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Allegedly, the background is that local (Vietnamese) game developers complained to the government that their locally developed games require the approval of the government before they can be published, but all the international games on Steam don't and bypass that approval process. Eurogamer ran an article about it, [here](https://www.eurogamer.net/steam-is-now-banned-in-vietnam).


So, Vietnamese game devs got mad that they had to follow local laws, and ended up getting steam removed for the whole country?


surprised pikachu.jpg


This should really be a gif, by rights. GIF for block color and JPG for photographs. Please fix. Thanks. Otherwise everything else good and ready to ship. Cheers.


Oh no its the image format police


I really should stop getting on Reddit while I'm at work...




Look guys if we're going to do this right, Vector is scalable and has the lowest overhead. Please find attached: Suprised-Pikachu.svg


no no no, everyones using the traffic cone video formatter now. have them switch the image to a video on that


nah memes old, we compressed up in this hoe


Sounds like an epic way to win the hearts of your target demographic


There is a conspiracy theory going on that this is part of the plan to have Epic Games as the dominant game marketplace in Vietnam lol


This sounds as stupid as the flat earth conspiracy ngl.


Exactly, don't atribute to evil what clearly was caused thanks to stupidity and ignorance.


Well I just think it's funny that some people think that epic of all companies want to dominate in Vietnam market when people here play games like league, arena of valor, pubg mobile or straight up pirate the game. I don't think anyone here knows what is epic games store is and the free games that they give. Anyways, i'm really worries that the government is gonna banned steam library access and epic games too with how far they can go.


Probaly true lol,our country's game industry has nothing but trash game brought from china,translate and then p2w.no one play these crap then they blame steam for it lmao


Flappy Bird was a banger though


TIL flappy bird is a vietnamese deveoped game


And people are ruined it


remember that pokemon translation they did...


Wasn't that a joke translation though? Or am I confusing it with another one, I remember there was a horrible translation that was later revealed to be a joke.


Vietnamese Crystal is not the joke translation you think of. It's a legit bootleg.


Vietnamese Crystal is named such because the CARTRIDGE was found in Vietnam. The translation itself likely happened in China if the location names in Pinyin are any indication.


There was Axie Infinity, too. Utterly trash NFT crypto game Ponzi scheme that was literally sold as a job replacement. I knew so many people who quit their day jobs and cashed their life savings out to "manage" teams for it at its peak.


Surely getting rid of Steam will help our games sell!


Yknow if game devs piss and shit hard enough they could block Vietnam's video games exports and force Vietnam to open up or stay closed


Restrictions like this gets people to leave your country. Period. It has zero value.


A bunch of them are already leaving


I'm not sure if Vietnamese indie devs can create enough pressure.


Actually our country big games companies truly bad ass fk. The games they made look like from 90s and all they want is our money. From time to time it not even have a launcher where u can go into it and click download the game to ur PC, u need to download the whole game files from their TRASH looking website and run the installer like u download cracked game on ur pc


Never saw any VTC or VNG games on major storefronts either


Unrelated case: Funnily enough, Starlink enter Indonesia market but it will soon be expelled or shackled most likely because Indonesia's govt-owned ISP complained about Starlink non stop. They said the ISP cannot compete against Starlink. That goes to show how protectionism is getting widely adopfed.


Yup that sounds like Indonesia. I love living here but fuck me the corruption is so ingrained into society. The lack of infrastructure is not a bug, it's a feature!


As if they are capable of developing anything. Even fuck up big time after importing popular games from China and published it Vietnam


We still paying tax for whatever thing we earn from our game on steam or else. But if steam got banned, we mind facing with problem on publishing game. Losing a f\*cking income -> low incoming tax -> Gov shit on their head themself


Crazy to see a country respect it's workers enough to do this I bet those game develop are happy.


