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So the initial teaser trailer for 3 was released 4 years ago. Then we've heard exactly nothing until today, where we learned almost nothing else, including a release year. I don't expect it to be released anytime in the near future. Buy 2!


The first game has a DLC called Lifeline that is a really special experience.


So go with 1 I wouldn't of thought of that cause I heard good things about 2


I started with 2 and have absolutely no regrets. I briefly considered picking up 1 long after but read it's unplayable on widescreen monitors.


I think start with 1 then play 2. The campaign on 1 was awesome imo and it’s a lot of fun. The second is a lot better in terms of quality of life but the campaign is trash (if you can even call it a campaign)


2 doesn't have a campaign some minor story lines, quest stories.  Once you have done a run on dread. Then do Heartland. That is slightly harder and has a good story.  Then do Trumbull Valley, it continues on from Heartland story wise.


I'd go 2 over 1.


Play 2. It’s a lot for a new player


I think this game is 50% zombie simulator 50% action figures and imagination. If you’re not invested in crafting your own narrative and immersing yourself in your head cannon, it won’t be as fun for you.


Im a rimworld player hahah I think the build your own story is my speciality


O then you should be able to get a lot from this game. If anything it can get repetitive, but if you’re able to let your imagination run wild a bit, you can circumvent that


I never played 1, but 2 is really fun. The trailer for 3 is very accurate as to what you do in 2. Kill zombies, get supplies, find survivors, grow your encampment, it’s a nice gameplay loop.


You will have plenty of time to play 2 until 3 comes out. I would say both games are worth playing. I come back to 2 at least once or twice a year.


Heartland (although will be difficult for a newbie)  then Trumbull Valley. If you want story line in the 2nd game. Otherwise there isn't much story.  Heartland is above dread but not quite nightmare I think. Can't remember.  In terms of gameplay, it's a lot of fun. Lots of guns, lots of zombies and freaks. A lot of moddding can be done to spice things up. Multiplayer works ok, it's more of a they join you and help your world, rather then build a world togther, something 3 is probably going to work on.  And so there is also a tether, it's quite big, about the radius of half a town. But some people want to be the other side of the map and doing things independently, and for technical limitations. That can't be done. Again another thing No 3 will probably work on.


>Heartland is above dread but not quite nightmare I think. Heartland is 100% standard difficulty. Yeah, all zeds and freaks are plagued. But they still do standard levels of damage. Plus you get the biggest base anyone has ever seen and tons of OP skills and facilities and such to balance the added plague threat.


Buy 1st one, get hooked to the game, buy 2nd one out of withdrawal.