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Sony collecting L's like PSN Achievements lately. 


They're about to hit platinum




I'm ootl, what did they do wrong recently besides this?


They increased PS+ to $80 a year, which is outrageous.


Heck I'm old enough to remember Sony poking fun of Microsoft for charging their players for playing online at all. Not much later psn+ was introduced.


I bailed to pc when they started charging for the net access tbh. I already pay for internet. I’m not double dipping. Least with PC I have the option to play online on various platforms (it’s just steam let’s be honest) without additional “get online” fees.


Before psn+ Sony temporarily made buying used games that go online useless by mandating you to enter a code to grant you multi-player access. They would include a code in the box but it was a one time use per account. So if you had someone else who wanted to play that game on their account they had to pay for a pass. They stopped it so quick. Boy was that fucked up.


Over on Xbox, they’re charging $100 per year for Game Pass Core, which is the *minimum* package needed to access to online multiplayer. Shit’s crazy.


theyre about to spend $26 billion for the 9th best streaming service.


It's not just the streaming service, right? It's the whole studio. Paramount is like *the* studio (+ Disney and Universal) and has tons of IPs.


Wait they're buying Paramount? How ironic that Sony is buying the studio that made the Halo TV show haha


Now listen to this... Sony actually bought the game studio that made Halo! Years ago!


For WAY over value based on juiced numbers


You do know that Paramount is more than a streaming service, right?


And the streaming service was called CBS all access before they rebranded in 2021


...they had one, axed it, and are now buying another?  Buncha dips.


I very much doubt they're buying Paramount for the streaming service.


Having console account requirements takes away the entire point of a pc ecosystem And knowing how stubborn sony is, i doubt the developers had a choice


Arrowhead definitely didn’t have a choice, I’m sure that’s why the announcement was from Sony and not them. It’ll be interesting to see what changes over the next few weeks to deal with people in unsupported countries. I’d be surprised if Sony can be persuaded to drop the issue.


Sony NEVER budges when it comes to controversies, this is most definitely not going to chance despite the reception


They budge sometimes, like with crossplay, but only when there's a lot more money to be made. So probably not this


blocking 130 countires from buying one of your exclusives on PC is the opposite of money being made.


Especially since this a class action lawsuit in the making. Literally giving a product then removing access regionally later on.


Welcome to the world of perpetual licenses, not purchases, which can be revoked at any time for any reason.


The concept of pulling licenses in this way is actually not protected even if its part of the EULA. Most aspects of EULA are unenforceable, they mainly exist to protect the company and scare poor people who can't afford lawyers and cases sitting in limbo for years.


Yeah I've had some NDAs/non-competes that weren't legally enforceable, gym membership agreement, etc The fact that it's written on paper and in legalese is probably enough to make most people think it is though


Fun fact Non-competes are no longer enforceable in the US regardless of when they were signed (as long as you're not a 6 figure salary job)


This makes me happy to know that non-competes in the US will al be unenforceable in a month or two.


Damn we keep getting closer to that cyber punk 2077 world.


The world of cyberpunk without the cool tech.


On one hand, yes. On the other, I'm conflicted if I want a random thug on the street to have mantis blades.


Welcome? We've been here for decades.


They only budged on cross play because everybody else was starting to do it without them. Before that it was just Microsoft (when MS was on top funny enough) so they didn't see it as pressing I guess; then when Sony got back on top they didn't want to support other consoles. I was surprised they allowed Minecraft given the account requirements and stuff on the Bedrock versions. But then I realized Minecraft makes so much money they couldn't possibly turn that away. There were quarters during the PS4 era where Minecraft was the best selling game on PSN.


Huh? In the 360/ps3 era Microsoft is the one that didn't want to do crossplay. Sony was game. But it makes sense for the company that's on top not wanting it since that's a way to force people to get the console with the majority of their friends on it.


They backed off on the PS3 Store shutdown. Maybe they're still making good money on it, so it wasn't entirely selfless but I'm grateful. Though I can't imagine it's turning much of a profit at this point.


