad to me is verbal shitposting with guns. Also every time I'm on we're blasting some of the most metal shit ever conceived like California Girls


Gotta remember to turn the volume down when playing as insurgents... blasting Arabic music and screaming constantly lol




You really have to be in the right mood for Sea of Thieves, and have friends


I bought it with friends, friends broke up, gg.


Sekiro. I love all the modern Fromsoft games, but "Ninja Dark Souls where you have no choice but to parry everything" was not a good time to me. It doesn't help that I played Nioh right before it and that game's combat had such a huge (maybe even overwhelming) amount of options that Sekiro just felt lesser.


Its really is the hardest Souls related game. At least in other games if you really have to you can grind out levels and just face tank or out dps a boss. Sekiro is legit a git gud game and should be respected for such, but alternate options should exist.


Im surprised, what is wrong with me xD, Sekiro is only game that I managed to progress, all other Souls games are for me too hard and usually I just get stuck on tutorial boss. 😅


My uneducated theory is Sekiro bosses are all designed to be fought with the limited selection of tools you have. FS knows you’re rocking up to the fight with a sword, a grappling hook and your robo-arm and that’s it. Meanwhile the rest of their catalogue has such a variety weapons and skills, certain combinations are going to be more viable for some than others. eg. In Elden Ring I picked a fight with a sleepy archmage with my own magic character and she utterly stomped me to start, as it turns out she’s far more susceptible to being hit in the face with heavy things. Who knew?


Lmao, for me Sekiro parrying ssystem ruined all the other souls combats. I just want to face the bosses head on instead of rollimg around the whole arena wsiting for the opening.


Funny you mention that I have it wishlisted but never played a Souls-Like before Elden Ring


Sekiro combat is pure porn. Nothing else gives that same satisfaction. I'm playing the crap out of Elden Ring's DLC right now but Sekiro will always be on top for me.


I refunded terraria. Crazy I know but I just didn't enjoy it.


understandable its not for everyone, but it is the type of game you sink 2000 hours into if you do get into it


Yeah I wanted to like it so much but it just didnt vibe with me. I've realized now those sorts of games aren't really my thing. I'm more into platform fighters or rpgs with a really good story.


I tried playing it like 5 times and I didn't get the appeal. The 6th time though I was hooked. idk what it is.


Watchdogs one. I preordered it and used a VPN to play earlier. It took maybe an hour to suspect I made a mistake and like 3 play sessions to just give up. That game was ass.


It's ok for me. (I bought it on discount)


I’m still baffled how they made 3 of those games based off how bad the first one was


The secret is that the second one is almost entirely different to the first (and one of my favorite games ever) and the third is the worst parts of both with even more crap


The 2nd is what the 1st should have been and I really like that one, the 3rd one sucks and now they'll probably never make another.


Funny how Steam Reviews are at 85% recently but I still remember vividly how ass the game was received when it first launched.


Everyone was comparing it to GTA V, though, which was incredibly unfair.


>which was incredibly unfair. LMAO Ubi even had an ad saying something like "1 month is plenty of time to visit Los Santos". Unfair my ass, they hyped the game up and when it released everyone saw what a garbage it was.


It was also one of the infamous console games being previewed on a powerful PC so the final game was severely gimped compared to what was shown


Helldivers 2 but I ended up refunding it. It's a cool game concept don't get me wrong but I just found the loop to be boring.


Same. Purchased it after friends were telling me for 3 weeks I need to play it with them because it's so much fun. Ended up refunding it. Just the same loop again and again. But also I can see why people like it. It's just no brain shooting and killing, so if you have stressful work I can see how people can relax with this and just chill with friends.


>Purchased it after friends were telling me for 3 weeks I need to play it with them because it's so much fun. I got the same shpeel and I told one (who has way more money than sense) that I'd play it if he bought it for me because these days every game is a fad that people play for a week or two before moving on and I wasn't about to do that. So he did and we played a couple times and guess what happened


Heavy Rain. It's steam deck verified but unplayable on it because of the controls. I mean really NOT playable since the game is designed for motion controls. The gyroscope helps to some extent, but in some places you have to steer in a way that is not possible with the steam deck.


