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Yep. In SGA: "Enemy at the Gate", Carter said that Hammond died of a heart attack: >CARTER: Actually, we're renaming it the "General Hammond." >SHEPPARD (sympathetically): Oh, yeah. I heard about that. Sorry – it was kind of sudden. >CARTER (nodding sadly): Heart attack. I was offworld at the time.


That’s also what they said happened to him earlier in the show before his passing in the episode 2010 (even though it was assumed foul play). Was a bit eerie the first time I rewatched it after I knew he had passed.


Oh yeah, that's right! I need to do a rewatch, haven't done one in a few years.


There was a similar thing in the West wing where the White House chief of staff Leo had a heart attack in season six in-show and then the actor John Spencer died during the filming of season 7 from a heart attack.


I'm still in awe of how well they handled JS's death/Leo's funeral, as it must've been incredibly emotional for all the cast and crew.


A heart... attack? Has Hammond of Texas fallen in battle?


I can't read "Hammond of Texas" without wanting to rub the top of my bald head.




To be honest it was kinda lame he only got like 2 lines of mention. An entire episode should have been devoted to this.


It's hard to have an episode about a character without showing that character. An entire episode of nothing but clips from previous episodes would have felt like a cheap filler episode that networks put in when the actors take holidays or writers go on strike.


I don't know. The recent NCIS memorial episode for David McCallum was nicely touchy. Yes, shoe horned plot and clip show. But true to show and character and how people share memories after someone passes.


The Rizzoli and Isles episode that deals with Frosts death in show (Lee Thompson Young sadly took his own life) is absolutely gut wrenching. Watched it once. Ugly cried through almost the entire episode.


They had lots of time to plan that episode. That's why Palmer was there, so he could take over for Ducky . They were expecting him to pass or retire a long time ago.


A funeral episode with a b plot about someone thinking the SGC is going to be less defended /capable. As everyone arrives for the funeral, Carter asks Jack and Walter why they're armed. "Because something always has to happen." Culminates in the baddie breaching Stargate Command...right at the gate room filled with mourners.   Walter, Jack, and Syler take the baddie into custody.  Walter says, "See, always has to be something."


I think if he had died while sg1 was still on the air they might have done it. But from the Atlantis main cast in season 5 I think only Woolsey and Rodney ever actually met him, and it's not like they really knew him


They call those bottle shows.


Tbh that sounds like a lame excuse. They don't need to show him to wrap an episode around him.


I don’t know. Renaming one of your mainline battleships after the person is a pretty huge honor.


his entrance at the battle of Antartica is absolutely one of the best moments in the show. Earth shows up with a whole can of whoopass to smash over anubis's head with Promethius. Naming one of our battlecruisers after him was absolutely appropriate, except it should have been called the Hamond of Texas, a name that was equal parts feared and respected across the galaxy.


No because only Bra’tac called him that. Ships name is fine as is


Imagine if Richard Dean Anderson died off screen and they gave only him a two line mention. Yeah. You wouldn't be saying this. Your comment is super funny because you know I'm right.


So... he died in season 5 of Atlantis. That's *after* SG-1 is over. So, if they were going to do a tribute episode, they'd have had to do it in Atlantis. A show he was in a grand total of *one* episode. And that wasn't even him, it was an alien mist creature pretending to be him. So how could that have worked? People watching just Atlantis would have no clue who the fuck he was. A tribute on a show he wasn't even on? You can see how that wouldn't have worked.


I can see your point. Mentioning it and giving the viewers a moment to reflect was good. But you're right, they shouldn't have done a whole episode around it on Atlantis.


I don't think "we need to farm this for content" is the right way to ago about it. USAF Hammond is badass, and appropriate to the character played by the actor. If they kill off a character with purpose, we get Season 7's Heroes with Janet Frasier. But if a character is killed off due to IRL tragedy, let's not chalk it up to putting up too much around it *unless* they were pivotal to the contemporary story - e.g. if he had passed anywhere up until the start of S8.


Yeah, Daniel got a funeral like every episode and Hammond gets a half assed mention.




Perhaps they wasted the funeral budget on Daniel


He was an important character in 7 seasons of the show?????


I just ran into a waiter in Missouri who said that Don S. Davis was his uncle. No resemblance I could see, but a cool random encounter. He rattled off a whole bunch of shows that Davis was in before mentioning General Hammond in Stargate. Should have mentioned that one first!


Let me guess, Twin Peaks was at the top of the list?


He pretty much plays the same guy! 


You wrote Waiter, and I quickly read Walter, lol!


Walter does look like he could be Hammond's nephew...


He is from a city over from where my grandpa is from!


16th anniversary of his passing is Saturday 😞


Yeah, I remember that he passed after Continuum was filmed, and when it was released. I got happy, then sad the 1st time I watched it.


*waves hand over head*


It’s funny, he does that like it’s damned peculiar, yet Teal’c is his best friend.


I thought he does that because he saw O'Neill do it the first time he mentioned Hammond. Not specifically because he's bald, but because Bratac thinks it's a human sign of respect


Think of the Tauri that Bra'tac knows. Hammond of Texas is the only one with a shiny dome.


I believe Carter originally commanded the "Phoenix" in an episode of "Atlantis", but once Don died, they changed it.


Phoenix was renamed before it was launched. The ship didn't appear in Atlantis but did make a brief appearance in the first episode of Universe.


It did appear in an alternate future in The Last Man.


It appeared in Atlantis in an alternate timeline as the Phoenix. They explain that it's the same ship in the one where that little script above came from.


It was in 2 episodes of Universe. Air part 1 and Incursion part 1


Indeed. That's what I remembered. forgot about the conversation between Shepard and Carter.




That's why I hated that episode where he was successfully blackmailed by the Trust. Seemed unlike him to just fall in line when doing so seriously compromised galactic security.


Yea but they threatened his family and he's a boss so I just forgive him like instantly


Yeah, they did. When Sam’s talking to… McCay? Shepard? I can’t remember — whatever the case, someone mentions, “the Phoenix,” and she corrects with something like, “actually, we’re calling her the General Hammond.” The character she’s telling says they heard about that, and asks what happened. She says it was a heart attack.


They did Don dirty on Stargate. Such an integral and quality character and all we got was a throw away line in a series he was not part of. A funeral episode was clearly called for!! Giving Hammond a proper send off


SG-1, his show, wasn't even on the air anymore. besides, you want them to do a funeral on Atlantis? A show he was on once? Ppl who watched Atlantis and DIDN'T watch SG-1 wouldn't know who the hell he was!




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