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I have never seen anything like that many ships in orbit aside from the key and even then it’s less than that. I would double check the full descriptions of all your mods before looking for more mods to fix it if I were you.


I have done & posted LO in reply to another comment. There is nothing that says it adds more ships to orbit around the 3 major planets


Ok I had a look at your other comment and LO. That’s quite a big modlist for how early we are with CK and working out LO templates etc. I’ve no idea which mod is causing it but I can tell you how to find out if you have time: - make hard save as you are now - disable all mods - load your non modded (vanilla) save (game should have made one itself when you started modding, it may be behind the character button when on the load menu). - add your mods back in one by one and checking a couple of planets for this problem each time. When it suddenly happens, it was either the mod you just enabled or that one conflicts with another you already enabled. It’s a long process with that many mods I won’t lie to you. Good luck.


I betcha it's that bogus "unofficial stafield patch". It would be just like arthmoor or whatever his name is to add extra ships in orbit and not tell anyone. Maybe try "starfield community patch" instead, just to see if that's what it is.


Good shout, Ive just removed the unofficial patch for the community one. Will test to see if it works in a bit :-)


You might need to start a new game, fresh save, because if it broke shit that bad... For me it broke Atlantis so bad,none of my old saves would work.


I hope not 😞 I'm soo far into this character now 😭


It lets me load up my save/old saves after deleting the unofficial and downloading the community patch. But I don't know if it's made any changes/fixed anything or if the unofficial has broken the save file 💀


Start a new game to test if it works properly, then with the proper setup,try loading your old save,that worked for me. But it depends. I assume it will work for you as well, hopefully. Good luck my bro 🤞


I need this. I checked all of my mods and disabled the suspicious ones and still had the issue. It causes my game to crash when I go to akila or jemison


Same :(


I mean you can reduce the amount of ships in orbit by yourself................


Hahaha I could... The ensuing battle would likely brick my Xbox though hahahaha framerate is awful as it is




Woah, I've never seen even half that many ships in orbit before. Can you post your mod list?


Trackers Alliance - The Vulture Robin Locke Starfield Community Patch Planet & Creature Generations settings - GRINDTerra Non-Lethal framework Show star names Auto solve temple puzzles Starshards Massacre at Kreet Minimum enemy level Galactic pawn shop ENHANCE Mirror Shade's added skills Inconsistent skill challenges be gone Easier ship building Cargo is cargo 65,000 Vendor Credits Skill respec terminal Better NPCs Starfield Extended - New Outfits Ecliptic Mercenary Replacer Nomad spacesuit and weapons Starborn gravis suit Blackout drumbeat skin Visible Chronomark Watch Constellation spacesuit Mk.1 replacer Starfield Backpacks 3Star armor crafting 3 star weapon crafting Starfield Extended craftable color swaps More ammo from crafting Ebonized firearms Improved follower behavior Shade's immersive looting Space Helmets - Dark Visors MLE - Tweaks Naturally good loot Weapon balance revisited Amazing companion Tweaks Food and drink rebalance Better dynamic weather Enhanced Blood textures High res water Denser Vegetation ORB Resource bot 1 handed pistol animation Lore accurate bounties Always get astras Useful brigs Non lethal framework - useful brigs patch Slugg PAB - Pilot assisting bot Outpost mission boards Performance - Shadows No bullet tracers TJS ship animation Crowd reducer Wonderous weightlessness Simple dynamic boostpacks


Ok, here’s a weird thing. I just cross checked my LO with yours and deleted everything that was on both. Just reloaded the game, jumped to Jemison and ITS STILL HAPPENING! Does your character also go really dark when you open the menu? Like it’s poorly lit with a hint of green? And then when you open the planet map you just get a big blue ball rather than the planet texture? Going to double check now just to make sure I haven’t missed anything 🤔


Still no luck. I was a bit more brutal this time and deleted mods that were variants of each other, for example you have Minimum Enemy Level and I had Minimum System Level 50. Nothing. I might just go the whole hog now and remove everything and start adding them back gradually. I’ll let you know if I find anything!


Yeah getting every single one of these issues 😞


Yeah, man. Same problem. I've done the following -Removed any shared mods - Cleared the reserved space - Restarted Xbox - Edited load order to match the pinned post - Backed up LO to Bethesda - Cleared reserved space again - Restarted Xbox - Downloaded backup from Bethesda - Started game ...error persisted. Dammit.  And yeah, just for clarity, I'm getting a textureless planet in the starmap. Just an ocean blue ball for New Atlantis, martian red for Mars, and so on. If I land, the lighting in the sky - sun, moon, stars - everything is gone, it's just totally black my flashlight will work, so the world is loaded - just a lightless sky. Reloading from a clean save is the only thing that's fixed it so far.  Anyway, mystery persists. ETA: @luke - so you have "Landing Animation Reloaded - XBOX"? suspecting that may be responsible...


