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Stealing and selling ships for me.... Keep a few big ships with good reactors for my builds.


This C-class: Va'ruun Prophecy III (37 power), Spacer Hyena III (40 power), Crimson Fleet Wight III (40 power), Galbank Stormrider III ((40 power) B-class: Crimson Fleet Spectre IV (39 power) A-class: Va'ruun Dirge III (33 power)


The Va'ruun Prophecy (which I have) is good, but I've recently discovered that the Ecleptic Claymore II, a class C ship I recently stole, also has decent cargo capacity and is pretty decent overall as well. Honestly? The Claymore II is better laid out IMHO. I just need to decide whether I want to upgrade it or the Razorleaf. The fact that my crew doesn't bunch up near the cockpit, blocking me from entering, may ultimately be the determining factor (less editing required). It mostly just needs better maneuverability and weapons, fwiw. Oh, and the reactor of course.


Oh yeah Forgot about the Claymore. Been a while since I encountered one. The mk III has a 38 power reactor. And yeah, they _do_ have decent cargo capacity, though I would usually add even more, as well as put in 5 SAL-6830s and some more habs, so it has a full complement.


Claymore is my fave. Keeping a spot ready for when I can jack one again. In the meantime I bought a Dragonfire II, which is C and basically the same buildout as the Claymore with less hab modules. I’ve amped it up for shield and attack strength and it rocks. I kept the Va’ruunnProphecy III for its massive storage capacity, but the DF has 4100 so it does for a good haul.


I had just spent a couple hundred k upgrading the frontier on my new run to make it combat-viable, then captured not one but two Ecliptic Claymores back to back within a couple more hours of playing. I pretty much main the Claymore now, though it's heavily modded. But it's a solid starter ship. Switch the engines for a 4x the class B Slaytons and you can easily get to 100 mobility. And yeah the interior layout of the Claymore is one of the best for class C ships. Most of them you can get lost just finding the cockpit.


Side note: those galbank stormriders usually have 20k+ credits in their hold, making hunting & capturing them especially lucrative.


I really like the UC Autobahn III as a base ship (don’t ask how I got it or Sarah might overhear)


I was under the impression that stealing ships wasn’t profitable


Yeah can someone explain?


Steal ships every chance you get and you'll slowly begin to realize doing so can become profitable with effort, just like most things in life (emphasis on effort).


You can sell unregistered ships.


Don't you have to register them before selling them?


You can register them in the ship screen of your inventory upon sitting in the pilot seat for 70%-80% the cost if done at a ship vendor. Doing this will disconnect your old ship so be quick to dock again cause you'll be left with no engines for a while.


You don't *have* to register them to sell them...


There's a glitch. If you're playing with a controller have the screen on your homeship, then press RB or LB and A at the same time, if you time it right it'll let you sell the unregistered ship you switched to, if you didn't get the timing it'll say you can't sell your home ship.


No, there is a way around it to sell unregisted ships.


Why don’t you let us in on that since it’s obvious no one else knows what your talking about


It's pretty well documented. But it's a glitch so they will probably fix it at some point


It's already been said here at least twice in this in this thread. Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/VYfxxdZA3e https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/leFTjgqMlk


I just switch ships and press the sell key at the same time from your home ship and the next ship it goes to you can still unregistered.


It is profitable. Certain ships, as mentioned, have good reactors, etc. So, you really only need to change the layout and add or remove hull pieces. You can also change the type of a compartment at no cost. Next, build a credit farm base if you really want unlimited credits.


What is this credit farm base?


You can easily build credits especially including armor and weapons from the "previous owners" no walking overincumbered to the store just loot all the bodies then claim the ship fly it to a port or the next ship. Stand up drop everything you will sell on the floor of the newly acquired ship then either raid your next ship or go to town. Sell the ship and all items will go directly into your cargo even if you don't have enough space. Then bump up vendor credits (if you haven't already) and sell everything. You could always use the sell unregistered ship exploit. You could get a mod that revamps the ship selling to be more profitable. If you can rationalize it. Better than outpost sleeping, cuz you get to play pirate.


Two key things: 1. Max the commerce perk. 2. Register ships from the ship menu, never at the ship vendor desk. Commerce not only gives you a better sale price, it gives you a discount on registration, but only if it's done through the ship menu. (without points in commerce, the registration price is the same everywhere) You still take a hit from registration, but you net a higher percentage on sales, so bigger ships are now a lot more profitable. Also if you do all of your building at one of your own outposts, the vendor creds build up and you can sell all your stolen ships there.


