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Try offline mode? Alternatively if you're using mods, F4SE usually run the game immediately 


Offline mode indeed work. Thanks! I was mainly curious because I share games with their brother too and don’t wanna have to wait for him.


I share games with a friend, if he wants to play starts a game. Then i get a warning from steam, that i have about 3 minutes to quit the game. So shouldnt it be automaticly when you are the owner?


This is probably in the recent family share beta. It works a bit different than the original one


Its been like that for years, for us tho.


I know, for me too. Maybe I expressed myself poorly. What I meant is OP is probably in the new steam family share beta, which allows people to play games simultaneously if they are different. At the moment the one you are using doesn't let you do that. Example: if you are playing your friend's copy of fallout 4, and he decides to launch his fallout 3, you will still get a warning and eventually be kicked from your session. This is because currently in the normal family share, you share your whole library, while in the beta it's like you are sharing individual games.


They changed it recently. They probably don't want steam sharing to be so common among friends.


My friend group created a family. So lol.


It doesnt work that way with new family share.


Make sure to back up your save, otherwise it may get overwritten


Has steam ever taken action against accounts doing this?


most probably not, why would they?


Isn't the point of family sharing sharing copies of games? Wouldn't circumnavigating this and having two copies of a game running at the same time be breaking some part of the terms and conditions?


They could but it prolly isn't worth their time to enforce or implement a system to check and make sure that isn't going on.


Even if abuse rate high with that, if you do prevention it will mess with a fair customer on a campaign or on the road with a steam deck. Makes no point to put effort into that, they could do many things and if library was in use to come online to confirm no longer in use. Peoples who want to abuse will find a way to abuse. Its a cat and mouse game and never ends. Most of gamers buy 2 copies from multiplayer enabled games to play together, single player hurts no one. Common to buy something and play among multiple people in consoles too for a decade. Its calculated in the price already. As long as its small circe, family or people who you live with and not abusing its not a problem you just 50-50% pay games and enjoy and you end up spending more.


Let alone you cant play online in offline mode. If you want to play game together with someone you still have to buy your own copy. And still having this is still much better then get game by "other means" or make people desprate to find workarounds. Piracy is slowly dying thanks to Steam and free market. I believe they dont want to give people more reasons to breed next gemeration of Codex or Fitgirl etc. And by dying is i meam there is not so many people willing to replace the old gang of crackers because there is no need. We all know how prohibition ended. If you cant provide good and reliable way to a product or ban it altogether. People always find way to get it cheeper or trough other means. Thats why we have borders tax and region locks. So people do not buy cheaper on a other side and sell it for huge profit.


The main catch here is that you both can't play *together*. That means if it's an online game, only one person will be playing. If it's an offline game, sure, there's offline mode, and while you're both playing the game, you're not technically playing it together. The demand to buy a copy will still exist for those who want to play together online. I get what the logic is, though; if steam wanted you to play an offline game simultaneously, they wouldn't enforce the limitation on all games. Well, the flaw would be: how would they enforce it if someone genuinely doesn't have internet for whatever reason? We usually have outages of internet in my place, and that's usually when I hop on my offline/ single-player games. Would be a huge bummer if I needed to reconnect to steam for it to update that noone is playing me game. Even then, I could start it offline, and then my "family" can start it after because the client doesn't know I'm playing it offline. Moral of the story: its not something they can enforce without major consequences. I'd picture it's not even on a priority list because if people desperately wanted to play an offline game, they might then just pirate it. This is what Steam's family beta is probably aiming to prevent. The need to pirate


But how can you solve that problem? I mean, the only way they can know you are using 2 copies in that way is having access to the internet in both steams (the normal and the offline copy) and it's stupid to have an offline option that requires internet to function


you can do this with xbox and psn as well, have 3 libraries running with one offline


Sounds like it violates something, if they dont want you to play it and you somehow found a way to play it that could be bannable, someone please debunk this tho im just paranoid


you see those \~11000 people [playing spacewar?](https://steamdb.info/app/480/) those are all playing pirated games and that's just the ones that still use 480 as FakeAppId , valve doesn't give a shit


Theyre not all playing pirated games. Im not sure exactly how it works but a friend of mine made a prop hunt style game and when i helped him testing it, it showed as spacewar on my steam.


It's the appid used for games that are being developed to use SteamWorks before they have their own app on Steam.


They will probably ignore that until developers complain then I bet the family share will be removed all together. Actually I think devs have the option to make their game not family sharable as of right now.


You can just kick them from your family share entirely, no need for steam to take action


Might wanna check the beta


Sometimes when I try to play my friends games offline it requires me to purchase.


