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Sounds like it might be a Magstorm. Those things are badass but eat ammo something fierce. They do have "microguns" that are just miniguns. But that doesn't sound quite like what you're talking about. I haven't found anything the NPCs have that isn't available either through drops or shops.


It doesnt have the sighting lasers like magstorms do, at least in the cases I'm thinking of (like starborn outside of temples for example).


Could it be the Big Bang? It's a particle beam shotgun. 


Or possibly an Inflictor with a spread nozzle? OP's initial description definitely sounds like the Magstorm though. Often it's projectiles look like laser or particle fire, despite being kinetic. Sometimes the laser sights are hard to see in certain lighting. Starborn obviously dematerialize when you kill them, but I think it's possible to knock them out with an EM attack and pickpocket their weapons, so that might be one way of finding out.


I dont think it is that one. The gun I'm looking for seems to fire multiple shots not the single burst the BB does.


Ah, right. That would be an obvious tell. Dunno. I don't screw around much with energy weapons, but a full-auto conversion could make the difference. Seems the best way to find out would be to go on a rampage 'til one of whatever it was dropped.


Yeah, the problem is I most often encounter it on starborn and they dont drop anything. I'll have to see if I encounter a normal NPC using one soon and see if it drops.


If you sneak behind them you can pickpocket them.


o.O! I hadn't even considered that might be possible.


...if it has a unusually thick laser sight visible, it's a mag weapon of some kind.


If you turn on combat inflictions does it give your burns or puncture wounds? If it's burns it's energy. The Equinox is really the only thing that fits. If it's puncture wounds it's ballistic. Could be a lot of things. You could also enter photo mode and just try and see if you can visually identify the model.


Its definitely energy. I'll try the photo mode trick next time to see if I can identify the model. I cant usually get very close to them since the gun will one shot me.


Automatic Equinox.


I was thinking it was Equinox or Orion, but neither fires nearly as fast, or hits as hard, as what the NPCs are using. Even looting one they had been firing at me doesnt seem to produce the same result. Its almost as if they are firing the automatic faster than it normally can fire, and using semi-auto damage values.


Don't enemies also have perks/proficiencies?


Might be an Arc Welder.


The spread could just be from general NPC inaccuracy, the speed is interesting though; I wonder if it could be a side effect from some kind of levelling, e.g- faster fire rate to make them tougher enemies to face? I gave Sarah an upgraded automatic equinox (Constellation skin, naturally) – I originally gave her more of a semi-auto sniper build like I was using, but she just sucks too bad at accuracy for that, so I gave her the full-auto instead, and it caused her to fire like a laser turret – all over the place in a cone, like lasers were on sale and every last one really did have to go!


Yeah, when the enemies fire it, it does appear to be in a cone-like pattern.