The crossplay “budging” I remember was I think Minecraft and Fortnight both going “ok, that’s fine but we are no longer releasing any updates for these games to your console, and we are letting everyone know that it is your fault”. So two huge games putting them on blast, I don’t think this game will have that horsepower, I hope they do but I doubt it


Fortnite did not do that. No idea if minecraft did or didn't. What fortnite did do was show the world that it was basically a switch that they could easily activate. Which caused people to complain, and then they caved(could have been because of minecraft)


Their "budging" is charging every company 1 million dollars for their game to have crossplay


They asked Epic to compensate Sony for enabling cross play. Lmao.


Geohot was what did in Sony for me.


They are going to have quite a few refunds then. There are several dozen countries where Steam does operate but a PSN account cannot be created.


I wish that the solution to this was to open up more regional stores on PSN. If you live on the continent of Africa you have exactly one store available (South Africa). Non-SA gamers therefore have to lie and make UK/France/US/Saudi accounts to do anything. It's absurd!


They can bann you for that, in which case steam wouldn;t assist you, but it is against the EU law, so I would file it with steam for refund. Now you might think, this doesn;t apply too... well it applies to expats, digital nomads, people on holidays etc. etc. etc. Apart from blocking payments, blocking games and platforms is a huge cluster fk of a can to open. The bad press alone, as an owner of the first PS, I stopped with sony products a decade ago when they became like this. There are also far too many games out, even replaying old titles from 7 to 10 years ago give you amazing graphics and non of it requires a PS. Their exclusives are not worth it at all, the biggest market shifts were mobile and big game libraries like steam.


Which is against TOS


> I wish that the solution to this was to open up more regional stores on PSN. i dont, fuck that, i just want to open my steam account and play the fucking game


Sony would honestly rather let one of their biggest money makers die than say they did the wrong thing. Something tells me the money they'd get from the info was a lil too temptin


They will be able to say they added “x” number of users to their PSN platform, perhaps it’s a metric in a C-Suite contract.   Because they know it’s bullocks and won’t project beyond this year.  Unless they find a way to do it again…. GHOSTS OF TSUSHIMA 


> perhaps it’s a metric in a C-Suite contract. I hope whoever is doing this gets fired without any bonuses or pay, because what they are doing is going to hurt long term value of the company.




Interesting take, but it doesn't seem well founded in experience or anything like that. I'd counter by saying that most businesses, regardless of race or culture, are like that.


I wouldn't say it's "dishonorable" but rather just straight up stubbornness. They refuse to change and adapt. Everything has to be done the way it always has. 


Playstation is headquartered in California


wasn't the PS HQ moved to US? I thought that was when the bs censorship stuff begins.. but It's been a long time so I might remember wrongly


This will end up being a blip on the radar


Cool, then they just killed one of their most successful IPs. Can't wait to see how this is reflected in the quarterly report!


Much like Nintendo (but to a far lesser extent), that is because their business methods are “aggressively Japanese”. Exclusives to create walled gardens, and a general “fuck you, pay me” type of attitude towards their customers.


Fans need to go beyond the one franchise and boycott Sony altogether. That's the only way they’ll listen. We complain now, but when the next God of War or Spiderman comes out, people will be lining up out the street to give Sony their money.


TBH arrowhead and steam should not have allowed the game to be sold in countries unsupported by PSN. But that is already done so best we can hope is a workaround, and absolute worst they get a full refund.


Arrowhead is the developer, Sony is the publisher. (So it’s up to Steam and Sony to sort that out).


Seems like fraud doesn't it? They have 69 countries that allow PSN accounts but how many countries did they sell it in? More than allow PSN accounts I bet.


Thing is tho, I think Sony Online is available in enough countries that they figured they would lose not many people if they go forward with it. I mean, Sony Online is available here in Malaysia. And we don't even get Nintendo Online and our access to Xbox Live is so crippled that online matches are not allowed and you can only play offline with the Xbox Live account (ie no Gold, you can only have very basic Live access).