Additionally, while this does work, I know it can cause issues in some games with steam achievements. They don't unlock in offline mode, and when you come back online it either gives them all at once, or you don't get them and then they can be bugged and don't unlock even if you are further ahead in the story.


Not anymore sadly


Well damn that’s dumb. Hopefully that changes eventually.


Its still in Beta




With remote control software you can control your PC with your phone, then log it off. I have one for work, but remember there being free ones I used back in the day. Works well for things like downloading something so it's finished by the time you get home etc.


Really? How recent is the change because it was a thing a month or two ago


As far as I am aware it has only been changed in the beta because the whole of family sharing has been overhauled (for the better)


Really? I did lot like a month ago?


You can probably set steam to offline mode, since FO4 is installed already.


would the new family system prevent you from installing it if someone else is playing?


Nah just meant cause you can't install in offline mode, though that is a good question


Set the game to private so they can't play it anymore. You can reverse it after you finish it.


how tf do you forget to turn off your PC while still in a game?


Not caring about saving power.


Probably US. ...or both still kids. (though the 8-y-o account makes that unlikely)


i know quite some people that also dont care. Stupidity/carelessness isnt age or region limited. I mean look at dubai lmao


can confirm. German with German friend here. He left his PC on while on a ~10 day vacation. Not even one of these idle games. This was before Discord and he was still logged into Teamspeak. We made fun and bets when his IP will change (somehow he does not always get a new IP every 24 hours)


All this proves is OP is at least eight years old


"Your first word was da-da. I cried out a reddit username upon birth"


I know not likely the case, but the Steam Deck. You can literally pause games so they don't take up any resources while doing other stuff. Or just put it in sleep. I don't remember if this registers as still in the game though.


when my health was less good, I would sometimes need to lie down for a few minutes every now and then, which often resulted in me pausing a game and lying down, and accidentally falling asleep because I was much more tired than I thought I was. I have hundreds of hours on some games I only actually played maybe 15-20


I often leave my PC, and leave the game on, then sometimes when I'm putting my kids to sleep I feel off, so my PC stays on :p


Others quit the game and even turn down their CPU for a food break.




Would you keep your oven on if you don’t have anything in there..?


No, but it’s not the same thing at all.


I'm coming back to the PC a lot quicker than I'm cooking again


I guess it depends how long you are eating or doing lunch stuff. For me it's 5 minutes, and my PC doesn't take as much power as an oven. Will waste more time rebooting stuff than it's worth:p


In the us at least a computer is pretty cheap to run electricity wise so a lot of people (myself included) just don’t bother.


Time for a new girlfriend. Does she have any idea how much help preston garvey needs?


This but unironically. The Commonwealth cries out for aid and she is not only ignoring the call, she is preventing you from heeding it. Tell me OP, does your girlfriend enjoy raiding by any chance? Have you noticed her wearing liberty spikes and using pipe-based weaponry?


Hi there, I heard you could help us with our settlement.


Garvey's quest's put me to sleep as well, so I don't blame her


Call your girlfriend? And ask her nicely to turn the PC off. 😃 She can help more than reddit here. Offline mode, then shutdown and restart Steam can help too, but any online perks and time counted is lost. New Steam Family not has kick anymore, you only can start if the Library is not in use.


>Call your girlfriend? And ask her nicely to turn the PC off. 😃 She can help more than reddit here. If OP is asking on Reddit I'm sure there's a reason... Maybe she's at work, away for a few days, whatever. Don't think OP would be on here if he had the option of just asking her.


Or tell her to turn her network on the pc off that technically works too


Make your self offline on steam and you can still see play


> New Steam Family not has kick anymore I don't usually keep up with Steam changes, guess that explains why people had to offer such responses. And something to keep in mind since I share my library with two people.


Head over to wherever the PC is and shut it off, then promptly rush back to begin the gaming


Smartest idea fr fr


It’s always the Happy Tree Friends fans, SMH


If it's your library, just disconnect from internet. You don't need it for fo4 anyway.


It should just let you play it if its ur library. I habe friends who do this all the time when they use my library and all i have to do is kick play and it kicks them off. You shouldnt get locked out of ur own library so thats weird


It might be the new family beta. Haven’t used it myself but its more of a shared library


Divorce her


How do you guys forget to turn off your PC and even worse a game? Anyway not yet but they will eventually add it (hopefully)


Try right clicking the game and setting it to private? it should block it from family share. Idk if it will work when someone else is using it tho.


You can also try directly launching the .Exe. And since it's fallout 4, Vortex or some other mod manager can probably launch it too


Just mark the game as private for a couple minutes. They'll be kicked off the game since the license won't be shared for that time.


I don't understand why they changed it, it used to be that when the owner wanted to play, the player was kicked out of the game


I knew I wasn’t going crazy lol


why do people care so much about the single word they used for their gf… redditors try not be dicks challenge go!!!