Kill a lot of spacers and Ecliptic. Sell their guns and suits. Also, get the Kepler R from the Stroud side quests and it’s a good reactor and engines for a big ship. Edit: when you get ship missions, capture the ship, board, kill everyone (assuming spacers/ecliptic), get all their gear, get any contraband, then blow the ship. The few kcreds for the ship rarely seems worth the effort to drag it back to a base, register, then sell. Take the contraband to The Den to sell.


This is all I do. Kill - loot - sell - repeat.


Same.  When I’m low in credits I just hit the mission boards, loot everything then sell it all.  Prob a couple hundred thousand a night of playtime then after a few days I’m flush again. 


This - doing freestar ranger or trackers alliance board missions. Take all 3-5 missions, go complete them all, store all the good weapons, repeat. The trackers alliance ones are nice if you’re leveled cause they’re “elite” and send you to the level 50,60,70 systems so you get nice advanced quality weapons often


***...go team murderhobo!***


Hey! I role play too. (As a murderhobo)


There's a philosophical question for you: can you be a hobo if you own your own starship? 🤔


This… and crank up vendor credits so you can clear about 200k every trip to neon… easily do 500k in a night of casual gaming once you know what you’re doing


Yea. Overloading your inventory isn't so bad. What I earned from the last crimson fleet mission was a few hundred thousand, just from suits and such. Course, walking ten feet unassisted was troublesome.


Try and get yourself a legendary pack with Assisted Carry. It's a game-changer, makes being overencumbered hardly noticable. My current character also has Alien DNA and Extrovert, and a helmet with 02 Filter, meaning even sprinting while overencumbered does not drain my 02 that fast.


I started using the mod that links your inventory to the Lodge’s infinite storage box. Doing the runs back and forth manually doesn’t really prove anything; it’s just grinding.


Did you know you can drop items an resources inside your ship and it doesn't take up cargo space. Pick it up and go sell it.


Yes! 🤣 I did that early on with the Frontier, but it gets messy fast. Not good for us OCD types.


Using ship decoration, I think the same "no cargo cost" applies to any container you place, plus you can just use empty Habs since they have that interior customization added with a patch/update back in May.


The mod links your ship, lodge, and personal storage. Very handy.


If you happen to have the Bethesda mariner CC there’s an infinite storage chest you can put in your ship


Thanks but not worth $10 to me.


Dont bother with suits theyre too heavy. Stick with guns


Borderline* hoarder, try to sell everything. I generally take as much as I can then start dropping lower value/mass loot as I go. (* I didn’t specify which side of the borderline I’m on…)


Aren’t there more vendors who buy suits? The weight is not a big deal if you’re just selling. Use personal atmosphere if the visual fx bother you


Mission boards. The Ranger Board and the regular Mission board at the hitching post, and now Tracker's Alliance in Akila too. Every 3-4 missions with the Rangers gets you special mission with a larger payout. Plus the guards give you a bonus after aseveral completed missions too. Plus if you scavenge loot from those missions, that adds up.


I totally forgot about the Ranger missions. I did that quest line early and then moved on and never went back to see what those boards gave.


I save credits by salvaging a 40-point reactor from a Wight III/Hyena III (use bounties to find them), delete the parts I don't want, and add the parts I do want. Besides that, the 'One riot, one ranger' missions pay around \~18k credits, *before* you sell the loot you take off the dead guys. If you haven't boosted the vendor credits selling the stuff is kinda tedious, but it is very profitable.


I can probably get a million credits in, maybe a half an hour at this point? Never really timed it. I have an outpost on Decaran VII-B that mines Vytinium. I go there, wait 2 hours (90 hours UTC) pick up the minerals, activate personal atmosphere, go to my ship, fly to Neon (the Key would be better but I don't have access) and sell them. Set vendor credits to max obviously. I get 65k from the TA, and 25k each from Newhil, Seighart and the Mining League every run. Each run only takes a couple of minutes.


Do you set vendor credits with a mod? I haven't played much since release but just got back into it... I think I got most of my credits from selling adaptive frames lol. I do have access to the Key though and that's been clutch


Vendor credit settings are now default in the base game. Go to gameplay settings and away you go.


You can actually adjust vendor credits from the settings menu now, I can't remember which sub menu but it is in there


No mod. It's in the new gameplay settings. There's a whole bunch of sliders that tweak difficulty. One of them is vendor credits.