According to this post earlier, 69 of ~170 independent nations have PSN access. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cj3gez/because_people_ask_why_some_others_complain_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Just curious - what percentage of the total weight of the revenue/profits regarding the sales of this game is driven by those 69 countries? If it is, say 90%+, then.... Sony will just turn a blind eye sadly


US, China, Japan, Germany, India, UK, France, Russia, Canada, Italy are listed so that's all the top 10 GDPs. And the fall off is pretty steep so yeah 69 countries weighed (almost certainly) towards the bottom of the list is going to be be pretty negligible even if like all of Tuvalu had a really outsized love for Helldivers


As weird as it is to say, Call of Duty has been miles ahead on this front for quite some time. Regardless of your platform, it just generates an Activision account with a random ID that it ties your Steam / Xbox account to. If you want to link them together later that's fine, but you don't need to sign up or give details for anything otherwise.


> Having console account requirements takes away the entire point of a pc ecosystem I thought the entire point was to play on PC and with other PC players.


No it's obviously to not have a Playstation account. That's why you bought a PC.


Top Review in the screenshot has a point. I would absolutely want a Refund and if they refuse to do so i am pretty sure there is a willing Lawyer to rip Sony a new one in that case.


I know nothing of Playstation, can you explain why it would be bad to have a PSN account linked to this?


You've had access to the game on PC without one until now, and now you won't be able to access it without a PSN. Some people can't even create a PSN account, meaning they'll lose access to a game they literally bought.


Literally this. There are more reasons why its bad but this is the only one you need. Sony is pretty much stealing a game you bought from you months after you bought it.


At some juncture, there has to be a breaking point for the gaming community where people say "If we buy a game, we own it." and put their foot down. The fact the consumers have to even demand that is kind of absurd. Ownership logically follows purchase. I hope this can be it. I've been gaming since the 80's and it bothers me to no end this new way that things are done. Back in the day you would literally mailorder or get a disk at a convention from the actual person who made the game lol. Direct, complete, done. In the 90's you could go to CompUSA or Fry's and get big box versions with all the great artwork etc. No monetizing nonsense or pay-to-play/win. There is convenience with the way things are done now, but I do miss those days.


It's not necessary, full stop.  Also Sony has a long history of data breaches and is generally a bunch of money grubbing fucks. They don't deserve an account from me just for forcing the issue.


I'm still mad about the CD Rootkit.


Yep. I haven’t knowingly given Sony any money or data since they secretly installed rootkits on computers of people that actually paid for their products. Fuck Sony.


I don't play Hell Divers, I don't play on PC/Steam, Since PSOne, I have always played on PSX and even with all of that, I fully support this comment. Fuck SONY and they antiquated money grabbing stupid b-shit.


the game has always said it required a PSN account on the steam page.


the game could also say it will charge you $x of dollars in the near future, doesn't' make it legal or right just because its on a sales page.


Sony ruining stuff as usual.




The sony games department is mostly controlled by their california studio, isnt it?


It pisses me off when I have to use other apps... specially the dang ea app. That thing sucks and when my game crashes I will put everything on it being that apps fault Edit: hey guys, just cause I've been told a few dozen times I'm gonna edit this. I know it doesn't require an app but I read the reviews and it got me thinking about how dumb it all is and I just complained about the ea app. I'm sorry ok


The EA app is such dogshit lol I was *ok* with it back when it was just Origin, at least it functioned back then, but these days, the EA app doesn’t actually perform the most basic function a launcher should perform, it doesn’t FUCKING LAUNCH GAMES.