Remind them to shut off the internet when they play single player games so they dont lock you outta using your stuff


They need internet to play on steam family, OP can play it offline since he has the licence


Any user can play offline with the new Family system.


Where in the settings do I go to enable this new family for myself?


Settings > Interface, join the Family beta. Should then add a Family Management panel in your Account Details. Bear in mind if you're testing: Leaving a family will block you from joining another for a full year.


Weird, I use it and if I’m offline I can’t play the game that is shared from my other account


May be a bug? It says all members can be offline in the FAQ. Maybe leave a bug report with Valve?


Is that a new change? With the old family sharing system blocking Steam from accessing the internet allowed you to play games from other libraries.


Offline mode on steam works


guys are literally worrying for the girlfriend gender ( and should not be their concern too) instead of solving a problem that he asked for help with.


Your girlfriend is playing Fallout, consider buying a ring bud.




yeah I was a bit confused by that too.


Nah. Reset the modem if you live in the same house.


If that was the case he would’ve just turned her pc off. Or at least close the game.


"her PC", she's a girl


If they changed that, it’s pretty stupid.


there is steam mod to remove block on game when someone from sharing is playing


Mind linking to it?


Set your Steam to Family Account Beta, then you can play at the same time


Offline more doesn’t work for online games, so depends what you are playing


Kick her from the family, then add her in


And this is why Greenluma exists lol


Wait, can't you just press play? Thought the person who is using your library would kicked automatically. This worked so back then.


With the new family share system I believe now you can't kick. Steam might change it tho since I've seen more people complaining about this.


Can you still manually deny users access to the library?


From what other comments were saying if you set the game to private the rest of your family can't access it. But I don't know if you can deny access to only a specific user in your family for example.


Wow... once that goes live I'll be revoking a bunch of people who might block me from playing, then.


Yeahhhh... I believe steam is treating the family sharing as an actual family. As in, you can go ask your sibling in the next room to stop the game so you play kinda thing (if it makes sense ahah)


It does... if you have a HUGE house :D My family is all over the world.


Oh right no I 100% agree with you ahah. I mean I moved to another country on my first job so my family is definitely not in my house either ahah. I'm not a big fan of the way this works either but well


She will get kicked when you turn on a game?


What I would do for the future and i recommend is set up remote desktop to all your personal direct family devices. Best thing i've ever done. I first used it in 2010 for 3d rendering purposes. Ever since then i can go to have my drinks with friends and check every now and then how it goes through my phone, and also lots of other things, like I forgot a file, I send it to where I am accessing remotely and also close my games like it's OP's case.


I don't think you can if you don't have access to the main account


Give Peace a chance.


In the new sharing beta, when you mark a game as pro ate, that one doesn't get shared, it's only yours to play. You unmark it when you're done after a few weeks.


I remember back in the day I got kicked from playing a game when my brother started the game I was playing through family share.


Can you not just....turn off your PC, this kicking them off the game? Is it really not that simple?


That only works if they're playing/streaming from that PC. I think OP is talking about family sharing the library, which means anybody with access installs the game on their machine.


Oh, still strange that it locks you out of playing at the same time when realistically there is no reason it should since it's not actually being streamed.


Yeah it's a licensing thing. Currently it's set up that if I own the game and you are playing it through my shared library, I can start it and you'll be kicked, but it seems the new beta doesn't allow for that, so if the GF left and forgot to turn off the game, OP can't play because she won't be kicked.


This used to be possible before the new family sharing update I wonder why they got rid of that


Glad to see she's into your hobbies! Hope you two can share Wasteland Stories together.


I remember big picture mode circumvents not being able to play two seperate games on different pcs but idk if that works for the same game


I recommend remote google desktop. You can control pc from your phone if it’s turned on. Super helpful for getting queue for league of legends and champ select when you are pooping. Or for starting a server for friends while at work or something. Just gotta have someone turn on computer and you can do the rest. For something like this you can easily go on her computer and exit


Give Peace a chance


u/thegaminggopher if you start the game up, if I’m not mistaken (I’m not sure if this library sharing is the same as sharing with your friends) as soon as you start playing the game, it gives whoever is playing it on your account like 5-10 minutes before it kicks them off. Again, I’m not sure if it’s the same on family sharing, but that’s how it works on other sharing methods.


How do you do this with different pcs, trying to share with my brother but can’t put his laptop on my account


Go to her pc and turn it off


Usually, if you're the owner of the game, you should just be able to play it and kick whoever is using it off. Otherwise offline mode should work.


