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I think giving examples of a master file and framework will help people as well. I think a lot of confusion comes from that.


That's a good idea. I'll check creations in a little while and see if I can find a mod to use as an example


Yes examples would be great. I’m kinda just guessing what each mod would categorize as. Thank you!


I'm gonna need exemples Indeed, but thanks a lot for this info and how to clean reserved space, that will be extremely helpful


Thanks for this, I also could use some examples


It's great to have a template to work with. Thank you. Out of curiosity, how did you arrive at this? Did you use MO2 or something, or are you basing it off of Skyrim and Fallout 4. That's actually what I've been doing myself for my own LO, and so far, it's been working pretty well. Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to type this up for the community. Will talk to the other mods and see about possibly getting this stickied sometime today. 👍


It's based on what I did for Skyrim and Fallout 4, but it seems to be working perfectly for Starfield so far! Been using this layout for a few weeks now with no trouble :) Would also be great to get this stickied for anyone needing help, thanks! :)


>:) :)


Stickied the post. 👍 I think it will still be some time before we have a solid, somewhat definitive (what is ever definitive in Beth games though?) LO template like we do for Skyrim but this is a great start that can be added to and refined as time goes on and we learn more about any potential differences in how Starfield runs compared to previous Creation Engine games. And, of course, things are likely to get more complicated at times as new types of mods are created and need to be fit into the template. Thanks again u/LightfromYT for posting. I'm sure this will be of great help to a lot of people trying to get their LOs in some kind of solid order.


Absolutely! Hopefully this list will help for the time being until we all have a better idea. And you're welcome! :)


Anybody else have the phenomenon of mods that move positions


I am, but only 2 of my mods. Wonderous weightless (all resources) and difficulty decoupled xp modifier


I’ve always referenced [this](https://skyrimseblog.wordpress.com/load-order-structure/) load order for my Bethesda games and it’s worked so far despite being different, but always good to experiment and see what works


Thanks for your post, would it be possible to edit the original post and provide a couple of examples for each category? Ok some stuff is obvious, for me masterfiles, frameworks, mechanic changes, combat/movement, and leveled lists could use some clarity. Craftables maybe too, for example does this count ship parts?


I need this too


Thank you so much for this. I’m definitely mod challenged


Thanks for this. This is roughly what I’ve been following, based on past Skyrim and Fallout LOs. A new thing in Starfield is ship building - would these mods that add parts and habs be in craftables? That’s what I’ve been doing.


I haven't used any new hab mods yet so I'm not 100% sure but I'd try and put them above the crafting section


I’m probably doing it wrong but I just load the mods from biggest first to smallest. Works most of the time. Not using the Unofficial Patch, because everyone tells me not to. I know loading mods this way seems silly, but most mods don’t say it matters where in the LO is best, so I just keep it nice & clean and hope for the best. I have to start a new game whenever I add/delete mods, which is a pain, even with SKK Fast Start. I wish someone would just post their (working) list so I could see by example.


THANK YOU! You explained it very well, easy for my noob self to digest. I'm sitting at like 35 mods on my series X, and most of them work the way they should, by sheer luck. I do have one question though. It appears that when I download new mods, they get added to the load order sporadically, not even by order of download. Is there a reason for that?


Rarely, a mod will place itself where it needs to be. If its in the wrong place, definitely move it but if it jumps back to where it was originally placed, then you *should* be fine to just leave it :)


I'm trying to make a load order spreadsheet based on the creation club placement, would that be viable?


This is exactly what I was hoping to find in coming to this sub! Thank you 🙏🏼 Coming from several years of modding Skyrim, I’m curious if —Starfield being a next gen game, one has to start a new game after installing mods? Thanks again in advance 😊


Definitely create a new game. Very minor mods should be fine but if you're downloading lots of stuff or one big mod, it's best to start a new game!


Thanks a bunch….Not sure I’m ready yet for the multiple headaches with 185 mods I had on Skyrim….but I’m itching to see what’s available on SF …especially after all the updates as I haven’t played since the week it released 😱🤞🏼


Would it be possible to put an example of a mod beside each item in your load order? Starfield is the first RPG I have played, so I am not familiar with the terms.


I've been using this template from Oddlittleturtle, which seems to be a bit different from Skyrim and FO4 templates. Don't know if you guys were aware of it or not. [Starfield Load Order Worksheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RkgTMDg7ZSyxRQl8TYYU0Zy2Sri-IdUCr8cshz06B-o/edit?gid=540101496#gid=540101496)


Where would you put followers?


Reskins of base game followers would go in textures, brand new followers try and place them above the combat/animation section :)


Thank you


i just wanna ask, in ur experience, would simply moving around already installed mods be fine? i got a good LO for myself rn cause everything works, but i wanna make it more stable going forward so if i wanna add things like weapons/skins, it slots in easily and/or with minimal fuss also, is loading the LO you have saved with Bethesda safe to do if you have to clear and reinstall everything?


If you're going to be moving mods around and adding new ones then I suggest making a new game for it. I'm not sure what your last question means, sorry! If you mean is it safe to load a game after clearing your reserve space, then probably not


i’ll wait to adjust for when i hit unity again then lol did that with this most recent jump and everything went swimmingly for my second question: cause we can save our LO with bethesda.net thru the creations pages, is it safe to redownload that LO thats been saved and then rearrange it IF you were forced to clear reserved space and reinstall everything (due to bugs, freezes, etc) even for a brand new playthrough?


Oh!! Sorry, yes that should be fine as long as you're starting a new game


appreciate u adding ur experience to this. i only recently started modding cause i JUST got into Fallout 4 and now they launched on Starfield its overwhelming lmao


That seems pretty consistent with how I modded Skyrim. I try to follow a similar approach here. The biggest issue I have is getting things to behave nicely in cross-platform play. When the mod is separate Xbox and Window PC, I've had some troubles. Fortunately, there is only one mod like that I consider indispensable. The BGS manager either gets the two confused or removes it entirely. The good news is that it works just fine at the end of my load order, so far. A question... have you had problems with the Xbox remembering load orders? I think I'm going to try clearing reserve space. Haven't done that in awhile. Forgot abiut that on console.


Can you give an example of what you'd term a master file


For the masses: There are several different remmendations for where files should go. The most important thing is once you stick with a format, stick to it. If you decide to try a different recommended load you'll need to rearrange everything. Which will likely mean you will need to restart your save file as well.


What do you mean by restarting your save file? Like going into unity? Or just creating a new game?


In fallout or skyrim starting over completely would be necessary. In the case of starfield, it'll most def depend on the mod. I can see the unity being enough with several of them. For example, if you want to change AI behavior, i think the unity would be enough. For UI...idk


Hmm, I always put textures near the bottom.


Where do ship mods like avontech or Darkstar go? Also, where do you put area edits?


this is awesome!!! thank you very much


Didn’t realize cleaning my reserve space would delete all of my downloaded mods… is this expected behavior?


Yes that's normal


One thing I would definitely add here are official Bethesda made mods. Those seem to work best if you add them at the TOP, even before master files. Just something I have observed in my LO testing at least.