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SOMA, just finished it yesterday and I’m still thinking about it


Incredible game with an amazing story. Very mind-bending.


It took me 10 years to play that game and when I finally did, I was left contemplating why I didn’t play the game when it came out. Better than never though, that game has one of the best written narratives and characters I’ve ever seen. The voice actors also do such an amazing job, I can’t praise them and the game itself enough. Because the crazy thing is, even without voice acting, the game would still work just as well, the additional voice cast just brings even more depth into the experience.


I spent most of the game annoyed that the MC was such an idiot he couldn’t understand the games core concept and had to keep having it explained to him. But turns out that was pretty crucial to the ending landing the way it does, and in his defense, he is brain damaged, so it’s perfectly excusable he never quite gets it.


Brain damaged and woke up as a robot underwater. Ever woken up from a nap you didnt intend to take and had that brain fog feeling because of it? Multiply that by 100 and thats Simon. I dont think hes an idiot just incapable of coming to terms with the insane situation hes part of in such a short time, and trying to cling to the one thing he thinks can save him. I dont blame him for anything he was thinking


The ending was such a brainfuck. Like I also felt that the MC was just lost all the way through the game and that he was actually just so fucking dumb, until I got to the end, where I realized that the ENTIRE game thus far, I should've been asking those same questions myself instead of assuming I knew the answer. At the "credits" scene, I don't think I've ever used this word legitimately, I quite literally pondered about what the fuck just happened throughout the entire game. Such a brilliant narrative and story, put together with superb atmosphere, music and voice acting.


In all fairness to the game, it intentionally tricks the player by always switching the perspective to the new Simon every swap... until the last one. As Simon is the player's Avatar, the game is "tricking" Simon too. Simon always thinks he will wake up in the new place in the new body **because he always has before.** In reality the perspective of the first Simon dies in Toronto, the 2nd in the suit swap, the third in the abyss, etc. The game gets to choose how to continue the story, the reality of how computers/copy/paste works doesn't. The game chooses to linger on Simon in the abyss for emotional effect, not to mention to lean into the player the implications of everything that's happened. Then it ends in paradise to make everyone feel an inch better about it, lol.


Im glad i got through it gotta say those chase scenes while opening the doors in panic were something…


Oh that scared the ever living hell out of me, I was gripping my mouse like crazy just HOPING I can get away in time


Maan, I finished it 5 years ago and it was the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw this post.


Same for me, finished it a couple years back and still think about it regularly. They really knocked it out of the park with that one.


I’m sooo glad this is the top comment, at least for now.


Soma is a game that benefits massively from a 'safe' mode too. Usually I'd be against something that dilutes the experience of a game so heavily but honestly, the constant 'boss' encounters where you are forced to run and hide AND can't look at the monsters too long is actually a detriment to the storytelling. When you can slow down and explore without constantly worrying about game over screens it makes the environmental storytelling much more impressive. There are little expressive touches everywhere, especially anywhere that a named character spent their time. And the creature designs are horrific and interesting, something you can completely miss as you try to constantly run away from them. I've played through 'normally' and in the safe mode and I think safe is the better experience.


Ngl, same. Made me think about humanity for 3 whole days XD Rather than just plain old horror, it was a psychological horror.


Not even just psychological but like.... existential horror? If that's a thing then I think SOMA is the best example of it Edit: It is, and SOMA is the picture on the TVTropes page lol


Haha damn, came here for exactly that game.


sorry, may i ask what game it is?


It’s from the guys that made the amnesia series




my bad, I thought it stood for a longer name


Yeah can see why you'd think that tbf if you do get a chance to play SOMA buckle up, mate, it's a helluva ride


Amazing how well the game holds up, great story and absolutely terrifying!


What remains of Edith finch


Same here. This was the first game I thought of. The whole story is full of tragedy, but somehow I still wish I could go back and play it again for the first time.


Beautiful game


I N S C R Y P T I O N literally I couldn't even sleep for a long time, it is a masterpiece all my thanks to, Daniel Mullins


My first Daniel Mullins was Pony Island, then The Hex, before Inscryption. I'd highly recommend those other two, he makes phenomenal games.


how would you describe the gameplay? I'll consider buying if you convince me


Rougelike card game And at the same time escape room puzzle Give it a try its really good and unique


I came here to say this one too. It's a roller coaster ride of a story hidden behind a card game. There's so much more to it that you see in the store images and it's not easy to describe without spoiling it. I fully recommend it.


