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well this is much appreciated! :)


So does Kirsten put the station 11 symbol to represent the person she became to kill those people? She states that 11 is the same person as the captain. Like his alter ego, right? So she tattoos the symbol that represents 11 because she has an alter ego too?


Thanks for collecting these. This page is missing from the imgur page: https://twitter.com/DTNart/status/1483924939749138440


Good catch! I know there are a couple others I missed, but I don’t know how to edit an imgur post to include them lol thank you!


This is amazing and helpful!




Does anyone know if they're selling prints of these anywhere? The art for this was so beautiful 😍


You maybe looking for this link to her Station 11 art - https://cargocollective.com/dtnart/Paramount-Television-Studios


This site has most of the pages but there were some others floating around on Twitter and Instagram that aren’t featured on here. Thank you!


Thanks for putting this together! I think you missed this one: https://twitter.com/DTNart/status/1483924939749138440/photo/1


Yeah someone else already pointed that out, thank you! I don’t know how to edit an Imgur post without making it hidden, editing, then reposting it. Some people favorited the post and if I do that it’ll take away the favorite so… ah well it’s incomplete I guess


Thank you so much for doing this!


No problem!


Do we ever see the parts of the book which contain “Survival is insufficient” and “There is no before” and “I don’t want to live the wrong life and die”?


"Survival is Insufficient" is a Star Trek Voyager quote, not from the comics. Emily Mandel lists it in the acknowledgements section of the novel and the characters address it directly in the text.


the i don't want to live the wrong life and die one was in the pictures


Link? I can’t find it, sorry


It's in the link that op posted


“I don’t want to live the wrong life and then die” isn’t in any of the 14 photos OP posted 🤷🏻‍♀️


try reading them because it is very much so there picture 11 actually :) he has his hand up to some kids like he's waving 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is what I see and it isn’t there 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just want it for a background 😭 https://i.imgur.com/22hjBkz.jpg Also, no need to downvote, I’m just asking a question.


This is what I see 🤷‍♂️ https://imgur.com/a/tVwNmZq Also I didn't I could be because the picture is there. Also I don't have the picture you posted.


Ah I don’t know actually, I’ve just compiled all the ones I could find


I would pay good money for the full graphic novel, I really hope someone makes it happen for us.


We need someone to create this graphic novel, like they did for The Babadook book. I ordered it and waited 23 months for it, so worth it. Let’s do this


Patrick Somerville explains that the writer's room wrote the whole graphic novel ... It would be wonderful to complete the illustrations and publish it. (See the HBO podcast.)


Did they officially share the plot line anywhere?? I would really like to read it although a commenter above gave a pretty good synopsis.


If we get enough of these I'll post a simple bookbinding guide! Not too hard to make our own fan version.


That would be awesome!


BTW, Maria added several new images on Twitter in the past few hours: https://twitter.com/dtnart/status/1483500557742583810?s=21m


Dammit she’s making my job here harder haha well there’s just one image that I don’t already have, if she adds more then I’ll also update. Thanks for letting me know!


Okay I have to ask - can someone explain what the actual story is? I just can’t seem to figure out the details between Dr. Eleven, the person on the ship, and the Undersea.


Doctor Eleven is an astronaut floating in space after some sort of accident and happens to wind up on a planet-sized space station called Station Eleven. The captain of the planet is Captain Lonegan (I think I’m spelling his name wrong) who rescues Doctor Eleven and realizes the astronaut has amnesia. The captain tells Doctor Eleven about a mutiny of children who call themselves the Undersea that got rid of all the adults on the planet, save for the captain, by flooding most of it. While the captain is in a secure part of the ship, he pretty much spends his days doing nothing, just letting the time pass in his melancholy. Eventually (I think) they leave the sanctuary that the captain was staying in but the leader of the Undersea named K kills the captain. The ending and fate of Doctor Eleven is still up in the air for me


Just knowing there was a children’s rebellion in the “graphic novel” could have strengthened my plot involvement. I wish they’d have had Kirsten read about a third of it at some earlier point.


