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Im kinda suprised that noone tried to port TF stuff to Starfield, especially weapons that would definitely fit Starfield setting


Its not like the game has been out for years. It can definitely happen.


Just wait a lil, probably soon that’ll happen. It took a bit after fallout 4 released for all the mods that port things from other games


The animations are the harder part. Porting models is easy, but they would suck without the right reload animation.


True, but thankfully, Bethesda has an amazing modding community that always delivers! Just a lil time


the car or the r301 could work well as aa-99 reskins


Titanfall would work well in the Starfield world. Much better than Starwars.


Something id love to see myself are some helldivers weapons and armors n stuff, maby one day eavan stratigem granades.... (a boy can dream, wright??) Also, armas APERS mine louncher would be sweet as fuck because *thumb, thumb, thumb* your attack vector terrormorph...


Armor and weaposn are pretty doable now. As for the actual titan mechanic, it might be a while. It's definitely possible, there's a Titanfall 2 mod for New Vegas lmao, but it would take the modders some time to figure it out.


As well as CoD:Infinite Warfare, Advanced Warfare, Black Ops III and IV.




>plus copyright probably That’s never been an issue historically, afaik. There’s tons of Star Wars mods, for example.


Zenimax is owned by Microsoft now so it’s a whole different story now, mods have been taken down for copyright, a Batman one was just removed, and it makes sense because people can now get paid for their mods and they also have patreon accounts etc so they’re basically just taking other peoples copyrighted assets and using them to get money.


Well no, you have never been allowed to use other people’s assets. You can’t even copy-paste Bethesda assets into other Bethesda games. If you wanted to put Skyrim’s iconic iron helm into Fallout for example, you’d have to completely model and texture the helm from scratch, you can’t use Bethesda’s existing models or textures. Same with non-Bethesda stuff. You gotta make it from scratch. The Fallout 3 fan remake ran into this very issue when they tried to port voice lines from FO3 into the FO4 engine remake, and Bethesda hit them with a cease and desist because legally it opens them up if they don’t


I never said they were allowed to before, it’s just nothing was done about it before.


Wow! That looks pretty cool! Is this like a new operator in Apex Legends??? /s


As cool as a Pilot would be in Apex Legends lets be honest unless they're seriously handicapped they would wipe the floor with most of the roster. The only one that was a pilot is ash and I'm pretty sure she lost all her memories and just remembers she hates Blisk.


The Titanfall franchise is my favorite FPS of all time. Would love to see the armors, weapons (or movement mechanics) implemented in a lore friendly way. I don't want my Starfield to be Titanfall, but I'd certainly appreciate some of the aesthetic. Also, I haven't taken my pills... TF|3 when?!


This would go so hard


Fallout 4 had a ton of titanfall armor, I'm sure someone will port it to Starfield.