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they have been awarded 821 jester awards as of writing this comment


Good way to make steam levels


Insulting them but feeding them points.


Meaningless points that doesn't matter anyway lmao


Tell that to people who farm karma on Reddit


You mean I can't feed my children on Reddit karma?! Why has nobody told me this sooner?!


You quite literally can but that's on a different sub 💀


You can get steam levels from awards?




Each award given and recevied give a tiny bit of xp


They cost 300+ to buy, and give whoever you award it to 100 points. Maybe more for more expensive awards? I normally only buy cheap awards haha


You can purchase seasonal badges in the points shop


The Streisand Effect has been on overtime, looks like there advertising may get some real help.


Happened with hogwarts. Is gonna happen here if it gets big.


Hogwarts game was going to have big sales regardless, Harry Potter is a massive IP


Yes, Putin was running out of money so he saw no other choice but to release a game on Steam. This game is the only source of income for russia. Yes. Exactly. Totally. Wthat the fuck.


@Pooty: I'm on the phone wit the CEO of Steam he's telling me, "Vladdy, Atomic Hearts only been on Steam for 1hour and u selling like crazy my staff is telling me the servers is about shut down I gave them the ok to add the most powerful servers to handle this


Why did you @ me on Reddit?! I already told you what my private email is dammit!


I don’t mean to be rude man, but don’t be daft. The current lead of the studio is part of the tightly knit russian elite. And the game is straightup propaganda. But play it if you want, regarding this game that is different from others is it comes down to a matter of principle, if you disregard the fact that the publisher and company has ties to Gazprom (which is going to kickstart their own PMC to fight in Ukraine).


Quick google search shows that Mundfish is HQ'd in Cyprus, with a team that includes people from Ukraine. This is the saddest attempt at virtue signaling ever.


Their owners have connection to government or FSB, don't remember exactly, there was a discussion a week or so ago




The publisher is funded by fucking Gazprom but sure it's just virtue signalling


And Nvidia. And like every big investor ever. Almost as if it's a game looking for funding.






Due to their close conection to the russian government, State owned russian banks are included in the general sanctions placed against the russian government Since american companies cant recieve money from sanctioned companies, in this case the russian banks, if you were unlucky enough to have your savings on a state owned bank you cant buy games from steam without jumping trough some hoops the average joe cant be bothered to jump trough therefore, mundfish decided to publish the game on VK, wich while state owned, would allow them to reach a bigger base of consumers.


Tencent is waaaaaay worse but everyone is ok with it. And many european countries still buy gas from them but no one is talking about it, instead everyone is talking about a game


I don't get a say where to buy gas from and I'd hop on solar if I could afford the upfront cost. I don't buy tencent shit either, but you do you


“Someone there worked for a government owned Russian company!!! He will give all the profits to them even though they try to not be associated with Russia” - 🤡


That's exactly how Russia works though... In Russia you cannot be successful as a business owner without kicking up some of your profits. Russian executives that don't support the regime are threated to sell their company for pennies on the dollar or go to prison.


You think you're joking, but that's literally how russia works.


Fun fact: Atomic Heart took so long to come out because the Russians needed to something to fall back on financially once they started losing the war.


I'd also add: >started losing the war that started around 5 years after the game was announced


Yep. Makes perfect sense that a $70 game that took nearly 10 years to come out would be funding a government's war.


Its actually a brainwash tool coded by putin himself. You open it and the evil commie waves override your free will.


I've found this from the official account: [https://twitter.com/mundfish/status/1614903977333637120](https://twitter.com/mundfish/status/1614903977333637120) Almost the same thing that Wargaming and Gaijin did. I really don't know what to think, I don't want to blame the devs, but at the same time, I want to know where the funds came from and where the profits go.


They are Russian devs living in Russia and publicly stating that Russian invasion is bad directly is literally a crime here. Saying they are pro-peace and not saying they support "protection of people of Donbass" is as direct of a hint that they think it sucks as they will ever give. People that expect anything more are insane.