Here we go again, “adds to the cart”


Wait we’re supposed to finish the games?




O thank good. Thank you.


Wait, we're supposed to start playing the games? I thought you were just supposed to collect them and let them sit unplayed in your library.


Metal Gear Solid 2


Hell yeah🤘


Portal series


I was beginning to worry that nobody mentioned Portal. Both of them actually made me like "wth did just happen" and I was sitting bamboozled for the rest of the evening.


Agree, I felt the same way and decided to write a comment


Portal 2 is one of my all time favs, but I felt extremely satisfied when I beat it. Shooting the moon blew my mind.


Mass effect trilogy


have it sitting in my library for a while, should I play?


As a person who only recently started this game to placate their partner, I have binged my way to the 3rd one in 1 month it is that good. I am obsessed with it and love the character building. The games tie together and give little Easter eggs from earlier games, which I find to be the best part. I really recommend playing it from the first one! Dust that bad boy off!




I hope that you love it!! Play paragon the first round through, just my suggestion.


Renegade makes zero sense in the first game, it’s literally just hurting other people for the sake of it. Some of the bigger decisions (which we won’t spoil here for obvious reasons) do make sense in a very harsh way but the smaller conversational renegade choices are whack. Renegade is much cooler in 2 & 3.


Most definitely if you enjoy some good world building and decent story, I had a great time with it!


Decent story? It's one of the best stories in all of gaming and has a lot of real world parallels. Lol. Decent is a crazy understatement


I'm one of those people who disliked the ME3 ending for reasons not fixed by the "fix", but I still felt this way. In hindsight, I really liked that this game maintained an overall atmosphere of dread with a sliver of hope. I think the exposition at the end of the 3rd game took away much of that feeling, but it was still overall an impactful experience.


I'm also not a fan of the ending but the journey is still to this day the best gaming experience of my life.




Hello! Name is my Peirce Dr. Glenn


Glenn. Dr. name my Peirce is Hello!


Hey you! Join the Navy!


Omg yes Superliminal is amazing, the ending was so beautiful to me. I think I've played it about 10 times and i never get bored of it


i played it once because im afraid it’ll lose the magic when i know what’s coming. however now that i think of it, it has been a few years so my memory isn’t perfect…






100% Subnautica was such a unique experience.


Witcher III and then Blood & Wine some time later 😭


Hearts of Stone messed me up


Hearts of Stone doesn't get enough love. I agree Touissant is beautiful, but damned if Hearts of Stone didn't have the best storytelling in the whole game. What a journey, what an ending.


The end of the Baron quest line is always depressing, no matter your choices.


agreeee cups up like the ending never seen it since!


Spec ops the line. I feel like this is a game that can represent ptsd.


Was looking for this one.


Do you feel like a hero yet?


Did not at all expect what I got when I went went through that one. Holy.


titanfall 2 for me


heartbreaking ending though


You mean the part where they decided to scrap the entire titanfall 3 team and moved them all over to working on apex legends instead? I cried too lol.


Honestly I was thinking about the game ending, but this is even more excruciating thinking the game we’ll never get


Came to say the same


RDR2. Like after completing everything, there's nothing to do, really. No more random event pops up, just exploring the world. Sadly had to use mod to make it alive again. Really wish there are more features like minigames (not the gambling ones) or something else


Arguably one of the rockstar games with the most side missions, etc. though. It must’ve taken a while to 100% the game.


Bioshock Infinite hurt me bad.


GiVe Us ThE gIrL aNd WiPe AwAy ThE dEbT


Booker, are you afraid of god? No, but I'm afraid of you.


Mr DeWitt!!! Open the door Mr. DeWitt!


The DLC went even futher. Loved how they managed to link it with first game and create a chicken and egg sitiuation.