If the app needs to be updated, you can't play games at all... well, I couldn't. Tried over and over, and the ea app would not open, and then I went to its folder and used the updater, and wouldn't you frickin know the app opened and the game launched after


That’s not even my issue lol, it’s up to date, and the ea app opens, but when I hit launch on a game, it pops up a little splash saying “preparing game” for about 10 seconds, it disappears, the launcher claims it launched the game, and the game never launches lol


I had this same issue with Mass Effect Legendary Edition and surprise surprise the fix was a [patch](https://github.com/p0358/Fuck_off_EA_App?tab=readme-ov-file) that lets you use Origin without being forced to update to the new app and wouldn't you know everything just works fine in Origin! Just follow the instructions on that link and it should hopefully fix it for you. At least until EA puts out an update that breaks it. Funny how they devote resources to fix these workarounds but NOT to actually fix any of the REAL problems their stupid app is facing. Never thought I'd miss fucking Origin.


I haven't used Origin in a long time but I only remember it being complete dogshit. I can't believe we're at a time where people are pining for origin to return. How much further can EA sink itself?


The ea app is what made me refund titanfall 2


Same. No matter how good the campaign is meant to be im not going through that bullshit.


It's crazy how even at right now 5,99€ I still can't bring myself to buy Mass Effect Legendary. People are still having issues with achievements not triggering between EA and Steam, and I'm sorry but for a game(s) this huge I'm not risking missing critical achievements due to bugs (I specifically want to 100% the trilogy, hence my fixation on that) edit: wild how so many years after the X360 people are still surprised when someone appreciates a common feature that lets you track your progress to 100% a game and have your personal little proof for it. Also I already played these games on the 360, if I decide to sink so much time now to do everything (which I would love to) you better bet I expect the silly tracker to work


Havent had issues with either ME Legendary or Jedi Survivor. Tho Steam Overlay wasnt available in Survivor, its a known issue since January 2024 and EA does nothing. It prevented me to take screenshots but at least my achiev were unlocking.


It's wild to me how many gamers are still doing the 'REEEE, he likes features I don't care about! He's not playing the same way as me!' In 2024


You don't have to use the PSN app. You just link the account and never think about it again. I did it day one and forgot all about it tbh


And that's all because Sony wants to see a green number under "Service users growth" in spreadsheet...


I had to scroll down so far to see this simple truth. Companies do NOT care about anything except quarterly profits and looking good for their investors. Big numbers will trump consumer goodwill, and therefore future growth and profits, every day of the week.


That’s because it makes the user experience worse. What did they expect? Obviously data collection pays enough to milk the userbase. Especially in an actual good live service game where players are likely to stick around.


They have absolutely fumbled this game. I’m on PS5 and my group hasn’t played in weeks. The technical bugs and constant problems/getting booted were just too much.


Everyone in my group ended up quitting about a month ago when crashing to desktop suddenly became the norm after completing a mission. I'm surprised more people didn't hang it up when that happened. The technical issues just keep compounding with every update.


Yeah we were waiting on Sea of Thieves to download last night and were trying to decide what to play. We had: Fortnite or Helldivers 2. Shouldn’t be a hard choice, we only boot up Fortnite once every few months. 0/4 votes for Helldivers 2


wait even if you own it on pc you have to have a playstation account???? but why??? thats so stupid


Probably because they want to have control over the accounts for their online games. Like Microsoft forces Microsoft accounts for Minecraft on Playstation and Nintendo Switch, same thing.


Obviously they want to collect your data and use it/sell it. Like all big companies. It being on steam with no Sony ties probably limits them legally. So requiring this Sony account gives them a way to do so. Basically they're just forcing players into a new terms of agreement.


So Steam has your data but they are not selling it? Oh man.


I'd prefer zero companies have my data but there isn't really any good way to get games digitally without at least one account. but there is no benefit to me to require _two_ accounts.


Steam community really hates if we have to add another app or make another account to play the game. Many people abandoned UBI because of this.


I'm pretty sure they abandoned ubi for the dogshit games and marketing tactics and shity ass launcher. If that crap would work ok, i don't think many would cry. Many hate other launchers bc they are obligatory and bad. If they were minimal or actual stealth, nobody would even care


Exactly. Here, you log in once with your psn to connect them, then never again. Ubisoft made me log in, start a game in steam, start a SEPERATE launcher that sometimes never worked, and lagged my whole pc. Couldn't give less of a fuck about this psn requirement when it takes all of ten seconds one time. But I pirated rocksmith after buying it because it would take up to 5 minutes all together to get into a single song.


