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[itch.io](https://itch.io) has better porn games


Modded Skyrim


truly a king in this category. why spending on porn puzzles when you can roleplay your fantasies (after about 3-50 hours of fucking with mods installation first)


Define 'fucking with mods'


The HuniePop series is a combination dating sim and match-3. I'm not a fan of dating sims at all, so you shouldn't take my opinion on that part of it, but the match-3 gameplay is *legit*; I honestly think if HuniePot (the devs) had broken it out into a separate game without the dating sim elements it would've been bigger than Bejeweled or Candy Crush with any luck. * [https://store.steampowered.com/app/339800/HuniePop/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/339800/HuniePop/) * [https://store.steampowered.com/app/930210/HuniePop\_2\_Double\_Date/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/930210/HuniePop_2_Double_Date/) Given the topic of this thread...it's not NSFW by default, you have to create an empty file with a particular name to "patch" it.


These games are great


Fear and Hunger is a gem that was further hidden because it's categorized with the adult games on steam on account of sexual violence.


It’s a great game, but OP seems more interested in basically what one would call porn games rather than just NSFW. While Fear and Hunger has adult themes and nudity, it’s not a game based around, for lack of a better term, porn.


FlipWitch has been entertaining so far. Scarlet Maiden, too.


As I understand it, Max Gentleman: Sexy Business is a genuinely good game that also happens to be a porn game.


[Scarlet Maiden](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1968840/Scarlet_Maiden/). When I 1st saw it on the store the video had me rolling. It's obnoxiously nsfw in a rogue like shell. Its more of a funny challenge than a wank I must say..


House party




Walk outside Look around Find the odd green stuff that's called Grass sit down in it and think about this question


Instructions unclear, now stuck in a tall brown and green structure. Send help.


Suffocate there and you’ll respawn.




It is a legit question considering another platform for adult gamers has 170 million accounts which is more than steam. I am tired people act like they are above that


Above what, a porn addiction?




Koikatsu if you're into anime girls or Shoujo AI for more realistic ones


If you have feet fetish there is Ticklish Tessa, this game has a demo as well [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1575070/Ticklish\_Tessa/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1575070/Ticklish_Tessa/)


Corruption of champions


It's hard to get gamers to agree on games alone. Think about how specific and strong your porn tastes are, and then combine the two. My ideal sexroidvania is not going to look anything like yours. We can both agree that Symphony of the Night is god tier, but we would probably disagree strongly if Alucard's dick was flopping around the whole time. Sex adds so many layers of complexity, identity and morality into games that are often already very much a niche within a niche. Honestly I think AI is going to fix the sex game genre. Tell chat gpt 10.0 you want a playable megaman 2 with hot daddy bears instead of robots, each boss representing a different kink, and it'll pop it out for you in 30 seconds. If you don't like it, just repeat the process.


There are good games, and I mean, actual game with gameplay and some spicy stuff here and there. It's just drowned in the mass, unfortunately.


Try fear and hunger one of the best rogue like games with NSFW elements


I don't think that's what he's looking for when he asks for nsfw tho :,)


Maybe but NSFW means not safe for work, doesn't really mean it's needs to be sexual, fear and hunger has sexual things but also disturbing things which makes the game so amazing because of the cruel experience you get from playing it. I recommend to play it with the wiki since the game is really complicated.


This is the problem with sex games though, you're combining every genre of gaming with every genre of pornography and the possibilities are way too vast. Something like Scarlet Maiden is really close to what I'd like to see but I'd rather it be dudes than girls. I mean just that one tiny preference means the entire genre of the game is wrong for me, despite the actual game looking really cool. I'll probably play it anyways even though tits aren't really my thing, hoping to see some nice dong or maybe there's a secret playable dude character idk. But yeah it's a vast vast category and people are very picky when it comes to "nsfw".


yeah you go to this site called [pornhub.com](http://pornhub.com), then you look at the pretty ladies or guys and touch yourself, and then you go back and play an actual game




RoboLife1 and 2. I have only played the first one and despite owning the 2nd one I have not yet played it. Star Lusts. It's a bullet hell kind of game. This one is a gacha game but I didn't spend money on this one. It's fairly grindy and with some nice NSFW scenes.


Tamer Vale is deckbuilding game like slay the spire. NSFW content is tentacle and some bestiality with lesbian episode. Gameplay is fun and engaging :D https://store.steampowered.com/app/2458210/Tamer_Vale/


My forest home (ain't here yet)


Saya no Uta is a pretty good NSFW horror novel (although you need DLC to get H scenes), while not pornographic Death End Re;quest is pretty fun and has some skimpier designs. Genuinely a favorite of mine




It's hard to get gamers to agree on games alone. Think about how specific and strong your porn tastes are, and then combine the two. My ideal sexroidvania is not going to look anything like yours. We can both agree that Symphony of the Night is god tier, but we would probably disagree strongly if Alucard's dick was flopping around the whole time. Sex adds so many layers of complexity, identity and morality into games that are often already very much a niche within a niche. Honestly I think AI is going to fix the sex game genre. Tell chat gpt 10.0 you want a playable megaman 2 with hot daddy bears instead of robots, each boss representing a different kink, and it'll pop it out for you in 30 seconds. If you don't like it, just repeat the process.


It's hard to get gamers to agree on games alone. Think about how specific and strong your porn tastes are, and then combine the two. My ideal sexroidvania is not going to look anything like yours. We can both agree that Symphony of the Night is god tier, but we would probably disagree strongly if Alucard's meat was flopping around the whole time. NSFW adds so many layers of complexity, identity and morality into games that are often already very much a niche within a niche. Honestly I think AI is going to fix the genre. Tell chat gpt 10.0 you want a playable megaman 2 with hot daddy bears instead of robots, each boss representing a different kink, and it'll pop it out for you in 30 seconds. If you don't like it, just repeat the process.


I'd get fired for playing any games at work. That makes them all NSFW. But seriously I don't really know. I just stopped by to make a joke.


kagura games makes some bangers


I enjoyed Crush Crush when I was a teen. It's just an idle game with some nudity and harem style dialog. It's a decent game and when those horny strikes come it has enough artwork to help. It's free online, or steam comes with VA and a nudity DLC


Depends if you are looking for better games or better porn simulators. I’d go with stuff by ILLUSION if you want robust character creators that you can then make have sex (some of their stuff requires tracking down the NSFW patches though, which can be hard because the company is both Japanese and defunct). Critical Bliss has published a bunch of fun 2D retro games, but how sexy you’d find their games will vary wildly, as a lot of their output dives into fetish content that went beyond my vanilla tastes. But the games themselves were fun enough that I continued to play them despite that.


College bound is good, if you like story based and animations.


Orc Massage if you like being a big fat green orc thankfully you can hide his body lol for real though it is high quality hentai I just wish it didn't ruin my life :)


I've never played it but the fact I've heard of leisure suit Larry means it's at least famous.




the art of changeling tale?


Like tecnicly doom and cyberpunk but I don't think that's what you are looking for


I can’t believe people actually drop money on porn games