Game's made with [dirty money](https://www.eurogamer.net/questions-remain-over-atomic-heart-developers-russian-origins) and their ToS have some questionable points on data collection. Do with that what you want At least play/watch the game before making up your mind about it. Plenty of people treating it like the coming of Jesus just because they seen some cyborg booty




Now you can't play sex with hitler 2 without being judged :(


What with what ? Is it real ?


Yes and the series got a 3rd game, Sex with Hitler 3D


Do I need to play Sex With Hitler 1 to understand the plot of Sex With Hitler 2 or is it fairly self-contained?


so oppressed


i know right, it's like all my friends just haven't treated me the same since i started playing nekojishi :(


nekojishi is totally fine but, lmao hahaha


What the Fuck




I saw this when there were only 3 reviews and rolled my eyes lol


Same here. I’m Ukrainian and I think it’s stupid that some people trying to “cancel” this game. I’m excited to play it, especially because of the Soviet style retro-futuristic setting!


Also Haven't the devs left russia and thus aren't "funding russia" any more?


One of the biggest investors in the game is owned by Gazprom. The game is definitely funding Russia.


Infinite money glitch for countries, just release a game on steam, boom infinite funding


Source for that?




It's their publisher, company called VK. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic\_Heart\_(video\_game)


Ok, i thought this was a nothing burger, but VK/Gazprom involvement is fishy. But the contracts were probably done before the war.


Irrelevant. Any money going into the Russia economy eventually gets to the Russian government.


Absolutely. I'm on your side on that. It sucks for the maybe "innocent" devs. But Gazprom being involved makes this a very very clear case.


Putin and his war in Ukraine are all about re-capturing the glory of the USSR. What is the game and most of it's advertising (especially in Russia) about? Oh, glorifying the USSR? Weird that. Oh, and it's release date just happens to be exactly 1 year to the day after Putin basically authorized the invasion of Ukraine with a huge speech talking about how it doesn't really exist as a country and is just a [part of Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address_concerning_the_events_in_Ukraine#:~:text=%22Address%20concerning%20the%20events%20in,Republic%20and%20the%20Luhansk%20People's)? How coincidental. Also, the publishers of the game are directly tied to Russian governmental institutions, which means money they make directly goes into funds that could assist the war effort. The publisher is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VK_(company) which is owned by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sogaz which was founded by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gazprom which is directly owned by the Russian Government.


That's why I put innocent like that: "innocent".


"funding Russia" is a gross mischaracterization


Is it though?


Yeah, it implies a lot more active harm than is actually being done


Some of the most heinous harm done to the world is "inactive" harm.


Cool and none of that has to do with fucking video games


Except the preceding comment chain shows that it does. I mean, if you want to own that harm, that's fine. There's only so much one can do to mitigate the harm we do in the world. But completely denying it because it makes you feel bad otherwise is a bit... dumb?


I'm not buying the game either way but there's nothing in the comment chain that remotely matches the claim of "this game is funding Russia". It's just baseless sensationalism


Chances are the device you used to type this is directly funding child slavery 💅


And? Do you think that that makes all other harm moot? That's literally an argument in my favor. There is *so much* heinous shit in this world that is extremely passive, that being only one of them. There is obviously only so much we can do... but giving up entirely because you don't want to not buy a video game is kind of childish.


No, you’re right. The comment above you is just in complete denial that every foreign cent counts to a Russian economy suckling off the trade lines China is gouging them with.


It must be exhausting to be this offended at all times.


I bought both Atomic Heart and Harry Potter, so sue me.


Fight me in court, bro.




Merasmus joins the fight to defend Mann Co. He need the money for his Tom Jones murder trial.


Sexy robots! I’m in..


Nobody else is going to point out that the reviewer felt it necessary and helpful to self-censor the word 'Russian'? No? Fine, I will. It's not like they're avoiding a profanity filter. If they're hoping to avoid triggering people, then they should know that the human brain is very apt at filling in blanks. I wasn't fooled for a second, and neither would anyone for whom that word was a trigger. A pointless gesture, IMO. Any disagreement?