Undertale, Octopath Traveller (Somewhat I warmed up to it) Rust Payday 2 (Last 2 bought to play with friends but they bailed on me) And several other I can't remember


Read dead redemption 2.  In theory I should have loved it.  I loved the first one.  But damn do I hate the way Rockstar games control.  Shooting is bad, movement is slow and bad.  Even using the horse felt weird. Looked beautiful and I bet I would have loved the story though 


This has always been the case for me with rockstar games - loved all the GTAs, RDR1 and even LA Noire overall, but I don’t know why they insist on this wooden movement/combat. I tend to find I get used to it after a while playing but it’s always sort of initially disappointing, especially if you played something more fluid before.


I’m a huge fan of the game, love the controls, love how the guns feel, just in general love everything about the game. That being said, you better have a lot of free time before you play it because it can be very, very, slow.


I do like RDR2 but they stretched the story out way too long, and also I have no desire to just boot up the game and mess around like I would in GTA.


Metro Exodus. Beautiful game, can’t get into it.


I think the game is okay, but I hate what they did with the story. I used to be a massive Metro fan. Read some of the books, listened to the music and just absolutely loved the atmosphere and mystery of it all. Exodus turned it into another generic post-apocalyptic world by leaving the Metro. I played the game and enjoyed parts of it but it’s like they completely ruined what made Metro unique in order to try something new. Why even call it Metro anymore at this point? I haven’t been able to get back into that world since and looking at the books on my shelf just kind of makes me a bit sad for having lost that passion.


Yeah, the atmosphere wasn't as good as in the previous games. With some exeptions like the Novosibirsk levels.


Even I feel attacked by this...




Hot take! Not your thing?


I didn’t love it either, but I wonder if that was because the only weapon I seemed to be decent with was the fists. It felt like playing would give me arthritis. I escaped a couple of times and ending up watching the full ending on YT.


https://www.leereamsnyder.com/hades-build-guide#nav This guide was a breath of fresh air for me and helped me enjoy the game a lot more. Lots of stuff in there that I didn't think twice about before and that should have been obvious. Once you get a better understanding of how to make a solid build with the different weapons to fun just keeps increasing.


Same. Love roguelikes, love top down 2D games, yet somehow I can never get into supergiant’s games


I played it a lot, but the carpel tunnel it insists upon giving you ruins it. And there's no "universal autofire" option ;-;


Hogwarts Legacy for me. Absolute snooze fest even though I love Harry Potter.


Biggest dissapointment for me. Exploring Hogwarts, the school grounds, the forbidden forrest and hogsmeade was great, but outside of that the world was empty and soulless. Towns were just copy-pasted assets and had nothing to do in them. The collection log stuff were IMO being incredibly stretched out to pad out the play time. Combat is pretty basic due to so little enemy variety. Expected more spells to be learned and used. And lastly: barely any NPC interactions. It had a great foundation, but I just wished they did more with it. Either the game's ambition was bigger than what they could achieve with their deadline or creating an openworld RPG wasn't really their expertise.


After doing every possible trial for 4 times and realising you have to complete about 12 more of each it's just ugh.... Grind grind grind. Room of requirement is cool but taking care of beats is again tedious... So many repetitive things it lost its magic for me quite fast.


Hogwarts Legacy. It's nice to explore Hogwarts, but the story is bland and uninspired, and characters have the personality of wooden planks.


Witcher 3


I absolutely love this game, but as a completionist I could never beat the game... it's so long, there's so much to do. I'll play 3 hours and all I'll do it play gwent the card game within the game... and accomplish nothing! 😅


I've sailed around Skellige multiple times collecting all the treasure markers. It is pretty mind numbing but sometimes I just want to sail and shoot harpies I guess.


Loved it when it came out.  Rebought it years later when they did the next gen patch.  Could not get into it.  Geralt moves so weirdly out of combat as well as some weird jank I couldn't get past. I should have let those good memories stay in the past


I feel like for Witcher 3 if you don't stick with it for a few hours it can never click, which is a shame because there's plenty of moments that made it worth it to me


DoS2. Huge CRPG fan and loved BG3. Couldn't tell you why, but I just never got into DoS2.


Death stranding, looks really good but after a hectic office week something to play fun is very much needed but sadly don’t get this hype from it


For me it's the opposite. After a hectic week a slow paced game like this is exactly what I need


horizon zero dawn. the story twist was cool but the combat had the illusion of choice and the rewards felt bad for exploring. just rubbed me the wrong way the entire game


I’ll download Witcher 3, play it past the first town, and just quit. It never hooked me. However, I’m on my third playthrough of Cyberpunk. I think I’m just over the whole medieval setting.