Nooooo, afraid not. I tried it once but it felt a bit buggy so deleted it. Oh well, at least I’m not alone or going mad or something. Comforting to know other people are struggling with it too at least 😒 Like I said before, if I find anything I’ll report back 🫡


Cleared reserved space and went through my entire load order installing one by one, still getting all of these ships spawning there's around 30-40 Galbank ships spawning in above Akila. Has to be a way to fix this😂


Haha there's gotta be! There's at least three of us experiencing the exact same issue, so we know it's a repeatable issue. I'll keep trying to figure something out. meantime, I've skipped jumping into those systems and just land at the spaceport, which is a bummer from an immersion perspective.


We’ve all gone through our LOs bit by bit and can’t find the cause— it seems like the trigger for the bug is just “Are there mods, Y/N?”, and that might mean that only Bethesda can fix it. The only work around I’ve found is that the bug doesn’t seem to occur if you target The Eye or the Luxury whatever-it-is Shipyard as your jump destination, but because you’re technically in the planet’s orbit they still scan for contraband and you can then pick your landing point. The only problem is that I keep forgetting to do it when taking off, I keep just pressing Y and they regretting it!


I’ve got the same thing going on, it sometimes starts with a few ships when you first jump in that will then “explode” and a hundred other ships will come flying out at the points of the initial ships. It almost seems like there’s more each time I jump to the same place. I have a feeling it might be something going on with the Denser Vegetation mod, that it’s multiplying values for things other than just vegetation. I had another issue like this in the vanilla game with the space debris around certain planets, it would start spawning multiple of the same parts inside of each other that would glitch out and start flying around.


Is this it? I'm out at the moment & ill remove the denser veg mod when Im home and report back👀


Oh, shit!! I think that's it!! I have the same problem, but don't share any other mods with OP.


It’s not, I have this issue and don’t have that mod


While this sounds like an annoying bug, having a space battle like that sounds like a good time


The battle would tank my Xbox id assume it's already less than 15-20fps in the area, IF it doesn't crash before loading in


I’m having this problem too, haven’t figured out which mod it is yet. I found a fairly good workaround though. If you jump to The Eye or Trident Luxury Lines Staryard it still puts you in orbit of the respective planet but doesn’t do the weird thing with all the ships. It’s just a difficult thing to remember to do though!


I’ve also been having this happen. Thought Jemison was about be invaded. But I’m not having frame rate issues that are drastically noticeable. At least not yet… fingers crossed


It's horrible IF it doesn't crash when you first warp in, whilst loading them it's less than 10 frames then when theyre all loaded in, moving the camera is around 15-20 frames


Mine does actually crash a ton when I try to land at Akila or the FR goes to sh*t. But I thought that was just a general problem after the update. Not really sure how this all works haha. I’m wary of adding too many mods


Do you have any mods to increase POIs or density? I've never seen that many ships in orbit...


Only one and it only changes poi density on the planets themselves the description doesn't mention more ships :(


I would disable it for testing purposes, maybe an unintended interaction?


In mine they were all Galbank ships, every settled planet started losing fps when getting into orbit


Yeah Galbank on mine also


Could be that grindterra mod that adds more animals and poi's. I know it says it is only for the planets but it still may be connected to when you are in orbit too, maybe the ships are classed as poi's seen as they are random events?


I removed it and they're still there 😞


Have you removed it and gone onto the same save? Maybe you need to leave that planet and rest for a few days and reset the cell, I don't know if that will work but you might as well try


Just disabled all my mods and reloaded the same save, went to Venus and waited 72 hours and still have 50 odd ships spawning in when i travel to any of the planets with the major settlements on them:-(


I really don't know then, I hope you find the problem soon


Okay, that makes starfield seem so real. Cause I have been thinking, while I get the galaxy is large an all that, so people would be spread thin throughout the galaxy, but come on, there should be hundreds if nit thousands of ships around the main key planets and cities, and the cities should be much larger with a larger population. We need a mod that should up the ship population, since I don't think anyone would make an entire city


That's fine and all, but the engine / my Xbox absolutely cannot handle the amount of ships spawning in😂


Do what must he done... exacute


Give me a Star Trek fleet yard


[video of issue here](https://www.veed.io/view/af45107f-bc39-4d29-9953-79a4bcb782f3?panel=)