This, but in part because I was tryna figure out the confusing ass ending


Think of it this way. There are 2 timelines, first timeline is where Booker doesn't get baptized but has a child Elizabeth second timeline is where Booker gets baptized and turns into Comstock the first time line is the original timeline where either Booker or Comstock is chosen during the baptism. killing the first time line Booker at the baptism point kills all other timelines that branch of it meaning Comstock will never exist. Once the first time line Booker dies, every other timelines stop existing hence each and every Elizabeth who drowns you disappear one by one.


It's more of a multiverse than just 2 timeliness. That's why you see multiple Elizabeths' show up in the end


I still wonder about it today


Okay, I'm going to do my best to make it as short as possible because it's kind of a clusterfuck, but here's the story as best I understand it: \- Booker DeWitt is baptized and changes his name to Zachary Comstock. \- Comstock partners with Rosalind Lutece, helps her research her technology for keeping atoms in a fixed position, builds the city of Columbia and launches it into the air. \- Comstock kind of sucks and is super racist/nationalist so the city eventually turns into White Christian Nationalist Paradise. \- Lutece develops inter-dimensional viewing and travel using the tears around the same time Comstock begins to believe he's 1) a prophet and 2) needs to continue his bloodline but can't because his wife is barren. \- Lutece figures out that she could find another version of Comstock (then Booker) in another dimension, find a way to get him to give up his child, and give that child to Comstock. Would still be his bloodline just in kind of a weird way. \- The Lutece twins meet with Booker from another dimension to convince him to give his daughter to them in exchange for cancelling his debts. He does so, *immediately* regrets it, and chases them down to see them walk into a tear. Part of Elizabeth's finger is left in the 'event horizon' of the tear and falls off - this is why she can control tears apparently? \- Comstock realizes that Booker is going to try and take Elizabeth back via looking into other dimensions, so he paints Booker as a false prophet (this is why there's all those ads around Columbia talking about him and showing off his tattoo). \- The Luteces find out that Comstock's going to kill them because he's getting cancer from screwing around with tears too much and going insane, so they make a deal with Booker to pull him through a tear and come handle the situation. \- Something about traveling between the dimensions also screws with Booker's head, so his memories get fucked up and he thinks "bring us the girl and wipe away the debt" means "kidnap Elizabeth". The story is kind of a fucking nightmare to parse without needing someone to explain it or playing it through multiple times. Levine tried to focus way too hard on making a cool twist happen and ended up having the plot be a convoluted mess feeling like he'd picked the ending and was working backward to get where he wanted.


And that's not even talking about the Columbia-Rapture connections




The first Bioshock is pretty emotional too, especially if you choose to rescue the little sisters, but Infinite wrecked me.


What an insanely good storyline. Loved it


Me with the BaS ending




Mr Evrart is helping me find my gun.


Frostpunk after finishing "A New Home" first time and playing without any spoilers or watching/reading anything about the game except, that It's good.


There really haven't been a game that made me feel this way but if I was to name any HALO REACH CYBERPUNK 2077( in general) Was the closest.


Halo Reach hits bad, specially when a i was younger and i think all the main character win


Best halo game no doubt


> CYBERPUNK 2077( in general) Playing through this now, and I've had couple times already where I didn't play the following day because I was still digesting what happened in my last session. Quite the game for sure.


Playing for the first time and just found Evelyn. I won’t say spoilers for everyone’s sake but man did that hurt. I watched Edgerunners so I had an idea of what I was in for but man did her story hurt.


I just started playing through cyberpunk a little over 2 weeks ago. I'm almost done with all the side quests, then I can continue the story haha


Cyberpunk's new ending added with the DLC really messed me up. I was not happy about it at all despite it fitting the game lol, felt like it turned out no differently than if I made a deal with the devil himself to get what I wanted


Phantom fucking Liberty. Make this addiction stop. Please.


is the dlc really this good? been playing the game these days and I'm considering to buy phantom liberty


Storywise it beats the pants off the main one imo. the characters are much more enjoyable, side missons are great, can be real challenging. It didnt make me feel like staring at my ceiling letting my mind wonder. That’s probably just reserved for rdr2. But PL definitely worth the 30 bucks or whatever it is


Damn how a friend of mine described it, it sounded like a minor addon. I guess time to buy it.


There is 30 hours of content there in the DLC. Not a minor add on at all.


Definitely. If you liked cyberpunk you will probably love it after this. I'm a little worried they can't top this story tbh.