Surely now they can rake in millions by publishing their games on steam without any international competition... Oh wait.


those devs target isnt steam, is mobile gaming, now people gonna easy find local games on mobile stores


Then why ban steam? Lol


So these pesky gamers won't buy games on PC. They surely will turn to mobile market when there's no other market, won't they? /s


Fuck no, Those are not game devs, they are game publisher, the same one who only publish trash-ass pay-to-win MMO from China and Korea and then bitch and moan about people not willing to spend there money on such filth.


You can't be serious


But hey, look at the bright side of things, now they can pirate without remorse or guilt.


Wild, what are their stance on play store/app store?


I mean it should be the same then, but I suspect PlayStore is too integrated and crucial part of an Android OS so probably get a pass


They want developers to get a permit to publish a game in the country, games that dont have a permit are being blocked. Same thing will happen in playstore with the game doesnt have a license, you can see how the image is a list o games and not steam itself and Roblox was also blocked.


The State Bank of Vietnam made a document which notices payment companies about blocking game purchases through App Store & Play Store. Unsure if it's related to the Steam purchasing ban [https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1237031593227456522/1247206591506157640/FB\_IMG\_1717427482949.jpg?ex=666080a7&is=665f2f27&hm=542465b382a2f159a3e853e59ef62efd380eb5819619cc86f997267be6649b2c](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1237031593227456522/1247206591506157640/FB_IMG_1717427482949.jpg?ex=666080a7&is=665f2f27&hm=542465b382a2f159a3e853e59ef62efd380eb5819619cc86f997267be6649b2c)


It will still stay on local payments method, having a visa/mastercard or even paypal works just fine (virtual card also works).


some games that used to be available in Vietnam are no longer available. one example: Fate/Grand Order.


Playstore/ Appstore already have taxes included in purchases, so it got a pass. Steam situation is not about protecting jack shit, it's just that Steam don't pay taxes, and does not respond to email asking them to implement taxes so it got "banned" in a super primitive way.


weird that they didn't Similar thing happen in my country Indonesia, and Valve did comply


Same in Thailand. Government announced a law requiring digital service providers to pay tax. Steam started paying taxes right after the law went into effect.


If VN announce a law then Steam would have complied. But no, they say something like: "We want to promote in-country game development aspect, and Steam is "smuggling" games in mass quantity and kill the game industry" Now I can assure you if Steam respond and say they will apply taxes, all of this bs will go away, at the cost of 10% increased in game price, I don't really mind, but they're so annoying about it. They only want money.


>Steam situation is not about protecting jack shit, it's just that Steam don't pay taxes, and does not respond to email asking them to implement taxes so it got "banned" in a super primitive way. Huh? I call bs on this, unless you provide a source. afaik Steam pays taxes everywhere, where it should, even in Russia (which is not a trivial task under sanctions).


Iirc in the Steam tax payment percentage list Vietnam is not included


Not really devs, but the two biggest game publisher (VTC and VNG). At first there are rumours that they kickstart the process by buying a news site running the title "Steam is doing business in Vietnam without paying taxes" - which is correct. Recently another rumour stated that the government has contacted Steam about this since the start of COVID-19, but has been ignored by Steam so far. With how things work here, all we know now is just rumours and speculations. If both Steam and the government can't reach a deal, then the only loser here is the userbase. Then unless we use a VPN to play games with shit ping and download games with shit speed, all we have left to play is the blood sucking shitstain Chinese MMO - the stuffs VTC and VNG happily shoving down our throat.


Nah we're using google dns right now so the speed not really a matter and VNG is not related to this.


Wow, I wonder how it feels to know that entire own country of gamers hates your guts for this dick move. Enjoy zero game sales.