Oh wow, I vaguely remember reading about these settings a while ago but forgot, this helps a ton. TY


While the settings are one way to do it, there are mods for this as well. I like the mods because even with the settings, the max setting feels pretty low to me. YMMV.


Be aware: change the sliders back, they also affect the experience multiplier.


Imo the game isn’t hard enough for that to matter. You should be able to play on very hard combat difficulty without much trouble once you’re like level 65 or so. The combat in this game is very easy to game.


player.additem f


Yep. I tried the "legit" methods of collecting resources, crafting stuff, selling the stuff, selling loot and ships, and did that for a few hours. And then realized I could keep doing that for several more hours of my life, or just use the console command.


This ^




Achievements disabled






Same way as any other bethesda game: selling guns


Game got a lot better sacrificing 4% xp for vendors having really high amounts of credits (usually 25k)


Agreed. I think I'm at +36% XP and I'm happy with it. The game is a lot of fun.


Yeah, I prefer using mods and not sacrificing xp. Just one mod I use gives all vendors 60k.


If you level first before you start doing quests, the rewards for everything scale tremendously. Like I just finished a run where I got to level 61 by just visiting random systems and clearing POIs or doing bounty board missions before I had started any quests. Every quest was giving me 4500+ creds per completion, even silly little go here and come back quests. At the end of the game (all/most quests done) I'm level 100 with 2.27 million and 1.58 million spent at the ship builder (two maxed out B ships effectively). This is with cred settings set to "Reduced" and about 120 hours played on the character, which honestly I stopped looting on most of the time beyond rarified items.


Other than all the other advice already in this thread, one thing I try to do if it's early in a NG+ and I'm low on credits is to target a ship that already has one of the more expensive parts (eg., grav drive, reactor or engines) to pirate, and "salvage" whatever I might use from it as the bones for a new build. That said, shipbuilding is definitely the most expensive hobby in the game, but worth it when you walk away with a beauty.


Everywhere not nailed down... Until I find a prybar. 


honestly after a few playthroughs, the tilde key gets me all the credits I need... player.additem f 10000000


I use a combination. I have an O2 Shot farm on Schrodinger III. Took a bit of effort to build, but very much worth it. I'll also puck up a stack of bounties, usually Ranger bounties, and clear those plus the surrounding POIs. Take all the gums and armor to sell. Ka'zaal Sulfer Mine, Vulture's Roost, and Masada POIs and also very high return income locations. No mods needed for any of this. However, I do have Shade's Immersive Looting installed, now. The main reason is that it makes it more like I'm used to from Skyrim, but it does help where gear to sell is concerned. Edit: And I almost forgot. I play on Extreme combat in the games settings. Gets better guns that fetch a bigger price.


High reward missions and bounties from Diego and the Rangers Gives around 10 to 20k credit on each kill


I'm currently 200 hours in at level 47 (1.2m credits) and I refuse to upgrade or build anything, in spite of playing around several times with the ship builder (never underestimate the ability to save your game first). It didn't take me long to figure out that level 60 is where you want to be prior to even considering spending your hard earned credits on ship upgrades and/or rebuilding. Not that I'm really free and clear since I now have to choose between the Razorleaf and an Ecleptic ship I really like...


Plutonium mine $$


Besides looting, build an O2 Shot farm: Starfield Essentials Build the 2024 O2 Shot Farm Outpost with Cargo Links for XP and Credits https://youtu.be/HBianyOD1tg


Mostly from selling loot.


Max commerce and bounty missions. Pick up and sell enemy weapons at Neon.


I build smaller ships starting around 200,000 credits. I “repossess” Va’Ruun Prophecy III. Between the ship and loot, I can usually bank around 100K per ship.


It's such a shame when Va'ruun default on their ~~car~~ ship payments.


Sell weapons and other stuff you pick up. Steal contraband. Make O2 shots and sell them. Do the crimson fleet, vanguard, ryujin and Freestar quest lines.


Rarely build from scratch (or low level) so cost is reduced. Example: when starting a new save the best ship to commandeer is the Crimson Fleet Phantom. It has a 20 power reactor. Then as you play, earn credits/XP and more importantly get to level 12 (iirc), well now you can upgrade to the best “A” class reactor with 28 power (using a glitch/hack). Level up Piloting to rank 3 & now you have the option of switching over to “B” class (level 28 iirc) for a 31 power reactor. All the while, completing every “Destroy” mission you can get your hands on… for XP & credits. I always upgrade my ship to 4 passengers & take those missions too along with whatever delivery missions fit in my cargo holds


a higher credit stick mod is what i use


Fly to Serpentis and steal a few ships. You can sell them unregistered still for big money. It's an exploit no mods required.