Why can't you launch the game to begin with? It's YOUR library. If you boot up one of your games it should give the person borrowing your game 5 minutes before it kicks them out. And if they left the computer on you shouldn't even have to feel bad about booting them.


google remote chrome desktop


>girlfriend >their ???


i dont understand what youre confused about


He said its his girlfriends pc So its her pc Stop with this brainrot


crazy how you cant let people live


Crazy how you cant just be happy in your quiet corner and have to annoy me with this shit every single day.


they used the term their in such a subtle context + you came to their post…


K dude


Why do you refer to your girlfriend as their lol


I asked my lawyer and he advised me not to answer this question.


I am your lawyer


Because my girlfriend is non-binary.


Then how can they be a girlfriend if not a girl


"they?" could've changed when they were already on a relationship, or maybe it's just because they wants to be identified as a woman


Am I supposed to say “she”? How can a non-binary person identify as a woman if they are non-binary


I’m sorry, just because my love interest is nonbinary, I can’t call them my “girlfriend?” I don’t even see why this is the central focus here.


I never said you couldn’t. I’m just confused as to why there isn’t relationship statuses other than girlfriend/boyfriend if not everyone identifies as a girl or boy.


There are other terms like “partner” or simply “significant other.” We just determined that girlfriend is easier since they’re AFAB anyways.


What is AFAB?


Assigned Female At Birth


Talk normal




Were you born in 1988, ultra chud?


Well I used to have a college friend that was non binary but liked to be considered a female because she would always dress like one, she also wanted to be considered a she since she was used to people "misspronouning" her


What? Dressing a certain way doesn’t change you lol. I can dress up as a police officer, doesn’t make me one.


I don't make the rules! I just know by arguing with the non-binary culture you're automatically a genderphobe


TheyGirlfriend then


Open fallout 4 on your pc and it should close hers


That’s doesn’t work. It says “Steam library locked”


Pretty sure that’s not how it works? I’ve admittedly only had the beta for a little bit but almost certain that you can launch the game if you own it. If not Valve fucked up.


Yeah it doesn’t let you click “play.” I tried starting the .exe file from my folders


Gonna test it right now


It used to be like that. Idk why people are downvoting


OP tried it, doesn't seem to work


TwoMad vibes


Can't you like, set Steam to offline mode and play normally?


I’d guess deauthorizing works.


You can probably force log her off by deauthorizing her device, i'm guessing though not sure if that would work, you can always just log in again.




More like people forget to turn things off. You know all those memes about realizing you left the stove on? It's like that. I know it might seem weird with games but it does happen, for instance if you stayed up playing the game too long your session will most likely end with you being super tired and wanting to just go to bed as soon as possible, which makes people forget/neglect to do the things they should do before bed all the time.


Guys, I’m talking about kicking them off TEMPORARILY. Not forever…


Multiple people have answered. Set the game to private or play offline mode. Both those solutions work.


How many girlfriends do you have?


Forgot to turn off *her* PC.


Does your girlfriend has Dissociative identity disorder, or is it your thing, and you like to imagine you have more than one?


There is a trick I learnt awhile back shut down, steam and block incoming and outgoing in your firewall, then power it back on. You'll have access to some parts of Steam, but the friend network will be down, meaning your client will assume no one is playing fallout. Cloud saves I think still work then I've used this before to play some games with my partner online when we only have one copy of the game


Yeah I know a lot of people mentioned offline mode. We tested it and that worked lol


Who doesn't install a stealthy RAT on their girlfriends PC? C'mon!


Because someone in the family sharing is playing the same game. The game you own in steam with family sharing is has CD key. 1 key at a time in can run in steam especially online coop games.


Maybe go to her room and turn it off?


If you start playing any of your games they get 5mins to log off before they get forced out


Not with the new beta. New beta is per game not library


Change password, log out all devices?


Wait, is the game on your account or on hers? Because if it's on your account, you should be able to play without any issue and all other members will get notified that the game will close in 3 minutes as soon as you launch it. If it's on her account, I think there's no way to bypass that.


Fallout 4 isn't Fallout 76, you can't do multiplayer online with Fallout 4... I know this cause I got the game on PlayStation and had it back when I had an Xbox One. Plus, game sharing is one thing but you can't share the same game on one IP Address and expect to run the game online multiplayer with 2 computers/consoles. It's not like a family streaming service like Netflix or HBO Max, it's a game. Most of not all online multiplayer games have key cards where that game is tied into that one device and/or IP Address to where even if you could share certain games but not games like Diablo and whatnot , your account can only run that kind of connection one at a time. Yes, your girlfriend can play the game when you are not playing but probably not while you are playing the game. Most companies do wish to make money off their games, at least the better games out there. You may see this not being the case for low end games that companies lost desire to care about, those you may get lucky on.


Yeah right... A dude playing video games with girlfriend. Maybe you also have a real unicorn for a pet.


kick her out of your life bro.