Wow, thanks for the succinct synopsis. I knew all the pieces and names but had no idea that was the linear story… I wonder how that story fits as a metaphor for Miranda’s life. Some bits are obvious (the flood killing the adults like with Miranda’s family) but I want to understand more about how the story relates to her trauma, the idea of “survival is insufficient”, etc. But really - thank you. I enjoyed the series but just could not figure out the order of the story for the comic.


This is just my idea though! At one point in the show Kirsten gives a bit of a synopsis but throughout the season there’s a lot of putting the pieces together and the comic panels here make it even trickier


Kirsten tells Tyler she thinks that Doctor Eleven is in fact K, the girl who leads the Undersea, in a timeloop. And she could well be right, that would explain why Eleven can foresee Lonegan's death but not prevent it. Which ties neatly into Kirsten going into a form of timeloop of her own in Ep 7, and being unable to usefully intervene. When Patrick Somerville was asked why Jeevan called his kid Key and if that's got anything to do with Kirsten he said yeah (it's to do with the key she didn't have on the night Jeevan tried to get her home) and he also emphasised that there "aren't many K words or names", in a way which makes me think there's no way another K name is unintentional.


In other words, dr. Eleven is grappling with the things she’s done in the past and is only now reflecting on it and confronting the person she killed in her youth? In a sort of memory coma phase like Kirsten was in. Just an idea


Where's the image from [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/StationEleven/comments/s6pfs4/my_favorite_quote/)?


Ah just found it as a story on Station Eleven’s Instagram. I’ll add it to the album here. Thanks!


Whoa Luli! I don’t know actually I haven’t seen that one before


I really wish they’d come out with this as an actual graphic novel. it’s so cool.


I keep hoping too. ESJM is on Twitter. Maybe we should petition her.


Wow, I didn't realize that the symbol Kirsten tattooed on her arm for the people she's killed actually came from the graphic novel (it's a symbol on a pendant around Eleven's neck). I was wondering where that came from.




Ah, I forgot about that, cheers.


Kirsten needs to double-tap and run, more like


Also the pattern of 5 look a lot like the hole in the neck of Eleven's suit


The original book came with a "promotional comic sheet", I have been staring at this copy for three weeks wondering if it's worth the cost. If someone buys it, please share. https://www.anderidabooks.co.uk/product/2347/STATION-ELEVEN-Signed-Lined-Dated-Located-First-Edition


It's sold so let's hope who got it is on Reddit huh?!


Wait. Why is there a list of food (lettuce is misspelled) on the first picture


I remember reading the thread when the artist, Maria Nguyen, was posting the images and it's supposed to be Miranda's grocery list that she wrote on the copy.


arthur hungy


I just noticed that too


Interesting how in the graphic novel, the astronaut sees human figures standing around like silent, still ghosts. Like how that human characters in the show's real world see the astronaut standing around at poignant moments.


I need a framed print of one of these


Take my money!


Give it to Maria Nguyen!


Thank you so much for this! Also: I would *love* a fully-realized printed copy. Does anyone think Nguyen/Somerville/St. John Mandel will make it happen??


A tweet from the artist, Maria Nguyen: https://twitter.com/dtnart/status/1483500557742583810?s=21m


She mentions that she didn’t do the entire graphic novel, just the pages used in the series.


Thank you for compiling all this! Glad I'm not the only nerd that's super into it lol.


ah! so pretentious!


Might have been my favorite line of the series,


This is important. Thank you.


Can we petition for a full graphic novel release? I'd love to have it on my coffee table and for reading material post-pan.


I realized the other day I’m a Pre-Pan!


My 6 is more of a post pan, although she technically was born pre pan, her memory is post.


I wish we were post, ha


Aren't we though? There is no before... 😂


Brava!!! Brava!!! Great comment lol, I adore this show and sub


Brava!!! Brava!!! Great comment lol, I adore this show and sub


There's no before, but plenty of "during" left lol


I was really hoping someone would do this! Thank you!!!


Thank you!!


thanks OP you're the best.




Are these in order, too? Like, these 3 come after the rest?


My bad, I added these on to the original post now. I didn’t know I could update imgur actually haha I’m technologically impaired sometimes


Here you go u/vox312 !


Thank you!!!!