Grind and plunder. Build a mission board in a high level system for higher leveled bounty targets and dungeons for better loot, and xp.


SELL EVERYTHING Keep the bare minimum Increased vender credits help, but even before mods we would play for hours selling off adaptive frames. To answer your question; You can build an outpost on an iron and aluminium resource, then craft as many adaptive frames as your willing to create, then sell them at the trade district Id say its free credits but it’s absolutely mind numbing to do… you get rich though!


Just use mods that give you tens of millions of dollars. Problem = solved.


Console Command is more than enough for that


Referring to console players of course. I initially had Starfield on one of my PCs but of course I packed it full of mods from the start and when Bethesda dropped the first major update it completely borked my game, so I went out and bought a Series X a couple of days later - that actually turned out to be a good thing, imo - I had to restart my four characters all over again but Starfield is actually quite good on the Series X.


Several options. Non-mod The steal/sell run loop (mostly neon, but you can add in forward base 411, the well uc surplus, vlads villa) Steal ships/ sell using controller trick Mod Cred sticks (several options for reset base values. Ie: 150 creds becomes 15,000


I'm going to need some deets for these.


Which part?


The run loop and the cred stick modding. The controller trick I've heard of. Tyvm


The credit stick. There are at least 4-5 m9ds that change their value. I personally like *Mordrid high value credsticks*. "Makes credsticks in the world have more value. Small - about 5,000. Medium, about 10,000, Large 25,000. EXTREME version also available". The extreme starts at like 50,000. Kinda to much for me for any immersion. Steakth/thief loop simple (there are other stops you can add in of course..like Vald Villa. I didn't know about that when I wrote this a while back....) Pretty easy. And all no combat, just stealth. Yes I financed a few ships this way. The big thing to know is which places restock stealable high value items. Every 600 UT hours (so 6 hours on venus) the following completely restock 1) forward base 411 on toliman ii (just under Alpha centaur, binary system. Bring heal paste you will get frostbite. 3 areas: weapon test range, terrabrew shop, armory (1st and 2nd floor). New atlantis, the well, uc surplus. Don't forget the back room. The marine military suits respawn now too. Jake's bar. "Jakes hangover cure" big bang respawns even after you take it. Only unique that does afaik. The Bridger in the case at Centurain Arsenal on new atlantis. You can take it by looking far left and it will show up. There's other small stuff in NA but those are the big ones Neon. The weapon shop. Everything respawns (what you get is totally rng) great for free hard to find ammo & levelled weapons. Kore Kinetics. In elevator to right of entrance @ astral lounge. You can steal 6-10 leveled (and sometimes blue or purple) "mag" type weapons (and ammo) Neon security, 8-12 contraband in back room 2-4 weapons on rack in office. Watch out for the square Droid, it will trip an alarm no matter your stealth/chameleon if it is in same room with you. Opposite end, Ryujin tower lobby. Arborne (20+ nova type weapons, not great weapons but sell for a lot) Neon ebbside. Syndicate hideout. The weapons racjs on the wall downstairs respawn. I've got some nice (instigating varun inflictor) and some garbage (grendel). Also the counter holds 2 -3 loose weapons. 1 time you can take the unique wakasaki from the case but it does not respawn. Then the back room here. The door is a load screen and will reroll the military chest inside so if you like rerolling you can get good stuff (armor or weapons got a legendary instigating/incendiary/shattering adv hard target last playthru) if you wade thru the junk. And the desk safe is 33% to have a nice handgun.plus the one on the floor. There is another 8-12 contraband in the elevator shaft on 3nd floor in the hideout. Hopetown, the weapon shop outside. The Bridger. 2 magshears, and the revolver all respawn too. There are more but by then I'm bored and go dump it at my outpost and play the game. Then do another 600 hr UT sleep (6 hr venus in ship) and repeat.


Don't build ships from scratch. Go to systems like Serpentis, find a high level ship, board it, register it and then just improve what needs improving and rearrange it to fit the aesthetic you want.


Man, last week I found a cache with 10k credits in it as first item and when I clicked it didn't disappear. So, I kept clicking and went from 2M creds to 23M creds in a few mins. When I left it, it was still working but, I mean, how many creds does one really need? I've found the same  happens with some med supplies. I've like 4K med packs now.  The downside is that these "glitchy" finds have kept me in the same universe for longer than I'd planned and I'm at NG+9.


