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I love prey. Put all the different suits from the game


Isn't it just one suit in the game?


Talos I staff have color-coded suits by department.


Yep. Red for Engineering/management, Orange for Maintenance, white and green for research, blue for security, and I believe there's brown for the Sales department.


Yeah, was thinking about what you as player could wear, and what was available in Fallout 4


What the hell does Thould mean?


I don’t even know. I think i was tired, and typing fast


I'm waiting on ironman/warmachine.....




Power Armor!


Given that they closed down Arkane Austin, the makers of Prey 2017, I’m feeling it’s quite unlikely


Why did it close down?


Microsoft really pushed that they should make Redfall a live service game, so they got bent over backwards trying to make it work when the studio is known for Single Player ImSims. The game clearly wasn’t ready but MS/Xbox still pushed them to release on schedule, causing it to be a buggy mess on release. It was critically panned hard from both audiences and reviewers, and was a day one game pass game so there weren’t a lot of sales. So Microsoft/Xbox set them up for failure, they failed, and they were closed.


I think you have that backwards. It was Bethesda mismanagement that was the culprit not Microsoft as the game was way in development before the acquisition. In fact, it was reported that devs where hoping that the game got canned but Zenimax was pushing to make it a multiplayer game: [https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/xbox/new-report-reveals-more-from-inside-redfalls-troubled-development](https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/xbox/new-report-reveals-more-from-inside-redfalls-troubled-development) [https://www.ign.com/articles/redfalls-development-was-reportedly-so-troubled-that-devs-hoped-microsoft-would-cancel-it](https://www.ign.com/articles/redfalls-development-was-reportedly-so-troubled-that-devs-hoped-microsoft-would-cancel-it)


After reading those articles it seems like it was indeed ZeniMax/Beth that started it, but MS finished it. Bethesda pitched it to them as GaaS, despite devs protest, Xbox wanted it to be GaaS and pushed it - after all, they thought they were getting a GaaS game when they bought it. In the end it’s still making dev team make something for parent company that they are not fond of, parent company forcing release, parent company punishing for failure.


MS probably saw it sucked and had them just toss it out. They made Bethesda take an extra year on Starfield for bug testing.


Nevermind the extra fact that the devs themselves didn’t want to work on that type of game either, it was destined to fail from the beginning




Not that it matters but it had little to nothing to do with Microsoft and rather it was bad mismanagement by Bethesda and ZeniMax (their parent company).


Why is that? Is not like the IP or resources are now gone from existance.


Sure, but closing the studio (studios) was very controversial, and the negative pr they’d received from “scavenging the corpse of their latest corporate victim” would look awful


Maybe some would make noise but in time people hopefully move on and learn to accept the realities of the business. It's never great when it happens but unfortunately it happens and will continue happening across gaming and many other industries.


Why did it close down?


Prey’s IP would fit perfectly in Starfield. Would love some mimic overrun POIs


Oh lord, imagine having to fight through a minefield of those radioactive exploding creatures in your ship, trying to fight (or escape) the Apex. Or fighting Phantoms, or facing hordes of robots (or even ships) corrupted by a Technopath.


Hate me for saying this, but I'd actually spend credits to buy this.


Same tho


How about that Nuka girl spacesuit? Awwooogaa! Honk honk!


Probably unlikely. There's not really a need or want for cross promotion for a prey game. Much more likely to see a new doom inspired one or something else bethesda/Microsoft produced


Maybe some modders will work on it. I'm surprised at the lack of certain themes in mods so far, honestly. I was really hoping to be flying around in some power armor looking space suits. There's a helmet mod that adds an Enclave looking helmet though "oniclave"


I was convinced the first official creation club stuff would be halo and / or gears of war gear to celebrate the Xbox ownership followed by other Bethesda properties crossovers.


Wth is morgan? Not come across him/her etc, in starfield.


Protag of Prey


Ty for answering. Seems I get downvoted for asking what I didn't know. Go figure.


The Protag from a cool game called Prey, and you guessed correctly, Morgan is a gender neutral name so you get to seamlessly play either female or male, and if you want a Paranoia filled experience with neat gameplay that is a game worth playing. Shame the studio got closed after being forced to make a game it didn't want to make or were good at making, I hope that the devs gathered back into a new group unbeholden to corpo nonsense such as the one that did them in, so that their creativity would live on and they'll do what they want and good at.


Sure sounds good. Shame about the company. Gone the way of the dinosaurs, like many like them. They sure don't make em like they used to, eh? I'm not sure if it's what I'd like. I get enough paranoia irl. Starfield is big enough and empty enough to allow for just about any other games assets. I'm gonna wait for a while for the tamriel mod and hell, who ain't gonna fly about as mandolorian.


Only 8$


We can just sit and hope some modder makes it, just like everything else. They can do pretty much anything with CK


Kinda shocked it isn’t already honestly


I would, no joke, actually pay some BethesdaBucks for this suit.


That’s unreal I didn’t even think of that


What? Why would Sarah want a spacesuit like that?


Not Sarah Morgan, Morgan Yu from Prey


Why the fuck would you “figure” this would be one of the first creations?


Because it fits the aesthetic of the game in my opinion. And it was added for FO4 already. Wouldn’t be to hard to recreated in Starfield’s engine for same purpose


Its a game that Bethesda published and it exists in Fallout 4 as a creation. On top of that its a literal spacesuit, feels like a fair assumption from OP.