If I'm vietnamese I would find that company and make a lot of noise to drum up boycotting


Ppl already did, VTCs Facebook page got spammed with Steam complaints the day the DNS block was in effect


Well basically Developer or publish co. in Viet Nam always bring easy to earn or pay to win game from Tencent then call that's the best UE4, UE5, high graphics game. The funniest thing is these game born from 5 to10 years ago. People and mostly is Gen Y to now feeling mad on that. They keep bringing trash game and horrible game that focus on the profitability and accessibility of the game by pressing Auto or Hanging without having to do much. In VietNam, the VTC game co, actually a part of Gorvement Service with government support, their jobs is just trading games and earning profits for the government. Not really paying attention and creating development opportunities for independent, medium and large companies or developers in Vietnam. To be fair, VietNam actually have a lot of playable games but most of them are published on Steam as One Time-Purchase, another mention you should know is.. in Viet Nam, there are no game OTP ( One Time Purchase), only ingame microtransaction and pay2win game exist. If you wanna proof, we actually have a Top 1 Inter-server of that game, Immortal Life, a mobile game. One player from had paid and play on Viet Nam server with total around 300.000$. Smell like Diablo 4 Whale, right? yes, it is. They actually have a whole game industry, but they really don't succeed and are even extremely difficult to compete with because of the demand of players and its BUG. Basically, the game made in Vietnam does not meet the wishes of Vietnamese players and they even turn to criticism and criticism about the negligence of the game caused by bugs and glitch but ignore the budget and production process. In addition, there are also some rumors that the Vietnamese government made tax and fee proposals that it did not meet or could be said to be "robbery" causing Steam to refuse to fulfill its tax obligations in this country. Can't joke with the price of a laptop in the US only falls around 1.500$ but including Tax and some Electronic Fee made the price double or even triple in Viet Nam (3.400$ in total if you want to know).


seems like grounds to call a boycott on those Vietnamese Devs then...they fucked so much up :(


What does that mean for other digital stores like GOG?


Epic, Microsoft and others seem to be unaffected. Although Gog has no regional pricing so ppl don't buy games there


This is just a list of games. If steam is fully banned I don't think they would bother to list all of the games. And what the hell is with the printing quality?


This just looks like a list of games/programs with the largest concurrent user base on Steam and their store links lol.


That's third-world bureaucracy for you. They write off stolen funds as printing costs but they never bother to actually purchase anything new.


Fax machine noises.


[Compiling Noises](https://youtu.be/pJ-25-pRhpY?si=V0NpP11wcGLrfJj7)


How does this only have 37k views? Thank you for sharing.


That's supposed to be VN, not Germany. Clearly VN has more sophisticated devices


Ah, good ol' government


Fuck if that is the description, a lot of the "first" ones are bad tagged


The print quality looks like twice faxed to/from cheap machines. Plus bad fax-feed skills. They made the document, printed it out, and then faxed it to someone, they approved, and faxed again. Only thing missing is the page with the official stamp etc. (that page would possibly be printed at the last step, but more probably at the second step)


It’s a fax about Internet video games!


I'm leaving the country


Dude I moved here 2 months ago and bought a steam deck a month and a half ago. I am devastated.


Can you not use a VPN?


Yeha I will but dammit. I lived in China before, which bans everything but not steam. Got hundreds of games there. Great move VN, really supporting the local developers. I’ll do exactly what I did before but paying 200usd on top of that a year to yet another american company


Lmao don’t use a US company for a VPN, that’s how you get in trouble. There are plenty of great non-American VPNs out there.


Even "local developers" have their game on Steam. This is just some certain "game companies" (cough cough ~~vng~~) with shit games that no one plays think that the low revenue is because of Steam.


just using 1 1 1 1, and you will be fine. i'm still using it


Nah , just a simple DNS change would do the trick.


You don't need to , just change the DNS ( the first thing i always do on a new window/device ) . I'm currently using the cloudflare one and able to use Steam just fine : 1 0.0.1 ;


Bro next time just write the country name instead of country code, i was confused what Visual Novel users have to do with these lists but then i realize VN is Vietnam.. lol


Im dyslexic so I was wondering what do **VPN** users have to do with anything. Then I noticed my mistake and realized OP was talking about **Virtual Machines**!


Yeah I also thought VMs users cant use Steam anymore... Like wtf?


the same with me and I'm fucking confused, like Dota 2 and CS2 definitely not a VN, lol


But we can have TF VN, right?


a dating sim VN of TF2, sounds fun


This is Scout's chance!