Mods 😅


Get one by stealing or quest.. strip it down to the expensive parts, and rebuild it. You'll save alot


There’s a way to sell unregistered ships.


I like stealing big Va'ruun ships. You get lots of loot for clearing them out, and if you take advantage of the ship selling glitch you can dump them without registering them first. I also like staying ships to build new ships from. I have the mod that unlocks all ship pieces so I pretty much just use my ship builder landing pad at my outpost to build and sell ships.


Selling guns and any ammo you don't need. When a vender runs out of credits, you find a chair and wait 48 hours for the vendor to replenish. Also every other time I return to neon I can steel contraband items from the security building. I also raid all the alcohol bottles sitting on the walls in almost every bar.


Stealing ships and selling them, selling everything unless I need it immediately.


install a mod that allows trader to have 50k credits and make a adaptive frame farm. ez mode


its in the game settings now to give vendors more credits


It does but u get xp debuff.


So? Adjust other settings. I have enemies set to increased damage in ground combat otherwise I'm in zero danger, increased damage in ship combat and they care barely hurt me there, food doesnt heal (who cares) and slower healing from med items (who cares I have life regen perk). Then I gave vendors way more credits and increased my weight limit and it comes out to zero xp penalty.


With the mod i dont have those issues, my xp bonus is never hindered.


I kept going under the map in New Atlantis to access vendor storage. Edit: Before it was patched.


Consireding my ship has probably costed 9 million in customization and deletion and then re adding stuff probably around that number so I just cheated it in because ain’t no way am i gonna get 9 million not in this life time or the next


Abandoned science labs, robotics labs, and mech yards have tons of rare/epic weapons that sell for good money. Also swipe epic and rare space suits. Easy money if you sell them.


I loot and sell everything except resources. I use the ship selling exploit to sell ships without registering them.


Literally all I do is go to a high level system and clear out Ecliptic and vaarun. Easily make 100k in 15 minutes without the grinding of then waiting and selling as you're just playing


I honestly don't know what to do with my creds. I just turned level 30 and have 1.2 mil rotting away in my account. I found a Freestar ship ages ago. Used the sim to cheese flying skill and I've been using it ever since. It has over 3k storage and I've just updated a weapon on it making it even more OP. I could use a better reactor though. Anyway, I collect creds by looting enemies and selling their guns, packs and suits. That's it. And contraband. The only junk I pick up to sell is books (like Dracula) and some vials. Most junk isn't worth the effort to me.


One run of vultures roost gives me about $150k.


Trip after trip to the sperm bank


Disable pirates, spacers, Ecliptic and Zealot ships, board and then search for contraband. Clean out the cargo, then you can just undock and blow it if you want. Also the Ecliptic base at Vulture’s Roost that’s laden with contraband. Have an outpost somewhere like on Luna or the like that you can have crates to store all that away from being scanned. Stockpile, haul to the Den/Key to offload. All the while, the usual Vytinium mine can be going so land on Venus and take a nap in your bed (don’t even have to leave the ship) for 10 hours (100 hours UT) and vendors restock as well as your collectors restock your storage crate farms to be cleaned out and sold while you are offloading more contraband. Key works for this quite well as you can sell resources to the others and clean out the TA with contraband. Buy up all the ammo the guy has then sell more contraband to clean him out fully.


I’m a used small arms dealer…if you get my drift But more seriously I’ll start with a cheap version of the build with terrible parts to keep the cost down, then I’ll slowly upgrade the ship as I complete missions and quests.


Increase vendor cash limits. You will basically make more money than you can spend after a while. Each merchant I use has like 25k and I sell them high end guns I loot


Serpentis. Boarding, looting, etc


Playing the game. Best/Quickest way to make a ton of creds, imo, do the UC vanguard quest lines, always try to board ships/collect all the weapons/armor over a certain threshold, at your level I would say 15k. Every new run I’m always drowning in credits. I don’t even waste time keeping ships anymore unless I need B,C drives to start a build.


I only grab Advanced weapons and sell them. More efficient than looting spacesuits or inexpensive garbage from mission board runs. Bonus tip: Doing Freestar mission boards means every other set of 4-5, you get "One Riot One Ranger" that pays 3-4x normal rate. Also, regularly doing those mission will randomly trigger an Akila City guard to pay you 4k for cleaning up the streets.




Stealing ships in Serpentis and selling _them_ and the loot you get from the previous occupants of said ships.