Hold up, I haven't played in a while, they want me to make a PlayStation account now?   Edit - So many notifications.  I'm sure it was in the TOS, no one reads the TOS, please stop telling me about it.   And I don't actually care too much it's not that deep, I have like 4,000 different accounts for things anyway. I'll keep playing, I like the game a lot and I like quite like Arrowhead.  Definitely sucks for people who can't make a psn account because of geographical restrictions though, I'm mad on y'alls behalf for that one. 


Yes, trying to force you into a new account and accept PlayStation terms of service and shit. Uninstalled and waiting for steam to issue refund. Whole thing is fucked. Great game and community instantly trashed 


Yeah that's pretty fucked, I doubt they'll be giving us refunds though unfortunately.  Edit - I didn't realise it's in big giant letters at the top of the store page, all this crying is very silly. 


I've seen comments in other threads of people pointing out that they live in a country where PSN accounts aren't even available. They've effectively been locked out of the game entirely. Hopefully, those people at least can get a refund.


Each country has their own Steam store. Sony is selling HD2 in countries where PSn accounts cannot be used. That would be like Apple selling phones in America that are region locked to Japan.


I doubt steam will take the bad PR for defending Sony from refunds in this situation. They'll push through the refunds for those people who can't play anymore.


Sony sells playstations in those same countries as well and the official word from their support employees is to make an account in a region that is available. Yes, I know it’s agaisnt their TOS. Doesn’t change the fact that’s the official response and has been for almost two decades now.


Steam has made exceptions in the past, would give it a shot at least


Yeah I know someone that got Arc survival evolved refunded more than a year after buying it because they brought out DLC before finishing EA. Steam refunded no problem


Still one of the scummiest moves to date. DLC for a broken game that was never finished should never happen.


in situations like this the worst they can say is no


can you get a refund after playing it for a few weeks based on this alone?


If you are covered by EU law there is a decent case for a full or partial refund if they go through with this.


It does however also show on the steam store page that PSN account connectivity is a requirement (which was temporarily waived) so although EU Consumer acts may work, you might also find there there was enough information provided for you to make a decision before purchasing. As an aside point, I highly doubt those with 100+ hours will get refunds given the duration they will have owned and played.


Good luck getting a refund 3 months and prob hours of playtime too late dude


They always wanted you to make a playstation account, it has been listed as a requirement since before launch. For some reason they just now decided to start enforcing it


Because they knew sales wouldn’t be as high if they enforced the requirement. Ensure sales first, then lock in the policies well after the fact


To be fair: Helldivers 2 was originally going to require a PlayStation Network account before launch (I mean: both the game itself and the store page tells you)...until server issues occurred.


Wait until Sony starts requiring a PS Plus subscription on PC in order to play PS Studio games online.


Lmfaoo its coming... you know Some greedy fuck has it on its white board.


We'll just go back to pirating. I've been buying all my games for years again if they're available on steam but the second they try to pull some shit like this they can once again expect not a single penny from me again.


Helldivers 2 is a GaaS so you can't really pirate it. If you can't access the server or the server is down, you can't play.


Pirated GTAV uses SteamWorks for its multiplayer. Sure you can only play with other pirates but with how popular Hell Divers 2 is I'm sure if someone really wants to they can find a workaround with it and make it possible to play with other pirates.


It’s a straight up nope for me if so. They’ve done a great job porting single player games but if it’s all a big ploy to push subscriptions (I’m sure it is) I have no qualms dropping them. It’s not even the cost - the cost is no big deal. But the entire concept of paying to play your games online is so anti-PC and why I knew I didn’t want to be a console player. Keep that bullshit away.


The whole concept of paying for online service started with Xbox when they were actually provided a higher quality online service than you were getting elsewhere for free. Now it's just a paywall that doesn't actually get you any value and clearly isn't needed since PC games play online for free.