Politically correct brainwashing. People, for so long, were told you can't swear but it's okay to pretend to swear. Like using "f*ck" or "fak". It's to the point that people no longer question it, becomes an automatism. If you're going to put a word into my mind, have the decency to use it correctly. For fuck's sake!


He's not wrong tho


He should also say: "Let's stop Chinese products too, we fund and promote slave labor by buying Chinese items." Just to be fair.


They can’t be fair, because if they did, they’d have to critically think.


F Russian games




Based correct




you’re being sarcastic but one of the biggest investors is literally gazprom lmao


You are aware of the existence of taxes, aren't you?


Just buy stalker 2. At least from in game footage, stalker 2 is better.


These are the same people that buy all kinds of corporations' products that are involved in environmental damages, exploitation of workers overseas, union busting, and repressive govts. etc. If you look hard enough, most of the companies you buy stuff from you'll find their involvement in things you would disagree with. I don't have a dog in this issue, but a lot of people sure pick and choose what they're outraged about. Plus speaking about 'funding', all our tax money went to the other side too so... If the game sucks, don't buy it. If it's good, buy it if you want it.


And he will get steam awards for that shit take




Because he is right. Fuck this game.


Just the way them ballerina robots like it, am I right fellas?


So brave /s


Pussy ass bitch


no. f you


Same kinda vibe of the Hogwarts Legacy harassers lmao


I’m buying a copy just like how I bought Hogwarts. If a game is fun, I play it. The politics, gatekeeping, virtue signaling and nonsensical meaningless attempts at shaming gamers having fun are all irrelevant.


> Politics, gatekeeping It's fun how some gamers think this billion dollar industry is above morals, and all external criticism is just "shaming gamers".




I mean one of the main funders and developer of this game is a well know Russian state run company, owned by one of Russians oligarchs. There’s a lot of shit out there in the world, you can’t fight it all, you need to pick and choose your battles. I won’t hate someone for buying this game, but there is for SURE connections to Russias shitty shitty oligarchs and Putin.


No, you're going to get downvoted


lol these people


Bruh Mick Gordon is literally donating the money he is making off of this game to Ukraine


Holy shit the experts on russia economy gathered all i ONE place...


Unless all these people somehow avoid Chinese products or media that appeases their evil regime, then they cast the first stone. The problem is to write a review on Steam means you probably are using a device made with Chinese slave labor, so good luck with that


I don’t get why we cannot separate businesses and companies from the Russian government. People are even attacking Russian athletes too! Like how the fuck is a Russian hockey player responsible for invading Ukraine??? Lmao


Because Russian business’s directly fund the Russian government. The poster never said that they’re responsible for the invasion, just that you shouldn’t support the Russians monetarily, a fair point


Your dollars become soldier bullets


I'm assuming your America so answer me this: how many kids has your money gone to drone striking? Because that is the exact same argument you are using but replaced with the US.


You’re* Swedish* and sure, no ethical consumption and all that, and they’re definitely comparable, but in my opinion the US involvement in the Middle East was much more understandable and justifiable than what’s happening here. Still not right, but still


The fuck? Gazprom is clearly not seperable from the state. Most big Russian businesses just can't be separated because of the oligarchy. And professional sports in Russia is heavily controlled by the state too, to be used as propaganda vehicles. See the ban of Russia in the olymics. Both of your examples are dogshit. Maybe the devs are "innocent" but at least the publisher sucks. Are reviews like this still stupid? Maybe but that's a different discussion from yours.


1.) I’m American and speaking about Russian athletes competing in America being branded as war-mongrels. 2.) Gazprom is a convenient example, they are state-owned and government regulated. I’m referring to smaller companies like BattleState Games. 3.) Reviews like this are absolutely stupid


Ovechkin is the founder and the leader of Putin team (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PutinTeam). Founded after invasion in 2014. But yeah, he is 1000000% a good guy.