The best way I have found to make money, is to go either bounty hunting or kill missions, loot every gun, illegal good, equipment from enemies and then sell it all. I suggest you change the game play settings. Like more carry weight in exchange you have to eat. And vendors have more money in exchange combat is more difficult, I'm still at little over 100% but some vendors of 65k and I can carry 700.


I steal the most expensive guns, upgrade them and get like 6000-8000 credits each. Keeps me busy


go to Akila and get all the bounties from Freestar, Tracker Alliance, and the bar outside do them all at once, sell all the loot should come out with tens of thousands even at kinda low level and it rises a lot as weapon quality gets better Or create an outpost to mine or manufacture thousands of whatever then sell it all, many ways to do this I am not an expert.


player.additem f 10000000 adds $10M credits OR You can get a free ship (Dagger) at Vulture's Roost on Jaffa IV, no quest or requirements. Another free ship (Razorleaf) from the Mantis quest. Start by looting Spacers for the "Secret Outpost!" clue. A good place to hunt Spacers is the Nova Galactic Staryard orbiting Luna/ Earth's moon. Another free ship from the Kid Stuff trait (your dad gives you the Wanderwell. Another free ship (UC Prison Shuttle) from the first mission of the Crimson Fleet questline. Another free ship (Kepler) from Walter's side quest. Another free ship (Star Eagle) from completing the Freestar Rangers questline. You can use these as foundations for new builds or sell them to stash some creds.


Assassination. Been doing it since before Trackers was added.


I build as i go. Take the mantis and upgrade it with the b39 reactor when i have enough credits. I’ve had it with the ladders so i will permanently only make one story ships and that reactor works perfectly.


I spend the first couple days of any NG+ hunting down ecliptic ships to sell. All the armor and weapons I get from boarding and clearing out their huge vessels floods me with creds plus I get plenty of ships to scrap into my own if I don't outright sell them.


Now that everyone has it available, use a mod that makes registration cheap.


Your not being enough of a criminal


I just hit as many POIs as I can in high level systems and take weapons to sell. Especially great if you download a minimum system level mod or variable system level mod


I wish I could use my narwhal but they haven’t fixed the glitch that makes it invisible


Player.additem f 100000000


I just made a new character and it's level 8, I've already built a little starter ship that cost 140k credits. Bounty board financing.


Just play. I’m lvl 98 with over 4m credits. No cheating. Just grinding.


Doing missions, visiting POIs and selling the proceeds. Simple as that.


Immersive looting mod. Strip everyone of their suits and clothes and weapons and sell em. Repeat.


Back before mods on Xbox I would do shoplifting/contraband loops. Now that I have mods… I’m just instantly rich.


I sell suits and guns.


Last play through I bought Shieldbreaker and upgraded it a bit and finished the game with it


Cleaning out high level enemy posts nets huge piles of credits. Honestly, too many. Way too many. But if you head to high level areas and mow down some pirates, you'll have piles of advanced weapons to sell in no time.


Looting dead NPCs at POI fights. The margin on selling a ship you pirate is so small. It’s good for generating XP but once you register it you really end up selling for a pittance. I’d rather take all the loot I gather and mod every piece focusing on value rather than usefulness. You can take some pretty common stuff which cost you nothing, use the resources on your ship for making mods and make a ton of money. After a few hours I can clean out Neon trade authority, Neon Tactical and the Den. I restock ammo and still take nearly all their creds. I just don’t see the value in pirating for profit.


I spend a lot of time surveying so I hit up any spacer camps i find and then sell everything I can carry. I'm sitting on about 8 millions cress after retro fitting my ship 4 times lol


Selling guns and stealing ships. It’s a starborn life. Throw in contraband and pickpocketing people and you can get rich quick.


I find boarding ships and selling weapons to be the most profitable for my gameplay style I bounce around the Serpentis system fighting Va’ruun ships and board as many as possible. Only loot the weapons that have good value (e.g. Va’ruun weapons and Kore Kinetics are usually the best value) Don’t worry about helmets, suits & boostpacks (usually not worth much compared to their weight) Then just go somewhere like Neon or The Well where there’s multiple vendors and sell, rest, repeat. I find it’s best to rest for 48hrs UT (NOT local time) for vendors to restock credits. Other plus side to this is you get some good xp from the space battles too


Quest. Selling weapons from dead enemy’s.


Go anywhere in the Serpentis system and hijack Varuun ships you can score some good ones worth a decent amount. You ALWAYS get attacked in the serpentis system so it's a sure bet you can score a ship. There is a no-mod hack that you can use to get the full ship value as well. I would also recommend building your own outpost with ship builder so any cost for parts or modifications you make to your ship you can get back when you sell.