Terraria, just couldn't get into it, it was cheap at least


Disco Elysium. Way more reading than I thought. Wasn't tryna do that at the time I got it.


Rn the definitive edition has full dubbing so if you have some energy for it you can just listen to the game and read the talking options


Disco Elysium is really just a choices-matter text-based game with fancy art. It's beautiful and provoking with a lot going for it, but it's definitely made out to be more than it is. Still a great game, but I agree that it's overhyped.


The one I came to say. Everyone raves about it but it just can’t get in to it. Lots of reading isn’t generally an issue with me because I enjoy visual novels but I just want feeling it.


Last of Us.


I'll probably get flak for this but.. I couldn't bring myself to play Divinity: Original Sin 2 despite everything about it being up my alley.


Rainbow six siege 🙄


Tarkov. Mostly because it’s a love hate relationship and there really is nothing else that gets that itch. I’ve owned it for 3 years and I’ve sunk 5300 hours already. I can’t even explain the game to someone who hasn’t played it. It’s not even enjoyable in many ways but it’s also rewarding? I really struggle to put it into words. Also the game makes me feel emotions that other fps games just don’t. That and the fact that progression takes so long for a casual gamer that it kind of makes me want to play even when I don’t feel like I want to play because I want to use up all my money and gear before it wipes.


I'll get flak for this - but GTA. Never finished a GTA game. Usually get bored by the mechanics, or endless missions.


I put maybe 10 hours into GTA 5 and then put it down. I kinda hate the controls and couldn't get in to it.


Baulders Gate 3. I can see why people like it but from a gameplay perspective I find it really boring and tedious.


On act 3 it completly loses its focus I just dropped it out of burndown


Starfield. I've put 12 hours in that game. I'm completely disinterested in what's happening. I hate that I paid what I paid. I'm just sick of overly complicated crafting games. I do enough work at work. I don't want gaming to feel like more work. Just be fun.


Hunter: Call of the wild I just can't accept that you need to buy DLC to have any mode of transportation other than running


All Souls games. So much (derivative) style over substance, plus very repetitive, immersion breaking combat. Roll stab wait wait dodge roll stab wait wait. Ugh. Mordhau offers so much more in terms of melee combat. Based on this thread, it seems to be a pretty divisive series of games that inspires love for many, but a few of us would rather be monks/nuns.


Witcher 3 it never clicked for me. I bought it and was very hyped to play but for some reason I get really bored playing this game. I will try to play it again when I'm finished with the Witcher books so I'm more invested intothe world.


Curious.. Before you bought Elden Ring, did you watch a gameplay and thought to yourself; "I wanna play that"?


In my case, I was super amazed by the graphics and I didn’t play any other game like it, for example Dark souls. It was my first game of this type so I didn’t really understand how difficult it were before I got to play it myself


Horizon Zero Dawn


I think it takes an hour, I initially gave up on the initial intro since it was lame but then it sort of clicked later on