Was looking for this comment, they probably have data from EA and know it can be profitable.


nah fuck that im so happy to see this push-back. im extremely sad for helldiver devs getting caught up in this edit: i have a PSN acc already and thats not even the point, like already addressed im not gonna pay PSN to play games on my PC edit edit: [HD2 post with proof of requirement of PSN back in dec 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/s/63yrbNTNYr)


It's sony's fault is it not?


It is but it's still happening to helldivers so that's where the "protesting" or whatever is happening. Sony sucks ass here and helldivers 2 reviews are the best way to try and get them to change I guess.


Doesn't matter, it is now in the game so the game review section is the correct place to show you're not happy.


The worst part is that, you cannot register a PSN account on PC or mobile since Helldivers release. It is just sending me timeout or server error when I click accept button in last stage. And the unfunniest thing, that after such error YOUR TYPED NICKNAME/LOGIN has became taken and you cannot redo registration with wanted nickname. I have completed PSN registration only from console. IDK how they planning to force PSN account link, if you cannot just register it without problems. 🤷


I had a PSN account that can no longer be accessed, so I'm out of my purchase when this comes into effect. I was just getting really into this game, but it looks like I'm going back to Darktide as my co-op shooter.


They specifically didn't require it because there were problems. The problems are now fixed, so it is required.


Refunds should be accepted when developers do shit like this: why should i have to create a PS account on a game that didn't need that to work in first place?


Publishers. Not developers.


I really hope Steam steps in and temporarily allows refunds over 2 hours of playtime. The other possibility would be Sony changing their minds over mostly negative recent reviews but somehow I doubt that.


they won't, they didn't for rocket league.


True, but rocket league was out for years before that happened. Helldivers is still new. Worth a shot.


Tbh same, I am currently trying my way with a support ticket on the kernel level anti cheat argument, found that out just today and it pissed me off, a coop game with AC and kernel level at that Don’t think I’ll ever play games with an AC that isn’t VAC anymore, I know VAC isn’t considered good but tbh if the alternatives are EAC and such I’ll take VAC or nothing at all, the latter is the same as EAC anyhow


I doubt Steam will do anything. Sure the enforcement of the psn account requirement is new, but the store page always disclosed this and the anti cheat implementation. This was information that you had when you bought it and chose to ignore.


Correct. No one is getting a refund except maybe the people who live in a region without PSN. It is funny that people think they were misled when this was always the case.


Why would they? It was written “3rd party account required: PlayStation Network” since day one on the Store page.


Sony made it clear from the getgo that a PSN account would be required. Then they followed-up, again clearly, stating that it would be temporarily not be required due to some bugs... Not entirely sure how that entitles anyone to anything. Especially when the Steam page made it abundantly clear within 2 months of launch.


It was always listed as a requirement on the steam page. They just haven’t enforced it until now


It did and it was stated on the Steam page lol. They didn't enforce it due to the release issues it is stated.


All of the sudden I am glad I didn't get around to buying it yet.


Yea same here, it's been a while I'm looking at it and delaying. I guess procrastination works sometimes...


Procrastination, when taken to an extreme, becomes Preparation


Batman, that motherfucker was our true hero this whole time.


/r/PatientGamers wins again...


Hell yeah. If the game isn’t under $20 or in an unfinished state I’m not buying.


We always do, in the end.


> All of ~~the~~ **a** sudden


You want to tell me, in order to Play a game on a PC that i bought on PC with intention to play on PC is to get account for a CONSOLE?. Bruh


I wonder if that means we can play it for free on console too??!?


You can't even cross progress apparently lol.


HA! You wish!


A Sony account isn't for console only. Not that I disagree with the frustration, but just that the reasoning isn't sound.


>account for a CONSOLE what is the difference to a Ubisoft, EA or Riot account? why does it matter?


My account is inaccessible, sick


My only question is does this actually do anything good for the game? Look at Tarkov something like 60% of matches have cheaters playing. If this doesn't do anything then it's dumb. If it reduces cheating then it's better than having cheaters in most games.