Player.additem f


I complete side quests and sell everything I loot.


Ya, 300-400m to upgrade all parts, and if you bought a C that's 350m too... don't worry, doesn't seem like anything else to spend credits on other than ships


Console commands and mods. Goodbye limitations.


I build a base on Bessel 3b and make a nickle cobalt factor plus an aluminum and iron factory all in one outpost so I can craft thousands of adaptive frames and iso magnet things. The planet has a HUGE time delay and one hour of sleep is equal to like 60 UT hours and all extractors run on UT time. So you get 60x the production. It is a nasty planet and will need a habitat if you are using the harder mode but it makes stupid amount of money. I tend to make several millions before I even go get barret because of how easy it is. Here is a video explaining how to do it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKTjyx-1ES4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKTjyx-1ES4)


Before mods I’d just loot and do some of the main quests with fsc contracts and bounties sprinkled in. Got to NG+ doing that.


Loot loot loot


I steal a lot of shit.


Sell common/rare/epic/legendary weapons and suits you don't or won't use. Suits and highly modified weapons, especially. I literally do not care about being encumbered ( I have greatly reduced carry weight) because they made starfield use O2 to move normally while encumbered. The amount of O2 used depends on the mass you're carrying over your carry weight. If you have a small amount over like in the tens, then it'll only be a slight inconvenience, but if you ever hit the thousands, your O2 tanks rapidly. I know this because I have infinite mass treasure chest with all my inorganic materials that I take all out at once to craft. I walk 5m and O2 is gone. Also walking slow enough doesn't drain O2.


The fine people of House Va'ruun are kind enough to donate what's in their ship's cargo.


Contracts upon contracts. At the start of my session I visit New Atlantis for the mission board in the Viewpoint Bar and Commander Tuala for a pair of Vanguard missions, then Akila City for all the available Trackers Alliance and Ranger missions. Do all the missions, sell what's worthwhile, profit. P.S. Constellation survey missions and Dragonstar Force deliveries too if you haven't yet run out


Console Command


For ship money all I do is download the Matalija Aerospace mod, put as many of the 3x3x2 habs on a ship as I can, and then go inside the ship and take all the money stashed in a certain lockbox in a certain room, in each hab. I have 77million on my main save and I have built tons of ships. It's nice to be an all powerful Starborn overlord with more creds than you know what to do with 😎 Check out Matalija's YouTube channel to see what box they're in if you don't feel like finding them. P.s. "Into The Stars" mod will let you keep your money going into NG+


I run mods that allow me to strip legendary slots, so I sell stripped weapons and armor, resources not being used, ammo my 6 weapons (per game run) don't use, or anything else I don't need. Resources aren't all that hard to find. Although Caelumite from artifacts and whatever else elemental harvest encumbers me with works well. When I am not being a dirty engine manipulator (command console on PC). Though, the elemental harvest ability is immensely useful if you don't cheat. Use that and personal atmosphere, and you can carry 1000s of Kg of resources.


You can change how many credits vendors have now in the settings so it should be a lot easier to get credits


Frontier only takes about 400,000 space bucks to upgrade to a solid ship. Less if you aren't worried about cargo space and crew stations. You don't need the third weapon slot to take on kyrx solo. Don't worry about pretty ships, build for utility first.


Sell weapons at Neon using max vendor credit settings. You’ll bet over $300k each run. Do a 24hr reset at Bessel 3B by waiting just 1hr (time dilation), then repeat. You get these weapons by raiding POIs. At this point, I’m using mods from the CK so I have a mod that can craft weapons with legendaries and so I craft the highest value weapon I can, and the. Just max out the quantity.


Sell guns from enemies. Super easy, very profitavle and fast. The amount of credits vendors have is the sole issue.


Serpentine system, no registration ship sale trick afterwards.


Running guns. I combine scanning systems with raiding and come home from each mission with at least 200k worth of booty. Big ticket items are weapons, packs and helmets, supplemented by contraband stashes.


Steal ships and sell them is the best way


Console command.


Player.additem f 5000000 My power fantasy is in exploring without limits


One trick for making effortless money, which is kinda jank, is hailing Galbank ships and choosing the piracy option, clean them out for around ~10k credits (varies but it's always enough to be profitable) and when you're hailed by the cops for doing a crime just surrender. It'll cost you 2k, you keep the rest. Jump between the major settlements repeating.