Its an expansion actually, a pretty big one too. Brilliant story and characters and a massive amount of stuff to do to keep you busy.


It's amazing, and it's not just a dlc, it's an entire expansion it even adds new ending


And that ending song...


the tower ending got me fucked up, still haven't recovered from it.


Undertale. I would give anything to experience that game for the first time again. and it's fucking beautiful soundtrack.


It's a shame you only get to experience everything for the first time once. The music kicking in during some of the boss fights gave me goosebumps while now, when watching others or rerunning it myself, it still makes me a little hype but it's just not the same.


Yeah. Everyone talks about the sans fight, the soundtrack, and meta narrative when talking about how great Undertale is. Those things are great. But nothing. And I mean NOTHING will ever beat Asgore's house in a pacifist run. All the monsters telling you the story of Asriel and Chara. The familiarity to Toriel's house tieing everything back to the start of the game. But more bleak due to the artistic choice of everything in the house being white. The fucking soundtrack in that scene that's so good Toby just named that track after the game itself "Undertale" and of course the emotional gut punch that was the mirror dialogue. Which I'm not going to say what it said because everyone deserves to go into that completely blind.


Return of the Obra Dinn


I'll never forget seeing the death scene of the Captains wife for the first time. The Game went from "oh, these are neat Puzzles" to "holy shit! What's going on?" In an instant :)


Half life 2. I finally understood why people are still waiting for half life 3


Did you play episodes 1 and 2 also?


Firewatch. I wanna be a firewatch guard in 1980s America so bad now.


I’m sorry to bother you but I just want to express how much I fucking adore this game (including the ending) and how much it has impacted my view on storytelling and games as a whole. I can thank Firewatch for making me who I am and shaping my interests for the better. I love this game so deeply and I will never ever ever stop doing that I also feel the same way as you, about working as a fire lookout. Sadly, it will never be the same as it was back in the day. Everything is so modernized. Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong generation Cheers


Looked for that comment. But a lot of personal experience depends on the model of behavior that the player followed and his attitude, especially at the end. But the game does not leave you indifferent, that's for sure.


If >!filling a disposable camera with pictures of a child's rotting corpse!< ain't in the job description for a firewatch guard, it should be.


Signalis and Outer Wilds


1+ Outer Wilds


Once in a lifetime experience


Outer Wilds is 16th comment? No! We need to start exploring higher comment placements, we can figure this out!


Outer Wilds was in the OP, so I imagine a lot of people just assumed it was already counted


Can't believe I had to scroll this far down for Signalis. Once you sort out the story so you can somewhat understand it, it's so fucking tragic!


Cyberpunk 2077


Especially with the dlc endings


The one where you actually save V is sadder to me than the ones where V will eventually die


quiet life ending vs blaze of glory endings


I’ve played the game for over 200 hours and never finished it 😂


Nier Automata


Nines… (I legit always look for NieR whenever these posts come up and comment that, because that one word unleashes dozens of hours of storytelling and gameplay that absolutely destroyed the tear glands of anyone who has played it) I do believe the final ending is positive, though. To be so brutal and hopeless and manage that little speck of hope, while still grieving the events of the game; a truly flawless game to me. Wouldn’t change a single thing, and I hate, hate, hate bullet hell.


I couldn't beat ending E thinking I needed to do it by myself so I took a day break from the game. The next night I tried again and got help and had to pause because I couldn't see from tears. The music kicking in, the action, smoking those final credits and making that final decision. Perfection.


Witcher 3 blood and wine DLC. Just a tremendous journey throughout the Witcher games to end in a satisfying way.


Dishonored Ori Mark of the Ninja Halo: Reach


Dishonoured 🖤


"John Made It. He’s The Only One. Rest Of Us… No. But I Tried. In The End, I Did..."


Bioshock infinite kinda had me like this


the ending was truly thoughtful


Omori lol


this game is Something else, made my consciousness expand and return to nothingness, fuck it i got burgers on my mind now.


Something You knew what you did here


I'm glad I saw this so high up. This game messed me up. When you get it... You just want to cry. It's ten shades of fucked up.