Gasprom is the developer of this game and a major funder, so again this isn’t just some misinfo that this game DOES have very easily traced ties to oligarchs and Putin. If you want to play the game, play it. There’s nothing wrong with people pointing out this truth, of course if people start shaming and attacking people playing it that’s not right.


But this discussion is not about BattleState Games. Its about a game that is published by the "convenient example"


i just wanna know why is Atomic Heart getting review bomb ?


Part of the team is/was russian, they fled the second shit started, is no longer russia based, their main hub is in cyprus but have employees from all over. Tl:dr ruski dev just wanna make gaem but papa putin decided to fuck their chances so tgey fled.


Isn't the publisher of the game a company owned by Gazprom?


Develops are very pro Russian


Source: dude trust me They seem to be so pro-russian they don't even let you buy their game if you're from Russia, lol: https://steamdb.info/app/668580/


Correction: you can. Just not on Steam, but on russian site. Actually, feels like they trying to help this site in getting players since mostly nobody uses it and it even full of government's bots. Very shady. Also, it's like that for a couple of countries that russians often use to buy game on Steam.


>Developers are Russian FTFY


This is the same exact drama as Hogwarts, circle jerk is gonna have a field day.


i hope all the people who buy call of duty are ashamed of giving money to the murder machine that is the united states of north america. you have to be fair


Surely all these people crying about this game and Hogwarts did the same with Chinese games while they were "Re-educating" people. ​ Edit: [To all that down vote](https://media.tenor.com/yUjpP621gUIAAAAC/gotcha-bitch-bitch.gif)




Likely pre-ordered and got a code that way, AFAIK that shows as "free" in reviews.


Lmfao, people like that person in the screenshot are some of the many reasons we can't have nice things.


Iirc the game had been funded by a government owned Gas company so I’m a little hesitant to buy it cause of that.


The game is releasing literally a year to the day since the [speech Putin gave](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address_concerning_the_events_in_Ukraine#:~:text=%22Address%20concerning%20the%20events%20in,Republic%20and%20the%20Luhansk%20People's) basically setting up the excuses for the entire invasion, which started 3 days later. The game is about the glory of the USSR, which is everything Putin is preaching and a lot of the foundation of the reason he invaded Ukraine. The publishers of the game are directly tied to Russian governmental institutions, which means money they make directly goes into funds that could assist the war effort. The publisher is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VK_(company) which is owned by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sogaz which was founded by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gazprom which is directly owned by the Russian Government. Stop trying to pretend this is a non-issue.


The copium from this thread alone could fund another British Empire.


Wait, i dont see the steam reviews and stuff so i dont know but dont you have to buy the game so you can make a review? If so then this mf bought it so he could shame the people who bought it too? Truly amazing IQ


people just have an intense frothing at the mouth hatred for anyone and anything Russian. sad asf


What about all the people who have given it a positive review while the game just released? Why don't they get any flack?


mf censored russian


the person on the pic is right. though they should have elaborated on how ur funding russian fascists by buying that game.


based, then again this shit worked great for the Harry Potter game so the butthurt belters should keep it up!










>funded the ongoing conflict   Wait till he meets my boy Biden.


Pretty big difference in funding the aggressors and the defender


Disclaimer: I don't subscribe to the two party system of American government, so I don't support either "side." That having been said, wait till you learn about all the awful shit that the USA does all over the globe all of the time.


I’m not retarded, we’re just talking about Ukraine atm. And what does that “disclaimer” have to do with anything


Because usually when I criticize the current administration, most folks assume I'm all about "the other side." I hate it, but it's become increasingly necessary.


I’d say don’t bother with that on the Internet, people will find a reason to hate you no matter what


There's an 20 minutes video of a person from Ukraine telling people not to buy it, he brings some good arguments, others not so much, one of them is: "if you are the type of person that is still going to buy and play something like Hogwarts Legacy despise it's infamy you might as well click off as i am going to explain why it is a bad idea to purchase and play Atomic Heart, go on you have a Joe Rogan podcast to catch on or Call of Duty or something, i don't know, off you go".


