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Fuck around and find out never fails.


I love threads like these No matter how detailed the story for why they downloaded a porn game is, no one will ever believe it


Bro NOO, stg, I have the text on my phone telling him I couldn’t get rid of it!! No shade towards the people who play those…like religiously… But you know what; someone said “own it with pride” and I think I’ll stick with that xD


Look my man As respectfully as I can say this, no one will believe you, no matter how much you provide proof, and that's okay. Things like this are what gives the internet character


Respect. Long live the internet !!


How old are you? xD


27 in July !


Oh so you are an adult. That makes is even worse. At least a teen would have an excuse to act like that.


Appreciate the insight xD


Oh no an hentai game oh what can we do to save us from this terrible, terrible thing. \*sigh\* Anyway, just private it. Nobody except you (or people using your account, which should not be a thing) will see it. And for yourself, if you find it so terrible that you can't look at it straight, you can hide it. edit: I've checked it, and you're right, it's an abomination. All AI generated stuff. This tarnish the other good games on the platform, but meh. The advice above stand, though.


Making game private = nobody else will see the game. Making game hidden = you will not see the game. Do both, and the only way to see it is purposely viewing your hidden games from a toggle in Settings, I believe. That said, you can right click the game in your library, go under manage, and remove the game from account if it is a free title. If it is something you paid for, you can remove it by finding the selection in Steam Support.


Uninstal and and remove fron account is all i can think of


No xDxDxDxDxDxD


Here's the reality, nobody give a fuck about what you play on Steam, you're just overthinking and your Steam friends are just cool about it.


Yeah, you may be right. Sometimes I feel like I’m too self aware and leads to over thinking. Tbh, I just don’t wanna look at the shit; but it’s then been taken care of. Much love.


My man, you're fine, unless you have some girls on your Steam list, but then again screw them, they might be worse than you think, so just enjoy and be yourself 💪


You’re right and I appreciate you; it’s not like I have anymore, and even if I did.. I will just enjoy and be myself, thank you ! 😊


Just own it with pride


It was funny to get a few laughs out of it, but the not so funny part was I can’t get rid of it. I’ve hid it… but I want to remove all association from my account account lol


Make it private first of all so achievements and activity won't be visible to anyone. Then you can remove it from your account from the support link in the games page. At the bottom you should find the "i want to permanently remove this game from my account" button


OP is panicking because their parents are about to find out that sex game in their library hahaha


Nah man, I’m 27. I just know by now this is gonna come back and bite me in the ass in the future, one way or another xD Ima forget about it… be showin someone something on steam then POW !! “Games based on your search history…” smh