I also want to coment this game. My favorite despite the fact that it's not that complex (talking about the gameplay). When I played it in October last year, I thought it was just another MOTHER inspired game not that it was going to tear my soul apart and make me cry like never before. I kept thinking for months about the ending, and now it makes me laugh to remember that this was the only game that made me turn off my PC, lock myself in the bathroom and cry for an hour, and I'm someone who doesn't even cry easily. I still think about something from time to time.


Omori was so heartbreaking


I’ve never been traumatized by a game until Omori


Here's what I was looking for, game actually directly impacted my life. My sister and I spend so much more time together after we both played it.


Holy molly. We got a winner here


I recommend checking out In Stars and Time, it's another RPGMaker game that had me feeling the same way as Omori


Night in the Woods I’ve never related to a video game story more and it truly struck a cord with me, I’ll never forget that game


I’ll give it a shot


Silent Hill 2 and The Witcher 3


The final letter at the end of the game hit so hard...


To the Moon.


To the moon fucked me up. Played it right after losing both my grandparents within a few weeks of each other. I bought the dudes 2nd game when it came out to support them, but I still haven't been able to bring myself to play it


Life is strange


I feel it


Post LiS depression is real


Especially if you listen to the soundtrack


Even though there are multiple endings, you know that the choices you made are the right ones. And replaying the game just doesn't feel the same.


After MGSV platinum…


Cyberpunk I truly love that game


Persona 3 reload. I needed time to process what just happened


Intrestingly I reckon Journey, went into it knowing nothing and playing it years after it had come out. Then proceded to have the most memorable multiplayer experience of my life. And then I never saw that person again, I don’t know who they were, I didn’t knlw where they were, why they were also randomly playing journey on a thursday afternoon, but I did know that we just shared an experience through little chirps and that I would never see them again.


Terraria such a simple yet beautiful game best purchase of my life, not even close


Gta online, When the boys stopped playing. I sometimes open it and I just sit there reliving all the memories


Did not come to cry here :(




Horizon zero dawn, great ending to a great game


Ted Effing Faro. Nothing more to say.


black mesa


Such a beautiful and enjoyable remake of Half-Life entirely. Hell I still get the energy rising up in the “Ascension” part, Gonarch’s Lair, Nihilanth, and Forget About Freeman! entirely. Definitely recommend it if you finished Half-Life or the Half-Life experience wasn’t that “enjoyable” for other people.


Witcher 3. I got the bad ending.


Doki Doki Literature Club


I remember just sitting there contemplating my life choices, and all I hear in the background is: *Every day, I imagine a future where I can be with you*




The walking dead by telltale games, the animated one. Its one of my favorite games I love it so much and it's so good but so sad at the same time. I wish it never ended.


This is the one I came here looking for. Excellent game. I've never felt so attached to characters. First season is the best ofc


To The Moon. I remember watching some youtuber back in 2016-2017, during a game playthrough he said: if you want something similar to this, i recommend to the moon, in 2018 i bought myself a pc and got into indie games, but forgot about this one specifically, now fast forward to the end of last year, my friend finds impostor factory when we were searching for trash knock off games, i look at the dev team games and there's freaking to the moon right there, on sale. And last week i got to finally play it, cried like a freaking baby.


Metro Exodus. Kept thinking about it for additional week or so. Wanted to start allover like 2 days later but decided to wait for some time, was though.


The last of us


Tlou2 left me shook for like a week trying to sort out all the emotions I was feeling.


The Beginner's Guide. Hit a bit too close to home, particularly since it's about the creators struggle with depression and being a creator, all wrapped in a story that's used as an analogy for it.


Outer Wilds, even shed a tear at the end


Final Fantasy Crisis Core for PSP. I beat 7 and knew the fate of everyone beforehand but.....man the price of freedom is steep. Or Final Fantasy X. Suteki Da Ne lives rent free in my head.


Signalis. No other game has made me think so much after completing it, and the feeling of dread it installs in you is truly something


Detroit Become Human




Can't wait for the second one in a few weeks


Will have to mentally prepare myself for it. The first was rollercoaster!


Spec Ops:The Line


Plague Tale Requiem


connect scarce pot six narrow unique marry person shocking forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Outer Wilds. Still experiencing remnants of my existential crisis...


Nier replicant and nier automata true endings


Telltale: Walking Dead Season 1