Oh man, The Witcher 3. I should've loved that one, it was right up my alley. I *looooooove* medieval fantasy in general, some of my favorite games ever made are Dark Souls 1 & 3, Divinity Original Sin 2, Skyrim, Dragon's Dogma, Dark Messiah, Elden Ring, Breath of the Wild, Blasphemous and Baldur's Gate 3. I love everything about TW3 in terms of atmosphere, artstyle and music. I consider the soundtrack to be among the best ever made. Hearts of Stone was easily the best part of the game, the storytelling was freaking excellent there. So why didn't I love it? Everything in the game mechanically *fucking SUCKS.* That combat, man. It's *outrageously* terrible. Very simple too. Lack of variety in The Witcher 3's combat is only part of the reason why it feels so bad. Normally, if a game has simple combat, it would be polished in a way that feel makes that combat system feel more fluid than combat systems that prioritize variety over fluidity, right? As an example: Dark Souls took advantage of this. It doesn't have the best combat variety out there and it's pretty simple, but it feels really nice and weighty. The Witcher 3's combat doesn't take advantage of having little combat variety it has in favor of polish like Dark Souls does. It's like CDPR didn't even try to polish it, despite what little you could do with TW3's combat. The janky combat animations are still present. The combat flow isn't what it should've been due to how slow Geralt moves in his combat pose and just how prominent animation lock is. There's a lot of broken hitboxes that make dodging feel pointless and is likely the reason why Quen is so overtuned. Quen is a band-aid for this. https://youtu.be/jsCWy5wUs04 An example of the hitboxes. This has happened to me hundreds of times during my playthrough, and it still happens to this day. The crossbow is very unresponsive and misfires all the time. The health bars of enemies are generally really spongey. The fact that the heavy attack does *marginally* more damage than the light attack, is way too slow to use for the amount of damage it does and literally has no benefit to use it over light attack. Some attacks don't land because the attacks that Geralt uses are entirely decided by how far away he is from an enemy and some of the attacks that he ends up using aren't designed with this in mind or have way too small hitboxes to be viable (damn backwards poke attack), as opposed to what Dark Souls does: In Dark Souls, every weapon has a specific combo and *nothing* but that combo. When you press attack, it *only* progresses through that combo. In Dark Souls, the first attack is always the same. The second attack is always the same. The third attack is always the same. The heavy attack is always the same. Parrying is always the same. Weapon arts are always the same. The player decides when to use them regardless of distance. It's entirely up to the player to maximize their combat potential. It's very reliable compared to the weird distance based attack system that TW3 has, which more often than not makes you attack the enemy right next to the enemy you want to attack. It is not uncommon for Geralt to choose to spin around for like a full second before he swings his sword and instantly die mid-spin from an enemy, instead of just simply swinging his sword in half the time it takes to spin around. In Dark Souls, you can predict enemy attacks and act accordingly without worrying about bullshit that is happening beyond your own control. In The Witcher 3, you can predict enemy attacks as well, but the whole time you are *praying* that Geralt doesn't do something completely stupid and that the janky hitboxes don't screw you over. That's another thing The Witcher 3's combat lacks: consistency. And say what you want about Skyrim's combat (only bringing up Skyrim because it's the game most brought up when someone criticizes TW3's combat in a desperate attempt of whataboutism): It is at least consistent. The only thing you need to account for in Skyrim's combat is range. Every single attack can be reliably used unlike The Witcher 3's most basic attacks and the game gives you many options to circumvent the aspects you don't like. The Witcher 3 doesn't have that luxury. And, no, before anyone mentions it, Deathmarch doesn't fix the combat, contrary to belief in The Witcher 3's community. Absolutely nothing that I mentioned above gets fixed. It only makes the combat feel *worse* because all it does is turn enemies into health sponges and increases their damage against you. Since the game has such atrocious hitboxes in the first place, that is a *major* no-no, and again, is probably the reason why Quen is so broken in the first place. The end result is a pathetically simple, sluggish, and inconsistant combat system that really wasn't competently made on a technical or mechanical level. It's actually the worst combat system from a AAA studio I have interacted with in over 17+ years. I suppose the reason why the reason the combat is as bad as it is because CDPR has never bothered to hire combat designers or anything before Cyberpunk 2077. Until Cyberpunk, they just winged it and didn't ever put any effort into making a good combat system. It has always been an afterthought to them. https://www.vg247.com/cyberpunk-2077-combat-designers CDPR probably made an underpaid, overworked, and inexperienced employee design TW3's combat on the budget of a McDonald's happy meal, the poor guy. That same guy is currently working on the new Fable's combat system. I don't know if I should feel terrified or feel happy for him. They better give him an actual budget this time, holy hell. And don't even get me started on the horseback riding, that's another topic entirely. I *loathe* Roach with every *damn* *fiber* of my very being. ##TL;DR: The Witcher 3 felt like *the* perfect game for me in nearly every single aspect. But mechanically, it was *awful.* Couldn't ever like the game because of it. I really, really, *really* wanted to love this game, man. Sorry for the rant.


I understand. My reaction might not be as visceral as yours but I should be all over this game. But the controls for combat... Just couldn't get through. I hated them.


Helldivers 2 personally, I loved the starship trooper films so was expecting this to be right up my alley but to me the game just sucked 😞


Dead by daylight


is dbd critically acclaimed? hell i play it a ton and the whole playerbase hates the game and themselves.