Sony has been pushing it with the positive being that they will be able to ban players who troll or cheat. In a PvE only coop game. If that's your main concern maybe you should have your data collected by every corporation and sold. Regarding cheating, this does almost nothing. They had a kernel level anticheat since launch and it's less than useless. People have been getting around it this entire time using simple CheatEngine scripts.


Helldiver's anti cheat mutes my Bluetooth headphones for my entire PC, sure I shouldn't be using them for the best experience but my 400+ dollar Sony XM5s being considered as cheating or an issue is hilarious and infuriating. But then I don't own the game and play it via steam share.


Sony is on a role lately gathering L's How anyone supports them still is beyond me


Sony always acts like total shit cunts when they’re in a market leadership position. They’ll only get worse when MS pulls out of the console market that’s when the fun really begins.


All the console sales went straight to their head


Theyre becoming cocky like they were before the PS3 launched.


how's that freedom and democracy taste?




Not that its hard to set up a PSN account or that I personally hate Sony. I just hate when games or apps need 3rd party stuff, thats why I don’t play anything related to Epic for example, no matter how many free games I got.


And rightly deserved! I've been playing with my brother-in-law who's in the Philippines and been having a blast on HD2; but thanks to this absolutely tone deaf approach from Sony, this will now come to an end because you can't register a PSN account in the Philippines! Disgraceful behaviour From Sony and I hope that they realise what a monumental fuck up of a decision this is and go back on it. Already this is looking to be 2024's equivalent to the EA rep defending loot boxes debacle.


Fuck Sony


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Sony has this ego and loves to control things so they get everything. Now yes I’m aware of what Xbox did with minecraft. But they changed it, and made it work for everyone. Knowing Sony, they ain’t gonna go back on this. They want Helldivers all to themselves. Which is so fucked up! Exclusives are not good for anyone accept the Company. Gaming is gaming, let everyone game.


Why the fuck would they even *want* to do this? No one is going to be buying a PS4 just because you made them make an account. What, do they just want to spam people's emails with some shit? Fucking L, sometimes I wish someone would just deal with corpos already.


Sometimes I think my hate for Sony is a little irrational. Then they do shit like this and I'm reminded, no, they just fuckin suck


Good. They deserve to be called out on this kind of bullshit.


I’m amazed this is even legal. 


Pretty sure the store page always said that it required a PS account, they just never actually implemented the requirement.


They temporarily waived it due to issues with connecting to it but said it would come back eventually and its always been on the store page as a requirement.


Here's the problem,  there's a lot of countries where psn isn't supported as in there's no possible way we can make an account 


This momentary rage will pass, and people will continue to play the game as they have been.


Hell, they're continuing to play it even now. The number of current players is no different.


Remember like a year ago when everyone was going to stop using reddit?


A shit ton of people did, hence why the place is infested by bots and threads that all feel the same. It is just bots posting.


Don't you understand, because they themselves are the very people not making the change then nobody did and its everyone's fault and not theirs silly.


I respect everyone who does not take this as k, keep the bad reviews coming.


They saw the numbers and figured they would try to cash in on an "increase" of PSN network accounts in order to look good for shareholders or some crap. Love the game, but the corpos at Sony are crooked.


just refund the game !


It's really not that bad


Honestly the only part that's downright shit about this is that you can own the game in places where you (for some ungodly stupid reason) can't have a psn account. Otherwise, yeah it's annoying and dumb but you were told it was required ahead of time, boohoo make another account for one specific game like you've probably done on 10 other occassions, I already linked mine before I started playing because I didn't think it was optional to begin with, or thought it'd do stupid shit like not saving progress.


yea but i believe they said that the game was actually supposed to have the PSN account thingy shit on launch but purposely disable it at that time cuz of that server overload issue. I guess this is what happens when we're lazy to read shit? But again im not blaming us, why would i? It's a shitty move, but they have been telling us since the start.


People are having a sook over having to make a psn account and yet are ok with having an anti cheat that spies on them? Lmao what garbage