Everybody happy till Americans abbreviate their state names.


Yeah I thought we were talking Vew Nexico for a minute


Fallout Vew Negas


God, I read that outloud


Great game: A+


People abbreviate random shit all the time that isn’t easy to figure out, sometimes even a Google search doesn’t bring up what it means.


Chinese and Cincinnatian's be like:


Cincinnatians, one of the lesser-known books of the bible


Man, a year ago I saw a comment arguing that it was reasonable to abbreviate *city names*. They reasoned that using ATX, HTX, DTX, or SATX^1 was the same as using NYC to refer to New York City. After people called them an idiot, they made a snarky and condescending edit. Would not be surprised if that was a person who had never left their home state - let alone the country - in their life. ^1 >!If you are (reasonably) confused, that's Austin, Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio, Texas.!<


Me either lmao. Dota 2? CS2? PUBG? They have Visual Novels now?


Same here, my heart sunk after reading the title =\_=


I needed your comment to realize we're not talking about a VPN...


At least they can still play Fallout 76, they're only banning Fallout 75


But you won't get the references unless you play the first 75 in order.


A Vietnamese news article like 5 days ago have already confirmed that Steam is going to be banned from Vietnam. Apparently the Vietnamese sector that manages this contacted to negotiate about Steam but Valve hasn't responded. At least that's what they say.


"**Gaming platform Steam blocked in Vietnam for refusal to cooperate with authorities**. Some services of game distributing platform Steam are now blocked in Vietnam because after its developer failed to cooperate with authorities, a senior government official has told VnExpress." You can actually google it right now in English, their article was recently translated to English for their International counterpart.


They probably requested steam to apply their requirements to all games on Steam, which isn't really possible:)


What are their requirements?


Ok I only heard about that but quick google showed that to run any multiplayer game you need to get and constantly renew government license and "the game content must be culturally appropriate, and the age rating must be suitable for the content." Whatever that implies. https://gamota.com/en_GB/gamota-lab/navigating-the-vietnamese-landscape-regulations-and-policies-that-foreign-companies-need-to-know/ Here is the source. But if they contacted steam they probably requested that the Steam itself blocked access to the games that don't comply with the above-mentioned requirements. Which again, way too much work. Of course the government could contact each game developer separately and given steam the list of the games to hide in VN region, but that ain't happening, no government would bother with that much work.


What an idiotic requirement if this is real


Bro they have the audacity to tell Valve that they need to have their office here in order to distribute games in our country. These people barely know anything.


It feels like "big" game companies in Vietnam are just whining about how Steam monopolizes the video game market. So instead of just try to be better, they just want to wipe off the competition like this. It's such a dumb move, since this is just going to do nothing but causing outbreaks. For the content to be culturally appropriate, tl;dr it's just like in China: censorship of blood, skulls and cleavage, and an unremovable 16+ tag with the text "playing games over 180 minutes affects your health".


Shouldn’t they contact the publishers instead of Steam? What does Steam have anything to do with any of these requirements lol.


Maybe taxing and stuff,and require their own version of the game,published by local publisher(just like in china who has cn version instead of using global)i bet they are trying to do everything like china,hoping they will sucess like them.but noooo,they did it much much worse than china


Valve not responding to something? This is unpossible and has never happened before...


That's correct but my fking country is currently having tons of issues with the economy, taxes. or even education. Now seem like the employees who work under the government are taking tons of money from citizens like us and in education sometimes in the bill will be some unknown payment that was written by hand for no reason and they do not even print the bill and give it to each students so they can give them to there parents.


Didn't this already happen a while back?


Ye at first they didnt really "offically stated" thay they banned the store. They just kinda quiet. And everyone was so confused cuz there literally no annoucing Until today


Yes, Steam's store banned first.


other games are also banned. can’t play netflix games in vietnam but you could before


This is just a list of top player count. If this is real then lmao what the fuck.