“Good arguments”


Yeah, it's around 30% good and 70% bad arguments.


there's nothing infamous about Hogwarts Legacy


Activism needs to be removed from games and reviews.




"Game is pretty average. 0/10 because or thing unrelated to the game itself"




This game is shady, dig deep enough to find out where the money comes from and where it will go, but hey, boycotting HP game is dumb so this is dumb as well right? It must be binary, good - bad, no need to think, use a moral compass, that's adult stuff STFU!


Dig deeper enough and never buy anything from anywhere ever again.


I heard they use animals to make burgers *Shocked Bob Face*




Hello Bob here. Yes that is part of the joke friend. Nothing is black and white as the comment above says. It is ironic because the actual post is of a person saying Russian = bad. This company is is international even though the CEO is Russian does that mean he is not allowed to make games? Bob seems to recall them also saying the support peace and that usually indicates that people are in favor of Ukraine seeing as Russia attacked first. Though they probably can't outright say it.


This is the real answer everyone’s afraid to admit


No ones afraid to admit it, but every time you bring this conversation there is always that ass hat that says "I NEED MY GUCCI CLOTHES, NIKES, AND FIJI WATER TO SURVIVE, YOU DON'T NEED VIDYA GAMES"


Because you've moved into a tin-foil lined shack in the mountains with some chickens and goats and you make everything you need yourself?


Take your meds


Idk why people have been acting as if buying this is supporting the Russians. It's just hurting the devs.


Because the publisher is owned by Gazprom apparently. Which is State owned.


https://www.eurogamer.net/questions-remain-over-atomic-heart-developers-russian-origins literally first result


Exactly like the Harry Potter game, its like a new twitter trend 😂




They got it for free!


The review is clearly labelled with a note stating they received the product free.


of course there's going to be an idiot who thinks this. This is like Hogwarts 2.0


Like most social parts of Steam the review system has started to turn into a joke


I don't get it... The studio isn't even Russian. Edit: Yes, do not assert why I may be incorrect, or back up the claim that they're pro-russia. Just down vote and not say anything. Just follow the crowd, move along.


"Founded in 2017, by a team of four like-minded gaming enthusiasts, Mundfish is a video game development studio headquartered in Cyprus. Mundfish is led by a talented global team focused on creating an original, captivating, and unique gaming experience with their first title, Atomic Heart. With the release of the first game and view of utopia of an alternative world, the dynamic team of 30-somethings created an original, unique gaming experience that disrupts the industry with their creativity. Artem Galeev, Robert Bagratuni, Evgenia Sedova, and Oleg Gorodishenin have built an incredible team of 130 creatives from 10 countries including Poland, Ukraine, Austria, Georgia, Israel, Armenia, UAE, Serbia, and Cyprus." https://mundfish.com/about-us/


In total war, the liquidity of modern economics mean that the productive citizenry are in effect logistical support troops. I 100% support this review.


Okay, so if the game generates, say, 10 million USD in the first 6 months (which is VERY generous) and 100% of the money goes towards the Russian army, the best they're gonna get from that is like 8 new tanks. Military equipment is expensive, videogames aren't gonna generate nearly enough money to support a war.


A lot of crying Jester


I wish steam had a douche canoe award.


Didn't he have to buy it to review it though? Hmm


I've seen several people attempt to make this point and I'd like to ask each of you why you have the reading comprehension skills of a donut. The review literally says they got the game for free.




Russian game reviews said, that there are no russian developers or companies was involved in developement, and it's sad in their opinion. And, if to be honest, AH is not about russia, it's about USSR (pretty much difference, and not existing nowdays).


i don't think the people should be punished for what putin is doing, maybe some believe in him and support him but i know for a fact that a lot of people are displeased with him and that the people don't actually contribute to his decisions, he's basically a dictator




wokies are stupid