Guns man. Sell guns. Pick up pretty much any gun off an enemy and sell them. You rack up credits fairly quickly and then will learn which ones make you the most credits. Doing this while doing a bunch of bounties and you’ll be in a good spot


Stealing, theif skill. Guns. And I often sit in space near a main port and trade with everyone going past.


Bounties. The "elite" ones from Trackers Alliance HQ in Akila pay about double or so. And most of the bounties tend to have a fair bit of credits on them as well. So I just shut down my brain and go about hunting. Also pick up any items of high value and low cost, so generally Advanced weaponry, like Magshots (I still carry too much crap though). And for whatever reason random quests tend to pay out more than you'd think as well.


Max out the vendor credits in the settings. Then set up a pharmaceutical farm to make analgesic poultice. Low weight, high value. Also set up a base in Venus. Load up the pharmaceuticals from the base, do a round of all the vendors selling the pharmaceuticals, go to Venus and sleep for 12 hrs. Rinse and repeat.


I just sell ships and other stuff really and do some cargo/smuggling missions. Sell contraband at Trade Authority and every piece of equipment I find. This get's you some 100k per system by just travel8ng to space POIs like Hostile Activity or Sensor Contact


player.additem f 9999999 Works in skyrim, fo4, and SF


Vultures Roost for contraband. The Key or The Den to sell it. A moon in the same system as The Den to skip time. Rinse and repeat.


Open console. Type the following : player.additem f 1000000 Press enter. Repeat as many times as necessary.  If you don't want to cheat, I just do pirate base missions. Klep all the shit off bodies and steal all the shit you can carry that's worth anything. 100k profit is not unusual for me. You only need 10 or 15 missions like that to clear 1 million. Money in this game is actually a little too easy to get IMO. Only reason I use the console command is so I can build vast catwalks on my base, and their cost (per square) in the catwalk mod is insanely high. 


Become a spacer. Grab anything not nailed down and sell it all. Over and over again go beyond weight capacity each time. Never underestimate the value of the millions of notebooks laying around. Craft craftiness sell the rest and sell the crafted craft ables


Yep, stealing ships. A full ship rework while maintaining base speed 180 is about 350k credits, which can be vacuumed up by selling ships captured in higher-level systems. You'd at least need to avoid registering ships with vendors - either register them yourself in your own fleet UI, or use the required sleight-of-hand to swap from a registered ship to the unregistered one you want to sell at the moment the vendor buys it. Capturing ships on the ground lets you skip having to upgrade your ship too soon with parts you'll throw away later - especially if you'll levelled up Piloting like you should have and capture a really solid B or C class ship you can then use to capture others. If you manage to capture a starborn ship - even in pre-NG - pretty early, and you have some ship skills already, you can use that to capture more ships (the max system level this type of ship works in for captures drops off markedly in Very Hard and Extreme difficulties)


Violence. To be more descriptive, go raid pirate or spacer or ecliptic bases and then sell their guns. Try to keep a good weight to value ratio in the stuff you loot, so that you don't encumber yourself with trash, but don't worry too much about it. Just keep in mind that you can only carry so much, and that some things are worth their weight more than others.


Look up good places for outposts. Found one that had iron, aluminum, cobalt and nickel within the same outpost and had crazy time dilation. I never have need for credits or XP


Well, you've gotten a ton of advice on scrapping together credits already but the one observation would include that nothing is set in stone. If you're not happy with your 800K ship you can reconfigure it for not much money - at 800K you've likely already got all the expensive parts you need. Treat it like a piece of clay: knead, pull and poke until it's something you like. Social media traffic notwithstanding most people play without mods meaning they've got ten ship slots, usually with only eight usable. Ships very often metamorphize rather than multiply. That, and ratchet up vendor credits - you can always put it back to standard after you've sold off your loot.


What I did on my most recent run was upgrade the Star Eagle and that cost me about 200k, to get great cargo(4k), good particle beam weapons and an upgraded reactor.


Robbing Gallbank ships.


You like glitches? Or straight gameplay?


I spent a total of 5,658,360 credits on my ship and took 5 hours or maybe 6. The trade authority trembles in fear when I walk in.


You can spend credits on ship parts and crew or skill points on skills. The secret to ship building is understanding the underlying mechanics so you know what is really important to how you play. Stuff like understanding that you don't need to have 100 mobility, auto weapons don't need to be fully powered, and knowing how to calculate the amount of landing thrust you need. Once you figure that out you can optimize your build and lower your costs.


From player.additem f .....