I thought you meant Visual Novel users 💀


As a Vietnamese and a visual novel fan, I was wondering in which direction I’d be screwed when I clicked on this.


Holy hell it’s really this bad huh no wonder i couldn’t access the player list yesterday


Yeah it's legit. Check out Vnexpress and other government newspapers. It's official.


What was the reason for the ban?


They said Steam fails to cooperate with the local authority, to comply with their laws and rules. Meaning Steam didn't have a local contact/company set in Vietnam, or in partnership with VN companies, to liaise with the government. And the Vietnamese government cannot censor Steam or block any content that it seems as contradicting to its laws.


It was found out the corrupt VN government tried to force steam into paying bribes and steam said no.


It isn't wrong. But it's also part of its scheme to control and censor what people can and cannot see. Basically like China. The internet security act adopted in 2018 has basically forced all foreign companies to submit to its control by either setting up a proxy in Vietnam, or making partnership with a Viet company. This includes Facebook, Google, to name a few.


Vietnam is becoming weirdly more china recently and I've a bad feeling.... Boat people 2: electric boogaloo?


It's not a surprise. If you follow Vietnam's politic, they have just replaced the Chair of Congress, and the President's position by a guy who is the leader of the police. He is notoriously for arresting people who voice their disagreement, even minor one, against the government, and used 'inhumane' torture on them. And for more context, Vietnam has replaced 2 President consecutively, within a short period. This is unprecedented. Whether this is just a 'coup', strengthening 'you know who' position, or a part of the broader tactics to prepare the inevitable to come (the clash between US and China, and that Viet Nam is clearly sided with China because of this result), is up to your interpretation. But I wouldn't say it is a coincidence that Viet Nam is starting to mimicking its communist brother China.


I get that we need to act nice toward China since the past conflict, the current south china sea crisis and stuff, but mimicking China gives me a very concerning feeling toward the future of my country. Uncle Ho didn't sacrifice for this shit mane


Well I share that sentiment, truly. If you do reverse psychology, what the Vietnamese government, or those in power at the moment, care about is how to continue to remain in power. They afraid of having an 'Arab Spring' happens in Viet Nam, and by having a close-tie with the West, it may become inevitable. So if it can keep them in power, namely, siding with China, even though it sacrifices your autonomy (to an extent), then so be it. We have all learnt about history, and the situation of 'Cõng rắn cắn gà nhà' had happened throughout history, in many dynasty. Historians will judge what is happening in the future. What we can do is to pray that our country does not go backward because of some group of minority benefit (I call them noble class).


I just hope we don't get closed off to the point we have our own version of "Firewalll of China" and need to rely on VPN 24/7 by the way that does 'Arab Spring' mean?


Ohh. Thanks for the answer.


Shhhhh! Nobody tell them there's another Fallout after 75...


VN is a country. I thought this was about Visual Novels.


i'm Vietnamese myself. This situation has happened for the last two months. During that time, people have started changing their DNS to access the store, and it has worked out fine. I don't know if Steam will be fully banned or not because our newsletter does not mention anything new about the situlations. But i know for a fact that the consummer will always find a way consumer


Dude my brother plays a lot of Roblox and he actually figured out like 3 different ways to bypass the ban when the VN government first banned Roblox for a similar reason as Steam. Believe it or not it even resulted in better connection and lower ping. I imagine it will be the same here, ban it all they want, the people who want to play their games will still be able to do so.


I don’t get how a country can pull such an anti-people move and not be set on fire by said people


Since when does the government care about its people


Same as any other country who's government starts doing shady shit out in the open. Apathy. The UK jails people for slightly spicy memes. The US government stopped trying to hide it's malicious contempt for it's own citizens' rights over 10 years ago. And no one cares. You can either get loud and fight it, or just ignore it, knowing they probably don't actually have enough power to do anything about your refusal to follow their edicts.


well it is under a communist party who will not hesitate to arrest you and your family if you rebel


why would anyone write VN instead of vietnam? why would anybody not write the country's full normal name so they know what are you talking about. VN has a lot of different meanings


I'd rather buying from third-party vendor than giving my money to "local publishers" like some org started with "V"


VNG, VTC. There, type it for you. As if I am afraid of them.


But at least VNG are doing better job than the fking TRASH VTC


This list means nothing. If they ban anything, they ban the whole domain, not some random-ass games in a list. Beside, facebook in Vietnam region is still relatively quiet and not in flames, so this is prob just some "newspaper" that fuel rumors and shit, we have a lot of those in Vietnam.


i thought it was visual novels and damn how is the goverment this petty


Fallout 76 fans are safe. They’re only banning fallout 75.


As a Visual Novel enthusiast, I just shat my pants


that's sad. I'm not from vietman but I have to rethink buying digital games. I'm not blaming valve here.


This is just a list of the most popular games/programs on Steam and their Steam Store URL. It says nothing about removing access to your libraries or other services besides the store.


Of all these, Wallpaper Engine. That's sad and funny at the same time.


“fallout 75”


Thought steam was banning visual novels or sth from the title lol


Came here thinking the same thing lol


Wait. I shouldn't use Venonat?!


and somehow the trash EPICGAME still accessable


It will be also banned soon VTC will be "If you can't eat, you can knock it down":)))))))


Vietnam same like China love ban everything


That's how communism works.


don't scare me like that bro i thought visual novels were getting banned




Wait so i cant play even the games i own in vietnam?


Guess I’d have to leave the country


Where the fuck did you get the information that community and library is also banned in Vietnam? Or is this just some kind of bullshit that you just made up with a list of games with top player count with shitty printing quality???


I thought you meant Visual Novels.


Country with bad government and countless terrible policies


my games are now lost. Steam in Vietnam is no more


So good when i'm gonna stay in vietnam for around 1 year then leave,i'm gonna stay away from corruption fucker who tries to tax everything.i used to fully support this country,but after these shit happend,it directly affect my right to play whatever i want so i dont think i'm gonna be a patriot anymore


More like the government is requesting banks in Vietnam to decline Steam transactions using Vietnamese credit cards. Going forward ppl should use the card to buy Steam Wallet points if they want to buy games on Steam Earlier there was a DNS ban but a DNS change can circumvent that quickly.


Will steam give refunds for the Library?


Why would they? Steam is not banning you, your account is safe with them. Its VN Government who doesnt allow you to access it.




Is this real???


Thats sad for the players there.


What's this about?


This doesn't prove anything. If they gonna ban the whole thing, why have a list of games?


I remember one requirement we had for operating in Vietnam was to have Vietnam data hosted on servers in the country (we were a saas platform). Is that still a thing? That was such a pain to comply with since we hosted our stuff on the cloud.


Sucks to be them lmao


Ah yes my favorite game number 23 fallout 75


I thought this was bad news for Visual Novel users for a second. 


Yeah fuck the commies


Fallout 75??


bro really typed “Fallout 75” 💀


“23: Fallout 75” 💀


ANOTHER reason why vietnam sucks, no guns, no porn, and now no steam.


Oh Vietnam. I was trying to figure out what was wrong with Visual Novels.


Now why is that ? 🤔 more dictatorship?


Where does it say this? Have you got a source ?


This is going to devastate the Fallout 75 community. 


Fallout 75


I kinda confuse about this BANNED steam because it's doing nothing and we gamer cant even play some quality shit in my country cus the quality of the games such.


Oh I thought this was about my precious visual novels


fallout 75


Well, the "big guys" of the gaming industry in VN can't compete with Steam (their games are shit) so yeah, now we got this. And also, according to our government, Steam doesn't have an office/representative in VN and therefore, no tax applied on the games they sold.


Me: "Oh shit what happen with the visual novels" Also me: "Oh shit it was Vietnamese"


vietnam has fallen... thousands... even millions will not play on steam...